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welcome back! and what an unstoppable empire!
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Getting back into the swing of things, through the RL distractions of spring and post-travel cathc-ups of reading and writing.
Good to see the return of the AAR.
Prince Alfr was a dutiful and good commander and he will be missed, though theres one less claimnant.
All these thoughts were in Toste's evil mind. ;)
Denmark gaining all those lands in Hungary/Bulgaria is an annoyance, I wonder if future and less content rulers will ''tolerate'' the border gore.
You will not have long to wait in that regard - though 'best laid plans' etc ...
Learned something new today.
Welcome back! What is the succession plan for the Byzantine Empire? Thank you
Thanks! Oh, there just seem to be endless Makedons that arise to take over, as there have been all game. Were you interested in something specific?
welcome back! and what an unstoppable empire!
Thanks! We're waiting for Mongol and Aztec invasions to provide the next real challenge. Or maybe another GHW down the track.

To All: next chapter up soon. Hint: Toste doesn't get any nicer! :D:eek:
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Chapter 38: Danes and Demons (January 1118 – December 1120)
Chapter 38: Danes and Demons (January 1118 – December 1120)

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January-June 1118

The long raid of Byzantine border provinces continued in January 1118 with two armies busy reducing holdings in Croatia, where they had been in Rama since October and Zachalumia in December 1117. The nearest sizable Byzantine army was back in Constantinople at that time.


Back at the Imperial Court in Nygarðr, Toste decided to start addressing the nest of malcontents residing in his Council. King Botulfr of Sviþjod has in recent years become an implacable foe of the Emperor and he was only a middling skilled Steward. Despite his position as leading magnate, Toste had had enough of him, dismissing him from the Council on 30 January 1118.


His replacement was another of the powerful subordinate Kings, Refr of Sardinia and Corsica – who was a far better steward. And despite predictions he would also be a malcontent, once appointed his prickly attitude evaporated. He became a firm supporter of Toste and a seeker of glory in Council matters.


Toste also spent well over five hundred gold improving the opinions of four other Council members while he was at it. He may have use of the Council in future dealings and wanted to at least gain the support of three of them.

One of those was Jarl Rikulfr; previously of Champagne and still a powerful magnate, if somewhat reduced in means. The 'Sword of the Allfather' now changed his primary title to Jarl of Dauphine, while embroiled in an internal war against the man who had deprived him of his former title.


It was in late March of that year that the private diary of Emperor Toste II revealed perhaps the strangest episode so far in the secret history of those Fylkirs who had turned to the dark side. Whether this alleged encounter related to those pursuits or was a more random event is not clear, these many centuries later. Whether the events described happened or not, the saga was not directly attributed to involvement in the Fellowship of Hel and so became part of the public Rurikid record.


This strange adventure related by Toste related instead to some ancient cult, and a legendary encounter with some Old God of the deeps.


According to his story, he risked death to confront and defeat this watery God, supposedly saving the world from its scourge and earning him the reputation of being a Godslayer!

In any case, back in the temporal world the memory of the ravages of the Black Death remained powerful enough for a chapel to be put under construction in the Hospital of Paris in May 1118 at a cost of over 800 gold. It would aid in disease resistance in the key demesne province and boost the Fylkir’s public reputation with the Germanic priests. Perhaps prudent insurance given the private activities his reign was soon to descend into …

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July-December 1118

The raid of Rama was finished by Toste’s concubine Asa in mid-June (199 gold) and soon after Toste was being hailed as a Viking Ravager for the work done in his name when another siege was won in Zachalumia in mid-July. By that time, the largest of the wandering Byzantine armies was lurking a few provinces to the east.


It was with considerable pleasure that Toste was informed of the death of King Botulfr from cancer. The comment entered in his diary says more about Toste than it did about his rival: “And I didn’t even need to do anything to procure the result. I hope it was drawn out and painful!”


The new King of Sviþjod commanded over 14,000 men and had a far less adversarial view of his Emperor. Perhaps in time a position might be found for him on the Council – he appeared to be a very accomplished diplomat.
This also left a vacancy as Court Physician, which Toste decided to recruit for. The successful candidate was learned, though was a drunk and not a renowned specialist healer. Still, he was the best available and was hired. And as he grew more accomplished, Toste might also have recourse to the Dark Healing Arts if it became necessary.


The same day, the raid of Zachalumia ended with 256 gold plundered from four holdings in a nine month period. Asa was with the smaller raiding army in Diadora while Eirikr took the larger force north to Varazdin, where they arrived in September.

It was as the summer was drawing to a close that a phase of increased evildoing by the Dark Grey Fylkir was embarked upon: he had set his sights on rising to the top of the Fellowship, as had his role model the famous Dark Fylkir himself, Eilif II. Chief Hrane of Baden was his partner in crime on this occasion, leading him into the murkiest depths of depravity, which always saw Toste select the most debased course of action.


In this case, the consequences were also magnified – both positives in power, tax income and the friendship of Hrane, but also in the outrages perpetrated on the local populace of the capital county.

In fact, it provoked a nasty peasant rebellion just a few days later. Toste’s demesne levies were mustered from the nearby crownlands; though the largest force remained bottled up in the castles of Nygarðr and Chudovo. Leading general Eirikr was summoned back from Croatia to concentrate and command the force.


Completely unfazed by the wages of sin being reaped in Holmgarðr, Toste happily responded to the latest mission from the Trollmaðr of the Fellowship and took himself off the Brittany for more depravity and the unjust spilling of innocent blood!


Later that month, Toste once again wallowed in blood as he grasped his way along to the next level of mastery in the Hellish realm.


The next revolt to break out was more of a run-of-the-mill nationalist liberation uprising of almost 12,000 rebel scum in eastern Hungary at the start of November. With Eirikr back in Russia, Asa took the larger force over from Varazdin to deal with this outbreak, while the smaller army remained in Diadora under a couple of lesser Jomsviking commanders.

Eirikr had concentrated the Imperial levies by early December and fell upon the hapless rebels in Holmgarðr as winter beckoned in mid-November 1118. The numbers were almost even but the Imperial arms, training and leadership were greatly superior, despite attacking over a stream.


When it was all over, the captured rebel leader discovered the Emperor’s dungeon was empty. Soon after, he would realise with horror why this was so: a fate worse than hanging or even the Blood Eagle awaited him!

As 1118 ended, the raid in Diadora ended (one holding, 80 gold) as the famous Byzantine general Theophylaktos approached from Rama with around 7,100 men. The 8,600 raiders headed north along the Adriatic coast to avoid combat.

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January-December 1119

Over in Hungary, the rebels had unwisely split their army. Asa took full advantage by attacking the larger force in Abauj in early January 1119. It was almost a massacre but not quite enough to end the rebellion. So be it …


The raiders left in Croatia, having avoided Theophylaktos, headed further north from Senj to resume the raid of Varazdin during January. A few weeks later, Asa caught up with the rest of the Hungarian rebels, easily defeating them by 17 February. The captured rebel leader was sent back to Toste – to be sacrificed to Hel in his quest for dark mastery.

The raiders had arrived in Varazdin on 1 February under the command of the Jomsviking knight Hakon. Theophylaktos approached once more and this time, the raiders prepared to defend their siegeworks. A sharp battle was fought between 23 March and 28 April 1119 in which the Russians were victorious.


