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Meatbag Exterminator
67 Badges
Jun 30, 2008
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One line summary of your issue
[3.1.0] Pagan Lodge Gives Distant Loot Mission

Game Version

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?
Yes, but none that affect the checksum.

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Random mission from the Pagan Warrior Lodge to loot a county is supposed to give counties that are adjacent to or near you. The last few missions I've gotten in my current playthrough have all been counties in the southeast of France - I'm Lithuania (and more recently, the Wendish Empire) and have no territory anywhere near there.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load the save, take note of my territory and take note of where the Band of Medeina loot mission is.

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Seriously, does nothing in this game work right? :mad:


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You know, whenever I want a laugh, I revisit threads with bugs that are still unsolved and unacknowledged like this one.


Or like this one:

Paradox Development Studio QA is truly the gift that keeps on giving. :rolleyes:
I can confirm that this situation still exists in 3,2.1, but is it a bug? Where is it stated that the target for a lodge raiding mission has to be adjacent or "near" your realm? And if "near" just means within diplomatic range, well Nice is "near" Lithuania.
I can confirm that this situation still exists in 3,2.1, but is it a bug? Where is it stated that the target for a lodge raiding mission has to be adjacent or "near" your realm? And if "near" just means within diplomatic range, well Nice is "near" Lithuania.

I make the assumption that this is a bug based on the fact that in pretty much every other situation I've been given a raid target that is within a county or two of the borders of my realm (if not directly bordering it) and which I don't have to march halfway across Europe to get at.

Not that Paradox likely gives a f**k.
I make the assumption that this is a bug based on the fact that in pretty much every other situation I've been given a raid target that is within a county or two of the borders of my realm (if not directly bordering it) and which I don't have to march halfway across Europe to get at.

Not that Paradox likely gives a f**k.

My experience has been that as my realm gets larger and more powerful, the targets for the raiding mission tend to get more distant. That's why I hadn't thought of it as a bug. But I'm certainly not sure that it isn't.
I make the assumption that this is a bug based on the fact that in pretty much every other situation I've been given a raid target that is within a county or two of the borders of my realm (if not directly bordering it) and which I don't have to march halfway across Europe to get at.

I'm not sure of the details of your ruler (I haven't loaded up the save), but if you are of Germanic religion, a reformed religion with the Seafaring doctrine, or are a seafarer* then the distance limit of the mission is multiplied by 5 (!) so maybe that has something to do with it?

*Cultures defined as seafarers are Norse, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Norman, and Berber.
I'm not sure of the details of your ruler (I haven't loaded up the save), but if you are of Germanic religion, a reformed religion with the Seafaring doctrine, or are a seafarer* then the distance limit of the mission is multiplied by 5 (!) so maybe that has something to do with it?

*Cultures defined as seafarers are Norse, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Norman, and Berber.

I was a Lithuanian Romuva, so no this is not applicable.