At what point in your Stellaris run did you think "I'm a horrible person"?

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I am taking my chances to declare i just boxed a hegemonic empire with Doomsday origin and locked borders, than waited untill its homeworld exploded. It was unintended thou :D

Necro jokes aside, there are some real new additions to this thread with the galactic community.

My new one was offsetting the happiness penalty of commercial law and greater good requirements by using chemical bliss on all my pops.
I had some war-ape jerks who decided that plantoids and lithoids weren't really sapient so used them as livestock for food and minerals.

The lithoids got engineered into a variety of colours and shapes to create strategic resource sources.

Oh, and they all got nervestapled once we figured out how to "prove" we were right about the nonsapient thing.

Yeah... didn't feel great about that one! :/
I’ve never felt bad about anything that I’ve done in Stellaris. The only moral wrong is that which impedes the pursuit of power. To be the slaver, the exterminator, or the hegemon is to be glorious.
Stellaris is actually the first game I've ever actually been able to revel in being the bad guy. I can't make myself do that in other games where that's a thing, such as RPGs with a morality system or otherwise branching paths where the player character has the option of being the villain or the hero or anything in between. I usually have something resembling a hero complex, but Stellaris is different somehow.

Oh, I started as a "good guy" nation, but as games went on and it became apparent to me how stupid the AI was, I quickly became a xenophobic control freak, at least when I wasn't playing an outright isolationist or genocidal nation.

That said, in the end, I always want to go back to being the good guy. After seeing certain posts in this very thread, I start to want to become very protective of certain varieties of empire whenever I can find them, particularly the xeno-compatibility ones. I believe it is the right of all sentient beings to be free, and that goes IRL as well. So if I catch someone bullying a xeno-compatibility empire, they may very well find themselves in a galaxy – nay, universe – of hurt.
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