Far more significantly, Theophylaktos was captured! After all this time, their battlefield nemesis was removed from the board. The legendary figure was sent back to the capital in chains: only the Emperor could decide his fate, of course.

It took a few months for Toste to make his decision. Only a small ransom would be payable and in any case it would just return the enemy general (who it was discovered was also a eunuch) to once again torment the Russians on the field of battle. Waiting until the next Þing would take too long – and be too anticlimactic. As would a simple public execution. No, a very special honour was reserved for this most distinguished of prisoners …


Things were comparatively quiet for some months, with Asa helping the Irish war on Venice in Krain (three holdings falling to Irish-led assaults) from August to November and the raid of Varazdin continuing.

Another advance was made in cultural matters in October in the area of noble customs, further promoting vassal loyalty.


Around this time, the young King Dag of Denmark proved recalcitrant to Toste’s diplomatic claims. While he left the pagan defensive pact in early December 1119 [following a save game restart] he refused to conclude a non-aggression pact. Meanwhile, the chance to pursue a claim on behalf of Toste’s sister-in-law Princess Rögnfrið presented itself.

Toste hoped she might be induced to bring Denmark into the Empire as a vassal kingdom if the claim succeeded. And he had been getting a little bored with raiding. The previous work on the Council bore fruit when he was able to persuade a narrow approval for a declaration of war with his casting vote in December 1119.


All the Imperial and Vassal levies were mustered, except those outlying in the British Isles or the eastern Steppe. The two standing armies in Croatia (around 21,000 retinue and Jomsviking troops) finished their raiding in Croatia (3 holdings, 185 gold in Varazdin) were sent north and east to the two main Danish territories, while the rest of the levies (over 100,000 in total) gradually concentrated and did likewise.

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January-July 1120

The Swedish militia (itself 12,000 strong and thus outnumbering the entire Danish army), under the command of General Guðmundr, mustered in Uppsala and was the first to confront the Danes. The largest battle of the war was decided at Dalby in Skåne on 12 March 1120. It was a simple and decisive Russian victory.


Guðmundr wasted no time in proceeding to cross the narrow strait to the Danish capital of Sjælland. Meanwhile, sieges were begun in the south at Terebovl, Peremyshl, Beresty, Vladimir Volynsky and Turov between 7 January and 26 March.

Slesvig (22 March) and Lybæck (30 March) were put under siege by armies approaching from the south while Guðmundr completed his crossing to Sjælland to attack the secondary Danish army outside Hafn on 26 March. This battle was even more one-sided, ending on 13 April with Dag’s capital under siege.


It is here that Toste’s Hellish friend Hrane of Baden made a reappearance. Asa became pregnant again in mid-April under Toste’s ‘blind eye’ agreement that had seen children born and legitimised as Rurikids ever since his ‘medically induced castration’ many years before. But he still wanted to know who was playing the cuckoo.


Basic inquiries soon revealed it was none other than his Hel Brother Hrane – who turned out to be a pox-ridden cocksman! Toste tolerated this lapse (given his own many and grievous sins) but didn’t like it. And soon after took the chance to force Hrane into the war as some small penance.
By late May, all the southern Danish counties were well besieged and a few holdings had already fallen. Their one army in the south steered well clear of the far larger Russian contingents and was essentially ignored.


A month later, Hamborg (19 April), Fyn (21 May) and Jylland were also all invested, with Ringsted in Sjælland and Slesvig both falling within two days of each other. Denmark had been completely overwhelmed with a few months and now it was just a matter of taking enough holdings to force Dag to surrender.


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July-December 1120

The end of the war came on 1 August 1120 with the fall of Hleiðra in Sjælland. The war had not even lasted a year.


Rögnfrið won her claim and was immensely grateful to her benefactor. But once more, a Russian Emperor had not fully grasped the small print and circumstances of a war’s terms. It was Rögnfrið’s husband, his half-brother Hemming, who was the dynasty member, not the new Queen herself!


Rögnfrið’s brother Prince Dag was reconciled and made Steward and Denmark remained independent. Curses! Toste then sought to see if she might be induced to join the Fellowship of Hel, but this failed. A non-aggression pact and then full alliance were concluded between August and October 1120, forestalling a brief Danish return to the pagan anti-Russian pact.

As the war ended and the levies were stood down, the two standing armies were ordered across to the remnants of Aquitaine, where Jarl Rikulfr was starting a new war of conquest. And a few days later, good news came from the Trollmaðr: Toste’s assiduous evil-doing had resulted in another promotion in the Fellowship, bringing increased status and new, formidable powers.


Toste continued to enjoy his Hellish activities, especially given he needed to rebuild his Dark Power after the rigours of his promotion ceremony. But there are some questions best not asked …


As another successful year drew to a close, the opportunity for another Great Blot presented itself. As Fylkir, Toste had both a public duty to fulfil – and Fellowship or no, the ceremonies and celebrations were always great fun and brought many benefits to his rule and the Empire as whole.


In the middle of the celebrations, another mission was assigned by Trollmaðr Dag. This should be a simple one, which Toste happily accepted. It would remain in progress as the year ended.


Toste’s latest ‘de facto child’ was born in mid-November 1120. To the world at large, she was another child of the Emperor – and thus eligible for dynastic betrothals.


And by 18 December, the latest blot was over and the benefits reaped.


During this time, Toste saw to the tying in of more Germanic kingdoms to closer relationships with the Russian Empire. They might be needed in case Toste decided on another large campaign to take on the rest of the world – not that he had any immediate plans. A betrothal of the 4-year-old Prince Guðmundr, heir to the throne of Noregr and the newly born Grima brought that country out of the pagan pact, and into a non—aggression pact and then full alliance by 1 January 1121.

At that time, three Russian vassals were at war with Venice, two with Hispania and one with Aquitaine. Just three more counties had converted to Germanicism in the last three years. The Samanid empire of Transoxiana had been split in two and suffered another civil war, while the rising Muradid Shahdom had absorbed much of Mesopotamia and across into western Persia. The perceived threat posed by Russia was gradually lowering.


Toste reigned supreme in Russia, his military prowess and intrigue skills having grown significantly in recent years. But his character remained both black and thoroughly unpleasant: the Sword of Jesus was despised and feared by friend, foe and Fellow alike.


And his recent promotion within the Fellowship now had him installed as the heir apparent for its leadership.

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Both Byz and HRE got new election systems in Holy Fury, since I never played pre Holy Fury. I was wondering aboutthe old systems. Currently children do not seem to inherit and dynasties change fairly frequently as emperor. Thanks if you get a chance
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Both Byz and HRE got new election systems in Holy Fury, since I never played pre Holy Fury. I was wondering aboutthe old systems. Currently children do not seem to inherit and dynasties change fairly frequently as emperor. Thanks if you get a chance
I’ll check back at some point to confirm, but it seems to be standard primo, with children inheriting, unless there’s a civil war loss, usurpation etc. the Makedon dynasty has been in power since the game began back in 867.
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This strange adventure related by Toste related instead to some ancient cult, and a legendary encounter with some Old God of the deeps.
:eek: I didn't know about this Lovecraftian event chain! Sounds awesome!

Toste hoped she might be induced to bring Denmark into the Empire as a vassal kingdom if the claim succeeded. And he had been getting a little bored with raiding. The previous work on the Council bore fruit when he was able to persuade a narrow approval for a declaration of war with his casting vote in December 1119.

