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Economic Refugee
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Feb 18, 2001
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Os posteo este artículo de Pérez Reverte para que os riais un poquillo:
Desde su cárcel madrileña, Francisco I de Francia rememora la batalla en que fue derrotado y preso en Italia por las tropas de Carlos V.
Aquí me tienes, voilá, de turista forzoso en Madrid. Alojado en una torre que llaman de Los Lujanes, con ese cabroncete de Carlos, emperador de los alemanes y de los españoles y de la madre que los parió a todos, visitándome cada tarde para chotearse entre tapices gobelinos y mucho vuesa merced, primo, hermano, monarca francés y toda la parafernalia. «Estáis en vuestra casa, rey cristianísimo», dice, como si esto fuese otra cosa que una cárcel; y me muerdo de rabia los encajes almidonados viendo la sonrisa guasona que le apunta bajo la barbita. Menudo cabrón, mi primo el Ausburgo. Vaya suerte la suya, oyes; y eso que lo suyo fue de pura chamba, hay que fastidiarse. Que si Fernando de Aragón e Isabel de Castilla no llegan a hacer aquella boda –menudo braguetazo-, y Felipe el hermoso, su yerno osterreiche, no se va a criar malvas y deja a la Juana Majareta esa viuda, y al chaval este, al flamenco Carlitos que Dios y el turco confunda, no le toca la corona imperial en una rifa, a lo mejor yo no me veía ahora aquí pintando la mona de huésped forzoso, y el emperador europeo sería el menda, como el yayo Carlomagno, que en gloria esté con Roldán y los doce pares; y no estaría escribiéndote desde la Torre de los Lujanes, plaza de la Villa, Madrid, Spain, sino retozando contigo en Blois, a orillas del Loira. Yo comiendo fuagrás, mon petit chú. Y tú lo que ya sabes.
RECORDARÁS QUE MI ÚLTIMA CARTA TE LA ESCRIBÍ EN PAVÍA con fecha de 23 de febrero de 1525, la noche antes de la batalla. Leída ahora supongo que te parecerá un poquillo confiada, a ver si me entiendes, sobre todo aquello de «a esos españoles muertos de hambre nos los vamos a comer sin pelar», lo que «entre ellos y nosotros no hay color», o lo de «vamos a darles de hostias hasta en el carnet de identidad». Pero las cosas, Mimí, hay que considerarlas en su contexto. Ponte en mi lugar: rey de un país glorioso que te cagas, caballero de pro, rodeado de la flor y la nata de caballeros choisís entre la nobleza más granada de la France, y encima con una pasta gansa para pagar la soldada a un ejército de treinta mil fulanos suizos, alemanes y franceses, con más cañones que el enemigo y con una caballería a la que daba gloria verla, con sus penachos, y sus gualdrapas, y sus armaduras relucientes de Sidol, y sus camisitas, y sus canesús. La créme, para que me entiendas. Unos soldados que estaban, te lo juro, para comérselos. Y enfrente, como enemigos, con muchísimos menos jinetes y cañones, cuatro mil españoles morenos y bajitos oliendo a ajo y a vino tinto, imagínate a los muy tiñalpas, con diez mil alemanes –borrachos y amotinados, como de costumbre- y tres mil italianos apellidados Luchino, y Moschino, y Armani y todo eso, calcula las perlas de la milicia, todos de extrema sensibilidad y mucho diseño, con uniformes divinos, eso sí, pero de escasa eficacia a la hora de tararí, tararí, sobre el hombro, marchen, etcétera. Que entre todos, en fin, componían las tropas imperiales, y además iban ya medio en retirada y muy hechos polvo, hasta el punto de que yo estaba plantado allí con mi campamento y mis banderas con la flor de lis, asediando Pavía tan ricamente, y con ansias de terminar la campaña para volver a Francia y darte, mon amour, las tuyas y las de un bombero.
TOTAL, QUE ALLÍ ESTÁBAMOS, YO ASEDIANDO comme il faut y los enemigos, o sea, Antonio de Leyva –veterano de treinta y dos batallas y cuarenta y siete asedios, el jodío- dentro de la ciudad y su colega el marqués de Pescara en la otra punta, donde a Cristo el pusieron el gorro. Y a todo esto se le ocurre a los imperiales aprovechar la noche y la lluvia y la niebla para jugarme la del chino. Como te lo cuento, cheríe. Nada de presentarse después del desayuno con trompetas y banderas y todas esas cosas propias de gentilhombres y gente bien educada; sino que los muy perros se ponen camisas encima de los petos para reconocerse en la oscuridad, hacen tres brechas en la muralla del parque frente a Pavía, y se cuelan por allí después de oír misa y confesarse, y de que Pescara, que es soldado viejo y conoce el paño, les diga eso que con los españoles en cuestión de guerras y de conquistas es mano de santo y no falla nunca: «Hijos míos, estáis muertos de hambre, y yo también. El pan está en el campo francés, y así que maricón el último». Y encima el muy borde va y me los caliente más contándoles –lo que además era una cochina mentira-, que yo había ordenado degüello general y no dar cuartel a ningún español, y que o ganaban o iban listos de papeles. Así que figúrate. Con la mala leche que ya de natural tienen esos prójimos, allá fueron todos, o más bien vinieron, o sea, imagina con qué talante, blasfemando en arameo, que si Santiago y Cierra España y que si Dios y la Virgen y San Apapucio, y el Copón de bullas y la Puta de oros a caballo. Y resulta que en plena noche están mis centinelas allí, de guardia tan campantes, saboreando el vino de Burdeos y los caracoles a la borgoña que esa noche teníamos de rancho, au clair de la lune como quien dice, mon ami Pierrot, y de pronto se lía la pajarraca, pumba, zaca, cling, clang, y se monta un cipote de tres pares de cojones. La de Pavía.
EN FIN, QUE YO SALGO DE LA TIENDA DE CAMPAÑA EN CAMISA, con la armadura flordelisada a medio poner. Y pregunto qué coño pasa, mondieu, y un imbécil de mi estado mayor, el marqués de Les Couilles Violets, va y dice: «Es que los españoles huyen, majestad». Y añade que lo sabe de buena tinta, el muy subnormal. Entonces yo contesto que parfait, que me traigan el caballo y la espada y la lanza que vamos a perseguirlos hasta hacerlos picadillo. Una carga de caballería voy a darles, digo, que se van a ir de vareta por la pata abajo. Pour la France, con un par. Así que entre la niebla y el amanecer organizamos la galopera, y los dos bandos nos acometemos con unas ganas que para qué te cuento, mon amour. Lo primero de todo le hacemos filetes a los malos un escuadrón de caballería, y nos quedamos con sus cañones por todo el morro, vive la France y todo eso, mientras ellos intentan su movimiento de flanqueo. Lástima que no me vieras, chochito mío, tan gallardo como acostumbro, cargando a la cabeza de mis gendarmes y caballeros como en los torneos, la caballería andante rediviva, sus y a ellos, deliciosamente feudal, como te digo, el espectáculo, que no me daba besos a mí mismo porque con el casco y la armadura no podía. Y fíjate cómo le pondríamos de chunga la cosa a los imperiales, que luego me contaron que un capitán italiano, viendo el panorama, le dijo al de Pescara: «Pardiez, paréceme cordura recogernos un poco en aquel bosquecillo». Pero el otro, un abuelo correoso que no veas, con más batallas a cuestas que le gran pére Cebolleté, le dijo anda y que se recoja tu puta madre, chaval, que yo estoy viejo para ir corriendo de un lado para otro. Así que se volvió a la infantería española, los arcabuceros de las compañías vizcaínas y guipuzcoanas y castellanas y los otros que por allí andaban hasta sumar mil y pico, y les dijo: «Señores, mecagüentodo. No hay que esperar sino en vuestros arcabuces y en Dios, por ese orden». Y entonces todos se pusieron a gritar: «Olé tus huevos, aquí están los españoles, aquí está Pescara, Es-pa-ña, Es-pa-ña», como si aquello fuera una final de liga, que en realidad lo era. Y a todo esto, mientras tanto, allá les vamos nosotros, o sea, yo, moi, le ori, con toda mi flamante caballería pesada de la nobleza francesa y con los lansquenetes alemanes que nos siguen pasito misí, pasito misá. Y cuando veo a los jinetes enemigos hechos una piltrafa, considero que la batalla está ganada, pues como buen caballero y gentilhombre desprecio a la chusma de a pie, y creo –hasta ese momento te juro por mis muertos más frescos que lo creía- que es la flor y nata a caballo, la elite montada, la que decide ese tipo de cosas. Así que toco carga, tía. Una carga preciosa, las cosas como son, espadas y banderas en alto y todo eso. Pero aquellos fulanos chaparros y morenos y barbudos de enfrente, asómbrate, con los cojones duros y pegados al culo como los de los tigres, aguantan, cherie, o sea, maldita la madre que los parió: se mantienen en sus posiciones junto al bosquecillo de marras aunque les viene encima cientos de toneladas de caballos y de armaduras y de mis piqueros tudescos; y cuando decido retroceder un poco y me reagrupo para ordenar las filas y tomar aire, veo que me han dejado en el campo, a bote pronto y allí mismo, por la cara, cinco mil palmados. Los hijoputas.
Y ENCIMA RESULTA QUE EN EL RESTO DEL FRENTE LAS COSAS NO VAN MEJOR. Para ser exactos, van de pena. Mis mercenarios alemanes de la Banda Negra, o sea, lo mejor de cada casa –tendrías que verles el careto a esos animales, si hubiera quedado alguno vivo- se enfrentan a los también alemanes que se lo curran para el Emperador. Imagínate el cuadro, habida cuenta que unos y oros se odian a muerte, todo ese cipote de tudescos dándose hostias unos a otros, hasta arriba de cerveza y marcando, supongo, el paso de la oca: up, aro, up, aro. Aberrante, o sea. Kafkiano. Al final ganan los imperiales, que también es mala suerte la mía, y al mismo tiempo me entero de que, en el otro lado, el grueso de infantería española, al grito de «Santiago, España, cierra, cierra», está pasándose por la piedra, ris-ras, a mis pobres mercenarios suizos, que con esa cara de intelectuales que suelen tener los suizos ponen pies en polvorosa, por primera vez en su larga y honorable historia de tropas a sueldo del mejor postor; y de suizos sólidos y fiables pasan a convertirse en suizos de café con leche. A esas alturas de la feria, comprendo que no es mi día. Ni mi año. Tengo quince mil muertos, que se dice pronto, y el río Tesino baja lleno de fiambres de orilla a orilla. En realidad me encuentro, te lo confieso, bastante confuso. No logro explicarme cómo un ejército tan caballeresco y flamante como el mío, en orden y bien alimentado, un ejército francés de la Francia, acaba de ser hecho trizas ante mis ojos en poco rato por una chusma meridional y sudorosa que carece de modales, ni cómo esos arcabuceros impasibles y con tan mala follá han sido capaces, contra toda lógica, de destrozar en una sola mañana y en campo abierto a lo mejor caballería de Europa, la francesa, y a la mejor infantería de Europa, la suiza. Histórico, nena. Como para aplaudir, si n fuera yo quien pagara la juerga. Y ahora todo es bang, y ziaang, y chas, y me veo con toda mi estupenda caballería emperifollada en el centro de aquella merienda de negros. Y de ti para mí, lo confieso: bastante acojonado.
