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First Lieutenant
80 Badges
Jun 27, 2012
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Hello! Welcome to the AAR. The goal of this AAR is to take the Salian dynasty from 867 in CK2 TOG all the way to at least 1945 in HOI3, with East vs West conversion being a possibility.
Historically, the Salian dynasty were the heirs the Holy Roman Empire after the death of the Ottonian dynasty. They also led the Investiture Controversy against the Pope as well as local forces,ultimately losing and setting the trend for strong local power in the Holy Roman Empire at the expense of the Emperor leading to the decentralized state of the Empire.Our ultimate goal will be to create the strongest country possible over the course of this AAR. However, much like a real ambitious power hungry dynasty, I will not be aiming for only historical routes to power.I will claw my way to strength through any means possible.
(provided it fits the current leader of the dynasty's personalty, IE a content ruler shall not do a lot of conquering.)

This AAR is inspired by a few other writers be sure to check them out.
Oestado's Anglo Saxon England AAR

and Idhrendur's Byzantine AAR

Conversion details
The game order will be: CK2-EU4-VIC2-HOI3
All conversions shall be done by hand as although the converters work well the vassal system of CK2 leads to sloppy conversion and ruins the narrative.

CK2 will have suplemental and flavor mods, notably: Syren's nicknames, some parts of VIET, old age mini mod and cultural cities
EU4 may have some fixes I'll implement personally but otherwise will likely be relatively unmodded
VIC2 will have some fixes by me as well as the POP demand mod
HOI3's mod status is undecided thus far
All credit for all used mods goes to their respective creators.
Alright, with details out of the way let's get started.

Chapter One: A Weak County in a Weak Kingdom

In 867, the position of the Salian dynasty is precarious. Owning only the thoroughly average border county of Pfalz, and vassals of the weakest of the Karling successor states, the prospects of the dynasty appear dim. The current head of the dynasty, Werner Salian, is a zealous military man. Who believes it is his duty to spread God's laws and word throughout the world through any means necessary. If a stronger Salian dynasty would help in this endeavor, then that is a just cause.

A good dynasty requires heirs to continue to serve God, and so Werner immediately finds a wife.

His new wife is highly skilled from a lowborn family and her ambition is nigh limitless. She will make a proper tutor for any children she bears.

Her ambition quickly rubs off on Werner who now seeks more temporal power for himself to spread the one true faith and protect Christendom.

News comes from the East that the Magyar nomads have settled in the Carpathian basin. Paganism encroaches closer to the true believers of Europe and Werner swears to help push it back.

While leading the armies of his liege against the Mohammedans in Italy Werner becomes a more able commander capable of competing with all but military prodigies.

Sadly his new found skill is tempered with loss, as a messenger approaches him with news his wife has died. However, the ambition she instilled in him tells him the dynasty must continue on. He quickly takes a new wife who shares his ambition and fascination with military matters.

His new wife proves worthy, becoming with child a few months later.

Werner settles back and handles the affairs of the realm, allowing gold to pile up in his castle treasury for nine months awaiting the birth of his child.
The child ends up being a healthy boy who is christened Werner.

Good news begets good news as Werner's chancellor discovers an ancient claim to the county of Metz.

Werner quickly marshals his forces to enforce his family's "ancient" claim to Metz.

The Pfalz levy bolstered by mercenary troops and commanded by Werner himself quickly engages the Metzian forces. Its superior numbers as well as strong leadership quickly crushing the opposing army.

Following the Loss of nearly all his forces and the occupation of his capital, the lord of Metz surrenders and the war is declared over.

Werner's good fortune continues as his chancellor notifies him that he has located documents signed by Charlemagne himself stating that the lord of Metz is also the rightful lord of Trier. The county is currently occupied by the Bishop of Trier. Werner is reluctant to dispose a Bishop but his chancellor manages to convince him of the corruption of the Bishop pointing to many children around the church who mysteriously lack fathers, as well as the mandatory indulgences instituted upon the serfs by the clergy.

