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Mr. Capiatlist

Mademoiselle Gothique (she/her/hers)
88 Badges
Dec 4, 2003
  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Knight (pre-order)
  • 500k Club
Hello, hello! If you haven't been following my attempts at the mega-campaign, here is an update:
Between 1066 and 1419 Byzantium rebuilt the Roman Empire, while also taking control of large parts of Russia, Lithuania and the Baltic Coast. The Roman Armies finally destoryed the Muslim precents in Judea, effectively ending any chance of muslim domination of anything short of India. Also, most of Europe is now Orthodox, and the Papacy has ceased to exist. Now Byzantium is ready to extend its might into the new world.

Rome is a German Empire, I hope I made that clear. German people, Deutsch... yeah I think you get it! ;)

Changes (to v1.08):
-Territories totally changed :cool:
-Some unclaimed provences in Africa changed from Muslim to Orthodox to represent change of influence, still arab though, mostly around Ethiopia and Morocco
-Created "Prince States" vassals of Byzantium where there was no land connection and to tone done wealth increases. (Moldavia, Tranoxina, Prussia, Russia, Smolnesk, HRE)
-New events, (End of Kalmar kind of things with "Prince States")
-Edited files, Byzantine Generals made German, as were Emperors (switched with Austria :rolleyes: )
-Tirmud Empire give tons of cores on my provs in a futile attempt to balance out powers

I will be updating soon with beginning screenies. Thus beginnins the 1419-1819 section of the Mega-Campaign

Bah! Do an actual game where you wont rule the world by 1600! Like with Bretagne! :p If you want to see a reaaal game that wont be extremely easy check my sig :D .

Oh and hope the Timurids and others kill you :D
billy bob said:
Bah! Do an actual game where you wont rule the world by 1600! Like with Bretagne! :p If you want to see a reaaal game that wont be extremely easy check my sig :D .

Oh and hope the Timurids and others kill you :D
Its not the mega campaign if you own the world by 1600 :p
I haven't gotten those picturs yet, but here is an update to kick the game off (location style is city/state/nation):

June 7th, 1419
Outskirts of Münster, Munster, Grand Duchy of Saxony:

Emperor Albert V Dukas looked out over a batllefield somewhere in Germania Minor (Holland). The armies of Saxony numbered in the twenty-thousands, but they were a rag-tag group, hardly armed with more than spears. The Roman army, Kleinerdeutschland Armee marched in numbers around twelve-thousand. Ten-thousand infantry supported by 2,500 cataprachts. The commanding general, a hardly known man from Zeeland, Mj.Gen. Alfred Haus, moved his men with expert timing.

"This war is pointless, it is tearing apart the Orthodox alliance." Albert said to his advisor, Otto von Badenburg. "I mean, Moldavia and Slovakia are at war; Smolnesk, Prussia, Slovakia, Transoxania and Moldavia have left the military alliance; Transoxania is in civil war. We are left with Poland and Russia. The Hejdaz is purging its people of Orthodox inorder to retain islam, yet 78% of the population is orthodox!"

"Poland felt threatened by Sweden's hold in Masovia."

"But we are not threatened by Sweden."

"It is our duty as the defender of all Orthodox people to defend an Orthodox country like Poland. The war shall be over soon. Admiral von Krain has sunk the Swedish Grand Fleet off the coast of Gotland, and Denmark has taken Norway. We control over half the major trade centers in Europa; this war is very foolish on their part. Sweden will drop out soon."

"I doubt Saxony will quit without a fight."

"The Billungs are blood relatives of the Dukas', they too will throw in the towel soon."

The Army of Germania Minor crushed, utterly, the army of Saxony. Saxony hoped by moving through Oldenburg, they could attack Zeeland, the capital of Germania Minor; and get Byzantium to cede the territory to them. Unfortunetally for them, the well armed and high spirited Byzantines crushed their enemy outright, and marched on the Saxon capital in Hannover. Mean while, the Army of Gaul moved out of Paris and marched toward Bremen and Hamburg, the only ports of the Saxon Grand Duchy. At the same time, the North Sea Fleet, supported by the West Fleet out of Barcelona blockaded Saxon ports while sinking Swedish ships.