PORQUE IMAGÍNATE EL CUADRO, PRENDA MÍA. En este paisaje, sólo quedo yo en el centro con mis mejores jinetes, bien agrupados y a caballo, la créme de la créme esa de la que te hablaba antes, mis marqueses y mis condes y mis duques y sus hijos y sus cuñados, todos con sus armaduras floridas y sus penachos y sus caballos purasangres que valen un pastón largo, en busca de un hueco no para cargarle al enemigo, que eso ya es lo de menos, sino para largarnos de allí como quien se quita avispas del culo, entre las filas de arcabuceros españoles que nos rodean arrojándonos encima una nube de plomazos que repica contra los arneses como si granizara. Al final empiezan a pegarnos tiros a los caballos, con una grosería y una falta de modales inaudita, y cada vez que uno de mis leales vasallos da con la armadura en tierra, con mucho cling-clang y mucho ruido, los españoles dejan sus arcabuces, y a la carrerilla se meten entre nosotros, espada o daga en mano, para rematarlo en el suelo. Yo grito mucho vive la France, a mí, uníos a mí, sus y a ellos, etcétera, que es lo que se espera, supongo, que un rey francés diga en esos casos; pero de allí no hay quien salga, y los españoles ya se meten ahora entre las patas de los caballos, desjarretándolos o destripándolos con sus dagas, para hacernos caer al suelo –imagínate el hostiazo, cubiertos también de coraza, cataclás, quinientos kilos de carne y acero viniéndose abajo con jinete incluido- y se arrojan como lobos sobre mis pobres gentilhombres, a los que degüellan sin misericordia metiéndoles los puñales entre las junturas de petos y yelmos mientras éstos intentan levantarse del barro con las pesadas armaduras que los cubren; y da lástima verlos protestar a los probrecillos, pero quesquesé, esto no es jugar limpio, pardieu, qué falta de etiqueta, etc, etc, mientras los otros les meten los aceros por el garganchón, chaf, ras, glup. Así los míos pasan de ser florida caballería a montones de solomillo sangrante bajo los armaduras: al pobre Couilles Violets le levantan la visera del yelmo y le destrozan la cara con la moharra de una pica. Al duque de La Refanfiflére le sacan el caso, y mientras unos le quitan la cadena de oro y las sortijas, otros le echan atrás la cabeza y lo desangran como a un cerdo. A La Soufflebottoniére y a no sé cuántos les levantan los faldetes del peto y les disparan el arcabuz en las entrañas, reventándolos dentro de su armadura, pumba, chof, que da grima, te lo juro, sólo recordarlo. Así me los van haciendo palmar uno por uno, a mes enfants de la patrie, bang, ris, bang, ras, y me quedo más solo que la una. Alone, que diría el gordinflas de mi primo Enrique VIII, el hijoputa, ahí tan campante en Londres descabezando esposas y ñaca-ñaca, mientras disfruta con el espectáculo de ver los toros desde la barriére.
Y EN ESAS SALE MI NÚMERO, O SEA, QUE ME LLEGA EL TURNO. Quiero decir que a mi caballo, el fiel Gastón Royal Fashion, le pegan varios tiros en la cabeza, bang, bang, y me voy abajo con todo mi golpe de armadura, zaca, pegándome una costalada de veinte pares de cojones. Pero mucho ojito, cherie, soy un rey francés y para cojones los míos; así que intento levantarme a pesar de la armadura, y cuando casi lo he conseguido meneo la espada dispuesto a morir empachado de gloria como el resto de mis pobres muchachos. Pur la France. Pero cuando echo un vistazo alrededor y veo la que se me viene encima, el tropel de fulanos barbudos con los ojos inyectados en sangre que se arroja directamente a mi real pescuezo, me lo pienso mejor y digo bueno, vale, voyons, soy el rey, a ver aquí a quién hay que rendirse. A ver si nos organizamos un poco. Pero la cosas no está clara, porque en mitad de la pajarraca me caen encima varios de esos cromañones, y uno, con las manos ensangrentadas, la cara tiznada de pólvora y una cara de loco que te cagas, llega y me dice: «Errenditú, bestela barrabillak mostuko dizkiat». Y yo me digo que tiene delito la cosa, seis años estudiando español con un profesor nativo particular, figúrate, y el tal profesor en plan pelota, perfecto, majestad, un acento que ya lo quisiera Carlos V, etcétera, y ahora resulta que estoy aquí en una batalla y con el ruido y la vorágine no me entero de nada. No comprendo un carajo de lo que suelta este fulano. Barra de billar, me parece que dice, pero no sé qué coño tiene que ver una barra de billar con todo este invento. Así que me levanto la visera del casco, acerco la oreja y le digo, con mucha educación y mucho tacto: «¿pardon?... ¿Qu’esque vudit?». Y el otro, con una cara de mala leche que ni te cuento, me pone la espada en el real gaznate y me pregunta «¿Errenditú?». Y yo le contesto que yo bien, gracias, bien de momento. ¿Y tú?, añado. Pero empiezo a mosquearme, porque de pronto se me ocurre que a lo mejor no me estoy rindiendo a un español, sino a un alemán, o a un suizo, o a un croata, o vete tú a saber. A lo mejor la he cagado, me digo, y éste sólo pasaba por aquí y no manda un huevo, o es de otra guerra. Así que decido no rendirme, y me bajo otra vez la visera del casco, y le tiro al fulano raro ese una estocada, pero le fallo. Y no veas cómo se pone, el tío. Ya ni dice errenditú, ni errendiyó, ni barra de billar ni nada de nada, sino que empieza a darme sartenazos con la espada, que se los voy parando de milagro, y al final, sin resuello, me subo otra vez la visera y le digo vale, tío, me has convencido, me rindo. ¿Capichi? Je suis le roi, y me renduá pero ya mismo. Rendemoi. Así que deja de darme espadazos en los huevos. Y en estas llega otro español, o lo que sean estos fulanos, y le dice al energúmeno: «Juantxu, detente pues. Rey francés es, trincado lo hemos. Aúpa Hernani». Y entonces empieza a llegar gente y a abrazarse y a decir aúpa, aúpa, y resulta, al fin me entero, que los que me han trincado son de una compañía de arcabuceros guipuzcoanos, y que el energúmeno se llama Juan de Urbieta y es de un sitio que por lo visto le dicen Hernani, y que eso que mascullaba del errenditú y la barra de billar significaba literalmente, en su lengua de allí: «O te rindes o te corto los cojones»... Que ese es el problema, ahora me doy cuenta, que tienes con los españoles en esto de las guerras: que vas a rendirte con toda tu buena fe, y si no controlas la cosa lingüística, depende con quién caigas pueden darte matarile por el morro, mientras tú miras alrededor desesperado en busca de un intérprete. Como si ya no tuvieran bastante peligro por sí mismos, estos hijoputas.
EN FIN CHICA. QUE AQUÍ ME TIENES, COMIÉNDOME MÁS TALEGO QUE EL CONDE DE MONTECRISTO, mientras espero que a mi primo el emperador se le ponga en los huevos soltarme. La torre ésta de Los Lujanes no es mal sitio: un poco oscura y húmeda, pero me consuelo pensando que peor están ahora mis nobles caballeros, La Soufflebottonière y los otros, la créme de la créme y todo eso, putrefactos y a dos palmos bajo tierra. Sic transit gloria mundi, que decía no me acuerdo quién. Demóstenes, me parece. O uno de ésos. A mí, volviendo a lo importante, me toca, créeme, la prueba más cruel, lo más duro y terrible, seguir vivo. Pero no me quejo, porque mi vida no es mía –por eso no dejé que me mataran en Pavía, y muy a mi pesar, haciéndome gran violencia ética, pedí cuartelillo- sino de Francia. Y quien vive hoy puede luchar mañana. O pasado mañana. O vete tú a saber cuándo. Respecto a mi libertad, Carlos dice que de rescate ni hablar, que eso es muy antiguo y que desde el Amadís no se usa, y que a ver si me creo que soy Ricardo Corazón de León. Que menos lobos, Paquito, dice –no te puedes imaginar lo que me revienta que me llame Paquito-. Aprovechándose de los trenes baratos, ahora se ha puesto flamenco y quiere que le devuelva la Borgoña, y que abandone mis pretensiones sobre Flandes, y sobre Nápoles y Milán, y un montón de cosas más. Mucho me temo que con esto de Italia y Flandes y con esa gente que los españoles están mandando para América –tiemblo sólo de imaginar al errenditú y sus colegas en América- estos cabrones van a crecerse mucho, y a ese chico, Carlos, y a su familia les espera por delante una buena racha, y que al menos por un siglo o dos nos van a dar bastante por saco a nosotros, a Europa, e incluso a Su Santidad, que les tiene tanto miedo en Italia que no le cabe un cañamón por el ojete. En fin, qué remedio. Ya vendrán tiempos mejores; hasta entonces, ajo y agua. El caso es que dice Carlos que si le doy mi palabra de honor de caballero de que respetaré esos compromisos, me da boleta pero ya mismo. Y la verdad es que me lo estoy pensando. Me refiero a lo de dar palabra de honor, que es gratis, porque lo otro no pienso darlo ni harto de rioja, que es un líquido al que aquí –no te rías, cariño- llaman vino. A fin de cuentas, eso se arregla luego con retractarme de lo prometido cuando esté otra vez libre en Francia. Que de caballerosidad y honra ya tengo lo mío, maldita sea mi estampa. Tengo murga de ésa por un tubo: tararí, tararí, y al final de tanto tararí, uno, por muy caballero y muy elegante y mucho real paquete que marque, termina con el errenditú de los cojones, el Juan de Urbieta ése y toda su cuadrilla de vascongados, de españoles o de lo que sean, encima de la chepa y dándote las del pulpo. Mucho me temo, chata, que los tiempos están cambiando. Y que esta vez, en Pavía, Francia et moi hemos hecho bastante el gilipollas.
Te adoro, etcétera.
Este relato corto, es magistral como casi la totalidad de la obra de Pérez Reverte.:D :D

