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So, the trick to being a tiny, crappy nation in Victoria II DoD is to colonize Africa early on? That explainswhy all of my games ended up as my spiraling into debt and civil war—I tried to not do that!
"The first thing is the actual history of the Duchy of Hanover - because this timeline's Hanover can't be the same thing as in ours (this is actually pretty obvious since ITTL it is yellow and IOTL it is green so.)"

I don't know which is funnier. This or the First Order Bohemian Army. Does this make Radetzky Kylo Ren? Shocking!
Can't wait for further development but how is the rest of the world going? Is Gran Colombia getting punished as they deserve?
So many funny things I won't quote them :p

And Radetzky is obviously Hux : Replace some words and his speech before firing the MEGA-weapon could easily work for putting down the German Republic
Your colonial holdings are expanding. Will be interesting to see how the European situation develops.


So, the trick to being a tiny, crappy nation in Victoria II DoD is to colonize Africa early on? That explainswhy all of my games ended up as my spiraling into debt and civil war—I tried to not do that!

Might be so, but I do this to actually have something to do instead of just waiting for...what?

"The first thing is the actual history of the Duchy of Hanover - because this timeline's Hanover can't be the same thing as in ours (this is actually pretty obvious since ITTL it is yellow and IOTL it is green so.)"

I don't know which is funnier. This or the First Order Bohemian Army. Does this make Radetzky Kylo Ren? Shocking!

So many funny things I won't quote them :p

And Radetzky is obviously Hux : Replace some words and his speech before firing the MEGA-weapon could easily work for putting down the German Republic

Radetzky is Hux like totally.

Can't wait for further development but how is the rest of the world going? Is Gran Colombia getting punished as they deserve?

Well, I do not plan to cover the rest of the world much but I can assure that the Colombians are becoming acquainted with Spanish occupation forces.


Heresy! Blasphemy! How dare you take Attalus' flag!

Cause we are 66 millions for only one flag.:p

It is not my flag
It is the flag of all workers :p


Yeah, every Paradoxian should be assigned one avatar. How would you feel if I started running around wearing some other flag? But nah, the power of the Black Sun is irreplaceable.

Your colonial holdings are expanding. Will be interesting to see how the European situation develops.

Here is hoping that the next update will shed some light on the situation!
Yeah, every Paradoxian should be assigned one avatar. How would you feel if I started running around wearing some other flag? But nah, the power of the Black Sun is irreplaceable.
I'm thrice heretic by now then :p
ALways wondered, which country got this flag in vanilla V2 ?
Chapter Three - Those Darn Liberals

Grand Expedition


Colonel von Holstein-Gottorp was setting a provisory HQ in Loango. After the consolidation of the Dahomey lands, Dietrich became the Governor of New Hanover and named Holstein-Gottorp the acting commander of the Heer. His first task was to extend rule of the Duchy of the White Horse on the Black Continent.


(Loango fortification in Mkuna)

The battle of Loango was fast and decisive. After crushing the Kingdom's armies the King of Loango refused to surrender and instead withdrew together with his loyal warriors deeper into Loango territory. While Holstein-Gottorp did not want to exhaust the Heer by pursuing natives into the jungle, he instead allied with one of the King's retainers, promising him rule of the Kingdom's territory with the consent of Hanover.


(the King of Loango (right) in the exile at Mkuna, his 'loyal' adjutant on the left)

Let's just say that the next King was not too keen on waging war with Europeans.


Meanwhile in the 19th Century

Johann Georg von Brunswick-Grubenhagen-Hanover marries Elisabeth of Lippe, the daughter of the Prince of Lippe. Europe trembles before such a mighty union.

(pictured: The Triangle of Power, also Illuminati confirmed)

Hanover only strengthens its diplomatic position when the alliance with Braunschweig is signed. This coalition shall stand the test of time. In 1841 also returns the triumphant Heer home and after a great feast at Stade, the army is stationed in Hanover. You know, the city of Hanover.

Bohemia, fearing the military and diplomatic growth of Hanover preemptively offers an alliance. Since we do not want to escalate tensions, the offer is accepted.


Just a gap between wars

Do you remember Graf Radetzky? The military leader who did his fair share of putting down the German rebellion? Well, after the death of Wenceslaus VIII in 1821, he was appointed the Marshal of the Empire and served as an advisor to Sigismund V. He held this position for the next 20 years...but in early 1841, his health condition got serious and he had to retire. The illness became worse and, on March 30th, he passed away. Sigismund V, mourning the death of a mentor and a friend, decided that Radetzky deserved a state funeral, an honor reserved only for the most prominent figures of the Empire.


