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i dont mind the retinue nerf. people always complain about this game becoming easy and as soon as it becomes a little bit more difficult, people go berserk, its actually hilarious

I dont think difficulty has anything to do with it. Its mostly single player and you can still do whatever you want.

Its the fact that a lot of these mechanics have been in the game 2 years so why change them now? Its like you driven a car for a decade then all cars in the world put the gas pedal on left and brake on right.

People just get pissed cause something so familiar has changed after so much time has past.
I like the new balance changes and new mechanics. I'm even willing to forego the BLATANT bait and switch tactics regarding the custom Kingdom CoA's.


its WAY past high time that Paradox FIX THEIR GOD DAMN GAME

The bugginess level was NOT like this pre-RoI, and it is frankly unacceptable that RoI went 6 months without being completely bugfixed. (3 months without even so much as an attempt to fix any bugs)

It's time for this iteration of the CKII dev team to get into gear and get this damn expansion fixed. If they don't have a hotfix tomorrow for at least the most blatant issues like Republics being broken, river travel being broken, and Viceroys being broken... well, I really have to write them off as extortionists who dont care about their fanbase or their product enough to make it work even remotely properly.

I will close by saying that it was completely obvious that Doomdark was a project lead who was far more interested in having a polished product that could bring pride to his dev team and joy to the customers. I havent even put in 1/20th of the hours in on CKII in the last 6 months than I did in the year and a half preceding it. Because frankly, the number of bugs, glitches, and errors is unacceptable.

To paraphrase Jimmy M: The number of errors in this game is too damn high! And I'm not just talking about bugs. The database errors have been mentioned many times, and nothing is done.
Do people think that the Crusader Kings II Dev team is hundreds of people who work without sleep on the game all day every day? Because I've got some bad news for you.

The people complaining, apart from fans of the game and the company, are also (more importantly) paying customers. And, may I remind you, so are you.
... I will close by saying that it was completely obvious that Doomdark was a project lead who was far more interested in having a polished product that could bring pride to his dev team and joy to the customers.

Amen to that and well ...typed. The bloke had gravitas; I used to enjoy any of his commentary on the project he was working not only for the reasons DerOstkonig mentions here but because clearly he knew his business and the subject matters at hand.

Am I the only one who takes a look at the forums, thinks "OK, so X is broken, Y too, and Z is REALLY broken", and then starts a game which does not include X, Y and Z and enjoys the hell out of it?

I haven't had as much fun with CK2 as I'm having right now, in my current game, in months. I'm so glad CM was released early. Looking forward to playing with X, Y and Z too, when that part of the game is fixed.

Not saying that bugs shouldn't be fixed or anything like that but, you know, being outraged is bad for your health. It makes your blood pressure higher and generally messes with your body. Taking things easy instead of punching the keyboard while screaming at imaginary devs leads to a longer, happier life.
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Am I the only one who takes a look at the forums, thinks "OK, so X is broken, Y too, and Z is REALLY broken", and then starts a game which does not include X, Y and Z and enjoys the hell out of it?

You're not the only one. I'm playing it too and having a lot of fun. I expect some bugs, as normal in a software release of this nature, and play around them until they're fixed. :laugh:
I thought I was the only person whose Greek and Spanish portraits all had "lazy" left eyes. That is really glaring and bugging me out. Abbasid and Ummayad CoA's are messed up as well. Its arabic writing, but a Christian shield, and we can't change it in the customizer which is... strange considering we used to be able to and this is a feature we have PAID for already, a long time ago in particular. The chronicle is also messed up I think. I conquered Middle Francia as Karl and no entry was registered in the chronicle... I'd think deposing my brother and taking rule over all of Europe would at least trigger a sentence. I haven't even played enough of a Byzantine game to really comment on viceroyalties, but from what I hear the ability to have them goes away when you load up a saved game... which is unacceptable considering what a BIG feature viceroyalties were in this game. Yeah I have to say, the bugs are pretty numerous. I'm not that upset really, I don't really mind waiting for them to patch it. Still though, I have to sympathize with those who are pissed. I'm really just waiting on CK2+ tho :)
Not only that, but I (and I'm sure most here) have already spent well over a hundred dollars on this game and the DLC's as they come out. If anyone SHOULD be "crying" about bugs, it is the people who have already paid for the items no?