Lo de "errenditu?" no tiene desperdicio: me ha hecho descojonar de risa.:D :D

Me lo he pasado en grande leyéndolo, y me ha recordado a "La sombra del Águila".:cool:

¡Muchas gracias, Dakar!;)
jejeje Como siempre Reverte lo hace muy bien,con un poco de vena patriotica,pero bueno,en casi todos los libros de historia,de los autores ingleses nos ponen a parir.como ese que relataba la ''invasion de tenerife por Nelson,que decia que se habian retirado por razones tecnicas,jejej y lo que paso fue que se fueron con el rabo entre las piernas.Me ha encanto,y a ver cuando sale el 5 libro del capitan alatriste.:D
Originally posted by Belgarion
jejeje Como siempre Reverte lo hace muy bien,con un poco de vena patriotica,pero bueno,en casi todos los libros de historia,de los autores ingleses nos ponen a parir.como ese que relataba la ''invasion de tenerife por Nelson,que decia que se habian retirado por razones tecnicas,jejej y lo que paso fue que se fueron con el rabo entre las piernas.

No te parece suficiente razón técnica q una bala de cañón se llevara el pie de Nelson?? :D
Si estubiera esto traducido al frances y se pusiera en uno de sus foros les iva a salir espuma por la boca .

Una gran idea, alguien que sepa frances del bueno podría traducirlo, o si no, en su defecto al ingles que aunque les duela también tienen que aprenderlo.
Muchas gracias, Dakar!
De nada chicos.;)
Es verdad que Pérez Reverte es bastante patriotero pero viendo a algunos autores franceses o ingleses (por no hablar de los yankees que esos son un mundo aparte) no esta mal ser un poco patriotero de vez en cuando.
Qué risas...

Jo, lo que me he reído. Gracias por el artículo, Dakar. :D

Lo de las "razones técnicas" de Nelson me parece como el chiste de "muerte natural: es natural que te mueras cuando te pegan un tiro".
Impagable :D

Se me saltaban las lágrimas.

Sólo una pequeña puntualización (ale, a hacer el repipi, y seguramente mal). Los mercenarios de la Banda Negra no eran alemanes, sino la milicia italiana organizada por Giovanni de la Bande Nere (o algo así) pues tal era el rimbombante apodo de Giovanni de Medici, sobrino del papa Clemente VII (Giulio de Medici, si la memoria no me falla). Recordemos que aquí el papa era Aliado del gabacho (la liga santa o la liga de Cognac... desde luego tenía que estar borracho para aliarse con Francisco).

