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Thanks for the quick fix!!!
All disasters were scripted to occur only once, but the check wasn't working for these two. That's how it's always been.
Good to know.
Like the Measles. Get them early and be save for the rest of the game. ;)
I like the work, and always appreciate it.

Related note: It's getting almost impossible to play traditional HRE now. The gain in Imperial Authority after restoring a prince or regaining unlawful territory isn't working. I'm 85 years in, and I've managed to get a grand total of 7 imperial points. A few years of peace and a couple of re-elections. I'm usually on Reichsregiment by now.
fixed capitals also needs a quicky..
I like the work, and always appreciate it.

Related note: It's getting almost impossible to play traditional HRE now. The gain in Imperial Authority after restoring a prince or regaining unlawful territory isn't working. I'm 85 years in, and I've managed to get a grand total of 7 imperial points. A few years of peace and a couple of re-elections. I'm usually on Reichsregiment by now.

Makes perfect sense. HRE was far from even as centralized as it is in this game at the start, let alone even passing any reforms like those. Of course, it's a sandbox and can deviate from history (and does), but you can still move away from history, although now it seems to take way more time, which makes sense and makes it actually challenging to form likely the game's most powerful country.

For civil wars, does this mean England can either undergo War of the Roses or Parliamentary Civil War? No more both or other alternatives?

Pretty sure devs mean Civil War as in the disaster/event "Civil War". War of the Roses & Parliamentary Civil War are completely different event chains unrelated to the generic Civil War.
Makes perfect sense. HRE was far from even as centralized as it is in this game at the start, let alone even passing any reforms like those. Of course, it's a sandbox and can deviate from history (and does), but you can still move away from history, although now it seems to take way more time, which makes sense and makes it actually challenging to form likely the game's most powerful country.

I meant traditionally in the sense of how it's previously worked in the game, not in history. Probably for the good of everyone, not much of what I do in this game comes close to historically accurate.

I only mention it because I didn't see the things that aren't working in the changelog.
So, is it safe to start a game now and not expect game breaking bugs?
This is a hotfix to 1.9, primarily to fix bugs with disappearing cores.

- Civil War can now only happen once per country.
- Peasants' War can now only happen once per country.
- Fixed a bug with disappearing cores in overseas provinces and colonial nations.
- Buryatia is no longer stuck with nomad units forever.
- Claim now correctly gives -25% coring cost and overseas provinces -50%, instead of the other way around.
- Fixed a bug where events war_of_the_roses.2 and war_of_the_roses.3 would affect neighbouring provinces not owned by England.

For the full 1.9 patch notes, go here.

Thanks for fixing Buryatia :) thank you.

But I think this fix won't affect game saves already in place right? Because I tried to load my game and Buryatia still have Eastern Archers, let the game run a few months and nothing, maybe I'll try to get more tech but I'll wait and see.
Thanks for fixing Buryatia :) thank you.

But I think this fix won't affect game saves already in place right? Because I tried to load my game and Buryatia still have Eastern Archers, let the game run a few months and nothing, maybe I'll try to get more tech but I'll wait and see.
Nope. It changes the history files, which doesn't affect games that already started. You'll have to start a new game, or do some culture shift shenanigans to form Mughals.
I was hoping for a fix to the attrition issue. For me at least, it has an immense impact on gameplay.
On the other hand, I suppose it forces me to find new ways to handle AI nations thrice my size.

I suppose the longer it remains unfixed, the more likely I am to play the game and figure out a new strat.
So in fact, don't fix it. It seems like a good challenge. When greatly outnumbered, how does one handle the AI without attrition?