June 7th, 1419
Basra, Irak, Empire of Byzantium

"Sir?" an random messenger addresses.

"Yes?" Demitrios Dukas, a far-flung relative of Albert V, asks.

"I have a message from the Persian Govenor, he asks that we mobilize the Army of Irak to put down muslim revolts in Fars. The rebels, he says, number six-thousand in strength and the Persian Army is busy dealing with revolts in the northern end of the state."

"Very well, send out the Irak army.... keep them well feed. Those deserts are hell on the troops. Not all arabian cities are as modern as Basra!.... or as German...."

June 21, 1419
Hannover, Hannover, Grand Duchy of Saxony

Albert V rode his heavily armoured, black horse through the main street of the Saxon capital. He was there to recieve a combined total of 218 pounds of gold from the Swedish and Saxon governments. Unbeknownst to the denizens of the city, but very well known to the Byzantine troops, the Russian army was only fifteen miles away and approaching quickly. They had come out of Prussia, which stretched from Livonia to Meckelnburg and into Scandinavia. His troops searched the town, warning women and children of the Russian advance. Finally Albert reached the main cathedral, where he'd be presented the gold. A representative of the swedish government watched over the cerimony, as, in spite, a Saxon and Swedish flag were both systematically burned, and the Byzantine flag raised over the townhall.

"I'm sorry we had to go down this road," Albert said, through clenched teeth. The gold was picked up and removed as the Byzantines left the city. Tomorrow the city wouldn't be there, another victim of the Russian horde.

August 2nd, 1420
Konstaninopolis, Thracia, Empire of Byzantium

Albert paced his palace, up and down stairs through coridors and across parks and by ponds. The Orthodox alliance had crumbled, Transoxania had asked for assistance to regain lost provences on the Caspian coast and what it had lost to Sibir, the mongol state to the north and east. Poland, Russia and Byzantium complied, but the others refused and returned to their squabilling. The Slovak army reached the capial of Moldavia, just as the Moldavian army reached the capital of Slovakia.

His family, especially his wife, Oneca, watched him with anxiety. Their two sons, Guthard and Augustin were playing in one of the many fountains of the palace; their five daughters littered the dinning hall, having tea with their glass dolls, a gift of the Khan of Tirmuid for helping them with a revolt on the Byzantine/Tirmuid border. Though a muslim, he was still a good friend of the open-minded Emperor.

"What is wrong, dear?" Oneca asked earnestly.

"The Empire is powerful, the empire is rich.... but are the people happy? I am going to make an investment, a very expensive investment. I am going to build four grand art institutes, and a dozen or so refineries so our people can enjoy wine as they enjoy works of art. Maybe it will help convert the catholics across Gaulia, Britannia and Germania Major."

"The catholics believe in the same lord, and his son as we do, why persecute them?"

"They are no persecuted! It is just... if they deny my loeadership of the church, they can deny my leadership of the country!"

"Very unlikely, there is always a state army within a week's march of any point, and provencial militias to control the porblem in the mean time. A revolt is unlikely."

"Still, those art institutes will be built, as will the refineries. People have money in this country. They are not serfs like those in Russia or those in Germany and Saxony. There isn't constant war like on the Irish island. They need something to buy, we need more resources. This world is too small."

"Maybe one day, a brave explorer will find the way to sail from Iberia to Tirmuid."

November 29th, 1426
Bahrein City, Irak, Empire of Byzantium

On a beautiful beach, on the eastern end of the island facing the expanse of the Indian Ocean, amazed beach-goers watched as a small ship washes up on shore. The local garrison surrounds the foreign ship, whoes flag have enblazened upon them a red dragon. A man stepped out, and began to speak to the troops in an unrecognizable jibberish. His skin was darker than the local populace of Germans, burnt by years in the sun. He looked at them with what seemed to be squinted eyes. Eventually they gave him some paper and he etched what had happened and where he cam from.