Aunque claro, igual la estoy cagando aquí salvajemente :D
me duele la tripa del harton de reir. y en cuanto a a lodel patriotismo, podemos permitirnos de ranto en tando alguna pasadita como esta, porque arrastramos un defit...

Y ahora un versito que de pequeño me recitaba entonces mi padre

Oyendo hablar a un hombre
facil es el averiguar
donde sus ojos vieron
la luz primera

Si os habla mal de Francia
es un ingles
Si os habla mal de Prusia
es un frances
Y si os habla mal de España
Es un español
Buenísimo jo cuanto tiempo llevaba sin disfrutar del buen Reverte y reirme un buen rato.

Y sí,Reverte es muy patriotero pero es el único autor que defiende nuestra historia como se merece,y en Pavía a los franceses les dimos las del pulpo y algunas mas...ahí se jodan...y el francisquito se lo aso chachi mas tarde en San Quintín..que les armamos la de San Quintín y el amigo se volvio a venir de vacaciones a los madriles.

La verdad ojalá alguien pudiera traducir esto y ponerselo a ese ryoken69...o a los gabachos...pa que suden sangre de rabia jejejeje:D
Joder, troba... me has quitado las palabras de los dedos. Me estaba preguntando... mejor dicho, me estaba imaginando lo bien que quedaría poner esta carta en un perfecto inglés (que tradujese el máximo de frases hechas) en el foro OffTopic, y con un "Dedicated to Ryoken69, our eternal inspiration...". :D

Anda que no molaría... :p

P.D. -> Si alguien se anima a traducirlo, podemos repartirnosla entre todos, no tanto por el tamaño, sino para tratar de traducirla de forma lo más perfecta posible. Yo me apuntaría FIJO, así que si alguien se anima también...
Mi triste intento...

Amigos, romanos, conciudadanos... huy, eso no.
He intentado traducir el "Jodía Pavia" y esto es lo que me ha salido:

"D-mn Pavía
Here you have me, voilá, a forced tourist in Madrid. Housed in a tower that they call "Of The Lujanes", with Charles' S.O.B, emperor of the Germans and of the Spaniards and of the mother that gave birth to them to all, visiting one another every afternoon for chotearse among Gobelian tapestries and a lot your grace, cousin, brother, French king and the whole paraphernalia. «You are in your house, Christian king», he says, as if this was anything but that a jail; and I bite myself of rage the starchy fittings seeing the smile joker that aims him under the beard. What a bastard, my cousin the Augsburg. What a luck; and that that him his was of sheer luck, it is necessary to be bothered. That if Ferndinad of Aragon and Isabella of Castile don't end up making that wedding - what a marriage -, and Philip the Good, their osterreiche son-in-law, it won't raise mallows and he leaves that Jenny Maddy widow, to this lad, to Charley the Flemish who God and the Turk confuses, he doesn't play him the imperial crown in a raffle, perhaps I won't be here, and maybe the European emperor would be the myself, like grandpa Charlemagne who is with Roland and the twelve couples in glory; and I wouldn't be writing you from the Tower of the Lujanes, City of Madrid, Spain, but frolicking with you in Blois, beside the Loire. Me eating fuagrás, mon petit chú. And you eating... what you know.

You will REMEMBER THAT MY LAST LETTER WROTE TO YOU IN PAVÍA with date of February of 1525, 23 the night before the battle. Read now I suppose that you will find a little confident, to see if you understand me, mainly that of «to those dead Spaniards of hunger we will eat them without peeling», that that «there is not comparation between them and us», or that «we will beat the hell of them». But the things, Mimí, are to consider them in its context. Put on in my place: I, king of a glorious country that you shit, pro gentleman, surrounded of the flower and the cream of gentlemen choisís among the nobility more grenade of the France, and above with a pasta gansa to pay the soldier to an army of thirty thousand Swiss, German and French so-and-sos, with more canyons than the enemy and with a chivalry to the one that gave glory to see it, with their feathers, and their horse-trappings, and their glistening armors of Sidol, and their shirts, and their bodices. The crème, if you know what I mean. Some soldiers were, I swear, to eat up them. And face, as enemies, with many less horsemen and canyons, four thousand Spanish brown and first floor smelling of garlic and wine tints, imagine to those very tiñalpas, with ten thousand German - drunkards and mutineers as always - and three thousand Italian nicknamed Luchino, and Moschino, and Armani and all that, calculates the pearls of the militia, all of extreme sensibility and a lot of design, with divine uniforms, that yes, but of scarce effectiveness when tararí, tararí, on the shoulder, go, etc.. That among all, in short, they composed the imperial troops, and they also went already half in retreat and exhausted, until the point that I was planted there with my camp and my flags with the Fleur-de-lis, besieging Pavía so richly, and with longings of finishing the campaign to return to France and to give you, mon amour, yours and those of a fireman.

SO, THAT THERE WERE, ME BESIEGING comme il faut and the enemies, that is to say, Antonio of Leyva - veteran of thirty two battles and forty seven blockades, d-mned guy - inside the city and his colleague the marquis of La Pescara in the other side, where Our Lord lost His Way . And to all this he is happened to the imperial to take advantage of the night and the rain and the fog to take me . As I count it to you, Cherie. Anything of being presented after the breakfast with trumpets and flags and all those things characteristic of gentlemen and very polite people; but rather those very dogs put on shirts above the breastplates to be recognized in the darkness, they make three breaches in the wall of the park in front of Pavía, and they are strained over there after to hear mass and to be admitted, and that La Pescara who is an old soldier and he knows his work, tell them what with the Spaniards always work - when we talk about wars and conquest - : «My children, you are dead of hunger, and me too. Bread is in the French field, and hell to the last one». And besides, the very SOB tell them one more thing- that was also a filthy lie - that I had ordered general slaughter and not to give marcy to any Spanish, so or they won or they as good as dead. So imagine. With the bad mood that our neighbors are always, there they were, or rather there they came, that is to say, it imagines with what mood, blaspheming in every language, Santiago and Close Spain and something about God and the Virgin and Saint Whatthefuck, and the Ciborium and the Whore of gold to horse. And it is that my sentries are there in full night, of guard so relaxed, savoring the wine of Bordeaux and the snails to the Bourgogne that that night had of ranch, au clair of the lune so to speak, mon ami Pierrot, and suddenly the pajarraca, pumba, zaca is tied, cling, clang, and a tool of three couples of balls is mounted. That of Pavía.

In short, THAT I LEAVE OF THE STORE OF CAMPAIGN IN SHIRT, with the armor of the Fleur-de-lis about to put. And I ask what the fuck happens, mondieu, and an imbecile of my High Command, the marquis of Le Couilles Violets, he says: « the Spaniards escape, majesty». And he adds that he have got it straight from the horse?s mouth, the very subnormal one. Then I answer that parfait that you/they bring me the horse and the sword and the lance that we will pursue them until making them mincemeat. A chivalry load will give them; I say that will leave below of vareta for the paw. Pour the France, with a couple. So between the fog and the dawn we organize the galopera, and the two decrees we attack ourselves with some desires that for what reason I count you, mon amour. The first thing of everything makes fillets to the bad a chivalry squadron, and we keep their canyons for the whole muzzle, the France lives and all that, while they attempt its movement of I flank. It¡s a pity that you didn't see me, mon petit pussy, me, as gallant as always, leading the head of my gendarmes and gentlemen like in the tournaments, the wandering knighthood revived, their and to them, delightfully feudal, as I tell you, the show that didn't give me kisses to myself because with the helmet and the armor was not able to. And notice how we would put him of chunga the thing to the imperial ones that then counted me that an Italian captain, seeing the panorama, he told to the one of La Pescara: «B'God, it will be good sense to pick up us a little in that grove». But the other one, the d-mned grandpa, with more battles on the back that le great pére Cebolleté, told him "Just you and your bitch mother, will picked up, I am old to go running from side to another". So he returned to the Spanish infantry, the arquebusiers of the Biscaines, Guizpuzcoans and Castilian companies and the other ones that were there, and he told them: «Damnit, gentlemen,. We need to believe just in your arquebus and in God, for that order». And then all began to scream: «Olé your balls, here are the Spaniards, here it?s La Pescara, Es-pa-ña, Es-pa-ña», like it was some soccer final match, in fact was it. And to all this, meanwhile, there we go, that is to say, me, moi, with all my splendid heavy Cavalry of the French nobility and with the German lansquenets that follow us step misí, step misá. And when I see the enemy Calvary bloodly beated, I consider that the battle is won, because as good gentleman and gentleman scorn to the mob of on foot, and I believe - until that moment I swear you for my late parents that I believed it - that is the crème-de -la-crème and cream to horse, the mounted elite, the one that decides that type of things. So I play load, aunt. A beautiful load, the things like they are, swords and flags on high and all that. But those so-and-sos chaparros and brown and bearded of in front, be surprised, with the hard balls and hit to the ass like those of the tigers, tolerate, cherie, that is to say, damned the mother that gave birth to them: they stay in their positions next to the marras grove although he comes them above hundred of tons of horses and of armors and of my German pickers; and when I decide to go back a little and I regroup myself to order the lines and to take air, I see that they have left me in the field, to boat soon and there same, for the face, five thousand KIA. The SOBs