Rögnfrið won her claim and was immensely grateful to her benefactor. But once more, a Russian Emperor had not fully grasped the small print and circumstances of a war’s terms. It was Rögnfrið’s husband, his half-brother Hemming, who was the dynasty member, not the new Queen herself!
Oh man this realm really needs better lawyers!
  • 3Haha
This strange adventure related by Toste related instead to some ancient cult, and a legendary encounter with some Old God of the deeps.
My favorite event chain. Always fun to kill a Cthulian god.
Far more significantly, Theophylaktos was captured! After all this time, their battlefield nemesis was removed from the board. The legendary figure was sent back to the capital in chains: only the Emperor could decide his fate, of course.
A legend ends at last! Most Norse probably have some respect for him, due to his military abilities. Toste, of course, doesn't care about that.
Basic inquiries soon revealed it was none other than his Hel Brother Hrane – who turned out to be a pox-ridden cocksman! Toste tolerated this lapse (given his own many and grievous sins) but didn’t like it. And soon after took the chance to force Hrane into the war as some small penance.
Hrane better be careful. He's playing with fire where Toste is concerned.
Rögnfrið won her claim and was immensely grateful to her benefactor. But once more, a Russian Emperor had not fully grasped the small print and circumstances of a war’s terms. It was Rögnfrið’s husband, his half-brother Hemming, who was the dynasty member, not the new Queen herself!
At least her kids are dynasty members (if I'm reading that right). You just need a few generations and some Habsburg-level tactics to get the kingdom.
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Welcome back again, @Bullfilter .
Good to see the latest details of the Tosspot Fylkir's rule. So guessing Toste's touch of insanity got the better of him to get the Cthulhu event. Of course, this version of a dark fylkir would defeat this incredible supernatural beast.

Screen Shot 2023-09-15 at 10.07.36 PM.png

Toste seems invincible.

Can't believe the Danes missed getting swallowed up by the empire through a legal technicality. Those crafty Danes. ;)

Also, sending you belated congratulations. You were traveling when the second quarter ACAs were awarded. Good to see this AAR "Blood and Empire: A Clash of Civilisations" named as one of the Quarter 2 2023 second place winners of the AARland Choice Awards (ACAs) in the CK II category. (As tallied and officially declared here by @Nikolai .) Well done!
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Toste has fallen far into depravity. Sacrificing humans to Hel? And not to Odin? With no formal ritual? How shameful!

Good job to the Danes on avoiding being annexed by such a horrid man.

Credit where it's due, though: defeating Cthulhu was a good move. I suppose even Hel doesn't want to rule in a world where the Old Ones are awake. On the other hand, will this inflate Toste's ego enough to attempt to overthrow Hel? He is a godkiller now...
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:eek: I didn't know about this Lovecraftian event chain! Sounds awesome!
Nor I (this still being my first and only CK game so far), in game or in AARs I've read (that I can recall). Haven't read Lovecraft but respect his reputation. I should one day!
Oh man this realm really needs better lawyers!
:D Yes, or a more experienced player :oops:
My favorite event chain. Always fun to kill a Cthulian god.
This was great for me as an in-game experience as I hadn't seen it before and didn't know how it would play out. I was tempted to have Toste sacrifice himself when given the choice, but it would have been a bit out of character and the heir was still a minor and I didn't want even a short regency.
A legend ends at last! Most Norse probably have some respect for him, due to his military abilities. Toste, of course, doesn't care about that.
Absolutely right. I almost made the call to just keep him in prison, but Toste just glared and grinned madly (simultaneously) and over-ruled such lily-livered softness. ;)
Hrane better be careful. He's playing with fire where Toste is concerned.
Oh yes. Being a friend and Hel-Brother may not be enough to save him from this Crowned Monster. :eek:
At least her kids are dynasty members (if I'm reading that right). You just need a few generations and some Habsburg-level tactics to get the kingdom.
Yes I believe they are. We'll see if that opens up any possibilities later.
Welcome back again, @Bullfilter .
Good to see the latest details of the Tosspot Fylkir's rule. So guessing Toste's touch of insanity got the better of him to get the Cthulhu event. Of course, this version of a dark fylkir would defeat this incredible supernatural beast.
Thank you! The Cthulu event was novel for me a good fun to play through. And a great reward for surviving, well in keeping with his dark leanings.
Toste seems invincible.
He has just one enemy in this world who is his equal: himself! Who will win that contest? o_O
Can't believe the Danes missed getting swallowed up by the empire through a legal technicality. Those crafty Danes. ;)
Yes, I just didn't read the fine print properly (yet again, being a novice player despite the length of this AAR); and wanted a nice little war without pact consequences as a bit of a diversion.
Also, sending you belated congratulations. You were traveling when the second quarter ACAs were awarded. Good to see this AAR "Blood and Empire: A Clash of Civilisations" named as one of the Quarter 2 2023 second place winners of the AARland Choice Awards (ACAs) in the CK II category. (As tallied and officially declared here by @Nikolai .) Well done!
Many thanks!
Toste has fallen far into depravity. Sacrificing humans to Hel? And not to Odin? With no formal ritual? How shameful!
Oh yes. And, as you might expect, it's not likely to get any better ...
Good job to the Danes on avoiding being annexed by such a horrid man.
Agreed. He has become really a nasty piece of work. A monster indeed.
Credit where it's due, though: defeating Cthulhu was a good move. I suppose even Hel doesn't want to rule in a world where the Old Ones are awake. On the other hand, will this inflate Toste's ego enough to attempt to overthrow Hel? He is a godkiller now...
Yes, and in keeping with his larger-than-death persona! As for killing, there are plenty in this world he'd like to work through first. :p

To all: Thanks for your support and especially comments. New chapter out soon.
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Chapter 39: A Descent to Hel (1121-23)
Chapter 39: A Descent to Hel (1121-23)

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1121 – Helping Friends and Vassals

The Dark Grey Fylkir Toste II moved into the new year of 1121 still on a mission for the Fellowship of Hel, to corrupt a Godi to the Cause. But perhaps Toste’s grip was slipping a bit, as the mission not only failed but his methods became the subject of wide public knowledge – and opprobrium.


He may not have been publicly branded as a demon worshipper but was now considered a ‘depraved manipulator’: a fair description if his own diaries are to be believed.

As the first of the Imperial raiding armies neared Aquitaine and Hispania, King Refr won another of his expansionary wars of conquest, pushing Russian control down along the Spanish coast.


This was followed a few days later by the successful conquest of Venice itself by King Kolbjörn of Irland (whose seat these days was located in nearby Lombardy, part of his extensive lands in northern Italy).


By early March, Jarl Rikulfr of Dauphine (formerly of Champagne) was making some progress in his holy war for Aquitaine. It was this campaign the Imperial raiders were there to support: between 4 February and 9 March they assisted in three assaults in Agen to see that county fully occupied by Rikulfr [warscore to +41%].

From there they headed south and attacked an Aquitanian army in Empuries, easily defeating it for negligible loss. Meanwhile, the second (smaller) Russian raiding army had arrived to the north in Toulouse in early April.


In Constantinople, the young Basileus Alexandros II had just come of age and he seemed to be a highly skilled general with a rebuilding army. But had no wife yet and was definitely not a ladies’ man.


