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There was a little bug in africa.txt
Here is corrected version: https://rapidshare.com/files/3575086785/africa.txt

Best regards,

Simple but beautiful :) Thanks pelzak! PS any quick thoughts on the peacetime ai event we were talking about?

re tech tree - air docs done, air techs next, sea might take a little longer as plenty of brigades make an appearance & need to be balanced.
What's the status on v.19? Several months in the making. ;)
Actually were talking about .18+/.18.5 here. Nomonhan has been away for the past month, so in the meantime Were releasing a smaller patch. Air techs/nav techs/gfx & other misc updates to allow for a fully playable XX/XXI century. Going reasonably well - about a week+ away.

Not yet, I will do something at the end of the week. Had no time yet and I'm still testing previous events.

Best regards,
Beautiful. Thanks a mill ;)
Yes I am, I have had this problem before I think that it is to do with Events, the other C.T.D.'s that I have had with this mod 0.18 with AOD1.07 was with china's event tree during the Korean War.


The Crash is happening with the ceasefire event in the Chinese civil war

Ceasefire refused = OK

Ceasefire accepted = C.T.D. (I do not know why this is happening!)
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Yes I am, I have had this problem before I think that it is to do with Events, the other C.T.D.'s that I have had with this mod 0.18 with AOD1.07 was with china's event tree during the Korean War.


The Crash is happening with the ceasefire event in the Chinese civil war

Ceasefire refused = OK

Ceasefire accepted = C.T.D. (I do not know why this is happening!)
As mentioned earlier, save & replay that part from another nation. If you want a specific a-historical choice, go into the event folder & change the aichance % to suit your needs. You do seem to be having a fair amount of crashes so do look into a reinstall possibly - although the chi civil war problems were known before I believe. Cant help with those however as it was nomonhans strong suit & hes currently away. If anyone pitches in this that would be great!

Ps progress was going great - with only naval techs left however my AOD crashed :) Data is safe but debugging & reinstalling is a chore time & life being as demanding as it is. Stay tuned!
I have done a re-install still the same problem, however the problem is with communist ceasefire events (accepting a ceasfire) also nationalist china has problems with event 61106 (removing divisions). Communist china has a crash with 611003 & 611004


The crashes also occur when trying to remove units. nationalist china event 613505 give a crash also
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I am using AoD 1.07, checksum with CWE is XZGT. I have installed several times and XZGT is the check sum that I get with both the gamersgate patch and the manual patch off the forums! I am using the gamersgate version and live in the UK.
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Weird about different checksums. Try contacting AoD dev team possibly if this continues to be a massive headache for you..
Re coding problems, I tracked down my AoD crashing to a missing semicolon in the code - but that took 4 days!! :O Aircraft tree is done however. Now moving onto naval tech & doctrine screen. Were a little behind schedule but cant complain to death :) Pelzak, get at me with any work you can muster. The rest of you, feel free to contribute any other work you might find useful. Updating the 1919/1920 scenario is also an option, I will see how much time I have to spare for all this, Tech tree is the current priority.
When you release the update then I will install and re install. Just to make sure please can you tell me the steps that are necessary to install AoD and the Mod.


Here is updated file: https://rapidshare.com/files/622623847/africa.txt
I added event for player to increase time required to build IC/infra.
This way exploring long period of time during player can build immense IC more difficult.

Best regards,

Great work & much thanks. Coding goes well but real life is hyper busy as well so I have to parcel it out. The more complicated naval tech tree with all the associated brigades is about 1/3 done & moving along. Ill try to balance the increased 70 years of IC production with exponentially increasing unit costs & likely a peacetime IC mod in addition to the event u posted.

Since resource discovery is now fully allocated with metal & rares thats extra 5000IC total thats supported. Unit costs will therefore have to match that.

One small thing Pelzak - could you explain the "type = local_setflag which = slowdown_on" command? Not familiar with it at all or how it works. Did u playtest it?


.18.5 tentative changelog
-air doctrine & techs tree.
-naval doctrine & techs tree + brigades.

-model illustration graphics for all unit types, generics for now.
-India SKIF pack.
-GER aircraft SKIF pack.

-metal & rare resource finds added. 5000IC of additional industry now supported.

-units balanced (submarines/ground units)(hardness, speed, fuel consumption).
-cost inflation added ie unit costs should outpace performance, with diminishing cost returns past 1960 or so.

-african liberation events.
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Its huge tree but it looks good. Are land doctrines already done?
Yep, ground docs were finished up in .18. This upcoming version will have the complete tech tree, finally :)
"type = local_setflag which = slowdown_on" is flag that I set only for players.
If this flag is "off" and player takes country it trigger event to extend production time of IC/infra (and change flag to "on").
This way slowdown event fill fire only once for player only.
If player will start game as one country and then reload to another then event will trigger for new country also.
This way I want to prevent situation when country having 10-15 IC in 1945, is having 200+ IC in 1980.

Best regards,