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This government is illegitimate because it relies on the suppression of the working class and those it disagrees with. You are a coward, a criminal, and an enemy of the people, Comrade Timmermans. I cannot think of any person in this Reichstag more repugnant, putrescent, and as worthless as you are. I would rather buy Comrade Liberator and Comrade Altmark a läger and then debate them on politics, religion and government than spend five minutes listening to you ramble on and on about yourself and your mentally incapacitated cabinet.

We should fund a special education school in Rotterdam, for obviously they can't think of anybody better to elect to the Conclave than you.

Because commanding a majority of the people who were elected into office by a majority of the people is oppression.

I do not mean to insult or discredit you, Herr Bavel-Timmermans. However I find it ridiculous that a Kanzler who announces his retirement decides the coalition. What authority does he draw from in this case? From where in the Constitution does it state that a Kanzler can pick his successor? If I remember correctly, if the Kanzler is unable to or unwilling to fulfill his duties, then it is the minister of the Interior who would become the new Kanzler until elections are held. If you are the acting Kanzler, then I plead that you create a new coalition, and not one that is based in sand.

~Herr Victor

My grandfather was given permission from the Honorable Bavel-Timmermans to announce the coalition, as part of his retirement speech, and he also did not pick his successor. The coalition was built in the mindset that none of the NLPD members available for government positions (HF Gutfreund and myself) wished to become Chancellor, and that the UAI would not wish to swap government positions. The War Ministry was to be kept by HF Gutfreund who has served the government faithfully. This left the Chancellery, Interior Ministry, and Foreign Ministry (the Gendarmerie position was to be the Interior Minister's choice). The Chancellery could not be of the same party of the Interior Minister, and with me being the only NLPD member without a position, and my opposition to being Chancellor, it left only a DSU member as a choice. Naturally, it went to the party leader, and I became Interior Minister, as the only one who could assume the position. I chose, as per my grandfather's preferences, Herr Adimari to be the new Commander of the Gendarmerie. My grandfather did help formulate the structure of the coalition, but ultimately Herr Bavel-Timmermans had the power in his hands to decide the positions that were unclear.

I speak with this knowledge as I was there at the proceedings.

Your statement on him becoming unable leading to my leadership is a valid concern, and I assure you: if placed in that position, I will call new elections.

Despite the word "CON" being listed next to two appointed titles in the coalition announcement, I would like to make it explicitly clear that this government does not have the support of the Conservative Party.

I would also like to make it explicitly clear that this government can not replace the Chief of the General Staff. Also, who else is there to take the position? The Chancellor could hold the position in theory, but I'd dislike to force the task upon him.

~Johannes Carile
I apologize to Comrade Adimari and to the Conservative Party if any of my words have been offensive to them in any way. This just goes to show that this government is a coalition of cowards, and is simply the previous government without the Bundespartei.

And Comrade Carlile, it matters not if the "majority" is a majority, it is still an oppressive regime by merit in that it is cowardly, backhanded, and under-the-table. The NLPD, UAI and DSU are parties for cowards and enemies of the working class. Your family does nothing but reap the profit of the murder of German workers.
This coalition disturbs me, not because the Bundespartei have been excluded or even that the Imperialists are not part of it, but rather because the Socialists have been placed in charge. Do the UAI and NLPD realize that this means they are agreeing to an economic policy completely opposite to their own? As such, they should also be appointing a President of the State Planning Commission to manage the now heavily government-controlled economy. I'm surprised the liberals of the UAI and NLPD are so quick to compromise on their economic views just to get the Bundespartei out of government.

- Eva von Vandenburg
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If this government has ANY mandate, it has a very small one. In the emergency elections held recently, the new Coalition commands 54% of the popular vote. This is a majority, but an infinitely narrow one. The remaining parties who do not endorse or support this coalition still maintain a sizable chunk of public support. This "majority" is about as transparent as glass.
((About as much of a majority of the average United States President.))
If this government has ANY mandate, it has a very small one. In the emergency elections held recently, the new Coalition commands 54% of the popular vote. This is a majority, but an infinitely narrow one. The remaining parties who do not endorse or support this coalition still maintain a sizable chunk of public support. This "majority" is about as transparent as glass.