Noting here the inheritance laws of the Byzantine Empire, as previously enquired about by @Midnite Duke .

The main Russian army moved on to raid Lleidra next, though Jarl Rikulfr was by then distracted by a civil war seeking to impose elective monarchy on his demesne. The Russians would sack three holdings between 24 May to 5 December for 253 gold.

Back at the Court, Toste’s old ‘friend’ (and rather dubious Hel Brother) Hrane approached him with a problem. It seemed someone may be out to get him!


Despite Hrane’s previous misdemeanours, Toste stood by him and offered his assistance – at no charge!

The next case of Imperial surrogacy cropped up in August 1121. As usual, even though he used these pregnancies to increase the size of his legally recognised family, Toste wanted to find out who was playing cuckoo this time.


Given Þora’s nasty case of lovers’ pox and Toste’s lack of testes, of course the child could not be his physically. But this time, his spies were unable to find out the culprit and he chose not to confront Þora about it. After all, she had license to expand the brood: Toste hardly cared about the morality of it – even if he (paradoxically) despised her at the same time.

By this time, Rikulfr was outnumbered and in trouble against the revolt in Dauphine [-22%]. Thus the stagnation of his campaign against Aquitaine. Rikulfr disliked the Emperor and was a malcontent presence on the Imperial Council, so Toste was not inclined to waste good troops bailing him out of this predicament. And some elective monarchy would further break up his once over-large demesne down the track.

The following month, Chancellor Jarl Toste of Bryansk fell victim to what appeared to be a legitimate accident. This allowed the powerful new King of Sviþjod (another Kolbjörn) to be assuaged by being brought onto the Council. He was a strong enough diplomat, though two others had greater expertise.


Even if he too would be a malcontent due to his great power; but a happier malcontent, at least! And he soon left the two factions he had been leading and contributing most of the strength to.

The second raiding army, under Oddr, raided Hispanian Armagnac from September 1121 to February 1122, reaping 181 gold from two holdings.

When General Eirikr finished in Llieda on 5 December, he was ordered south to wipe out a small Aquitanian army that had been investing Barcelona for some weeks. The next day saw a change (for the worse, in Toste’s view) in the leadership of the Jomsvikings. The new Warchief was no fan of Toste.


Eirikr made short work of the enemy in Barcelona in a one-sided skirmish that only lasted 11 days from 12-23 December. After that he would be ordered to leave Aquitaine, bypass Dauphine and head to Rome. A large raid on the Byzantines in Italy was Toste’s next objective.


The year 1121 ended with the ever-ambitious King Refr aiming to conquer an enclave on the north African coast from the powerful Tulunids. These days, Refr alone was as powerful as many of the world’s remaining empires but it would be interesting to see how he could win this war with a large Tulunid army in the vicinity.


Note: these days I don’t detail all the vassal wars going on, just if they’re larger or especially interesting, plus county gains if they end in success.

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1122 – More Italian Capers

When Oddr finished his raid of Armagnac in early February 1122, he was ordered to follow Eirikr to Rome to bolster the planned raid. Though the plans for both would later be amended on the way.

In the east, the diligent King Hroðulfr ‘the Holy’ Rurikid of Volga Bulgaria took advantage of a fracturing of the once-great Samanid empire of Central Asia by declaring war against the Samanid rebels for Kirghiz in mid-February.


By that time, Rikulfr was well on the way to losing his civil war in Dauphine [-77%]. Toste’s focus was back at court and family in early March, with two events popping up on the same day. Þora gave birth to another surrogate son – a brilliant prince who would be schooled in struggle.


And rumour of a plot targeting the Empress emerged, though no details could be gleaned from the usual reports. Noting Freyja’s growing dislike of him, he gave her a purse of gold … and decided to see if he could trade on her sinful ways to join him in the Fellowship for some nice marital bonding time! But the latter was firmly rejected a few weeks later.

As Eirikr entered northern Italy, it was decided he could aid Jarl Federigo of Susa in his continuing war against the remnants of the dwindling lands of the Doge. A raid into Parma would give the army a bit of practice on their way south.


By mid-April, Refr had managed to get a small army into Beni Yanni – and the Tulunids seemed to have vacated the area!


The unfortunate Doge was dealt a harsh blow in Pavia from 19 April to 6 May, when Eirikr surprised and mauled the Venetians in aid of the Susan holy war. After this veritable slaughter, Eirikr would continue south to Rome.


In May 1122, reports were coming in of a large smallpox outbreak in northern France, the Low Counties and southern England, with slow and camp fever covering most of Hispania and a large measles epidemic in north-eastern Italy, around Venice. Some of these growing outbreaks would affect Russian movements in the coming months as they sought to avoid the worst hit areas where possible.

Meanwhile, Oddr had been diverted to Bern where he would raid for coin and to assist a couple of overlapping vassal wars there, arriving in early June. He would raid two holdings for 175 gold before he was called away in early 1123 for a more urgent mission.
At this time, Toste noticed that the Trollmaðr of the Fellowship, Godi Dag of Ardara, was both ageing (57) and suffering from consumption. This made it imperative Toste remained heir to its leadership for when Dag might drop (or be pushed off) the perch. And would lead Toste down a path of increasing madness, obsession and infamy in following months and years.

Jarl Rikulfr ‘the Sword of the Allfather’, now 61, duly lost his civil war on 10 July 1122. The forced adoption of elective monarchy inheritance laws in Dauphine would have significant implications for his succession. But at least it meant he could now refocus on his stalled holy war against Aquitaine.

Eirikr arrived in Gaeta, just south of Rome, on 23 July to begin his raid of Byzantine Italy, with no large enemy army nearby. While he was besieging the first castle, Jarl Federigo finished his holy war against the Venetians, thereby expelling them fully from their former stronghold of northern Italy.


Soon afterwards, a Byzantine army of around 8,800 men, commanded personally by the young Basileus Alexandros, appeared in Brendesion in early September and began marching towards Gaeta. Eirikr sat tight for now, confident he had numbers enough to defend against the forces currently in the vicinity. But his scouts would keep a careful eye on the developing situation.

The day after, Jarl Rikulfr won his holy war, taking Agen and evicting Aquitaine from their last ‘homeland’ county north of the Pyrenees.


By mid-October Alexandros had closed up on Eirikr but baulked from attacking, turning back south again. But more Byzantine forces were seen gathering in Dyrrachion (over the narrow Strait of Otranto). Eirikr remained alert, but not alarmed.

Back at court, Crown Prince Sturla, regarded by many as a genius, came of age on 9 November 1122. His equally brilliant betrothed Gyla soon became his wife. As she was also a very skilled warrior, the Rurikid obsession with recruiting shieldmaidens would soon come into play – even for the presumptive Empress.


Toste, the renowned warrior and God-Slayer, was very keen to put his own prodigious military skills to work in the field now he had groomed a full-grown heir.


He was soon commanding a flank division in Eirikr’s raiding army. And by 12 December the Byzantines had gathered two large armies that were now approaching from the ‘heel’ of Italy’s ‘boot’. And this time their numbers were enough to seriously outnumber the Russians in Gaeta.


The second siege in Gaeta was completed on 18 December and it was decided discretion would win out over valour at that time. A haul of 212 gold had been banked and the Russians marched north back to the hoped-for safety of Rome. And Oddr was called south from Bern to join them, via the San Bernadino Pass and Lombardy, all now safely Russian controlled. Eirikr and Toste made it to Rome on 31 December, ten days ahead of his counterpart Alexandros’ arrival in Gaeta.

