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HOI4 Dev Diary - Combat and Stats changes

Hi everyone and welcome back to another dev diary! Today is about various changes that affect combat and units. With the Barbarossa update we want to shake up the meta a bit and also change a few stats and other aspects to make using the tank designer more interesting and rewarding.

High Command bonus changes
For a long time now unit bonuses from high command have confused people. Most expect that they apply to battalions, when in fact they apply only if their target unit type was “the majority type”, which was basically a weighted type count. They also could overlap, so infantry, mountaineers and artillery would apply to the same units letting you stack stuff in ways that was never intended and quite unintuitive.


This system has now changed, and divisions get bonuses based on their composition, this is a straight up ratio based on the number of non-support battalions of each type, so a 2x artillery 3x infantry division will be 40% artillery 60% infantry.
Battalions are always classified as a single type for this (even though some are scripted with multiple types) based on this priority:
cavalry > armor > artillery > motorized > mechanized > infantry

The exceptions being rocket & special forces, which both act as an addition, so if the 3 infantry divisions in the example above were mountain units, then the division would also be 60% special forces and if the 2 artillery are nebelwerfers it'd also be 40% rocket

When counting the battalions of armies (ie when we have an actual unit and not only a division template), battalions that lack equipment will count as less, so a Light Tank battalion with only half it's tanks will count as 0.5 battalions (and not count at all if without tanks). The total sum of the compositions will still end up 100% (unless every battalion is without equipment).


To make it easier to see this we now have an indicator in the division windows showing the breakdown.

Combat Width
As a part of our efforts to shake up the 40/20 width meta, we have made changes to the combat width of province terrain. Province widths now range from 75 to 96. Plains have a new base combat width of 90, while Mountains have a new combat width of 75. Most of these widths will not divide into each other easily, hopefully moving the ideal width away from multiples of 10.

Urban provinces are now the “widest” with a width of 96. But this does not mean they will be the easiest provinces to overwhelm. Mountains, marshes, and urban provinces now have reinforcement widths of ⅓ of province width instead of ½. This should hopefully give these provinces a slight defensive buff, while allowing us to open up pushing power in the more open tiles.


In conjunction with these changes, we have also been looking at reducing the overstacking penalty. We hope that this will alleviate some of the need to have divisions that are the perfect width for a given province. But at the same time, smaller countries should now be able to specialize their division width to suit their home terrain more appropriately.

Breakdown (numbers not final etc etc)
  • Plains
    • Standard 90
    • Reinforce 45
  • Desert
    • Standard 90
    • Reinforce 45
  • Forest
    • Standard 84
    • Reinforce 42
  • Jungle
    • Standard 84
    • Reinforce 42
  • Hills
    • Standard 80
    • Reinforce 40
  • Marsh
    • Standard 78
    • Reinforce 26
  • Urban
    • Standard 96
    • Reinforce.32
  • Mountain
    • Standard 75
    • Reinforce 25
One of the major things that make larger divisions like 40 width armor hit disproportionally harder than smaller ones is also how targeting and damage works inside combat in relation to the enemies defense. Essentially the larger divisions make more efficient use of concentrated damage as it punches through defense. To solve this we are doing a few things. First of all we are weighting the targeting towards wider divisions being more likely targets and also when picking targets to try and match it to have wider divisions spread damage over smaller rather than always concentrating it. They will probably still hit harder, but combined with width changes and other downsides of larger divisions it should make it less clear cut.
However, this part isn’t quite done yet though so I’ll cover it again in more detail in one of the “bag of tricks” diaries in the future when i see how it pans out, but I figured it needed to be mentioned now ;) That said though, to wet your appetites here is a little tease from a debug mapmode in development...

Armor and Piercing
Currently the effects of having stronger armor than the enemy can pierce, or being able to pierce an enemies armor are binary and give fixed bonuses. This meant that there wasn't really any benefit to have more armor than you needed to stop the enemies piercing, and also that being a single point of piercing under enemy armor was just as bad as having no piercing. So things were quite binary. With the tank designer coming we wanted to make it feel like your investments in upgrades were always worth it, so we are changing armor and piercing to have more gradual effects.