Herr Liebknect,

This majority is indeed as transparent as glass, for we believe in an open government, a transparent government, so that they may see and understand what for example an Assemblyman has said in favour of a bloody revolution.
Herr Liebknect,

This majority is indeed as transparent as glass, for we believe in an open government, a transparent government, so that they may see and understand what for example an Assemblyman has said in favour of a bloody revolution.

Comrade Heinrich IV von Silesia-Glogau goes out of the Reichstag and smokes a cigar to relax from all the madness that has gone on in todays Reichstags meeting..
Fellow members of the Reichstag,

I stand before you today at a time when the very fabric of our democracy, the very ideals that have held this Republic together since its establishment, are threatened. German national unity is threatened by men within this very chamber, and German values of honour, duty, and hard work are challenged by petty rabble-rousers. These men claim to support the Republic, but they are nothing more than false prophets who preach sermons of traitorous sectionalism and sectionalism to their corrupted flock. These men can be likened to rabid dogs who tear away at the heart of German democracy and brotherhood and, in doing so, spread their repugnant disease to others, whom they seduce with fiery rhetoric, much as the sirens of Greek mythology lured unsuspecting sailors to their deaths with beautifully deceptive songs.

In my many years of service to this Republic, I have seen many terrible things, be they wars, rebellions, or plagues, but nothing has disheartened me as much as the sight of members of the Reichstag -- men who purport to be representatives of the German people, men who claim to work for the collective good of all Germans -- fighting with each other like small children. I will not name any man directly, but I shall not back away from saying that all true Germans must be wary of ideologues who blindly follow a single idea, whether it takes them to Hell or Paradise. These men do not serve the people that elect them, nor do they serve their colleagues who follow them. No, they only serve themselves, for they alone profit from the chaos that they themselves sow.

My fellow Germans, when I first entered the Reichstag in 1851, I was surrounded by men who did not hesitate to put the needs of the Republic before their own personal political agendas -- men like the great Otto von Bismarck and the estimable DDr. Wolfram Siegfried Gotha. Now these titans of politics have been replaced by conniving weasels and self-serving serpents who, like leeches, suck out of the Republic its very life blood: unity. Now I find myself in an almost alien environment, where hatred and vitriol have replaced respect and honesty. I have tried my best to continue to serve our beloved Republic despite these challenges, but, alas, I find them too great for a man of my age. No amount of dedication and mental fortitude can overcome the sheer madness that has poisoned the minds of once-good men and has turned the Reichstag into a nest of vipers.

Due to the extraordinary strain on both my body and my mind that these challenges have caused, I must announce my impending retirement from politics. At the end of this year I shall be stepping down as Chief of the General Staff, a position that I have faithfully executed for almost twenty years, and I shall also be resigning as an Assemblyman. I hope that the Reichstag can choose an able successor to the post of Chief of the General Staff, and, although my opinion may not carry much weight, I feel that Hals Friedrich Gutfreund would be a suitable candidate, as he has proven himself to be a dedicated War Minister, and he holds no radical political views that might affect his loyalty to the Republic. As for my position in the Assembly, a by-election will be held at the end of 1886, with an Acting-Assemblyman taking my place during that year's session of the Reichstag.

~ Friedrich von Hohenstaufen
"I swear to God, I'm about five seconds away from coming out of retirement and shoving my boot up the Reichstag's ass."
Otto von Bismarck, Schönhausen
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Frau Vandenburg has a good point. Does our new Chancellor plan to reinstate the State Planning Commission?

It should be evident, although I do doubt this after today's session, that this is a technocratic cabinet, meaning that the DSU is not bound to the ideas that you and Frau Von Vandenburg have proposed. Furthermore I wish to remind the Conclave that this government is a coalition and its plans and directives will be agreed upon by all members of the cabinet. Thus the UAI and NLPD have not sold their economic promises out to the DSU, au contraire, the coalition has agreed on low taxes, to increase investment, economic growth and welfare in the Republic of Germany. Thus I say to the Conclave and indeed to all Peoples living in this great Republic, do not fear the nonexistent enemy of mass nationalisation and oppression, this is not a KPD Government. And to Frau Von Vandenburg en Herr Adimari I wish to say that I look forward to further useful scrutinizing from you and your colleagues, for you may be one of the few who remember that shouting at the party opposite in not very useful.