AND ABOVE IT IS THAT IN THE REST OF THE FRONT THE THINGS DON'T GO BETTER. To be exact, they go of pain. My German mercenaries of the Black Band, that is to say, the best in each house ? you?d have to see them the face to those animals, if it had been some I live - they also face those German that toil him to him for the Emperor. Imagine the square, had bill that some and gold are hated to death, that whole tool of Germans being given Host each other, until up of beer and marking, I suppose, the step of the goose: up, hoop, up, hoop. Aberrant, that is to say. Kafkian. At the end they win the imperial ones that it is also bad luck mine, and at the same time I find out that, in the other side, the thick of Spanish infantry, to the scream of «Santiago, España, Cierra, Cierra», is going by the stone, ris-level, to my Swiss mercenary poor that put feet in dusty with that face of intellectuals that they usually have the Swissmen, for the first time in its long and honorable history of troops to the best bidder's salary; and of solid and reliable Swisses they pass to become chocolate Swiss. To those heights of the fair, I understand that it is not my day. Neither my year. I have fifteen thousand died that one says soon, and the Tesino river goes down full with bank cold cuts to bank. In fact I am, I admit it to you, quite confused. I am not able to explain to myself how such a noble and splendid army as mine, in order and well fed, a French army of the France, it has just been made pieces before my eyes in little while for a southern and sweaty mob that lacks manners, neither how those impassive arcabuceros and with so bad follá they have been capable, against all logic, of destroying in a single morning and in open field perhaps chivalry of Europe, the French, and to the best infantry in Europe, the Swiss. Historical, baby. As to applaud, if n was me who paid the spree. And now everything is bang, and ziaang, and chas, and I do myself with all my stupendous chivalry dressed up in the center of that snack of black. And of you for me, I admit it: enough scared.

BECAUSE YOU IMAGINE THE SQUARE, MY GARMENT. In this landscape, I am only me in the center with my best horsemen, well contained and to horse, the crème of the crème that of which spoke to you before, my marquises and my counts and my dukes and their children and their brother-in-laws, all with their florid armors and their feathers and their horses purasangres that are worth a long pastón, in search of a hole don't stop to load the enemy that that is already it, but to release us of there as who takes off wasps of the ass, among the lines of Spanish arcabuceros that surround us a plomazos cloud that peals against the harness hurtling above as if it hailed. At the end they begin to stick shots to the horses, with a grossness and an unheard manners lack, and every time that one of my vassal loyalists gives with the armor in earth, with a lot of cling-clang and a lot of noise, the Spaniards leave their arcabuces, and to the run they enter among us, sword or dagger in hand, to finish off him in the floor. I scream a lot Vive Le France, to me, join me, their and to them, etc. that is what is expected, I suppose that a French king says in those cases; but of there, there is not who it leaves, and the Spaniards already enter now among the paws of the horses, disabling them or gutting them with their daggers, to make us fall to the floor ?you can imagine the hostiazo, also covered of armor, cataclás, five hundred kilos of meat and steel being come below with included horseman - and they hurtle as wolves on my poor gentlemen, to those that degüellan without mercy putting them the daggers between the junctures of breastplates and helmets while these tries to get up of the mud with the heavy armors that cover them; and he gives pity to see them protest to the poor fellas, but quesquesé, this is not fair play, pardieu, what lack of label, etc, etc, while the other ones put them the steels for the windpipe, chaf, level, glup. Mine pass this way of being florid chivalry to heaps of bleeding sirloin under the armors: to the poor Couilles Violets lifts him the visor of the helmet and they destroy him the face with the spearhead of a pike. To the duke of The Refanfiflére they take out him the case, and while some they remove him the chain of gold and the rings, other they toss him behind the head and they bleed it like to a pig. To The Soufflebottoniére and to I don't know how many they lift them the faldetes of the breastplate and they shoot them the arquebus in the bowel, exploding them inside their armor, pumba, chof that gives disgust, swears him to you, only to remember it. They leave this way them making KIA one by one, to month enfants of the patrie, bang, ris, bang, level, and I am more alone than the one. Alone that would tell my fatso cousin's Henry VIII, the SOB, there so relaxed in London beheading wives and ñaca-ñaca, while he enjoys with the show watching the bulls from the barriére.

AND IN THOSE IT LEAVES MY NUMBER, THAT IS TO SAY THAT I RECEIVE THE SHIFT. I mean that to my horse, the faithful Gastón Royal Fashion, hits him several shots in the head, bang, bang, and I leave below with my entire armor blow, zaca, falling on my back with a B-A-N-G. But a lot of eye, cherie, I am a French king and it stops balls mine; so intent to get up in spite of the armor, and when almost I have gotten it toss the sword willing to die satiated of glory like the rest of my poor boys. Pur the France. But when I take a look surrounding and I do the one that am come above, the huddle of bearded so-and-sos with the eyes injected in blood that he hurtles directly to my real neck, I think it to me better and I say good, it is worth, voyons, I am the king, to see here it is necessary to surrender to who. To see if we are organized a little. But the things are not clear, because in the middle of the pajarraca I drop above several of those Cro-Magnons, and one, with the bloodstained hands, the smutty face of gunpowder and lunatic's face that you shit, arrives and he tells me: «Errenditú, bestela barrabillak mostuko dizkiat». And I tell myself that he has crime the thing, six years studying Spanish with a professor native matter, imagine, and the such professor in plan ball, perfect, majesty, an accent that Charles V already wanted it, etc., and now it is that I am here in a battle and with the noise and the vortex I don't find out anything. I don't understand a fuck of what this so-and-so looses. Barrabás, I think he says, but I don't know what the f*ck has Barrabás to do with this whole invention. So I do get up the visor of the helmet, do I bring near the ear and do I tell him, with a lot of education and a lot of tact: «pardon? ...Qu'esque vudit?». And the other one, with a face of bad milk that neither I count you, does it put me the sword in the real gullet and does he ask me «Errenditú?». And I answer him that me well, thank you, very at the moment. And you?, I add. But I begin to mosquearme, because suddenly I am happened that perhaps I am not surrendering to a Spanish, but to a German, or to a Swiss, or to a Croatian, or whatever it is. Perhaps I have fuck up, I tell myself, and this guy just happened to be here and it doesn't matter, or it is from another war. So I decide not to surrender, and I descend another time the visor of the helmet, and I throw the strange so-and-so that a lunge, but I fail him. And don't see how he puts on, the uncle. Already neither he says errenditoo, errendieither, neither billiards bar neither anything of anything, but rather he begins striking me with the sword that I can stopping of miracle, and at the end, without breath, I go up myself another time the visor and I tell him O.K. , man, you have convinced me, I surrender. Capichi? Je suis gnawed him, and me renduá but already same. Rendemoi. So he stops striking my eggs with the sword. And in these another Spanish arrives, or whatever they are, and he tells to the madman: «Juantxu, stop now. French king is, you gotcha. Aúpa Hernani». And then it begins to arrive people and to be hugged and to say aúpa, aúpa, and it is, finally I find out that those that they have me trincado are of a company of arcabuceros guipuzcoanos, and that the madman is called Juan of Urbieta and it is of a place that they call Hernani, and that that mumbled of the errenditú and the Barrabás meant literally, in its language of there: «Surrender or I cut your balls»... That's the problem, now I realize that have with the Spaniards in this of the wars: that you will surrender with all your good faith, and if you don't control the linguistic thing, it depends with who you fall they can give you matarile for the muzzle, while you look around despaired in an interpreter's search. As if they no longer had enough danger for themselves, these SOBs.

