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Lux Invicta Lord Spiritual
87 Badges
Oct 18, 2004
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Spirituality Enhanced for Lux Invicta by Numahr

Note: "legacy" SELIN presentation accessible here in its 2nd, pre-The Old Gods version

Installation: Since its inception, SELIN is integrated in the game files, so there is no need to make a separate download.


SELIN aims to bring strategic depth and reinforced immersion to Lux Invicta's religions, by covering the whole scope of LI's amazing religious diversity with even depth and attention.

At the time of the release of SELIN, Lux Invicta included no less than 156 religions. This figure is 272 today, including 197 accessible in the initial game set-up. This mad religious set up has something epic in that it mixes well documented historical developments with crazy creativity in an unique blend.

Clearly the presence of so many spiritual constructs shows a world deeply infused by religion. However, before SELIN, it made no big difference to belong to one or another of these diverse religions. This was my immediate frustration when I played LI, as I wanted to "feel" the game differently depending on the faith of my character and of my empire.


It would be impossible to carefully design with equal depth features for 272 religions, some of them frankly less familiar to us than others. To tackle this issue, SELIN takes a systemic approach. A series of characteristics are granted in-game properties. Each religion is assigned characteristics. As a result, each religion receives an unique combination of features. At the core of these features are modifiers, impacting all aspects of the game depending on your religion's characteristics. The goal is that you will play different game each time you pick up a new religion.

Modifiers is where everything started. Starting with The Old Gods, SELIN has expanded with CK2's new features to encompass a much broader scope. Different religions have different Holy Orders, different Casus Belli, different Holy Sites, different heresy dynamics, etc.

Here is the scope of features integrated with SELIN. Each religion is uniquely defined along the following features (non exhaustive list):

- Head of Religion
None, Independent Head, Vassal Head, Ruler Head or Autocephaly

- Access to special Casus Belli
Some religions grant access to special Casus Belli such as Sacred War, Conversion War, Expansion War, Total War, Prepared Invasion or Liberation Wars. Costs and conditions for standard LI Casus Belli vary slightly. Some religions have a bonus at forging claims.

- Warfare
Potential Levy Size, Minimum and Maximum Levy from vassals differentiated by type of vassal, Modifiers to different types of troops and to morale when attacking and/or when defending homeland, Land organization, Fort level, Raiding ability, Defensive Attrition, Resilience to Defensive Attrition, Prestige lost at peace, Bonus to independence warscore, No malus for raised levies.
-> you will fight wars very differently if you are a Germanic Martial religion or if you are a Buddhist Statist religion...

- Holy Orders
Size and Composition tailored based on each religion's characteristics

- Reforming dynamic
A religion can be unreformed at start or pre-reformed. All unreformed religions can reform. Holy Sites are distributed for all religions, many of them being "shared", some of them being unique to each religion.

- Conversion & Heresies
Access to Missionaries, Conversion bonus, Resistance bonus, Vulnerability to heresies, Morale Authority modifiers

- Politics
Sectarianism*, Clanic authority-based politics*, Access to Slavery, Succession Laws, Inter-religious marriages, Aggression level, Short Reign Malus, Heir Selection, Gender Laws, Revolt Risk, Opinion modifiers towards various categories, Research
*: special Lux Invicta concepts, see SELIN Manual for more info

- Economy
Base Income generation, Vassal Taxation level differentiated by type of vassal, Build Time and Cost modifier

- Personal
Monthly authority (LI concept for prestige) and piety gain for rulers, attribute modifiers

The Matrix of Religions

This is SELIN's engine. It serves the purpose of defining unique features mentioned above for each and every religion present in Lux Invicta in a manageable and understandable manner. Basically each religion is defined by four mandatory characteristics + an optional one:
- It belongs to a Civilization;
- Its doctrine has a Status;
- It has a Soul.
(- Optionally, it may have an Ascendant, which is basically another Civilization with only 50% influence for modifiers and no impact on special features)
- It has a Mentality, which determines the religion's effectiveness at converting others and resisting conversion.

Typology of Religions

Each characteristic is related to a specific set of modifiers and features. For more info on what each characteristic entails, you may want to explore documents in the 2nd post.