Werner waits a few years to replenish his treasury and allow his forces to reinforce. As soon as soon as his army is up to full strength Werner immediately declares war upon the Bishop of Trier to enforce his claim and dispose the corrupt Bishop.

Now a rich lord and thoroughly outnumbering a mere Bishop Werner's forces quickly crush the Bishop's forces and sack Trier.

The Bishop is forced to surrender and marched out of his former see in disgrace, it is noted that he is followed by many single mothers who share a strange familiarity with him.

Werner is now one of the richest lords of Lothringa and a strong stable base to continue the expansion of his families power. This is surely a sign that the Salian dynasty is chosen by Christ for greater things. Only time will tell if Werner's achievements become great enough to satisfy his ambition.
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I like Werner! Für Kaiser und Gott!!
Chapter Two: Consolidation
The rapid rise of the Salian dynasty compounded with the wealth of Werner's fiefs has lead to a reputation for extreme wealth and rumors of the Pfalz treasury overflowing have become common throughout Lotharingia. After the seizure of Trier and the disposal of its Bishop Werner settles back into ruling his lands. spending vast sums for larger military quarters and improved farmland leading to larger levies and tithes.

In 879, Werner's wife once again becomes with child.

Seeking to secure his legacy as well as inheritance for his heir Werner has his chancellor falsify claims to the prestigious county of Jülich.

The lord currently occupying the seat is sent a letter offering security and a nice cottage to spend the rest of his days if he relinquishes it. He foolishly refuses and the next day Werner declares war.

As Werner leaves castle Pfalz to join his knights, he is approached and told his wife has given birth to a boy named Wigerich.

The occupation of Jülich goes smoothly as the outnumbered Count is quickly driven off and forced to surrender.


In order to enhance his prestige his ruling court is move to Jülich. By next year the fief is officially home as his wife falls pregnant for the third time.


Werner's Liege King Lothaire II fearful of Werner's rising strength, calls him off to command forces in multiple succession conflicts in Italy where he serves with distinction and becomes the preeminent general of the realm.


Werner attempts to take advantage of his new found importance by demanding a duchy from his liege. His reply comes in the form of a grand procession of the lords and ladies of the realm, with Lothaire at its head. Great celebrations take place with compliments being showered upon Werner. A day later, as his liege leaves he tells Werner of his "support" of such a claim however it can not be granted now. Werner seethes, a honeyed no is still a no.

Later in the year Werner's third child is born, a boy named Hugo.

Fearing the slow division of his land among his heirs Werner orders the Bishopric of Trier granted to Hugo while he remains lord of the County from the Barony of Sponheim.

While fighting another war between the Karling successors Werner is captured by the King of East Francia. Due to his family's well known wealth Werner is forced to pay an exorbitant ransom before he is released.

When Werner finally returns to his lands he is a different man. Old and broken, his endless ambition and energy are now tempered with the need to prepare for those who will come after him.

His first orders upon his return are the forced tonsuring of Wigerich, making him Bishop of Prüm under Werner's influence.

He then settles in to castle Jülich once again making his wife pregnant. Werner stews in his castle praying for a girl, and for once his prayers are answered and a girl named Emma is born.

Resting in the walls of castle Jülich, Werner becomes grim and bitter, absolutely sure he will die on some Italian hill in service of a liege he hates. As 881 comes to a close Werner awaits being called to his duty.
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Ah, funny how it is; at the start of a reign you will do anything to get a male heir, after enough male heirs you really just wish for no more male heirs. :p

Will be trying to follow this AAR!
Pic heavy is not a problem, just remember the rule of max 20 pics per post. Ofc you can combine 40 pics into 20 pics in order to avoid penalties. ;)
Chapter Three: Prophecy

Werner's suspicious were confirmed when two years later he was called by his liege to lead the Lotharingian armies in France.
Sadly, things did not go as planned.

