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Basileus Romaion
78 Badges
Jun 17, 2001
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Hello folks!

First game, first AAR - and we'll see how this goes. :)

I will reload sometimes as I learn, the point is the story and my enjoyment. But I won't do it excessively, promise. :)

The country is Rhodes, and we will follow their ups and downs as they try to dominate the Med. ;) One chapter should be one ruler, we are as of now a republic so that should be five year terms. :)
Chapter I - The rule of Demaratus Demaratid
This is me. I'm a Ruler. I lead people. And Rhodes. Someday Rhodes will be great, and I will be to thank for it. I promise! Pinky swear!

My term is five years long. After building lots of boats (I love boats!), and some soldiers, I sent them to Crete. We've got friends there, on Crete. I asked them and they said yes! But some advisor said they wanted to take the city I wanted and was about to. So I said, "I'll take it without a Casus Belli! I said so. It worked. My friends helps me. And MY soldiers came there first! But the people on Rhodes thought me silly. I am NOT silly!

Then, as we were sieging, some friends on Crete decided to ask for help to take another city. I said yes. I hope I can get that city too.

But before I could get my city, my term was up. I had to give the Archon title to my general. He is a nice guy. The soldiers like him. I like him too.
So, Rhodes it was.
At least, plenty of small Greek city-states around.
PS! You are silly! :p
So, Rhodes it was.
At least, plenty of small Greek city-states around.
PS! You are silly! :p
You know what is silly? My allies having claims on MY rightfully (soon) territory! :p It means I can't annex it...;)
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Nought wrong with being a wee bit silly :D
Chapter II - The Rule of Aristobulos Demaratid
Kids... I am the Archon. I command a mighty army. You better give me respect. R-E-E-S-P-E-C-K-T.



I'll have you head, kid!


Anyways. We won the war. Took the city. And got money for it. No land. The stupid kid, he didn't wait for a claim. Our allies had a claim. Can't have future targets take land and get stronger. So, money. Just you wait.


I didn't waste time though. Made a claim on Knossos. Turns out my grandma's brother's cousin was king. Or something.


War was won handily enough. Only one claim, stupid allies had other claims. Didn't get them far, though. Took Knossos, some gold, and released a city. To be consumed later.


Then my term was up. Stupid ulcers.
Ulcers are annoying :D

As is international diplomacy clearly :D
A fun beginning! :D
Well that's quick. Subbed and curious to learn more about the game, haven't followed development at all but the mechanics itself look interesting.
Ulcers are annoying :D

As is international diplomacy clearly :D
Clearly. :D At least it will have to be more "boring" times soon, as I'm not getting much manpower here and it...disappears due to....reasons. :D
A fun beginning! :D
Thanks! :D
Well that's quick. Subbed and curious to learn more about the game, haven't followed development at all but the mechanics itself look interesting.
Welcome! Quick and dirty is the name of the game. Do not expect all that detailed story telling though. :)
Chapter III - The Rule of Dikaiarchos Demaratid
Ah! The smell of money - of opportunities! I am, as all should know, Dikaiarchos Demaratid. A man of commerce. Of worth. Of importance!

But don't tell my wife. Or my lover. They might think I'm full of myself.

In fact, if you see my wife, tell her I'm not in. She's dreadfully expensive.


As is only proper for a man of commerce, I seize opportunities. Rhodes need land. Lots of land. To, err...trade. Yes. Yes. Trade. And loot, if you excuse my language.


Alas, the war did not end before my term was over. Some people died, we are out of manpower. But that is the lot of my successor. I'm taking a cruise of the Med now, thank you.
Right - leave all the problems to the guy who comes later :D
Right - leave all the problems to the guy who comes later :D
Talking about problems. I have found a bug: When I leave an alliance, there is a truce. The truce doesn't show up if I am the one breaking the alliance though. I just hope the truce actually ends at some point...
Ah, excellent! So glad to see the AARs have begun already! Enjoying the lighthearted commentary and each personality coming through!
It is hard to argue with the logic. How else would you trade then on land? And the more land you have to trade on, the more profit you get! :D
How long is the game actually, as the 5-year terms seem to go by so quickly? I know that it ends before the year 0, but not when it exactly starts or how long it takes to reach the end.
Ah, excellent! So glad to see the AARs have begun already! Enjoying the lighthearted commentary and each personality coming through!
Thanks a lot, and welcome! :)
Title is amayzing.
Haha, thanks.:D
It is hard to argue with the logic. How else would you trade then on land? And the more land you have to trade on, the more profit you get! :D
It's all about the profit.:D
How long is the game actually, as the 5-year terms seem to go by so quickly? I know that it ends before the year 0, but not when it exactly starts or how long it takes to reach the end.
Game lasts to ca 30 BC IIUC, so ca 270 years. :)
Chapter IV - The Rule of Arrhidaios Demaratid
Don't you love it when people do the legwork for you. A war won, me to gain the glory - my relative counting his few coins, ME gaining the spoils as I saw the war through?

My name is Arrhidaiuos Demaratid, and I will profit from this office.


Under MY supervision, no less than THREE provinces were gained. There will be more. So what if our manpower is spent? So what if we can't get any mercenaries to do our dirty work? We have a big army, and I intend to use it. For the best of Rhodes, and for the best of my pockets.


Our former allies the Gortyna and their feudatory Tarrha will soon be mine. I mean ours. Gortyna has a 10 year truce with us, but Tarrha does not. Gortyna just had to take the bait. Ah, people are so...dependable.


So we did go in the red after my precedessor mismanaged so much into his pockets, but after some creative book keeping and conquests, we're all good.


Well, there is the slight problem of our army being only one third of what it was before the war, and our neighbours cancelling their agreement and claiming our land. But I am off to the beaches, that is problem for the next guy.