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1123 – Doing Hel’s Work

The year 1123 marks something of a turning point in Toste II’s reign. This is when his relentless pursuit of dark power and the madness it had engendered in him began to become even more obvious to the whole Empire. To say this period would not be considered a glorious episode in the long Chronicle of the Rurikids would be a serious understatement. Many later historians considered it in some ways to be even worse than the malign insanity of Eilif II’s later reign.

The year kicked off with the outbreak of a new form of epidemic: one of dancing! Even in the middle of an increasingly vicious smallpox epidemic.


Next, in perhaps the most egregious episode of Toste’s reign so far, the increasingly rabid Emperor accepted a secret mission from the Trollmaðr to capture and sacrifice a ruler to Hel. Even with only a minuscule chance of success [because I accidentally clicked the ‘do it’ button before I could send the Marshal there to help] Toste tried to jail his most hostile major vassal engaged in an indictable plot, King Kolbjörn of Irland, on 7 January 1123.


When informed the King had evaded capture and rebelled, Toste merely cackled maniacally and voiced to Eirikr the hope that Kolbjörn would give ‘good sport’ when captured. This earned him more than one sideways glance in the army’s camp, but none said anything more about it.

The two standing armies in Italy would converge on the Irish lands of northern Italy, conducting ‘de-toggling’ ceremonies on the way.


The Imperial demesne levies in Russia were called up, with around 4,500 earmarked to march north to Irish Dvina, where an Irish army of 1,100 men had assembled. The other 5,600 troops from the Russian Crown Counties would head south to attack Kolbjörn’s holdings in central and southern Russia. And in France, the 6,100 levies from Paris and Rouen would make their way to Schwyz. No vassal levies were called upon: Toste was confident he could handle this one ‘in house’.

On 9 February, a new King came to power in England, when Ale av Herjedalen won a claim war to remove the long-ruling Hvitserk dynasty from the throne. This voided the extant alliance, but Toste’s eldest child, Princess Guðrun, was available for marriage to the unwed Ale. By 1 March the wedding had been performed and a renewed alliance formalised.

On 6 March, as the first Russian army on the scene began its siege of Verona, the old and respected campaigner General Oddr died of an apparent heart attack as he rode to site the siege works. The vacancy was filled by Princess Gyla, of course, the latest familial shieldmaiden to be recruited into active Rurikid service.


By the end of May 1123 Verona Cremona, Schwyz and Brescia were under Imperial siege in Italy, while holdings in Roslavl and Pereyaslavl were being similarly served back in Russia in this dispersed war.


Toste had taken personal command of the levies sent to Dvina, hoping for some direct combat, but by the time he arrived on 13 June the Irish force had escaped by sea and was heading past Kola for the North Atlantic. Toste settled into the siege.

It was at this point that Toste began to really start sinking into the depths of madness. Having only recently appointed King Kolbjörn of Sviþjod to win him over, he badly offended one of his two most powerful magnates by firing him for an … unusual … appointee as Chancellor.


The main Irish armies had mustered in northern Britannia, where they were already in a war with Skotland over Tyrconnel in Irland. They soon made ready to send an army south to attack Russian lands in southern Scotland.


England and Denmark were called up to join the war the same day and both had complied with the request by mid-month. Toste would use what aid they might provide and hoped the English would distract the Irish up in the north.

Against expectations, probably due to other Tulunid distractions, King Refr’s conquest of Beni Yanni was progressing [+13% warscore] by early August 1123, with 9,900 men on the siege (many had apparently marched through Hispania and across the Pillars of Hercules to get there).

Meanwhile, smallpox still infected a large swathe of Imperial lands and the continuing measles outbreak in north-east Italy kept Russian besiegers to the western provinces of Irish North Italy.


In Irland, the English diversion had worked a treat by the end of August. Toste didn’t really care too much how the English fared: he just wanted Kolbjörn distracted.


And both the Scots and now the English were soon doing exactly that in battle (both of which the Irish would eventually win).


With Dvina fully occupied by mid-October, Toste began a long march south to the Irish lands to the east of the Sea of Azov. Pereyaslavl and Roslavl had also been fully occupied by then, with Chortitza and Sharukan under siege before the end of October as the sieges in Italy made good progress.

Toste’s eccentric ways got even more so as he headed out of the cold north in late October. His horse’s amusing antics as Chancellor had him make Glitterhoof his court jester! Courtiers just shook their heads (quietly and carefully) when informed of this latest Imperial folly.


As the uneasy feelings of dissolution and unrest pervaded some parts of the Empire, which many now felt to be rotten at its heart, the peasants of Vitebsk rose in revolt as November 1123 began. Toste, not yet even out of Dvina, diverted his army in that direction, hoping that ‘meat would soon be back on the menu’.


On 9 November, Toste received the unwelcome news that another of Hel’s Seiðmaðr’s, one Patrician Hrörekr, had eclipsed Toste as designated heir to the leadership of Hel’s secret society [355.31 v 354.1 member score]. This would not do! A plot to kill Hrörekr was soon hatched, but his associates proved hard to recruit as conspirators, even for gold [one backer, 59.5% plot power].

But Toste also changed his focus from carousing to intrigue to assist both with plotting and his standing in the Fellowship. By 23 November he was back in his position as Hel’s heir [score 363.1]. But he kept the plot going, part from malice and part to try to remove Hrörekr as a competitor.

In England, in late November the Irish had largely secured Irland and faced off against the English over St George’s Channel, which the English were in the process of trying to cross. But the alliance had broken down after the smallpox epidemic claimed the life of Toste’s firstborn.


By the end of 1123, 17 Irish holdings had been occupied and Kolbjörn was ready to sue for peace, requesting talks himself. Perhaps he anticipated spending some time in prison and maybe a ransom or exile down the track. After all, he was hardly the first or only magnate to head up one of the many pretty harmless factional groups of the realm. Little did he suspect the true reason for the surprising war he’d found himself in …


Yet even with this inglorious outrage, Toste had yet to reach the bottom of his personal barrel of rottenness.