As for the fixes, that's great and I am very appreciative. I did not know there has already been a patch I have not had time to load the game up today, it's only 9:30 in the morning.

Am I the only one who takes a look at the forums, thinks "OK, so X is broken, Y too, and Z is REALLY broken", and then starts a game which does not include X, Y and Z and enjoys the hell out of it?

I used to behave like that.

Then I remembered that I actually paid for the full product. And then I thought: I can cook a meal on the heated pads on top of the oven if the oven stops working, but I'd still get pretty pissed off if the oven stopped working. So, no longer.

Alas, I used to be a chump; and, please don't get angry with me (after all, I freely admit to having been one for a long while), you're also one.
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I used to behave like that.

Then I remembered that I actually paid for the full product. And then I thought: I can cook a meal on the heated pads on top of the oven if the oven stops working, but I'd still get pretty pissed off if the oven stopped working. So, no longer.

Alas, I used to be a chump; and, please don't get angry with me (after all, I freely admit to having been one for a long while), you're also one.

Thank you! That's so flattering :p

I want the bugs to be fixed, of course. I paid for it. But they're going to be fixed no matter what, and in the meantime, I can either be angry in the forums or sit back, relax, and enjoy the parts of the game that still work. The bugs will get fixed no matter what (thanks to the bug reports, not the angry posts); the only thing left for me to do as a player is either have a good time, or not have a good time. I think it's an easy choice to make.
I want the bugs to be fixed, of course. I paid for it. But they're going to be fixed no matter what, and in the meantime, I can either be angry in the forums or sit back, relax, and enjoy the parts of the game that still work. The bugs will get fixed no matter what (thanks to the bug reports, not the angry posts); the only thing left for me to do as a player is either have a good time, or not have a good time. I think it's an easy choice to make.

I think you represent 95% of the playerbase. :cool:
Thank you! That's so flattering :p

I want the bugs to be fixed, of course. I paid for it. But they're going to be fixed no matter what, and in the meantime, I can either be angry in the forums or sit back, relax, and enjoy the parts of the game that still work. The bugs will get fixed no matter what (thanks to the bug reports, not the angry posts); the only thing left for me to do as a player is either have a good time, or not have a good time. I think it's an easy choice to make.

I do understand and appreciate your point and thanks for not being too angry.
Honestly, the 'bigger size almost always wins the battle' problem has been in Ck2 since the very start. It infuriates me more than any other thing, really, since it reduces so much of the game to 'who can hire the most mercs/summon the most men?'

There's like a yes or no to this. Using retinues or holy orders, you can actually see that army composition is really important; well composed armies can comfortably defeat enemy armies that are twice their size.

...But almost all armies have the same composition, since all castles give the same stuff except for the cultural units, which are a pretty small portion of the overall troops. HIP addresses it by increasing the importance of cultural units, but it might be nice to see castles have tradeoffs (as in, building certain buildings blocks the construction of others).
If the DLC and Patch was on Steam Early Access for 2-3 weeks all of this would have been caught and fixed before final version was set out.

No idea how not using steam to roll out beta dlc and patches is not a great idea.
I'm usually very lenient when it comes to Paradox and bugs on release. Also, i'm having a blast with Charlemagne.

That been said, it is hands down the buggiest paradox release i have ever encountered. There are some aspects that clearly haven't been tested properly.

Although i dont care if the next DLC is even buggier. Paradox will fix it eventually. I'm prepared to put up with it as long as they keep delivering content.