Franz von Bavel-Timmermans
((Doesn't the in-game government have to adopt the party and policies of the Chancellor? I'm not trying to nit-pick, I've just forgotten since the liberals have been in power for so long.))
((The relevant parts of the constitution:

Coalitions are entirely up to the party leaders (with the consent of their party) and any player may serve as Chancellor, thus determining the ruling party.


The Kanzler ((who will determine the ruling party)) must be able to command a majority vote in the Reichstag.

So legally, the Chancellor determines the ruling party. The letter of the rules doesn't explicitly say that Chancellor = Ruling Party; it could be taken to imply that a Chancellor *chooses* the ruling party (almost always, but not necessarily, his own). The intent of the rules, on the other hand, seems pretty clear (as far as I can see) that the ruling party is to be the party of the Chancellor. It depends on which school of jurisprudence you prefer, I guess.))
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((Doesn't the in-game government have to adopt the party and policies of the Chancellor? I'm not trying to nit-pick, I've just forgotten since the liberals have been in power for so long.))

((Right, DSU policies go into effect if TJDS is Chancellor. Therefore, the State Planning Commission is mandatory.))

I fear for Germany. I did not like Herr Meningen, personally, but excluding the Bundespartei from the government seems excessive, and I am extremely displeased about the Conservatives getting a single slot in the government. The Socialists will destroy the economy, mark my words. At least Herr Hartwig and Gutfreund retain their positions; they seem like reasonable men. Here, I will predict the Socialist foreign policy: "We'll do nothing because we're afraid of offending anyone!"

Congratulations to my friend Friedrich on your retirement; I believe I may join you in the coming years if this coalition performs as I think it will.

Fritz von Hohenzollern


With the coalition complete, the President ((@Mikkel Glahder)) must either confirm the ministers as is or veto one appointment. Legislation may be proposed for a period of 48 hours (until Tuesday at 10 PM), at which point we will vote on all extant matters. Ministers may offer proposals as soon as the President has spoken.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

((Admin hat on))

While we wait for policies and such, let's do a meta vote (one person, one vote) on the assassination mechanics. I've rephrased them below:


There may be a maximum of three assassination attempts per election cycle, first come, first served. The party wishing to assassinate somebody should PM me with the number of assassins they wish to use and the target. More assassins means a higher chance of success, but also of getting caught. I will roll one d20 for each assassin, then check results according to the following table:

Natural 1 (w/o modifiers) -- Critical failure. Assassin turns on his target and kills him. (This may result in both parties dying as a result, as other assassins could find and kill the original target.)
1 (w/modifiers) -- Failure, Assassin captured, sings like a canary. -2 to detection
2 -- Failure, Assassin caught, but resists interrogation. -1 to detection
3-17 -- Failure, but assassins escape.
18 -- Success, but mistaken identity; innocent NPC killed with a passing resemblance to target.
19 -- Target is wounded, incapacitated for one year to recover. If a minister, cannot fulfill their duties; Reichstag members may still vote.
20 (with or without modifiers) -- Target killed.

+1 to success for Commander of Corps of Gendarmerie, Interior Minister, War Minister, or Chief of the General Staff if they are directing the assassins
+5 to success if target is imprisoned
-1 to success if target is a Minister EXCEPT
-2 if target is Commander of Corps of Gendarmerie or Chief of the General Staff
-3 if target is President or Chancellor


I will roll a D10. If roll is > number of assassins, the person who ordered the hit is not revealed. If roll = number of assassins, general rumors appear, but they cannot be pinned down to a single person. If roll is < number of assassins, the sponsor is revealed, and it is up to the Minister of the Interior to decide to prosecute.

-1 if sponsor is a government minister EXCEPT
+1 if Minister of the Interior or Commander of the Gendarmerie

((Admin hat off))
((I'm not sure the new modifiers for the D20 roll actually make sense. The mechanics aren't based on a single roll, they're much more based around "roll a bunch of D20s and see how many 20s you get". So the -1 for current ministers makes it impossible to kill them, you can only wound them - and the -2 for Commander of the Gendarmerie, Chief of the General Staff, Chancellor or President makes them completely invulnerable.