NB: the five religious conversions to Germanicism during this three-year period will be summarised at the end of the next chapter. There had been two in 1121, three in 1122 and none in 1123.
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He may not have been publicly branded as a demon worshipper but was now considered a ‘depraved manipulator’
This is how a legend grows. Rumors and gossip are probably feeding Toste's ego more than any actual deeds he's done. It's just that no one is brave enough to oust the Fylkir, semi-divine, Emperor as a corrupt Hel worshipper.
In Constantinople, the young Basileus Alexandros II had just come of age and he seemed to be a highly skilled general with a rebuilding army. But had no wife yet and was definitely not a ladies’ man.
A military mind is just what the Byzantines need when surrounded by enemies. And there are plenty heirs of Makedon blood to spare.
These days, Refr alone was as powerful as many of the world’s remaining empires but it would be interesting to see how he could win this war with a large Tulunid army in the vicinity.
If the vassals banded together against Toste it would be a bloody affair.
When informed the King had evaded capture and rebelled, Toste merely cackled maniacally and voiced to Eirikr the hope that Kolbjörn would give ‘good sport’ when captured. This earned him more than one sideways glance in the army’s camp, but none said anything more about it.
How does the realm eve function with such a psychopath at the helm?
Ale av Herjedalen won a claim war to remove the long-ruling Hvitserk dynasty from the throne.
So the Rurikids are the last of the original viking dynasties ruling then?
Courtiers just shook their heads (quietly and carefully) when informed of this latest Imperial folly.
Folly or foaly ;)?
Yet even with this inglorious outrage, Toste had yet to reach the bottom of his personal barrel of rottenness.
What more can he do? The world had better hope he doesn't end up in charge of the followers of Hel.
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Interesting as always. So much going on!
Next, in perhaps the most egregious episode of Toste’s reign so far, the increasingly rabid Emperor accepted a secret mission from the Trollmaðr to capture and sacrifice a ruler to Hel. Even with only a minuscule chance of success [because I accidentally clicked the ‘do it’ button before I could send the Marshal there to help] Toste tried to jail his most hostile major vassal engaged in an indictable plot, King Kolbjörn of Irland, on 7 January 1123.
Thanks for explaining to some extent that King Kolbjörn had holdings extensively outside of Irland, especially in what is usually northern Italy. Having joined this AAR in progress some months ago, perhaps I missed how that happened. These updates clarified that for me.

Can't say how many times late at night I've clicked the wrong button on this game, but my philosophy is to live with the results, just like you.

In the end the Dark Gray Tosspot Fylkir got what he desired.

It was at this point that Toste began to really start sinking into the depths of madness. Having only recently appointed King Kolbjörn of Sviþjod to win him over, he badly offended one of his two most powerful magnates by firing him for an … unusual … appointee as Chancellor.
Good to see Glitterhoof show up in your game. Will the Dark Gray Fylkir try to recruit the horse to the cause of Hel? (Nice graphic addition to Glitterhoof's "house.")
Yet even with this inglorious outrage, Toste had yet to reach the bottom of his personal barrel of rottenness.
Well, looking forward, somewhat, to what depths the fylkir will sink to next time, but I'm hanging on to see if he gets his just deserts or continues down his evil path of destruction unpunished.
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If Toste was ever "Dark Gray", he's definitely Black now.

How did Irland get those territories in Italy anyway?

Will we see a power struggle within the Fellowship of Hel after the current leader dies? Toste wants to lead, but even Hel worshippers have to have a limit as to what depths of madness they can tolerate, right?

Speaking of which, Toste's fully channeling Caligula here - he even has his own horse advisor!

Toste might be the only thing capable of destroying the Russian Empire now. If he angers enough of his vassals to have to deal with a large revolt and declares war on enough realms to trigger the defensive pacts... things could get ugly. He is insane, after all.
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Thank you for checking out Byz succession. You are my source for pre Holy Fury. Both Byz and HRE got new election methods. Byz election instead of primo, just adds more chaos. Glitterhoof is very offended that he was given the donkey trait. S&C is doing a good job in north Africa, Byz in there as well. Thanks
  • 1Like
It was at this point that Toste began to really start sinking into the depths of madness. Having only recently appointed King Kolbjörn of Sviþjod to win him over, he badly offended one of his two most powerful magnates by firing him for an … unusual … appointee as Chancellor.

Yet even with this inglorious outrage, Toste had yet to reach the bottom of his personal barrel of rottenness.
:eek: :eek:

he's going down faster than I imagined!
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This is how a legend grows. Rumors and gossip are probably feeding Toste's ego more than any actual deeds he's done. It's just that no one is brave enough to oust the Fylkir, semi-divine, Emperor as a corrupt Hel worshipper.
I think this is a good way to look at it. We have an insider's view: the vassals and more general populace only see the tip of the iceberg, and that mostly as spun by the autocrat ruling the largest empire TTL has ever seen.
A military mind is just what the Byzantines need when surrounded by enemies. And there are plenty heirs of Makedon blood to spare.
Yes, they need one such, but it is their misfortune to now be pitted directly against the Norse Russians after what had been many decades of grudging neutrality (other than the ubiquitous raiding, or course).
If the vassals banded together against Toste it would be a bloody affair.
Oh it would, but they've never shown any real desire or ability to do so. They've been happy to do it to each other though. Which successive emperors (good, evil and indifferent) have generally been quite happy to sit and watch.
How does the realm eve function with such a psychopath at the helm?
It is so vast I think it mainly administers itself. And because Hel worshippers try to keep things secret, only some of the evil madness seeps through into the public domain. But here, Toste is getting more publicly egregious than most!
So the Rurikids are the last of the original viking dynasties ruling then?
This may well be the case as most of the others seem to have suffered coups etc along the way.
Folly or foaly ;)?
:D Boom-tish!
What more can he do? The world had better hope he doesn't end up in charge of the followers of Hel.
Oh, just wait and see :eek:
Interesting as always. So much going on!
Thank you! One thing the Hel sub-plot does is certainly ramp up events to a (literally) insane level.
Thanks for explaining to some extent that King Kolbjörn had holdings extensively outside of Irland, especially in what is usually northern Italy. Having joined this AAR in progress some months ago, perhaps I missed how that happened. These updates clarified that for me.
How did Irland get those territories in Italy anyway?
Yes, IIRC that dynasty started off in southern Russia, added other counties along the way and then raid-conquered some counties in Irland many years back now. They eventually conquered enough to form that kingdom and took its name. That was followed by a few conquests on the north-eastern Adriatic shore, then an expansion into Italy that then became the actual seat of the Kingdom of Irland. A really diverse set of territories.
Can't say how many times late at night I've clicked the wrong button on this game, but my philosophy is to live with the results, just like you.
I'll bet we're neither the first nor last to do that! :D
In the end the Dark Gray Tosspot Fylkir got what he desired.
Yes - but can that be the worse than the pursuit?
Good to see Glitterhoof show up in your game. Will the Dark Gray Fylkir try to recruit the horse to the cause of Hel? (Nice graphic addition to Glitterhoof's "house.")
Oh, just wait and see ;) (and I note the session that the next chapter covers was already played and image-edited when this one went up).
Well, looking forward, somewhat, to what depths the fylkir will sink to next time, but I'm hanging on to see if he gets his just deserts or continues down his evil path of destruction unpunished.
You will soon find out ...
If Toste was ever "Dark Gray", he's definitely Black now.
Yes, a foul-smelly, oily black.
Will we see a power struggle within the Fellowship of Hel after the current leader dies? Toste wants to lead, but even Hel worshippers have to have a limit as to what depths of madness they can tolerate, right?
I won't spoil too much but the next chapter, which follows shortly, will provide the answers you seek. :)
Speaking of which, Toste's fully channeling Caligula here - he even has his own horse advisor!
Yes, I was thinking just that (as no doubt the devs were when they included this event). Caligula is I think an appropriate comparison here.
Toste might be the only thing capable of destroying the Russian Empire now. If he angers enough of his vassals to have to deal with a large revolt and declares war on enough realms to trigger the defensive pacts... things could get ugly. He is insane, after all.
A race to see whether he destroys himself or the empire first? The answer coming soon to an AAR viewing device near you :D
Thank you for checking out Byz succession. You are my source for pre Holy Fury. Both Byz and HRE got new election methods. Byz election instead of primo, just adds more chaos. Glitterhoof is very offended that he was given the donkey trait. S&C is doing a good job in north Africa, Byz in there as well. Thanks
No worries. I thought that donkey symbol was quite amusing in the context. And in this case, Glitterhoof is a 'she'. This becomes an important consideration later ... o_O Yes, S&C is becoming the latest conquest powerhouse of the big magnates, being in a good position for further expansion to the south.