He came from a far off city, whoes people were being invaded by a large agressor to the north. His city, the capital, was known as Hanoi, capital of the Dai Viet. His people were invaded by the Chinese, for revolting many years ago. His junk was sunk, and he sailed on his raft looking for home, but drifted around the indian ocean living off fish, until he landed in India. There, he believed, he was in Siam, so his plan was to walk back to Dai Viet. He walked across the whole of India, to a port city were he got a raft and planed to sail to Dai Viet, thinking he was in Singapore. Then he drifted to the shores of Byzantium. His knowledge gave the Byzantines what they needed to know, there was more world out there.

December 1st, 1430
Sochi, Transgeorgia, Byzantine Empire

Albert V watched as the Army of Asia Minor marched off to fight against the tribes of Sibir. No Byzantine knew far far into the wilderness Sibir went, but they were willing to march to the end of the earth for their Emperor. Little did they know, that is where they were headed.
Grundius: Thank you

All who are reading this:
I'm collecting my notes, I should post tomorrow after another war ends. I have a full map of Byzantium, but it needs updating with the addition of new territories. Then I need to see if my picture hoster allows .tga, for the invisible background. The map is cool, took a while to make though. I'll up date the map every now and then, seeing as it is so big. Eventually, hopefully, we'll have a world-spaning map covered in a lot of purple. :D :cool:

I'm in the year ~1490, my colonies are located mostly in Somaliland and the carribean (minus Bermuda and the Azores)

PS: The map comes in two versions, a plain version and one with my made-up state system. Which should I use?
September 3rd, 1439
Konstantinopolis, Thracia, Empire of Byzantium
Mourners walk down the many streets of the Byzantine capital. Albert V Dukas is dead. His family has ruled to allow his cousin, Ladislas Postumus to rule the nation. Ladislas and his son Fredrich walk along side the casket of the deceased. The entire city was drapped in black. The casket and body were laid to rest in the enormous cathedral built by Adolph I Dukas over a hundred years ago. Ladislas had little time to mourn. He had taken over a country where every mourne brought civil up-heaval and foreign invasion.

June 12th, 1440
Krakow, Krakow, Kingdom of Poland
The King of Poland pondered his victories over the Grand Principality of Slovakia. From them we has able to sieze Kiev, and strength his tiny hold on the Black Sea coast. He could tell that the other Grand Princes in Russia, Smolnesk and Moldavia were becoming increasingly angry with the heretical kings of Poland. The Prince in Prussia was tied up with wars against a rappidly shrinking Sweden, and the remnents of Saxony.
The King, decided without proper thought into the issue, to bring Poland to war with Moldavia, thus bringing Byzantium into a long and coastly war on three fronts.

June 20th, 1440
Konstaninopolis, Thracia, Empire of Byzantium

"Yes, aid?" Ladislas asked without looking up from the many pages of worthless law that sat in front of him.

"Polish armies are massing on our borders with them and inside the Uzbek Principality. They have decalred war on Moldavia and the Moldavians insist that we help them."

"What is the nearest army to the Polish capital?" Ladislas asked, again never looking up.

"The Army of Dracia. They are arming up now, in Buda. The Army of Germania Major and the Venitian Guards are also being called up. They are being armed with a new technology we have aquired from much research."

"And what's that?" the Emperor asked, reading the fine print of a contract sealing the fate of the trade agreements with Denmark.

"Well, the are called matchlocks. It is a new weapon that acts like a bow and arrow, but does not require anthing to be pulled back like with a bow or crossbow. "

"Interesting, what will in cost me?"

"Nothing, the armies are responcible for their own updates."