After once again paying a massive ransom Werner is released. Lothaire II however, allows no recuperation time sending him immediately back into the field.

This proves unwise, as Werner leads Lothringan knights in a charge he is struck from his horse and falls deep into a coma.

Perhaps out of pity for the vegetative Werner, Lothaire II finally makes him Duke of Lower Lorraine.

February 24th 887, Werner stirs, calling for his son. As the boy is brought before him he begins to rave and rant screaming of a German nation stretching from the Atlantic to the Baltic ruled by, of course House Salian. He warns of encroaching Muslims establishing vast and wealthy empires in Iberia and the lands of the Rus, quite a claim from a man who has never seen a Muslim and spent his life fighting Karling wars. As his last act he betroths his son to a women from the wealthy Doukas family of Greece and then expires.

Duke Werner is dead! Long live Duke Werner II Salian!!
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Long live the Duke, it is a really good AAR
Learn from this to wait until wars end, only then ransom your people. :p

How about 6th century German controlled borders? ;)
King of Vandals, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Franks, Burgundi, Lombards, Alemanni, Saxons, Angls, Juts, Thüringi etc.
Chapter Four: Rise of the Boy Duke

On his ascent to dukedom Werner II is a thoroughly average boy with no falling or strengths. His one notable trait is his determination and work ethic.

While ruling with the assistance of his chancellor Werner II is informed of a familial claim to the bishopric of Liege.

After two years under regency Werner II finally reaches majority. While under tutorage he developed a strong talent for diplomacy and intrigue. The early years of his reign are spent garnering support and charming possible allies, with the by now traditional massive bribes obviously included.

His marriage to Markia Doukas is finalized, mere days after his formal coronation as duke and assumption of all lordship duties.

His new wife is an exceedingly brilliant woman, with a well connected family in her homeland.

She also proves to be pragmatic, converting to Catholicism on the wishes of her husband.

Later, a messenger brings a proclamation bearing the seal of the King. Several noble rights are being revoked and royal power is set to increase exponentially.

The unrest this causes is considerable, Werner carefully weighs his options before finally deciding to attempt to claim the kingdom. It is far from the prize it once was, but Lothringa will require strong leadership if it is to survive amidst the giants of East and West Francia.

Through natural persuasion and vast bribes Werner II manages to have enough lords acknowledge him as a claimant to Lothringa for his claim to be viewed as legitimate.

Werner II expends the treasury further by bribing the mayors of several prominent townships in Verdun to recognize him as the rightful lord of Verdun.

Werner expends his last remaining political capital to found a group promoting himself as the rightful lord of the realm.

Finally, culminating several years of plotting, Werner demands from his liege the county of Verdun, as it is rightfully his.

His liege refuses what he calls "an obviously fabricated claim."

This can not end well.
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to Waaaar! today Lotharingia, tomorrow Germania
Chapter Five: The War for The Middle Kingdom

His excuse finally granted Werner dispatches messengers to all his carefully cultivated allies and sends an ultimatum to King Lothaire. Either he grants the Throne to Werner, or plunge the Realm into war.
His response is, to say the least, blunt.

Out of the five or so powerful landowners in the Kingdom, Werner has managed to persuade two to his side, with the possibility of more turning if the War seems in his favor.

The first major battle occurs outside Metz. With the Royal Army heavily outnumbered by the Salian Army and its mercenary contingent.

Werner leads a hasty charge upon the royal right flank causing a massive rout and capturing a powerful count in the process.

The War progresses well, even with minor setbacks as probing forces are lost in the Low Countries. Even so, the slow occupation of Lotharingian core lands continues.
In December, a small force attempting to link up with Royal Resistance in the Low Countries is intercepted and wiped out.

Within a few months the outcome of the War becomes inevitable. Loyalist forces remain contained in the northern marshes while Salian contingents continue occupy and control all other land.
By May, all royalists recognize the situation as hopeless.

