EU4 Dev Clash #11 - Baltic Elephants - Tuesdays 15:00 CET

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I love the fact that KaiserJohan is both a really good player (like StarNan) and a RP player (like Groogy). With him we have the best of two worlds :D.
This has been the worst derail in the history of derails, maybe ever.
Agreed. Stay on topic please! Take history arguments to the OT History forum, thanks.
If you can convince Groogy to go with it, be my guest. However, I actually think abandoning Scotland at all isn't reasonable. It was not dead yet and still had its capital. Being clearly smaller than the beginning, having less than 5 provinces and your capital taken etc. are valid reasons (yes Katz go with my blessing), but Scotland could pull through if they use diplomacy to get into Marketing somehow. And Portugal could help secure the seas. It doesn't like the Netherlands either.

Well, getting into marketing was not a possibility, that's the problem. Believe me, I tried, there was no diplomatic recourse left for me since they had already decided to kill me and split my provinces between them one way or another. And I could not stand against the might of the marketing / Netherlands coalition by myself, so I left Scotland to get a proper start in the next age.
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Will daniel form Georgia? I think they have a slightly better ideas than theodoro

I would prefer Theodoros idea set but they are fairly equal in strength. He'd have to give up Gothic culture sadly but it would be epic if he formed Georgia and then formed... :cool:
General Secretary of communist party Dictator Johan pretty much revealed his plans to usurp power when he named all of the provinces as Gulag except his Dacha (means summer out of town home in Russian). Yes, some people more equal. Ura to GenSec Johan!
I think Jake will be convinced if Bratyn will threaten to rename some Scottish provinces into Edinburg, Aaierschir, Infernes, Abberdaan, Purt, Buiten Heberdinen. etc...
I think Jake will be convinced if Bratyn will threaten to rename some Scottish provinces into Edinburg, Aaierschir, Infernes, Abberdaan, Purt, Buiten Heberdinen. etc...

He may but in the end they will all be Gulags anyway :cool:
I would prefer Theodoros idea set but they are fairly equal in strength. He'd have to give up Gothic culture sadly but it would be epic if he formed Georgia and then formed... :cool:

Bysaltium tag switch wouldn't be as exciting since you JUST did it. If the new expansion's system allows the government switching for it, salty horde or saltinate of rum could be exciting!

Hang in there, Marcus Boii! There is still hope for the Revolution!