"Good. Order a flanking motion simaltaneously through Moldavia to hit Poldasia and through Carpathia to hit Krakow. The Venitians shall attack Silesia. Also, call up a guard in Perisa to invade Polish Bukhara and the Principality of Uzbek."

"Very well, sir!"

September 9th, 1441
Somolia, Native Territories
As the war raged on to the north, people began to look for new homes as the cities became crowded and noisy. Many people pleaded with the Emperor to open up the Imperial Vinyards in central Asia Minor for settlement. He refused. Instead, he promised to pay their passage to newly claimed lands in Somolia. Soon small cities were set up in a hostile land they couldn't survive in. The cities were in constant threat of Pirates and Omani raiders. This forced an un-easy allaince between Byzantium and Ethiopia. Though the two were both orthodox, their relationship was never a very warm one.

January 8th, 1442
Outside Krakow, Krakow, Kingdom of Poland
Soldiers from Buda never had to face such a hard winter before. Their siege of the Polish capital was still raging on. They had been driven out in April by a massive Polish army. The Poles soon crumbled allowing the Byzantines back into the city. Even with the new cannons from the Imperial armoury, there was a great sense of fatalism.
So as the soldiers celebrated the birth of Christ with a lavish tree decorated in the coat of arms of the different regiments, inside the city the King of Poland realised what he had done. The Russian horde immolated Kiev and Volhyna, and the Moldavians were rapidly approaching Warsawa. The Prussian army marched into Pozen while the trade center at Wielpolska was asaulted by the Venitian Guard.
On Christmas Day, the white flag flew over Krakow, and the victorious Byzantines marched in, and began to torch everything that hadn't already been destoryed by cannon fire.

Byzantium did not make any territorial gains, nor did Moldavia, who demanded the Polish possesions on the Black Sea. Russia was allowed to keep Kiev and Volhyna.

November 23, 1457
Basra, Irak, Empire of Byzantium
Ladislas Postumus was found dead. He had been strangled by his wife, who was also found in the room. They were vacationing into the warmth of the Arab sun. The day before they had a fight. Their son, Fredrich was informed of the terrible circumstances, and was told to take power immeditally before Ladislas' wife could.

November 27th, 1457
Konstantinopolis, Thracia, Empire of Byzantium
"How can we explain this to the Roman people?" the ancient Demitrios asked.

"We don't. He died of a wound he recieved several years ago. Infection." Fredrich (now Fredrich V) said cooly.

"Or we can say an assasin did it." Said the military advisor.

"But that requires an assasin...." Fredrich said aloud.

"Or a conspiracy.... The Moldavians and Russians are demanding a war with Poland for transgretions with Slovakia. They annexed the whole contry the other day. We must push for an invasion! We say a the Poles paid for his death, and then we push into Poland."

"He's got a point," Demitrious said.

"Then it is agreed, we invade Poland for killing my father," Fredrich summarized. Little did he know the Moldavians were two steps ahead of him.

April 1st, 1458
Azov, Crimea, Empire of Byzantium
The Crimean Garrison moved out towar the Uzbek Principality and Polish Bukhara. The plan was to wipe out all enemy resistance in the east before finishing them off in the west. The campaign was very short. While the Byzantines fought the Uzbekis and Poles in the East, the Moldavian and Prussian armies buldozered Poland. Moldavia annexed the Polish Black Seas Territories, and the former Slovakian capital in Galizen. Russia was given nothing and Byzantium gained the eastern half of the Principality of Uzbek

July 17th, 1460
Tago, Tejo, Empire of Byzantium
Emperor Fredrich watched a small fleet of 4 ships leave toward the west. They were lead by their fearless captain, Danau. They were looking for a way to reach the former Tirmuid Empire, now replaced by Baluchestan and an inlarged Gujurat. Calculations using sextants and basic equations taken at Basra and London of the sun's position. They calculated the distance between Basra and London going both directions. Danau was prepared to cross a gigantic ocean, thousands and thousands of miles wide, only to find something blocking his way; another continent.
Two updates in one day, you lucky bastards

January 3rd, 1461
Bay of Fundy
Danau's fleet of 4 has been reduced to 2. His attempts to circum-navigate the globe have been stopped.