Lothaire III accedes to a humiliating peace treaty. The crown for the first time in history is passed to a non Karling and the fief of Verdun is handed over to Werner in a very public ceremony acknowledging Werner II as the rightful lord of Lotharingia.

Werner II now sits upon the Throne. A battered and beaten throne of a realm already considered meek before a civil war. Rival kings look on hungerly, while his own subjects stew and plot. Can such a Kingdom Thrive?
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Nice! The King in the Middle!! the King in the Middle!!
Now watch as the other Karlings will try and take over oyur Kingdom with every chance :p
Thanks for the replies guys, although I doubt we'll be ascending to godhood anytime soon. The other Karlings wont take what I've done to their brother nicely.
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Chapter Six: Things to Come

Not even a month after his victory in the Lotharingian civil war Werner II receives a declaration of war from the Duke of Brunswick.

Werner's recent ascension hampers his war effort and he only outnumbers the weak Duke by around 500 men. Nevertheless, all available men are sent to the northern marshes in the hope of pulling off a successful ambush.
This opportunity comes quickly, with Werner's forces engaging the enemy host near immediately.

Sadly, the battle is a colossal failure. Forcing Werner to delve into his treasury and hire expensive mercenaries.

After months of recruiting and organizing Werner's mercenaries and levies engage the Brunswickian forces again, this time with a resounding victory.


Over the next several months Werner manages only to break even with his vastly smaller enemy. His wife falls pregnant and gives birth to twin girls, the peasants plant and harvest and yet he can not win a complete victory.
After two years of war Werner signs a white peace.

In October, Werner's wife falls pregnant and in the quiet months that follow, gives birth to a boy, named Alexander after his mother's Greek roots.
The boy is peculiar, he seems to have a strange twinkle in his eyes, and is silent when adults speak as if attempting to comprehend. He takes quickly to things offered to him and possess a gentle disposition.

In January, Werner receives horrific news. One his mother has passed, costing him some of his most logical and grounded council.
Secondly, West Francia has inherited Italy and Aquitaine forming a mega Karling empire nearly surrounding the meager lands of Lotharingia.

This is not a good omen.
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Chapter Seven: Assaults from Within and Without

In an effort to raise his prestige, and distract his subjects from the Karling empire only a few miles off his border, Werner throws a massive tournament in Aachen.

However, the supposedly joyous event is interrupted by news from the Dutch marshes. A large revolt financed by powerful landholders and vassals seeks independence and the restoration of Frisia.Scouts report the rebel army's strength at five thousand men. Werner can currently only support six thousand, even a victory will leave the kingdom weak for some time.
Luckily, as always, Salian gold can quickly buy extra swords.

The rebels occupy Gelre, but Werner is able to engage them when they are separated and at half strength, thoroughly crushing them.

Christ smiles upon Werner as the rebel leader is caught trying to flee the battle, ending the rebellion quickly.

More good comes the following months when Werner;s chancellor discovers a claim to the county of Oldenburg.

Later in the year Alexander reaches majority. He has fulfilled all suspicions and grown in an extremely capable ruler. With a work ethic and zeal for the lord matched by none.

He is quickly engaged to the daughter of the king of East Francia, forming a powerful bloc against West Francia's expansion.

This alliance came just in time as the pagan lord of Sweden-Denmark declares war the following month.

The king of East Francia vows to assist Werner against the pagan invasion and immediately departs for Holstein. Meanwhile Werner prepares his forces and digs in defensively at the northern marshes.
This proves wise as a Norse army lands in Freisland and Werner is able to engage them on favorable terms winning a great victory.

Werner chases the fleeing pagans back to Denmark and links up with East Francian reinforcements. The occupation of Holstein is swift and brutal forcing the pagans into surrendering.

Unfortunately, Werner is not a lucky man. The constant wars and rebellions have angered his vassals and he recieves an ultimatum.

How is Lotharingia to surivive?
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