IN SHORT, GIRL. THAT HERE YOU HAVE ME, EATING UP MORE BAG THAN THE COUNT DE MONTECRISTO, while I wait that to my cousin the emperor is put in the eggs to come unfastened. This tower of The Lujanes is not bad place: a little dark and humid, but I console myself thinking that worse my noble gentlemen, The Soufflebottonière and the other ones are now, the crème of the crème and all that, rotten and to two feet under earth. Sic transit glory mundi that said I don't remember whom. Demosthenes, I think. Or one of those guys. To me, returning to the important thing, he plays me, believe me, the cruelest test, the hardest and terrible thing, to keep on living. But I don't complain, because my life is not mine - that's why I didn't let that they kill me in Pavía, and very to my grief, becoming great ethical violence, I ask for mercy - but France's. And who lives today can fight tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Or who the hell knows. Regarding my freedom, Charles says that there will be no rescue, that is very old and it is not used from Amadís' times, and who do I think who I am, Richard Lionheart?. That's a tall story, Frankie, - you cannot imagine how it bugs me he call me "Frankie" -. Taking advantage of the cheap trains, now he has get cocky and he wants the Bourgogne back, and that I should abandon my claim over Flanders, and Naples and Milan, and a heap of things more. I fear a lot that with this of Italy and Flanders and with that people that the Spaniards are only sending for America - I tremble imagining the errenditú guy and their colleagues in America - these bastards will be grown a lot, and to that boy, Charles, and his family at least for one century or two they will gonna f*ck us, Europe, and even to His Sanctity that is them so afraid in Italy that doesn't fit him a hempseed for the eyelet. In short, what remedy. They will already come better times; until then, I age and it dilutes. The case is that he says Charles that if I give him my word of gentleman's honor that I will respect those commitments, he gives me ticket but already same. And the truth is that I am thinking it to me. I refer to that of giving word of honor that is free, because the other thing doesn't plan to give it neither fed up with Rioja that is a liquid to the one that here - don't laugh, chére - they call wine. After all, that gets ready then with retracting of that promised when it is another free time in France. That of chivalry and it honors I already have mine, damned it is my print. I have lees of that for a tube: tararí, tararí, and at the end of so much tararí, one, for very gentleman and very elegant and much real package that it marks, finish with the d*mn errenditú guy, the Juan of Urbieta that and all their Basque fellows gang, of Spaniards or of what they are, above the chepa and giving you those of the octopus. A lot I fear myself, snub that the times are changing. And this time, in Pavía, France et moi have been bloody fool enough..
I adore you, etc.
François. "

Vale, no ha sido un gran éxito, pero es bastante trabajo traducir los juegos de palabra, las frases en francés y sobre todo los tacos :) . Un poco de ayuda de mis compañeros de forum se agradecería enormemente para dar a conocer en los otros foros esta obra maestra de la literatura (el original de Pérez-Reverte, se entiende)
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Si le preguntas a un frances sobre el tema seguro q sostiene q francisco fue el mas astuto de los reyes. Ya q urdio una sofisticada y cuidada estratagema para introducirse en el mismo corazon del imperio español y asi averiguar sus usos y costumbres. Y q por supuesto no fue puesto en libertad tras hacer unas cuantas promesas con su palabra si no q consiguio escapar por sus propios medios disfrazado de lagarterana hasta paris.
Re: Mi triste intento...

Originally posted by Kgw
Amigos, romanos, conciudadanos... huy, eso no.
He intentado traducir el "Jodía Pavia" y esto es lo que me ha salido:

Vamos, sin querer enmendarte la plana (después del currazo de traducirlo :D), quiero sugerir algunos cambios... a ver que te parecen...

D-mn Pavía
Here you have me, voilá, a forced tourist in Madrid. Housed in a tower that they call "Of The Lujanes", with Charles' S.O.B, emperor of the Germans and of the Spaniards and of the mother that gave birth to them all, visiting one another every afternoon to make fun of me, among Gobelian tapestries and many «Your Grace», «Cousin», «Brother», «French King» and the whole paraphernalia. «You are in your house, Christian king», he says, as if this was anything but a jail; and I bite my own starchy fittings out of rage, seeing the joking smile that he insinuates under his beard. What a bastard, my cousin, the Augsburg. What a luck; and what he has and posses was because of sheer luck, for fuck's sake. If Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile don't end up making that wedding -THAT was a marriage for money-, and if Philip the Good, their «osterreiche» son-in-law wouldn't have died, leaving that Jenny Maddy as widow, and if this lad, the flemish Charley (who God and the Turk bewilder)wouldn't have won the Imperial Crown in a raffle, then perhaps I wouldn't be here, and maybe I (me, you know) would be the Emperor himself, like grandpa Charlemagne who is now with Roland and the twelve couples in glory; and then, too, I wouldn't be writing you from the Tower of the Lujanes, City of Madrid, Spain, but frolicking with you in Blois, besides the Loire river. Me, eating foie-gràs, mon petit chu, and you eating what you can suppose...

Maybe you REMEMBER MY LAST LETTER, WRITTEN TO YOU IN PAVIA with date of February of 1525, 23, the night before the battle. Reading that letter now, I suppose that you will find a little overconfident; please, understand it, mainly phrases like: «we will eat these starving Spaniards without peeling», or «there is not possible comparation between them and us», or that «we will beat the hell of them». But the things, Mimí, are to be considered in its context. Please, see it from my point of view: I, king of the most glorious country, and a bloody brilliant one for sure, pro gentleman, surrounded of the flower and the cream of gentlemen choisís among the most flourished nobility of the France, and with a heavy bunch of bucks to pay the wages of an army of thirty thousand Swiss, German and French so-and-sos, with more canyons than the enemy and with a chivalry that inspired pleasure when you gazed at it, with their feathers, and their horse-trappings, and their Sidol glistening armors, and their shirts, and their bodices. The «crème», if you know what I mean. I swear you that some soldiers could make anyone wish to hug them. And we were facing, as enemies, with many less horsemen and canyons, four thousand Spanish, tanned and small, and smelling of garlic and claret; imagine to those very scabby men, with ten thousand German -drunkards and mutinous, as always- and three thousand Italians, nicknamed «Luchino», «Moschino» and «Armani» and all that (let's say the pearls of the militia), all of them of extreme sensibility and glamour, with divine uniforms, that's true, but of very scarce effectiveness when: «on the shoulder!», «march!», etc... Concluding, among all these they composed the imperial troops, and they also went already half in retreat and exhausted, until the point that I was placed there with my camp and my flags with the Fleur-de-lis, besieging Pavia so placidly, and with longings of finishing the campaign to return to France and to give you, mon amour, ooh-la-la-la, and la-la and la-la...