"Sir! Sir! Report from the crow's nest!"

Danau looks up from his sleeping spot on his desk, "And?" he says, a paper bends down in front of his eyes from where it was stuck to his forehead.

"There seems to be an ubstruction. We can go no further, unless we turn south."


"No, something bigger. Land, sir."

"Land? It must be nothing, a mirage or something. There is no land between Byzantium and Annam. Turn south, it was probably a large iceburg." Danau retruned to his sleep. Leaving the navigator, and thus the true discoverer of America to call all the shots. The navigator, an aremenian by birth, was baptised as Georg Rauptsburg, named the continent as the maped out its eastern outline. He called it 'America' a joke to him and his family, who's old last name had been Acirema.

They continued to sail south unit the land ended. Then they turned west again. But supplies were beginning to run low, and they were down to a ship, so they plotted their way back to Tago. On the way they found a few small islands, where they stocked up on fresh caught fish and distilled some water to drink. The fauna there was enough to keep them from scurvy, a rare disease when ships sail from port to port in the Byzantine Sea (Meditteranian), but more common of sailors going from Azov to London non-stop. They named this island 'Bermuda.'

July 21st, 1461
Tago, Tejo, Empire of Byzantium
The sailors were welcomed back with more food and women then they could handle. On the way back they found another set of islands, the Azores. There was set up a trading post, and eventually a sucsessful colony, but it was a shadow of the money making in places such as Bermuda and Somolia. Emperor Fredrich V and the entire royal court was there to greet the explorer in person, and to deliver upon him three more ships. These ships were slightly larger, and carried more supplies for Danau's men.

"Explore this foreign land, find all the riches it can bring us!" Fredrich exclaimed. Danau did just that, but he'd never see Tejo again.

January 2nd, 1462
Gulf of Jamaca
Danau's ships followed the course they did last time, only now they could stop off and re-supply in Bermuda and the Azores. A third colony was set up in the Bahamas, and later in another island named Jamaca by the local populace. Many of Danau's men began to wonder if they didn't find a whole continent but the half-sunken remains of Atlantis. This was proven wrong with the discovery of another land wall at the far end of the Gulf of Jamaca (Gulf of Mexico). There, Danau's men were treated with all the food and women the could handle by a native people know as the Aztecs. They told the Byzantines of a rich land further south, so the Byzantines went for it. They found a thing stretch of land, they called Pan-america, know as Panama for short. There the would-be capital of Atlantis would be set up.

October 28th, 1462
Bermuda Sea (Bermuda Triangle)
Danau's men were tired, and needed to recouperate after the two-week orgy that they later called Mexico. They sailed to what they hoped was Bermuda, but when they landed they found no German greeting awaiting them. Instead, they had found the island 'Cuba' but would be named 'New Sicilia' by the Byzantines. So in an attempt to sail around the island, they found the island of Mercedes (Hispanola (Haiti)) and named it after the daughter of Fredrich V and his wife Rachael, daughter of an English merchant tycoon. Soon after landing in the city of New Cyrencia on Panama, Danau died of a 'tired heart.' Modern medicine would later call it a stroke. None of his crew was willing to continue the adventure into the unknown.

<The next 20 years were filled with nothing but colonization and random revolts around the Empire, none lasting longer than a month. Survey says: Way too damn boring!>

February 28th, 1491
Munich, Germania Major, Empire of Byzantium
Byzantine Generals looked into the city from a near-by hill. The city was in all-out revolt. An attempt to conver the ancient city to Orthodoxy had failed dismally, and on the eve of the Protestant reformation, catholics were turn to any means of preserving the patriarch's power. Little did they know that the Holy Roman Emperor, and the de facto Pope, was a puppet of the all-powerful Byzantine Emperor. Byzantine troops, armed to the teeth with muskets, cannons and the infamous catapracts charged into the battle, literally cutting down all resistance. Though still catholic, the denizens of Germania Major were delt a devistating blow to their morale. Even enormous revolts were simply crushed by the armies of Emperor. Thus was borne the term, "resistance is futile."