:eek: :eek:

he's going down faster than I imagined!
Down down, deeper down!

To All: Thanks so much for all the comments. Toste's dark tale reaches something of a crescendo in the next instalment, out soon.
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Chapter 40: A Reckoning with the Gods (1124-26)
Chapter 40: A Reckoning with the Gods (1124-26)

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1124 – After the War

The peace with Irland – and King Kolbjörn’s grisly end after his surrender on 1 January 1124 – presented Dark Grey Fylkir Toste II a chance to both steady the realm and rein in his own spiralling descent into Hel. And perhaps he would take advantage of this moment to create a watershed in his personal affairs.

To start with, he disbanded most of the levies that had been mustered for the Irish War except for those he had been commanding up in Dvina. Those 4,500 men were now marching south to snuff out the latest peasant rebellion that had broken out in Vitebsk in November 1124. And, just to make sure, 3,000 more Imperial levies were called out in Holmgarðr, who would be picked up by Toste on the way through: more than enough to wipe out the almost 3,000 poorly armed peasants currently trying to sack Vitebsk.

Toste’s plot to kill Hel rival Patrician Hrörekr of Væni was going nowhere [59.5% plot power] by this time. And a hefty bribe of 57 gold to the most susceptible of the potential co-conspirators was not quite enough to sway them to assist.

By mid-January, the combined standing raiding armies (Retinue and Jomsviking troops) had gathered in Mantua, where the troops were merged and then split into two hosts of around 10,000 each under Princess Gyla (Toste’s daughter-in-law) and Asa (his concubine). They then both headed south to Rome, the stepping off point for an even larger raid on Byzantine Italy.

But the tendrils of darkness reached out to Toste once more in early February, corrupting his soul. Even as his humours rotted from within, the promise of more dark power (and the fear of losing it) lured him into another ritual of evil just a few weeks later …


… from which he emerged stronger than ever in military prowess!

And hot on the heels of this success, Toste was presented with a new mission by Trollmaðr Dag. His greatest challenge yet – and one he felt compelled to accept. He just could not say no to Hel.


A search of the Fellowship’s membership roll found no female members of childbearing age willing to accept an invitation to the Imperial Court in Nygarðr. So the malign Fylkir tried to recruit one of his concubines he felt most susceptible to joining, Þora, instead.


The initial contact seemed to go well enough, however when Toste tried to induce her to take the next step Þora baulked. He would have to wait some months before he could try again on another potential ‘vessel of Hel’.

Toste was at least able to put his now prodigious martial abilities to good use when he attacked and defeated the rebels in Vitebsk over two weeks to 31 March. It was of course a walk-over, with the rebel leader immediately sacrificed to Hel in a nearby secluded cave that night.

The new Italian Raid began in Gaeta on 13 April, where Toste took command of Asa’s army, with her and the formidable Eirikr on either flank, to resume the business interrupted back in December 1122. The second army under Gyla continued south, arriving in Neapolis a short time later.

In June, Toste was ready to try recruiting to Hel again. This time, he had invited a young woman with a few exploitable sins to court and he sought to woo her to the dark side. Again, to no avail, when Ylva rejected his first cautious advance. This mission was starting to prove more difficult to achieve than he had anticipated – but this would not stop Toste trying.

At around the same time, the Fylkir was made aware of rumours of a plot to assassinate him. He made no alteration to his routine but did wonder who the plotter might be. Perhaps either Patrician Hrörekr or some other ambitious or jealous Hel Fellow?


Nothing new emerged over the next few months. Toste therefore decided to set spies on the Trollmaðr himself. Even if he wasn’t the plotter, perhaps some opportunity might arise to see Dag join their Dark Master early!

In early October, yet another attempt to recruit a sinful courtier to the service of Hel for his current mission failed: rejected at the first approach. As the end of November beckoned, Toste was starting to get desperate. One dark night he mused that Chancellor Glitterhoof was a female … nothing in the mission’s fine print said the child of Hel had to be ‘of woman born’! Toste only had to provide the vessel, after all ...


... the only requirement was to recruit the poor filly into the Fellowship, then Hel could have their way. Alas, she may not be smart, but Toste could find no suitable sin on which to base such an approach (which would had to have waited for the ‘cooling off period’ to expire anyway). Thwarted again! And if anything indicated how low the emperor had sunk by this stage, this was surely it.

In the meantime, the new King of Irland was able to finish off his longstanding war against King Åke of Skotland to secure Tyrconnell in December 1124, further tightening the Russian hold on the isle.


The year ended with Toste ending his murder plot against Patrician Hrörekr – to concentrate on another rival as designated heir to the Fellowship. The new target was Seiðmaðr Hemming ‘the Holy’ (a rather ironic public nickname) who had now supplanted Toste as the heir apparent. He also stopped spying on Dag, which had turned up nothing useful.

And the raid in Italy had proceeded without incident over the recent months as holdings fell and the treasure was sent over the border, either to Rome or the enclave of Amalfi.

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1125 – A Downward Spiral

By 3 January 1125 nine plotters were favourably considering joining the plot against Hemming: it seems he had a large amount of people more than eager to see him eliminated!

Over on the eastern Steppe, King Hroðulfr’s war against the Samanid rebels was successfully concluded in February, adding two more provinces to the Empire – and modestly increasing the threat level Toste had been working assiduously to reduce for some time now.


The slow advance of technology reached another milestone in March, with improved construction practices allowing for a significant (and expensive) expansion of the great Hospital of Holmgarðr – already one of the finest such establishments in the world.


A week later, yet another Hel recruitment to bear the child of Hel failed. Toste had thought that girls just wanted to have fun, but it seems his idea of such differed markedly from those he had been approaching so far!

More bad news followed soon after, with one of the many conspirators spilling the beans on the murder plot, just as the lead agent was about to strike.


The attempt failed, although there was no proof left to tie Toste to this particular episode. He not only tried again, but was able to find another four conspirators ready to join in an already powerful plot.

With this expanded conspiracy ready to strike again in early May via another agent, Toste was hopeful it would all go to plan this time.


Alas, the execution of the ‘accident’ was botched, with Hemming making an escape before he could plunge to a convenient death. Was there no justice in this world!? And the plot was revealed (again). Now, Toste set his spies on Hemming to see if they could dig up anything to assist.

While this second failure was frustrating, Toste’s latest recruitment effort bore fruit (literally) when Ingrid Naddoðr accepted an invitation to join the court: she was already a Hel Sister! The impregnation ceremony was soon under way.


His spies had not revealed much useful information about Hemming by mid-August – so Toste decided to invent some vile perfidy instead! <Warning: unpleasant event material below>


I've censored this a bit, which I don't usually do, for the sake of decorum. Toste really is despicable.

In the wider world, against the odds King Refr of Sardinia and Corsica had succeeded in gaining the first permanent Russian foothold in North Africa! This could be very useful in the future, either for raiding or a base for major territorial expansion.