- Archaic
- Barbarian
- Buddhist
- Celtic
- Chinese
- Christian
- Gnostic
- Graeco-Roman
- Indian
- Islamic
- Jewish
- Mesoamerican
- Norse
- Persian
- Saharan
- Shamanic
- Steppe

Doctrinal status:
- Mainstream doctrine: Its doctrine is mainstream: it is recognized as one of the main doctrinal systems in its most legitimate form.
Characters of mainstream religions gain prestige and are generally well considered. Temples enjoy tax privileges (tax malus for rulers).
- Local Variation: Local Variation of a mainstream religious current, favouring social harmony over doctrinal purity.
Church does not like it but vassals do. More pragmatical (stewardship) but cynical characters.
- Heretical doctrine: Its doctrine is Heretical, openly challenging the supremacy of a mainstream doctrine, either through the pen or the sword.
Politics and economics are more challenging but the believers have overall personal bonii. These religions rely more on communities around temples and castles where heresies tend to flourish, and less so on cityfolk. They improve defences and fortifications. Levy growth bonus. Better military research.

This is the most influential characteristic
- Statist: the faith is strongly infused with legitimation rethorics supporting political power, as the religion is instrumentalized by the Prince to strengthen its hold on society.
- Martial: heroic deeds on the battlefield are glorified as the finest sign of holiness.
- Populist: strives to achieve equality in this world, supporting the commoners against the privileged classes and doctrinal formalism.
- Scholarly: encourages critical study or creative interpretation of holy scriptures, natural and social phenomena to reach the Truth. Key doctrinal questions are open to contradictory debates among the clergy and believers.
- Messianic: believers see the state of the world as hopelessly flawed, but their divine-inspired deeds shall bring forth salvation in our time, against all odds!
- Traditional: the faith follows the ancient traditions of the commoners and local notables, and it has slowly evolved, if at all, throughout the recent era of troubles and turmoils.
- Clerical: the religion revolves around the many rules and rites set up by the clergy, which enjoys a privileged status in society and a large degree of autonomy from the Prince.

- Ancestral: Very weak at converting, strong at resisting conversions (concerns only and all unreformed religions).
- Bastion of the Faith: A somehow superior form of the Ancestral mentality with more self-consciousness. Weak at converting (but can send missionaries), very strong at resisting conversions.
- Proselyte: Strong at converting, vulnerable to conversions.

Spiritual challenges!
Suggestions for interesting LI games

(Work in Progress)
In the Levant...

- As Prince of Sabaa, give back to the Old Gods Almaqah and Ash-Shams their due; the Empire of Arabia!

- You worship the Kaaba in Mecca... as it is the siege of your God's presence on Earth, Hubal. Drive the heretical Mahometans far away from your holy place!

- True Islam has been distorted by the foul practices of the Sunni Caliph... Preserve Mahomet's authentic message, battle the Caliph over it and restore Islam to its original purity, as the leader of the Zahiri, Haruriyyah or Ash'ari sect! (all coming with different features justified by the specificities of each madhhab)

- Lead the Hashashins in battle and in covert actions! Your heretical messianic Qarmatian sect, infused with strong Persian influences, gives you the best assassins of the Levant, impregnable forts, a good recruitment system and fanatical soldiers who will happily die for you on your order. Your faith also gives you a taste for learning and a remarkable piety. Your neighbors fear and hate you... What are you waiting to strike first?!

- As a Yahianist Leader, will you be able to unite all these quarrelling religions through your messianic message? Your gnostic heretical messianic religion provides you with a steady supply of fanatical martyrs-to-be and an unrivalled piety...

- As ruler of the rationalist 'Ilm Islam, will you survive more militarist neighbours to become a beacon of enlightenment to the world, bringing forth a real "Renaissance" of the classical values when the prophet was discussing about the Love of Reason in passionate debates?

- As King of the last bastion of the Luwian religion, will you be able to keep alive and make prosper again the 2 millennia-old Hittite faith? Most call your religion archaic, but you only know what the true meaning of civilization is...

In the Orient...

- As a follower of Mazdak, will you be able to conduct your populist revolution and force true equality on this world? Petty or Grand rulers tend to hate you because of your revolutionary message, your provinces are self-ruled and you'd rather share the commoners' poverty, but your people is ready to die en masse for their precious liberty...

- As the leader of one of the Hindo-Hellen faiths, prove to the others that your own religious synthesis, created by your forefathers, is the superior one! All of them are close to each other, well suited for patient empire-building and cultural development, with slight differences in style depending on their Ascendants...

- As a Parthian worshipper of Angra Mainyu/Ahriman, you swore to release the Destructive Spirit on the lands of the meek worshipers of Ahura Mazda. Burn all the Zoroastrian clergy and the wicked heirs of the doomed Sassan clan in one holy Fire of Vengeance and Salvation!