Something based around extra dice for vulnerable characters, and enforced rerolls for defended ones, might make more sense - I'll have a play around with the numbers - but as is, I don't think the -1/-2/-3 system works.

Another thought: since Sakura's revoked his Repeal-Italian-Home-Rule act, it looks like we'll be having a President of Italy after all... Shall we vote on one?))

((EDIT: Okay, I just reread what the assassins rules actually say, and there's a "with or without modifiers" that I hadn't spotted. That makes more sense.
EDIT2: Although the "assassins turn on their employer" seems a bit too high-probability - in most cases you've got the same likelihood of the employer dying as the target dying, which feels a bit off. I'll abstain for now, until I've run the numbers on what these modifiers actually do to the probabilities.))
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Given Herr Liebknecht's decision to withdraw his legislation, elections for the President of Italy may commence. The Supreme Court recognizes that, at present, a single Stadtholder resides in Italy: Emmanuel Victor of Sardinia. Karl Adimari has an Italian mother, and may also be eligible to run, provided he swears to reside in Italy during his term. The two gentlemen are advised to come to some sort of agreement, as otherwise it is unclear that a vote will ever succeed, given that there are only two candidates.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
I will of course be running for Italian President. It has been my goal from the beginning to see Federalism enacted in Italy, and I shall see it through.
~Herr Victor
Fellow members of the Reichstag,

I stand before you today at a time when the very fabric of our democracy, the very ideals that have held this Republic together since its establishment, are threatened. German national unity is threatened by men within this very chamber, and German values of honour, duty, and hard work are challenged by petty rabble-rousers. These men claim to support the Republic, but they are nothing more than false prophets who preach sermons of traitorous sectionalism and sectionalism to their corrupted flock. These men can be likened to rabid dogs who tear away at the heart of German democracy and brotherhood and, in doing so, spread their repugnant disease to others, whom they seduce with fiery rhetoric, much as the sirens of Greek mythology lured unsuspecting sailors to their deaths with beautifully deceptive songs.

In my many years of service to this Republic, I have seen many terrible things, be they wars, rebellions, or plagues, but nothing has disheartened me as much as the sight of members of the Reichstag -- men who purport to be representatives of the German people, men who claim to work for the collective good of all Germans -- fighting with each other like small children. I will not name any man directly, but I shall not back away from saying that all true Germans must be wary of ideologues who blindly follow a single idea, whether it takes them to Hell or Paradise. These men do not serve the people that elect them, nor do they serve their colleagues who follow them. No, they only serve themselves, for they alone profit from the chaos that they themselves sow.

My fellow Germans, when I first entered the Reichstag in 1851, I was surrounded by men who did not hesitate to put the needs of the Republic before their own personal political agendas -- men like the great Otto von Bismarck and the estimable DDr. Wolfram Siegfried Gotha. Now these titans of politics have been replaced by conniving weasels and self-serving serpents who, like leeches, suck out of the Republic its very life blood: unity. Now I find myself in an almost alien environment, where hatred and vitriol have replaced respect and honesty. I have tried my best to continue to serve our beloved Republic despite these challenges, but, alas, I find them too great for a man of my age. No amount of dedication and mental fortitude can overcome the sheer madness that has poisoned the minds of once-good men and has turned the Reichstag into a nest of vipers.

Due to the extraordinary strain on both my body and my mind that these challenges have caused, I must announce my impending retirement from politics. At the end of this year I shall be stepping down as Chief of the General Staff, a position that I have faithfully executed for almost twenty years, and I shall also be resigning as an Assemblyman. I hope that the Reichstag can choose an able successor to the post of Chief of the General Staff, and, although my opinion may not carry much weight, I feel that Hals Friedrich Gutfreund would be a suitable candidate, as he has proven himself to be a dedicated War Minister, and he holds no radical political views that might affect his loyalty to the Republic. As for my position in the Assembly, a by-election will be held at the end of 1886, with an Acting-Assemblyman taking my place during that year's session of the Reichstag.

~ Friedrich von Hohenstaufen

von Altmark throws a fish respectably, due to Friedrich's birth.