August 19, 1493
Konstantinopolis, Thracia, Empire of Byzantium
Fredrich V Dukas was dead, his son Maximilian I Dukas took the thrown. He was an honor freak, though a very average ruler. Sometimes he liked to be addressed by the obsolete term, "Cæsar" or even "Kaiser." It is during this time that the term "Kaiser" came into wide-spread use, though "Emperor" was still prefered outside the Empire.

"My lord?" One of Maximilian's many advisors asked, as he entered the Emperor's study. "My lord?"

"Yes, enter, please enter. Now, what is it you needed to see me about so urgently?" the Kaiser asked, very unsympathetic.

"Well, yes, my lord. It seems that technology is beginning to grow increasingly faster and faster. Our nation is beginning to industrialize. The naval supply guilds are errecting factories along the coast to help fishermen with their needs. And the army is building places where new armour and weapons can be crafted. The Empire is bringing in millions of extra ducats. 33% is yours, my Kaiser. I believe your family will be enternally wealthy."


"Also, people in the capital have been hit with a craze. Coffee from New Sicilia is in demand, as is sugar from Mercedes. The trading companies are demanding more rights to land and explorers to chart out that land!"

"No sailors are willing, not after the massacres at Jamaca and Bahama over the last decades. Natives are becomming angered. Like the colony we started due north of the Aztecs, Texas, all of the people there were killed by indians. No man dares step on New Thracia (Florida), or New Provence (Maryland, Virgina, N. Carolina and West of that). There is nothing we can do about that."

"Sir, it is time we send an army out to the colonies, to help collect taxes and to fight off natives."

"No, to expensive, and not with constant revolts here in the fatherland. We must end these revolts by religous minorities, especially in England and Gaul."
Okay, no update just yet, but here are some picts:


Our Empire as of 1520


The Battle of Krakow begins with the Poles turning tail and fleeing....


Byzantine Infantry massacre lightly-armoured Polish troops just in time for the Cataphracts to arrive and finish them off.


The Royal Cavalry (not the Cataphracts (Royal Cavalry have the funny hats)) smash through the Polish lines and gain access to the doomed siege machines of the Polish Army.

**All battle images done using Empire Earth Art of Conquest and I hope that's okay with them! :cool:
Hopefully we'll have an update for the 1530-1570 time frame or something along those lines by 17:00 today.

There is only one catholic nation left and that is Ireland (Connaught) which means the Holy Roman Emperor is Protestant (HRE tag was made the Emperor). It is very interesting, the hereshy by Poland. The new world though is very, very empty.

October 31, 1530
London, Britannia, Empire of Byzantium

The great hershey by the British was continuing. There were three protestant provences left, and Emperor Karl V Dukas was hoping of eliminating it. His hope was that by eliminating the protestants, he'd only have to worry about the Catholics and the reformists. Things were not going so well. Revolts were constant and Britannia always seemed on the verge of leaving the Empire. The Prince of Anglia, Klaus von Gelderland, was watching his army of around 20,000 march out against the rebel army. Lincoln to the north of London had revolted, and was preparing to declare its independence, but 50 Byzantine cannons had a different idea.

The rebels hoped that by baracading within the city, the Byzantines would not siege their own city. They were very wrong. Just as the Byzantines had done with Paris in 1245, Krakow in 1456, Warsawa in 1491 and Jamaca in 1513 they pummeled their own city into oblivion. Within a month of the fall of the city, the missionaries were back, trying to convert the masses. Bristol and Yorkshire converted later that year, repenting their rebellion before the Emperor on his annual visit to the island. Lincoln would hold out for another 40 years before giving up the fight.