Months passed as Toste awaited the birth of Hel’s Child. It seems this idleness had led to the loss of his arbitrary trait – which in turn impacted adversely on his Hel ranking, placing him down at fourth in line for the leadership behind a new heir (Gydja Sif), Hemming and another new contender, named Kettilmund. Despite his great efforts, his leadership campaign seemed to be faltering further.

Perhaps the murder plot against Hemming might help a little: third time lucky?


But as the year lengthened yet another new ploy failed, even though the plot had a couple of new adherents and was stronger than ever. Was this Loki’s work? The judgement of the Gods? But Toste, now completely obsessed, continued.

On 2 December 1125, one of the great magnates of the era yielded his long life to the effects of gout: Jarl Rikulfr ‘the Sword of the Allfather’ of Dauphine and formerly of Champagne was dead at the age of 65. He had suffered some losses in his later years, but was still one of the most powerful magnates of the realm. However, his recent civil war loss that had introduced elective inheritance laws into his realm now saw it split between two rival contenders on his death.


The main title was inherited by Jarl Folki Rurikid, while the rest of the more minor titles went to Rikulfr’s grandson Jarl Rikulfr II af Holmgardr of Savoy. And Toste was pleased enough to see a little bit more division of old Rikulfr’s formerly monolithic demesne.

The advisor slot vacated by Rikulfr was then allocated to King Kolbjörn of Sviþjod, to placate him for his earlier sacking as Chancellor – and force him out of two quite powerful factions he had been leading.

Later that month, Toste used some more material provided by his spies – who may have been right about Hemming after all, though no one now knows the truth of it – to blacken his Hel rival’s name with his Jarl. Even further. Needless to say, Hemming was not a fan of his emperor by this time!


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1126 – Hel’s Child

January 1126 saw Toste’s obsessive plot to remove Hemming continue – and continue to fail! In January and again in April, two attempts by mercenaries to ambush him were unsuccessful. One was identified as being sponsored by Toste, the other not, but that hardly mattered by then. With nothing more being discovered by the spies, they were called off. But still Toste pursued his man.


King Sigbjörn of Noregr was apparently killed by persons unknown on 15 January, with his nine-year-old son Guðmundr coming to power under a regency. Prudently, he was already betrothed to Toste’s daughter Grima – now five and the useful product of his unfaithful concubine Þora.

At the start of April, a large Byzantine army was spotted after crossing the Strait of Otranto into southern Italy. The armies of Toste and Gyla, by then raiding in Salerno and Interamnion, ended their raiding sieges and made arrangements to meet in Benevento.


The raids in Gaeta, Neapolis, Benevento and Salerno had netted more than 1,200 gold in the last two years from the sacking of 15 holdings.

Soon after, another peasant revolt, this time in Belo Ozero, saw the entire Crown Counties levy in Russia called out to crush them.


Toste was struck by the slightly smaller Byzantine army in Salerno literally the day he had been due to slip across the county border, on 13 April. Another 2,500 Byzantine troops were on their way.


By the 18th, Toste was outnumbered but holding strongly enough, as Gyla reached Benevento and continued on to Salerno to reinforce her father-in-law.

Perhaps it was some kind of omen, but that same day a daughter, Aleta, was born to Ingrid the Hel Sister. The Spawn of Hel had arrived!


Toste felt an enormous rush of dark power course through him as this difficult mission was successfully completed at last.

On the battlefield, he was duly joined by Gyla on 5 May and two weeks later, even though the Russian left had been forced from the field, their combined army set the rest of the Byzantines to flight.


After the pursuit was done the Romans had lost over 9,200 men and the Russians over 5,600. A bloody but decisive victory that would once again deplete the Byzantines for some time to come. Gyla stayed in Salerno while Toste continued on his interrupted northward march to Benevento.

But just a few days after the battle, Toste began to suffer some more serious effects from his excessive use of dark power: what Hel gives could also be taken away. And (due to the depletion of his intrigue skills) he now ranked even further below Sif and Hemming in the Fellowship’s leadership stakes.


Just a few days later, another of the conspirators advised they were ready to strike Hemming – as they were forced to repeat previous methods again. With the same result as before.


Toste now tried some dark healing to see if he could cure some of his many afflictions. All it did was increase suspicion about him while he fell exhausted into his campaign bed in Italy. All this made him feel even worse.


While in Italy, the Byzantines managed to rally far more quickly than the Russians had anticipated, returning for another match. So in early July, Toste turned around and started marching back south to reinforce Gyla in Salerno, in a mirror image of the first battle there.


Battle was joined on 10 July, with Gyla defending stoutly as her emperor marched hard to reinforce her. He arrived on the 26th and by the following day, the Byzantine line was beginning to collapse.


It was all over by 6 August and this time the now heavily outnumbered Byzantines had suffered a crushing defeat, with Russian casualties far lighter than in the first round.

While that battle was being fought, a force of 13,800 Russian levies smashed around 2,800 peasant rebels where they had been chased to Torzhok, with their leader captured and later sacrificed to Hel on 28 July.

King Refr’s earlier success in North Africa led to another war of expansion being declared on 16 August. Not against either the Sunnis of Hispania or the Tulunids, but against the Shia Caliph Maghan of Mali!


He had apparently won a war against Hispania in May 1124, after which he had also created some new emirates for his vassals. And Maghan commanded a powerful army of nearly 18,000 men.

Then in August 1126, things started looking up a little for Toste. Suspicions about his dark doings began to ebb again and then, after so many tries, his plotting against Hel rival Hemming ‘the Holy’ finally succeeded!


Then Jarl Folki Rurikid of Dauphine added another little chunk of France (or Upper Burgundy, at least) to the Empire.


Thus, in early September 1126 Toste had turned a corner: the Hel Child had been born, he’d personally fought and won two large victories against the Byzantines in southern Italy and perhaps best of all there had finally been success in the long-running plot to murder one of his chief rivals for the right to lead the Fellowship.

So it was entirely appropriate that at this point the corrupted and reprehensible Emperor and Fylkir Toste II Rurikid keeled over, stone dead, as he sat on his camp stool. Killed by the very stress his vile use of the dark powers had induced a few years earlier.


The Emperor was dead – long live the new Emperor Sturla! Chancellor Glitterhoof died (possibly of a broken heart - she was never the brightest of animals) the same day.

The inheritance passed smoothly to the 19-year-old Sturla. With no child produced yet from his short marriage with Gyla, Toste's brother Prince Arni remained heir apparent. And Sturla took up a new focus to improve his rulership, while also making it a high priority to sire and groom an heir of his own.


Gyla would provide great support as the new Empress – though she remained on active duty with the army for now. And for some reason not known to history, was very impatient: perhaps it had something to do with being sent on campaign with her father-in-law? Or having to resist the advances of some 'pants man'? One can only speculate at this distance in time. Young Prince Arni was less impressive than his brother, with whom he got on moderately well.


The last five or so years had seen the pace of conversion to the dominant Germanic faith pick up once more, with over 17 more counties converting, from the eastern steppe to France.


And of course the great empire Sturla inherited was bigger than ever before and the largest the world had ever seen.

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Toste kept failing. That assassination and scheme to create a Hel child took forever. I will admit that I was amused by his consideration of Glitterhoof as a potential vessel of Hel. It's almost as if being evil is a bad idea!

Is that a hint of a civil war I see? If so, will the Hel child get involved? It would be poetic if Toste managed to destroy his realm even in death.
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