- As a follower of the true Zoroastrian religion... your faith is your ally in re-building the empire. The clergy can provide you the necessary legitimacy to your ambitions. Will Cyrus the Great and Shapur II the Great recognize you as the restorer of the Persian Empire?


Many have contributed to SELIN. Thanks go to:
- Futuregary for maintaining the module in my absence, co-designing many features and coding in new religions of the Eastern Expansion, DarkReborn for many great features, richvh and other councillors for support, ideas, feedback and bug-fixing
- ColonelWright, david3k, Jedrek, vyshan, Cèsar de Quart, conqueror, Furion Matsuya, herkles and many others for contributing to coding, drafting descriptions and researches.
- ... and of course Shaytana for creating this incredible mod and for the many discussions on the religions' background (the CREATOR)
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Reference to in-depth information


Read the 9-page SELIN 2.0 Change Log and Manual to understand more in-depth some key elements of the inner workings of Lux Invicta's spirituality brought in by The Old Gods

Content of the downloadable manual:
- Learning about LI’s religions
- New Religious Structure
- Casus Belli
- Military and Warfare
- Reforming
- Conversion overhaul
- Politics

Additionally, some more recent features are presented in the following Dev Diaries:
On inter-religion marriages and alliances
Holy Orders
Morale Authority modifiers
People's Power module for Populist Religions
Holy Wars
Status of Women and Gender Laws
Sneakpeak of dynamic soul-based laws & governments...
Overview of spiritual power laws
Spiritual Power for religions of Traditional Soul

Religious Structure Overviews and Holy Sites Maps

This series of maps presents two things for all Lux Invicta's religions, in a graphical and easy-to-understand format:
- the geography of Holy Sites
- the parent / heresy / reform dynamics

Iberian Christian
Western Christian
Eastern Christian
Old Mesopotamian
Graeco-Roman & Solar
West African
East African
Ancient Egyptian

Frequently Asked Questions
The set up of Holy Sites for Graeco-Roman religions appears strange to me.
... more soon

To Go Further...

Access the Matrix!

A public version is available here

This version is as of January 2015. As time passes, it may be slightly outdated as I will not update the public version very frequently. But as SELIN is now quite mature, changes are minor and this version may remain overall valid for a long time. If/when important structural changes take place, I will update the public version.

If you are curious or wish to contribute, you will find the two first tabs interesting (in excel, look at the bottom of the file).
- The 1st, "Definition", presents how each of the 272 religions is defined by its characteristics, followed by more than a hundred columns defining the impact of these characteristics.
- The 2nd, "Typology", presents what is the impact of each characteristic. So you can understand there what it means to be a Celtic or a Populist religion.

Want to contribute?

Even without coding experience, you can help! Send me a PM or post here :)
The most common help, still very much required, is drafting descriptions of religions. Here is a step-by-step method for any potential contributor.
At this point I would like to make a request: please accept that I edit your drafts, sometimes quite a lot, but that is just collective work to achieve the best result. In fact it is important for all religion descriptions to be consistent, and I have developed a certain vision of what they should contain... This being said, there is still a lot of room for volunteers to contribute.

1. Please download the up-to-date Matrix linked above and get familiar with its structure.

2. Look at the column "Localization" (column ET). Empty means that I have not yet drafted a full description. It may still be in-game as someone else may have drafted something more or less temporary. Sometimes the column "Background" has a text, it means that there is such a placeholder text that I did not complete/edit/validate yet, but it is in-game as it is still better than no text at all anyway.

3. Read a few or all the descriptions filled in in the column "Localization", i.e. the fully developed ones. That will give you a better feel for the specific "drafting style" of these descriptions.

4. Make sure to read Shaytana's timeline and immerse yourself in LI's universe by playing a bit, especially in the area where you want to draft descriptions...

5. Make sure you understand well how SELIN works, especially the religious characteristics: Doctrinal Status / Civilization / Soul. Follow the link in my signature to get access to SELIN's main post, and maybe read the manual for SELIN 2.0.

6. Then start drafting by following the following recipe:
- Write the formal introduction (see first sentence of all complete descriptions)
- Recall historical origin of the religion
- Describe shortly its doctrine and theology
- Describe how it is practiced (the social dimension of the religion)
- Make a link with in-game features of this religion (e.g. if a religion is mainstream clerical, you should describe a greatly organized clergy and church; if it is local and martial, describe some sorts of warrior culture, etc.)