Armor > Piercing
  • Unit takes half damage (as it currently works)
Armor < Piercing and Amor > 0.75 * Piercing
  • Take damage between half damage to normal damage by difference in value
Armor < 0.75 * Piercing
  • The unit takes normal damage
Lets break this down with an example:
  • A panzer division has an armor value of 52
  • Its being attacked by an infantry division with some anti-tank guns. Their piercing is 60
  • If this was the old system this armor would be worthless and not reduce damage at all
  • Now because its close enough (between 60 and 45), so you get roughly half of the normal effect around 25% reduction of damage.

For the tank designer it was important that reliability was more impactful if it was to be a good tradeoff with other aspects of design, so we needed to change it up (lest @CraniumMuppets 0% reliability tank monsters would take over the world). Now it will not just affect rate of loss in attrition but various other aspects:
  • Reliability affects losses from attrition like before
  • Reliability now affects org regain when moving, and also makes any weather related org effects more impactful when low
  • Lower reliability scales up all impacts from weather so if facing extreme weather a unit with low reliability equipment will suffer more of those weather effects
  • At the end of combat units with better reliability will be able to get back a certain amount of tanks etc to simulate that simple more reliable constructions would work better for battlefield repair and be less fragile when taking damage. So it's a bit like capturing enemy equipment in combat - but in reverse :cool:


Our goal is that this creates interesting tradeoffs when designing equipment and will make you have to consider if its worth switching a strategy focused on speed and firepower towards reliability when operating in bad weather and tough areas like the Russian winter or in northern africa or jungles.

Oh, and I figured now might be a good time to point out that there will be a future diary on weather changes and other cool related stuff, so these changes aren't completely in isolation. But one step at a time :)

But before we go, a few words about the studio...

Studio Gold
Hello everyone, my name is Thomas, but perhaps better known as @Besuchov here :)

As you saw here we have recently reorganized ourselves a little, moving from a big centralized Stockholm studio to splitting ourselves into Red, Green and Gold. This is mainly an internal org shift to make sure we keep our growing organization firmly focused around making good games. You shouldn't notice too many differences in the short term, we are still PDS making GSG on the Clausewitz engine, but it does mean that we can align each studio to the particular games. Since you will hear the studio names every once in a while, I just wanted to say who I am and what the studio is responsible for.

My role is Studio Manager, which means I'm accountable for the long term success of Studio Gold and working with things like management, staffing, and long term plans. Studio Gold has as its main focus Hearts of Iron (but we may or may not have some secret other stuff as well). Directly making the games though, that's still the job of Podcat and the team, but I intend to do my best to create an environment where we have the best chances to make great games together.

For me this is coming full circle at Paradox. I started as a programmer in 2004 and one of my first tasks was to work on Hearts of Iron 2. Since then I've done various things including being lead programmer for Hearts of Iron 3 (and Victoria 2), Project Lead for EU4 and more recently Studio Manager for PDS. Next to EU, HOI is my favorite game and I'm delighted to be back in a place where I can focus on fewer games and where that game is Hearts of Iron. You will see more of me in the future even though I will mostly take a backseat to the team working on the game.

That’s all, see you all again next week for more dev diary goodness!
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The biggest question we should all have right now, you have the ship designer, you have the tank designer, will you have the aircraft designer?

Fighter jets need more customization options. It would make sense to allow jets to hit different targets based on weapons layout.
I think all these changes are good, but I'm still not sure why the current combat width system is better than the historical designer of previous games (this isn't nostalgia, HOI4 was my first HOI game). A historical, for example German, division design would be 9 infantry battalions, 4 artillery battalions (3 light + 1 heavy), 1 AT battalion, and the rest being what are in-game support battalions. That's a combat width of 31, which exactly fits no terrain and is a compromise between plains and cities. Cities are one of the places you'll be fighting least no matter your local terrain, so you'd think it would be better to compromise between something like plains and forest (for Russia) and take out one of those artillery battalions (I guess you could look at the heavy battalion as a support company?). Realistically I'd imagine the meta would be no artillery and mix infantry with AT instead of basing it off the historical one anyway. Or stay at 20 width if you're not expecting to fight on plains since most of those terrains are pretty close to 80. It's better than before but it's still pretty ahistorical, which I don't think is a huge issue, and more complex and hard for new players- which is. In general the overfill penalty being what it is puts a lot of constraints on division design.