SO, WE WERE THERE: I, BESIEGING comme il faut and the enemies, that is to say, Antonio of Leyva -veteran of thirty two battles and forty seven blockades, damned guy- inside the city and his colleague the marquis of La Pescara in the other side, where Our Lord lost His Way. And, in a given moment, they have the idea of taking advantage of the night and the rain and the fog to trick me as if I were stupid. As I'm telling it to you, Cherie. Instead of coming after the breakfast, presenting theirselves with trumpets and flags and all those things characteristic of gentlemen and very polite people, those very dogs put on white shirts above the breastplates to recognize each other in the darkness, and made three breaches in the wall of the park in front of Pavia, and they came through those breaches after hearing mass and confessing. And that La Pescara, who is an old soldier and he knows pretty well his work, told them things which with the Spaniards always work -when we talk about wars and conquest- : «My children, you are starving, as I am, too. The bread is in the French field, and the last one is a fucking queer». And besides, the very grouchy tell them one more thing -that was also a filthy lie and plain false-, that I had previously ordered a general slaughter, and to not give mercy to any Spanish, so or they won or they were as good as dead. So, try to imagine. With the bad mood that our neighbors are in always, there they went, or rather here they came, and imagine their mood, blaspheming in every language, «Santiago and Close Spain» and something about God and the Virgin and Saint What-the-fuck, and the Falorium and the Ciborium and the Whore of gold on a horse. And it is that my sentries are there in full night, guarding so relaxed the campament, enjoying the flavour of the wine of Bordeaux and the "Bourgogne snails" (that that night they had as ranch), au clair of the lune to describe it better, mon ami Pierrot, and suddenly the skirmish, the fights are initiated, cling, clang, bang, boom, and the big battle is already here... the Battle of Pavia.

In short, THAT I GO OUT THE CAMPAIGN TENT IN SHIRT, about to put the armor of the Fleur-de-lis. And I ask what the fuck happens, mondieu, and an imbecile of my High Command, the marquis of Le Couilles Violets, says: «The Spaniards are escaping, majesty». And the complete retarded adds that he knows it for sure that they are retreating. Then I answer that parfait (perfect), I want the horse and the sword and the lance being brought to me, that we will pursue them until making them mincemeat. We will execute such a chivalry charge that they're gonna shit theirselves on. Pour la France, with a pair of bollocks. So, with all the fog and the dawn we organize the charge, and we, the two opponents meet with a long for blood that ain't necessary to describe you, mon amour. Firstly, we make fillets of an enemy chivalry squadron, and we keep their canyons for free, vive la France and all that, while they attempted its flanking movement. It's a pity that you didn't see me, mon petit pussy, me, as gallant as I am always, leading the head of my gendarmes and gentlemen like in the tournaments, the wandering knighthood revived, their and to them, delightfully feudal, as I tell you; the show was so spectacular that I didn't kiss myself because with the helmet and the armor I was not able to do it. Notice how hard we pressed the Imperials, that later I was told that an Italian captain, seeing the scene, told to La Pescara: «B'God, it will be good sense to find shelter in that grove». But La Pescara, the damned grandpa, with more battles on the back that le great pére Cebolleté, told him «Go and tell it to your fucking mother, I'm too old to be running all day long». So he turned to the Spanish infantry, the arquebusiers of the Biscaines, Guizpuzcoans and Castilian companies and the other ones that were there, and he told them: «Damn everything-I-know, gentlemen. We need to believe just in your arquebuses and in God, in that exact order». And then, they all began to scream and to shout: «Olé your bollocks, here are the Spaniards, here it's La Pescara, Es-pa-ña, Es-pa-ña», like it was some soccer final match, that in fact it was. Meanwhile, there we go, that is to say, me, moi, with all my splendid heavy cavalry of the French nobility and with the German lansquenets that follow us step here, step there. And when I see the enemy cavalry bloodly beated, I consider that the battle is won, because as all good gentleman do, I scorn the mob on foot, and I believe -until that moment I swear you, for all my ancestors that I believed it- that is the crème-de-la-crème, the mounted elite, the one that decides these type of things. So I order charge, girlie. A beautiful charge, it must be written, swords and flags on high and all that. But, surprisingly, those so-and-sos spaniards, tanned and bearded in front of us, with the bollocks hard and sticked to their asses (like those of the tigers), they manage to withstand the charge, cherie, damned the motherfucker that gave birth to them all: they stand without losing a single meter of terrain in their positions next to the already mentioned grove, although they see coming on them hundreds of tons of horses, of armors and of my German pickers; and when I decide to go back a little and I regroup myself to reorder the lines and to breath a little, I see that they have inflicted me about five thousand casualties; for free, and in a single row. Those motherfuckers...

MOREOVER, IN THE REST OF THE FRONT, THE THINGS DON'T GO BETTER. To be exact, they don't go at all. My German mercenaries of the Black Band, the naughtiest from each family (you'd have to see the face of those animals, if someone of them had managed to keep alive), well, they face those also-Germans that work for the Emperor. Imagine the scene, realizing that they hate to death each other, that whole swarm of Germans kicking each other asses, filled with beer, and marking the step: up, hoop, up, hoop. Aberrant, I must say. Kafkian. At the end, the Imperial ones are the ones who win, that it is also a very bad luck for me, and at the same time I find out that, in the other side, the thick of the Spanish infantry, screaming «Santiago, España, Cierra, Cierra» are terminating with my poor Swiss mercenaries, that begin to run light of fleet with that face of intellectuals that the Swissmen usually have, for the first time in its long and honorable history of mercenaries to the best bidder's salary; and, from rock-solid and reliable Swisses they pass to become chocolate Swisses. At this point, I understand that it is not my day. Neither my year. I have fifteen thousand deaths (written so, it doesn't seem a huge number, does it?) and the Tesino river flows down full of corpses, from one riverside to the other. In fact I am, I admit it to you, quite confused. I am not able to explain myself how such a noble and splendid army as mine, in order and well fed, a French army of the France, has just been made pieces before my eyes in little time for a southern and sweaty mob that lacks manners, neither how those impassive arcabucers and with so bad "kharma" have been capable, against all kind of logic, to destroy in a single morning and in open field the best chivalry of Europe, the French, and the best infantry in Europe, the Swiss. Historical, baby. I was about begin to applaud and clap, if I wasn't the one paying the show. And now everything is bang, and ziaaaaang, and bang, and boom, and I find myself with all my stupendous chivalry dressed up in the center of that mess. And I admit it: scared enough.

BECAUSE, IMAGINE THE SCENE, HONEY. In this moment, I am in the center with my best horsemen, well grouped and mounted, the crème of the crème that I spoke of to you before, my marquises and my counts and my dukes and their sons and their brother-in-laws, all with their florid armors and their feathers and their pure-blooded horses that are worth a large bloody brilliant money, in search of a gap; not to charge again, but to flee as who takes off wasps of the ass, among the lines of Spanish arcabuceros that surround us with a bullets cloud that peals against the armors as if it was hailing. At the end they begin to aim to the horses, with such a grossness and an unheard before lack of manners, and every time that one of my loyal vassals falls to the ground with a lot of cling-clang and noise, the Spaniards leave their arcabuces, and they run, entering among us, sword or dagger in hand, to finish him off in the floor. I scream a lot «Vive La France», «to me», «join me»,« their and to them», etc...; that is, what a French king is supposed to say in these cases, I suppose; but it's absolutely impossible to get the hell outta there, and the Spaniards already enter now among the paws of the horses, hamstringing them or gutting them with their daggers, to make us fall to the ground (you can imagine the collision) with the armor on, the thud, five hundred kilos of meat and steel collapsing with rider included and the spaniards jump as wolves over my poor gentlemen, beheading them without mercy, stabbing them in the junctures of breastplates and helmets while my men try to get up of the mud with the heavy armors that cover them; and I feel pity to see how my poor fellas protest, «quesquesé», «this is not fair play», «pardieu», «what lack of manners», etc, etc, while the other ones stab them with their steels in the windpipe, "reeeeeeeeeeeeeees". Then, my men convert from florid and lustrous chivalry to heaps of bleeding meat under the armors...: the spaniards lift the visor of the helmet of Couilles Violets and desfigurate him with a spearhead from a pike. They take the helmet from the duke of the Refanfiflère and, while some steal the chain of gold and the rings, others behead him and leave him bleeding like a pig. They lift the sides of the breast plate to Soufflebottoniére (and I don't know how many others suffer this) and they shoot the arquebus inside, exploding them inside their armor, with such a noise that I tremble just with remembering it. This way, the spaniards kill one by one, «mon enfants» of the «patrie», bang, bam, swiiiish, and suddenly I am more alone than alone, as my fat cousin Henry VIII, there in London, would say. He, beheading wives and oh-la-la with them, while he enjoys the show as an spectator, the bastard.