7. Guidance on how to reconstitute what a religion is in LI:
- Name is a guide but religions in LI may differ from what the same name means in real life. See Melkite description for an example.
- Look at whatever you can find in Wikipedia or else for the real-life equivalent, using the name as the main guide, but also the code for the religion (column D of the matrix) that sometimes has good hints (like indoh_confucian for Konphosian)
- Look at where the religion is in-game, with which culture, to get a feeling at how it evolved in LI
- Search for it and for the related culture in Shaytana's timeline and Futuregary's one for the Eastern expansion
- Look for descriptions of related religions
- Follow the main themses of LI, mostly: religious particularism and division, tendency to move towards monotheism but at various levels, prevalence of the Light / Sun or whatever is related or opposed to it, legacy of Megalos Alexandros and of the Hellenistic civilization, mixed with a strong resilience of local cultures that have disappeared in real life.
- Follow your instinct and do not hesitate to venture a bit in creative, colourful, inventive, almost fantasy (but always plausible) elements!
- You can also use it to further explore and develop big events mentioned in the timeline, especially a-historical ones, see the description for Irminsul making reference to the victory of the Saxons over Charlemagne
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Iberian Christian Religious Structure and Holy Sites

Using the fact that we now have our own sub-forum, I created this thread to discuss religious and spiritual matters in one place, so that these discussions can be easier to follow and to browse through.

The first content for discussions is the reform of the Holy Sites (HS).

- The new map brought to us by Futuregary has very interesting consequences for the spiritual geography of Lux Invicta, even for already established religions. One small example: I wanted to give Hubali religion a Holy Site in the middle of the Arabian peninsula, to simulate the existence of a "holy oasis". This was impossible with the previous map, so as an alternative I had placed a HS on the other side of the peninsula to encourage the Hubali player to unite the peninsula. The new map creates such oasis settlements in the middle of the peninsula, thus I can now implement my original vision for the geography of the Hubali faith. As you can see this is not even in the new provinces.

- Some other already existing religions, such as Ahrimanic, now see their extent pushed Eastward. This raises the question, again, of revising their geography.

- Even in areas where the map did not change too much, the map has still been slightly modified and province names have changed, in the sense of more local and LI lore-accurate names. Therefore the old maps are out of date even for those religions.

- As you may remember, the maps also document the parent-heresy as well as the reform relationships between religions. This has changed too during the last year, and needs to be updated.

To begin with, here is the revised map of a HS group which did not change much.

Iberian Christian Religious Structure and Holy Sites


More are coming very soon...
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This looks like a good place to ask this. job_lord_spiritual event 927 (Lord Spiritual becomes a heretic) has the following trigger:
	trigger = {
		has_job_action = action_advance_cul_tech
		NOT = { religion_group = indian_group }
		is_heretic = no
		OR = {
			religion_group = christian
			religion_group = muslim
			religion_group = jewish_group
		liege = {
			is_heretic = no
			OR = {
				religion_group = christian
				religion_group = muslim
				religion_group = jewish_group
The indian_group line is superfluous as later lines restrict the Lord Spiritual's religion group. My question is: should any other group be included along with christian, muslim and jewish_group? I was thinking originally of the abrahamic_group, but that looks like it only includes reformed religions.
I looked at each group testing whether it made sense. As a result, I recommend including the three following groups, in addition to the Christian, Muslim and Jewish groups:
- Mandean
- Neoplatonic
- Zoroastrian

For these three groups, the few parent - heresy relationships fit the dynamic of a "Lord Spiritual" changing side as a result of too much questioning, studying, bad influences, etc.
Report on the current state of holy sites on the SVN:
--- Error 1 of 27 ---
The religion adoptionist has 2 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 2 of 27 ---
The religion ahriman_reformed has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 3 of 27 ---
The religion almaqah has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 4 of 27 ---
The religion amanai has 4 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 5 of 27 ---
The religion antinomian has 1 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 6 of 27 ---
The religion apollinarist has 2 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 7 of 27 ---
The religion arab_pagan_reformed has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 8 of 27 ---
The religion attar has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 9 of 27 ---
The religion aztec has 4 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 10 of 27 ---
The religion berber_pagan has 4 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 11 of 27 ---
The religion berber_pagan_reformed has 4 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 12 of 27 ---
The religion bud_zor has 3 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 13 of 27 ---
The religion bud_zor_reformed has 2 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 14 of 27 ---
The religion fraticelli has 1 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 15 of 27 ---
The religion gurzil has 4 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 16 of 27 ---
The religion haruri has 4 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 17 of 27 ---
The religion hubal has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 18 of 27 ---
The religion ibadi has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 19 of 27 ---
The religion iconoclast has 2 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 20 of 27 ---
The religion maher has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 21 of 27 ---
The religion montanist has 2 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 22 of 27 ---
The religion muslim_aliite_reformed has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 23 of 27 ---
The religion shams has 6 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 24 of 27 ---
The religion valentinian has 2 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 25 of 27 ---
The religion waldensian has 1 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 26 of 27 ---
The religion yoruba has 3 holy sites, not 5.
--- Error 27 of 27 ---
The religion zurvanism has 4 holy sites, not 5.
I removed 3 holy sites (each) from the obsolete religions buddhism and bud_gandharan, as well.
Should the following vanilla traits (for Buddhist religion branches) be removed, since we have split Buddhism up finer?
mahayana_buddhist = {
	opposites = {