Good updates though, definitely an improvement, I just complain a lot ;).
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Until they made more battalion types valid. I do not know what are you so happy about. I do not see that big deal If I put 9 or 11 infantry battalions to my divisions ... 90% of battalion types are not worth it or do not have utilization. this change to CW will not make this system more variable it will Just make it much frustrating to use on the battlefield. Battleplan AI has a big problem whit reshuffling already this will make it even worse. In the end, everyone will use 20 or 21w divisions anyway. There will be even less variability than in this version.
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So much to contemplate and I am very glad the expert players are already trying to see the possible effects. My main hope is that when the final product is released a new player can intuitively add battalions and support units to his division and feel like he did a good thing. Adding line artillery and a hospital support company to a division should not be a newb error. It should be instinct and correct.
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Let's go. Though, I guess we are moving closer to the Black Ice mod. It also must be said that new players minds will turn into jelly.
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Fields of fire are a lot smaller in an urban environment so the division is much more compact than it would be in an open field.
I'm not sure it's gonna work. You can't really effectively "compact" a division in urban environment - there is not enough place for that. If you do that, you make it a perfect target, which also can't direct their own fire effectively. Effective urban combat assume splitting the big formation, not concentrating it.
So, until devs indeed going to represent per-battalion fighting (which I suppose they would not), I'd say lower width and higher width reinforcement (as, indeed, there are a lot of approaches to city, which can be used by attackers and defenders both) warranted better.
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I think that's fair to an extent but I also think that honestly just depends on the player. I player for probably a few hundred hours before I started to try to learn the meta on division designs. Obviously other new players may be different, but I've found that the meta, while better, is not such a degree of night/day better that the game cannot be played without conforming to it.

I had the opposite experience. I was playing, created some division designs and then suddenly: why my attacks always lose? A whopping -20% because I am 10% over combat width ....

Googled and switched to 40w and wow...my attacks work fine now....

Which is totally ahistorical and a gotcha.

Division size should be irrelevant. 4x10w should be exactly the same as 1x40w

I do fear they could swing the balance too much to 2w defense because of how org is calculated. Org should be summed.
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I'm not sure it's gonna work. You can't really effectively "compact" a division in urban environment - there is not enough place for that. If you do that, you make it a perfect target, which also can't direct their own fire effectively. Effective urban combat assume splitting the big formation, not concentrating it.
Don' t think that statement reflects the developers thoughts.

If you look here, page 138, first paragraph, last couple of sentences, you'll see that a battalion frontage is 2 to 4 blocks, 350 to 700 meters in a urban environment. Battalion frontage in open terrain is much larger. You can find the WWII Inf Bn Field Manual FM 7-20 here.

Hence 90 plains, 96 urban. Only a 6-7% increase.
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wow i always thought that High Command bonus applied at the battalion level. It makes me really makes me confused i get what you are trying to do with combined arms but i really wish you would explain this more, it has me worried about how the current game works and i feel like its really upsetting to find out how it really works. i think the change you have is ok but i think you need to implement combined arms in a different fashion and like a modifier rather than trying to have these “the majority type” divisions i always thought the bonuses applied to the 'minority type' and i really wish you explained this more. Also do the Artillery modifiers effect support companies? Cheers
Division size should be irrelevant. 4x10w should be exactly the same as 1x40w
But then that leads to a lowest common denominator width as the division meta (even if org is changed to be summed and not averaged). Sure, then they could change/make variable the overstacking (NOT OVERWIDTH) penalty, but that leads to even more convolution.
Ok, I'll admit that I had to take my shoes off for this one...
I recall the old joke about having to strip naked to count to 21...

Quick glance, I think 40 still works but does not dominate like before. 27 is more viable though it worked reasonably well before. And 25 & 31 are now interesting numbers, especially for Mountain divisions.

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