AND IN THOSE IT IS MY NUMBER, THIS IS, IT'S MY TURN. I mean that the faithful Gaston Royal Very-Fashioned is hit with several shots in the head, bang, bang, and I collapse with my entire armor, falling on my back with a B-A-N-G. But hey, cherie, I am a French king and if it's a matter of bollocks or guts, for bollocks, MY BOLLOCKS; so I try to get up in spite of the armor, and when I have almost gotten it, I begin to swing my sword, willing to die satiated of glory like the rest of my poor boys. Pour la France. But when I take a look around me, and I see the huge swarm of bearded so-and-sos with the eyes injected in blood that are jumping directly on my royal neck, I think it twice and I say «Ok, it's enough, coyons, I am the King, who is the leader I can surrender to??». Let's see if we are able to organize a little bit. But the things are not clear, because in the middle of the skirmish several of those Cro-Magnons drop on me, and one, with the bloodstained hands, his face blacked with gunpowder and a lunatic's face that you'd shit yourself out of fear, tells me: «Errenditú, bestela barrabillak mostuko dizkiat». And I tell to myself: for fuck's sake, six years studying Spanish with a native professor, with that stipid telling me: «perfect, majesty, you have an accent that even Charles V would want for himself, etc...», and now I am here in a battle and with the noise and the chaos I am not able to understand a single fucked phrase. I don't understand a shit of what this so-and-so says. Barrabas, I think he says, but I don't know what the fuck has Barrabas to do with this whole invention. So I do get up the visor of the helmet, I bring near the ear and I tell him, with a lot of education and a lot of tact: «pardon? ...Qu'esque vudit?». And the other one, with an angry face that I find impossible to describe, put his sword on my royal gullet and he does ask me «Errenditú?». And I answer him that «I'm well, thank you, very well at the moment». «And you?», I add. But I begin to get nervous, because suddenly I realize that perhaps I am not surrendering to a Spanish, but to a German, or to a Swiss, or to a Croatian, or to whatever he is. Perhaps I have to fuck it up, I tell myself, and this guy just happened to be here and it doesn't matter, or it is from another war, or whatever. So I decide not to surrender, and I descend another time the visor of the helmet, and I throw at the strange so-and-so a lunge, but I fail him. And let me tell you a thing, you wouln't imagine the bad attitude he suddenly showed. From these moments on, he didn't said nor "errenditoo", "errendieither", neither "barrabas" neither anything, but rather he began striking me with the sword with such a energy that I don't know how the fuck I managed to stop his lunges, and at the end, without breath, I lift another time my visor and I tell him «O.K., man, you have convinced me, I surrender. Capiche? Je suis rendue, and me rendue RIGHT NOW!!. Rendemoi, fuck». So he stops striking my balls with the sword. And, another Spaniard arrives (or whatever they are), and he tells to the madman: «Juantxu, stop now, fuck. French king he is, you gotcha captured him. Aúpa Hernani». And then some people arrive and begin to hug each other and to say «aúpa, aúpa», and it is then, when finally I find out that those that have captured me are of a company of basques arcabuceros, and that the madman is called Juan of Urbieta and it is of a place that they call Hernani, and what he mumbled of the errenditú and the Barrabas meant literally: «Surrender right now or I cut your balls!!!»... I realize now that this is the main problem you have with the Spaniards in these matters of wars: that you want surrender with all your good faith, and if you don't control the linguistic aspect, it depends with who you want to surrender, they'll kill you understading no one of your pleas, while you look around despaired searching for an interpreter. As if they're not dangerous enough without this problem, the motherfuckers.

IN SHORT, GIRL. THAT HERE I AM, ENDURING MORE JAIL THAN THE COUNT OF MONTECRISTO, while I wait until my cousin has the wish to release me. This tower of The Lujanes is not a bad place: a little dark and humid, but I console myself thinking that my noble gentlemen are in a worse situation, the Soufflebottonière and the other ones are now, the crème of the crème and all that, rotten, and two feet under earth. Sic transit glori mundi that said I don't remember whom. Demosthenes, I think. Or one of those. Returning to important matters, I have before me, believe me, the cruelest test, the hardest and most terrible thing: keep on living. But I won't complain, because my life is not mine, but France's (that's why I didn't allowed them killing me in Pavia, and with a great grief and great ethical violence, I asked for mercy). And who lives today can fight tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Or who the hell knows. Regarding my freedom, Charles says that there will be no rescue, that is very old and it is not used since Amadís' times, and who the hell I think I am, Richard Lionheart?. He says «that's a tall story, Frankie» (you cannot imagine how angry I get when he calls me "Frankie"). Taking advantage of the cheap trains, now he has get cocky and he wants the Bourgogne back, and that I should abandon my claims over Flanders, and Naples and Milan, and a lot of things more. I fear a lot that with this of Italy and Flanders and with that people that the Spaniards are sending for America (I tremble imagining the errenditú guy and their friends in America), these bastards will be grown a lot, and that boy, Charles, and his family are gonna fuck us at least for one century or two. Well, to fuck us, Europe, and even to His Sanctity that is so afraid of them in Italy that a hempseed doesn't fit in his eyelet. In short, nothing more can be done. Better times will come, I suppose; until then, garlic and water. The thing is that Charles says that if I give him my word of gentleman's honor that I will respect those commitments, he gives me ticket right now. And the truth is that I am thinking it . This is, I'm thinking about giving my word of honor (that is for free), because I don't want the hell to fulfill it (even if I am filled with Rioja, that is a liquid that here -don't laugh, chére- they call wine). After all, that would be ready later retracting of what I promised when I'm back and free in France. I have gotten tired of honors and chivalry, damned it. I have had enough of "honors and chivalry" already, because at the end, it doesn't matter how gentleman you are, or how elegant, or how big your bollocks (mine) are; you end with the damned errenditú guy, that fucking Juan de Urbieta and their Basque fellows gang, or Spanish, or whatever hell they are, on your back and kicking your ass. I fear a lot, baby, that times are changing. And this time, in Pavia, la France et moi, we have been such an assholes enough....
I adore you, etc...
François. "

Bueno, este último trozo termino de revisarlo más tarde, que tengo cosas que hacer ahora. KGW, dime que te parece, y a ver si alguien tiene a bien encontrar la traducción más adecuada para algunas expresiones.

Ala, saludos.

EDIT -> Terminé de hacer los cambios que creo más correctos. ¿Qué os parece como está? ¿Se publica ya?
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Jostias felicidades por el trabajo Kgw y Bobby,en cuanto colgueis esto en el for guiri decirlo,y por dios sí,poned la dedicatoria a Ryoken y dejad bien clarito que es una traduccion de un artículo de Pérez-Reverte.

En cuanto a la traducción:

- chotearse en vez de joke on me que no suena muy natural,yo pondría make fun of me

-hay que joderse, diccionario Collins en la mano, es for fuck´s sake

-que te cagas es algo asi como it´s bloody brilliant

-tiñalpas en el Collins maravilloso no sale,pero sí tiñoso que viene a ser lo mismo y en medievalismo se dice scabby

Si os falta algo mas que no sabeis como poner decidme...de todas formas un trabajo fantastico...bravo!
¡Estupenda traducción chicos...!;) :D

Claro que no me parece tan gracioso como en castellano... pero aúin así habéis hecho un trabajo excelente.

¡Es que para la burla, la ironía y los tacos, no hay nada como el castellano o el italiano!:cool: :D

Si lo váis a publicar en el foro hereje, no olvidéis incluir alguna alusión a la obra de Pérez Reverte: la saga del Capitán Alatriste fue traducida a tropecientos idiomas, y supongo a que a más de uno podrá sonarle su nombre por ese lado.;)