So, just a funeral for an old guard military hero? Not that simple. The South Germans could not forgive Radetzky his relentless actions, mostly his order to shell the city of Munich where the army of revolutionary general Windischgrätz took shelter after the defeat at Landshut. This happened in 1795, when the peace between the central government in Prague and the German rebels was almost ready to be signed. But Radetzky did not really entertain the notion of letting the rebel troops go pardoned after five years of fierce battles. All in all, Radetzky was not exactly Germany's favourite.

But Sigismund was not concerned with such petty grudges from fourty years ago, feeling confident with the Imperial armies at his side. And so he sent out the funeral invitations to the courts of German princes. The effect was immediate.

The Prince of Austria refused to take part, officially cutting all diplomatic connections to Prague and declaring the Kingdom of Austria. The news quickly spread and other South German monarchs decided to abstain, feeling that this might be the time for a rematch with the Empire, this time done the right way (i.e. with the Monarchs actually staying in power, instead of being chased away by an angry mob).

Note: This sentiment was seen only in South Germany, the representatives from the North happily made the tour to the Imperial capital, assuring the Emperor of their support. Because that is the Hanoverian Way.

As I said, the situation quickly escalated and not only high ranking nobles tried to make something out of it. The long-hidden liberals suddenly started to appear in the streets again...Germany has advanced to another Age. The Age of Liberalism.

When such a thing happens, one has to assess what exactly can be gained from it. Johann Georg, while returning home from the funeral, decided that the best way to exploit the liberal sentiment will be to follow the example of the Southern Princes and stylise oneself as an enlightened ruler, listening to the zeitgeist. Also he kind of feared angry mobs.


(Angry mobs are not to be toyed with)

And so Hanover began her road to liberalism.


No peace lasts forever
(and by forever I mean 5 years)

The first to move are the Hungarians. Let's see how that will work for them.

They are doing just great, you know!

I am still not sure whether this qualifies as a victory. They did not get annexed so, considering other events from Hungarian military history, I think they could play it safe and call it a tie. On the other hand, this war actually did cause something. The Prague Heist forced Bohemians to focus on somewhere else and leave the events in Germany go their own way, effectively abolishing their control of the Holy Roman Empire and thus ending the long death throes of that entity. The Danubian Germans meanwhile started to consider what to do next. To be honest, they did not really expected their little protest go unnoticed for such a long time.

At the same time in Hanover, Johan's actions to turn the revolutionary tendencies to his favor did not really work as intended as riots frequently threatened the peace of Hanover. The Duke, tired of the people's inability to see he is the good guy, leaves the Duchy under control of the first five guys waving a rebel flag he met outside of the palace (they later went by the name National Democratic Commitee since Five Random Liberals did not really had the sound) and goes...sightseeing with Elisabeth?


The trip leads to some success, though.

But sadly, every tour has to end one day.

  • 1
Europe trembles before such a mighty union.

(pictured: The Triangle of Power, also Illuminati confirmed)

Bohemia, fearing the military and diplomatic growth of Hanover preemptively offers an alliance. Since we do not want to escalate tensions, the offer is accepted.

The trip leads to some success, though.


Viva la Rivoluzione Hannover!
At this rate, it is only a matter of time before you have the world on its knees! Muahahahaha!
Uuups, that is a mighty alliance to go against.
Random imperialism for the win ! :p

As always, random imperialism is the best imperialism.
I believe three makes a crowd?
Random imperialism, by jingo! Always keep them guessing!

In-jokes aside, I'm glad to see an AAR for a minor nation played in DoD. Especially one sandwiched in between three behemoths.
That big war will be dangerous for the small armies of Hanover. The German revolutionaries might also use it is as an opening to revolt while the Emperor is busy elsewhere.
I'm thrice heretic by now then :p
ALways wondered, which country got this flag in vanilla V2 ?

The Black Sun is the flag of an easter egg nation being playable only after defeating the awakening Cthulhu and his Cult. Or it is a fascist flag of the Guanxi Clique (an occurrence probably not ever seen in vanilla Vicky). Your choice.

Similar to the NPmister's Shanxi Clique flag, I was actually torn between these two after abandoning the idea of adopting a Vicky BOH/CZH avatar (they all look bad, mostly due to asymmetric character of the Czech(oslovak) flag).

Also historic trivia no.267: The Czechoslovak Federative Republic had a law that none of the countries appearing after its dissolution may carry the Federal flag. But since the Czech Republic adopted the flag after the dissolution of the CSFR, its laws were already void at that moment and so the CR kept our current flag. Aren't we a lovely clever bunch?


Viva la Rivoluzione Hannover!

At this rate, it is only a matter of time before you have the world on its knees! Muahahahaha!