Okay: I'm late for work:
The quick version:

Colonies in cuba and Panama-Columbia were expanded
Found orient
Colonised india
went around s. america
went from Panama to china
preparing to go around africa
expanded colonies in virgina/carolinas
Curcoa colony expanded
colonization of somali over, all over 1000
converted all of the protestants, now to work on reformists.
Okay, I just entered the 1700's. And I will take this time to update techs:

Land: 53
Navy: 46
Infra: 10
Trade: 10

Everyone else is around Army 26 Navy 17, my former vassals are in a horrid state, with Prussia at the very back of the pack at land 19 navy 5. :eek:

My end of the church events (all 13) worked like a charm in 1692, thus giving me a CB on Russia until 2109 :eek: :wacko: :rolleyes: , I only wanted 100 years, until 1792 but that wasn't done right.... my only vassal now is the HRE (protestant) who is in a good technological stance. The only catholic nation is Huron :wacko: , who converted in the early 1600's. My colonies have expanded into India and Sri Lanka and plans to go deep into the heart of India must be accomplished before the Mugals, who have been worried with China, move in for the kill.
It's amazing to see Byzantium surviving and not only that, also conquering!!!!
Kurt_Steiner said:
It's amazing to see Byzantium surviving and not only that, also conquering!!!!
Why thank you!


The time between 1530 and 1692 was quiet boring, to the point many would confuse this with a handsoff game. I expanded my colonial hold into New Dracia (Columbia), New Germania (Sri Lanka), New Provence (Argintina), and New Hollandia (Southern India + Goa/Bombay and some other provence). Also, my "Byzantine Missionaries" events work well during this period. I gave up $10,000 to convert provences in China, Japan and the Aztec Empire (10,000 each). After a while I could pay a second time, more provences would convert and then the nation would have the choice of converting, converting and becoming my puppet or trying to stop the insurrection; all chose 'A.' This also made the Aztecs into Mexico.

In 1692, my Russian Church Events fired. This broke my vassalship with Russia, who annexed Smolnesk (through events), then Prussia (who was later vassalized then annexed by Russia after loosing its scandinavian territory and HRE territory), ant then it had Moldavia annexed to me in the "Threat of War" event, where Russia threatens to invade Moldavia.

After this point, the game became a constant flood of wars and bad-boy. Alliances kept switching as Denmark invaded the Holy Roman Empire, because I had cancled my vassalation of them. Prussia was invaded around 20 times by Denmark and Poland on seperate accasions. Russia tried to take Novgorod from me several times, but to no avail. I got Novgorod in a war with the pagans. I wanted to invade the southern Indian (asia) nations but I was too busy fighting Russia or the HRE.

After the HRE was taken out of the game, around 1790, Benin (!) was elected Emperor. There were only two catholic nations at the end of the game, Huron and Benin, because I invaded Ireland, converted everyone and then released them, then cancled the vassalation (because I can never get the "force conversion" to work).

I had maxed out my techs around 1710, so after that I was making $1895.60 a month. That boomed my economy as well as my inflation, which was growing .96 a month at its height.

Byzantium made minor gains against the HRE, around 4 provs on my northern border. Denmark (who from CK had claims on all of Germany, the former Papal States and Napoli). Most of my territorial expansion was via colonialism, but that was never huge gains. Vicky will see (hopefully) the boom of several major colonial powers, but I doubt it. I was the only European with colonies in 1820.

The top eight:

1: Byzantium - 13914
2: Rebel Scum - 1862
3: Denmark - 1772
4: Russia - 1491
5: Benin (Emp) - 1296
6: Eire - 1098
7: Poland - 919
8: Mexico - 895

Now to work on the world-encompassing supa-map!
Mr. Capiatlist said:
HoI 1, I'm kinda cheep.

MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am the first to do a CK-EU2-Vicky-HoI2 aar!