	opposite_opinion = -5
	vassal_opinion = 5

	potential = { religion = buddhist }
	religious_branch = buddhist
	random = no
	religious = yes
	ruler_designer_cost = 0

vajrayana_buddhist = {
	opposites = {

	opposite_opinion = -5
	health = 1

	potential = { religion = buddhist }
	religious_branch = buddhist
	random = no
	religious = yes
	ruler_designer_cost = 0

theravada_buddhist = {
	opposites = {

	opposite_opinion = -5
	learning = 1

	potential = { religion = buddhist }
	religious_branch = buddhist
	random = no
	religious = yes
	ruler_designer_cost = 0
Valentinianism, Christian? Unless this Valentinianism is different, the one I know is way more Gnostic than Christian.

Aside from that, I like the changes and the organisation.
As it happened, this religion enjoys a custom description, here it is:
Valentinianism is a Local Gnostic sect of Scholarly soul, with a strong Christian ascendant. Valentinus was an early Christian gnostic theologian living in the 2nd Century CE who founded his own school in Rome when he failed to be selected for the bishop of Rome. The Valentinian theological system is extremely complicated and is kept secret to infidels. In the beginning, there was a Plemora (fullness) in which there was the Father. The Father projected thirty Aeons which joined into 15 syzygies, among them being Sophia (wisdom). Her curiosity and passion led to her fall from the Plemora and the creation of the world and man. Man must now recognize the Father as the true source of divine power in order to achieve gnosis, or knowledge. Only individuals of a spiritual nature (those following the truth revealed by Valentinus) can received the gnosis alloweing them to return to the divine Pleroma, while those of a psychic nature (the rest of the Christians) can only attain a lesser form of salvation, and that those of a material nature (non-Christian infidels) are doomed to perish. Valentinians devote much time studying their esoteric, complicated texts in order to achieve gnosis in this world.

As you can see, the way I defined it makes it is in fact more Gnostic than Christian, as the civilization is gnostic and the ascendant, only, is Christian.

However, in terms of Holy Site group, it belongs to the Western Christian group, in spite of being primarily of Gnostic civilization. This means that although the spirit of the civilizaiton is more Gnostic than Christian, the spiritual geography of the religion is tied to those places associated with Western Christiandom. In other, more crude terms, a Valentinian theocratic Hegemon will be obsessed at dominating and erasing the "false" Western Christiandom. When reading the above description, it is indeed clear from both history and doctrine that Valentinians, whatever their refined theory, have a somewhat intolerant complex towards Christianity... Now I defy you to demonstrate to the world how a "scholarly" religion can assert itself by conquering nothing less than the Christian Holy Sites!
Do you mean eastern Christianity? Because it seems to be a heresy of the Orthodox going by this and thus has more eastern group holy sites... not that that'll stop it from butting heads with literally any christian group except for I think the Slavic christianity group, the Norse and Celtic variants if you count those, and maybe the Indian one depending on what holy sites that's been given. So many of the holy sites are shared even between the groups of Christianity that it's kind of inevitable.
Persian Religious Structure and Holy Sites

The Persian Holy Site group underwent significant changes.

  • The most important one is that the Ahrimanic HS group integrated the Persian one. This is due to a design decision of defining Ahrimanic as a heresy of Manichean for interesting dynamics (a heresy automatically shares its parent's HS). Furthermore, from a lore point of view, it makes sense to embed more solidly the Ahrimanic faiths in their Persian context. The religions becomes less of a "rootless evil" à la Hollywood and enjoys more cultural depth.
  • Some already defined HS are redefined, especially in the East.
  • The map benefits from the masive revamp of places' localizations, almost all names are new.

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