Here I am, loving your optimism! I mean, even the Duke has left the country.

Uuups, that is a mighty alliance to go against.

I know! The Triangle of Power is a force to be reckoned with.

I believe three makes a crowd?
Random imperialism, by jingo! Always keep them guessing!

In-jokes aside, I'm glad to see an AAR for a minor nation played in DoD. Especially one sandwiched in between three behemoths.

Yes, it is fun. But don't expect much achievements ;).

That big war will be dangerous for the small armies of Hanover. The German revolutionaries might also use it is as an opening to revolt while the Emperor is busy elsewhere.

The Heer shall emerge undefeated!
Last edited:
Chapter Four - Dear Diary


Dear Diary,
it has been three hours since we left Paris. We have stayed at the Royal Court of England and France for three months and it has been great. Here in France, far away from the turmoil and chaos of Germany. Now we are moving through the countryside with the speed of 60 km/h (I tell you that human was not made to travel at such devilish speeds!) and soon we will reach the borders of the Kingdom of Burgundy. Elisabeth has left the compartment with Julius (my son obviously has other names but I do not plan to fill the page with them) a moment ago so I got time to write my thoughts down. As I was saying, the stay at the Plantagenet court was refreshing. But two days ago, Chancellor Lauenberg arrived to, well, take us home. He was not very happy when I left him in Hanover with the Liberal Committee to sort things out. Lauenberg is old and does not really see that this time things are different, that this time the liberal movement will not die at the wrong side of a rifle - liberalism is here to stay and it is we who needs to adapt. But despite knowing all this, people are ungrateful and even though one offers them what they desire, they still rise up and demand more...so I had to leave, at least for a while, to think things over.

From what I heard from Lauenberg, the Committee was finally able to struck something at least resembling a deal with the other liberals, the radical ones (i.e. those who did not become members of the Committee and hence feel oppressed). A constitution, based on the Burgundian model, should be drafted soon - Hanover will embrace liberalism peacefully, without people waving flags and chanting anthems in the streets. But it is not the internal affairs what is causing me and my family to return to the Duchy. With the Empire busy crushing the upstart Hungarians, the Germans tried to form a united front against Prague - only to have Austria try to assert control over the debates and become the princeps inter pares. Even though most of the other Danubian Princes left the congress and the street liberals became disgusted with the ambitions of the so-called King of Austria deeming him no different from the Bohemian oppressors, Vienna still does not give up. War will probably break out soon - and this time probably on quite a big scale. Lauenberg fears that the Kingdom of Burgundy will close her borders and because of that we need to hurry to get back to the Duchy...oh - it is Elisabeth with my son, so I guess that is it for now.

Hanover at War

And yes, the war did break out. Born out of realpolitik, discarding any idealist motives, the coalition of Austria-Scandinavia-Burgundy (aka ASB) encroached the heart of the former Holy Roman Empire and attacked whatever was left of it. Most of the South German Princes refused to side with the Austrians and renewed their alliance with Bohemia, fearing that the destruction of the status quo would not lead to anything positive, especially not for those already in power.

Bonus picture: ASB, Alien Space Bats, the protectors of alternate history

Hanover joined the war on the Imperial side as well, only to find the actual city of Hanover occupied in mere weeks after the war's start. But aside of the Burgundian campaign, the invasion was swiftly turning into a debacle with Austria overrun and Scandinavia failing to mount a successful offensive. Cheered up by the recent successes, the Heer, being in high spirit after returning home from the colonies and keen on fighting once again, boldly moved into the theatre, hoping to recapture the Ducal seat.

Not to great success, though.

Well, that was anticlimactic.



What? You expected something different? Sorry, this is Hanover.

But it won't take long and Scandinavia realises that having all of Jutland occupied with no chance of seizing Pommerania is not the best tactic to ensure victory and quietly withdraws.


(Reaction of the Burgundian King upon hearing the news of the peace, thinking of the poor 50,000 men who fought and died under General Masbourg)


Will of the People

In September 1845, the Liberal Committee and the former Ducal Cabinet reach a deal and the so-called Johannist Constitution is created.

People rejoice.

Especially liberals. Where can I buy a ticket for a train to Paris?

(That's what I call a good democratic result!)

But despite all the rejoicing, the elections are carried through. Some voices protest against the outcome but for all we know, everything went according the rules.

(the 1846 election results, artistic rendition)

Sadly, with all the democracy and stuff, Chancellor Lauenberg had to resign his position. A Liberal named Otto Vinke takes his place. He is not really vocal.


(I am not sure what the text is talking about?!)

Oh come on! They can vote now (I mean male aristocrats can), what more do they want?