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Unfortunately I don't know a whole lot about modding in CK2, but if you need help I could learn. I want to see this happen!
So, me and Sniggles have had a few good chats on Skype and ironed out details on a few things.
  • Depending on how it turns out, we might see if we can borrow AGoT's upcoming ruins system.
  • Event and war chains can represent the situation between Whitecloaks and Amadicia
  • The map will be expanded to include the Aiel Waste, which will tie in with the Aiel religion by allowing anyone who manages to become chief of all aiel to attempt to go to Rhuidean to test if they are car'a'carn.
  • To give the Sea Folk something interesting, it'll be possible to reform the Sea Folk religion to put the Mistress of the Ships as its head (representing "the prophet of the Coramoor" or something), making them more warlike and giving them coastal raiding and river navigation like the Old Gods' Norse
  • The map will be expanded between the Mountains of Dhoom and the borderlands to allow Malkier to exist and for dynamic growth and shrinking of the Blight.
  • Some nations (Sea Folk, Tar Valon, borderlanders) will have heavy restrictions on how and when they can expand (Sea Folk need to reform their religion, borderlands need to perceive someone else as an expansionist threat greater than the Shadow)
  • Borderland nations with an open darkfriend at their head will receive aid from the blight in most of their wars.
  • The blight is unplayable.
  • The head of the shadow religion may be the Nae'blis. Exactly how to handle to Forsaken is a bit sticky, with the possibility of them being courtiers who act through event and decision being weighed against giving them titular titles and courts representing their agents, which would make them playable.
This list is super-compressed, most of these points have more details than that, and I probably forgot to mention some things.

Kaspa, I haven't seen you online, when do you usually sign in? Good music, by the way, I was actually hoping to get his permission to include some tracks in the mod's soundtrack eventually.

How many centuries will the gameplay actually cover? Depending on the length of the playable time, immortality is not the best solution to model the increased lifespans of channellers, particularly those bound by the Oath Rod who will only live a century or two at best.
There will be events that fire to kill them when they reach a certain age. I'm unaware of any method of extending lifespan other than a trait that gets rid of death by old age and custom events to kill them at certain ages. The immortal trait does not, to my limited knowledge, make characters immune to death by event, combat, or plot.

I would make it so that late in the game theres this option

The option to reform the aes sedai which lets them have kids. So where as before they have like -100% fertility(there are rumors of some having kids) same with warders after this reformation it should go down to -40% so they dont spam kids with there immortalityness.

There should also be an event that kills channelers off so since they do die of old age, it would only make sense if they did. There could be modifiers so aes sedai have a higher death rate to repersent the fact the oath rod weakens them.

On the topic of warders there trait should be similar to this
+5 Martial +10 health(there already strong men and they are on poweroids) -5% damage +10% morale damage +25% defene +15% morale defence -50% pursuit +50% damage vs religious enemy, since aes sedai cannot be battle field in this game.

The combat bufs are to represent a warder would have one or several aes sedai with him and they have the oaths preventing them from attacking someone without being threatened so I feel that would effect there damage. All cultures with channelers should have a trait that gives similar combat buffs likely to only high martial generals though, and dont give them the health or martial butffs.

Im more then willing to help wih ideas but, im already way over stretched with modding terms Ive commited to 4 major mods... Lol
Hmm. I don't know what the situations that allow that option might be.
Even if Tar Valon finds itself at war, it thinks of itself as needing soldiers now, not in a generation. And there're a lot of other options the Aes Sedai would try first, it's not something they would do lightly. The player's need for courtiers and heirs isn't much of a political concern in the Tower.
Your ideas on how to represent the Aes Sedai's edge in combat seems solid, though. I'll put that in, thanks.

Unfortunately I don't know a whole lot about modding in CK2, but if you need help I could learn. I want to see this happen!
Another pair of hands can't hurt! A lot of the work that needs doing is just copying data from some places to other ones. Should be simple enough to learn how to move counties from one duchy to a new one, or how to change the culture or religion of a province. Bit tedious and repetitive, but if you want to help, PM me your email address or Skype, I can send you some files and instructions. And thinking of and discussing ideas for how to improve the mod is always welcome, too, of course.
That old system is quite broken. There's a new one integrated in TPATT that we might be able to pull out and use, though, although I'm not sure if it's a modified version of this idib cleaned up (likely) or his own invention.

On a side note, you really should try and get on Skype more, Kaspa. It might be easier to contact you on Steam--which we will if you're on and we're discussing something--but it's a lot easier to communicate ideas between a group in Skype, since you can add people to the chat. It would've been nice to have a third opinion on the stuff we discussed before.
As soon as I reach home I'll set Skype to log in automatically.
But I tend to finsih my job late in the evening, so it's more likely that I'll be available only during the weekends. During the week either I am too late to open my home PC or I want to watch some series (I have yet to finish Vikings...) or advance the Re-Reading...
I am puzzling about CoA. It would be great to use the chapters' icons (at least some) for the randomly generated CoA, and stick to the "banners" for the Major Houses or Characters.
E.g., for Aybara the Red Wolf, and the Red Eagle for Manetheren. For al'Thor the Dragon Banner, of course.
But I am not sure if it would be possible or if it would be a copyright infringment like using the GoT OST without having already bought it.
Maybe we should ask some people on DeviantArt to help us with the graphics (expecially for the loading screens, I'd use the good images that were used for covers but I do not want Harriet screaming at us - Brandon would love this Mod, I think).
The majority of games really aren't going to play out how they do in the books, we're generally aiming for a more dynamic, random experience than railroading to the plot. This means that the events that make certain houses significant might not occur. In a timeline where Perrin wasn't even born, the wolf wouldn't be significant to Aybara, and even if he is born, he needs to become a dominant political force who chooses the wolf as his symbol... which could happen, but I don't wanna bet on it. Now, titular titles that wind up being formed, those can be a good deal more specific.
The ability to use chapter icon for national symbols would certainly be helpful, we do need symbols for the Dragon title, and it provides good symbols for the Aiel and Sea Folk, too. I'm not familiar with the copyrights involved, though, so might be best to stick to custom stuff for now. Can always swap out later if we ask them and get an "okay".
Can always swap out later if we ask them and get an "okay".
This would be my thinking. It is Harriet who holds the copyright, isn't it, not the artist that did it? We'd have to actually have something up and running to get anywhere with request to use art from the books either way. Anything less than a functional beta would just have them laughing at us for even bothering; they might not respond even with a functional beta, I doubt Harriet is computer savvy enough to know what exactly it is that we'd even be doing. Hopefully she'd be nice enough to give us the okay anyway, though.
Feast yours eyes upon the de jure map I've made.


Beautiful, isn't it?
Right, but since we have k_blight it should be possible to reconquest it and re-claim Malkier. At least make it titular. I want to play as Lan,

Tai'shar Malkier

I just made k_blight as a placeholder for now, but yeah. I assume Ijtzoi is going to split up the blight into lots more provinces (and add the waste?), making that reconquest definitely possible.
Right, but since we have k_blight it should be possible to reconquest it and re-claim Malkier. At least make it titular. I want to play as Lan,

Tai'shar Malkier
Ijtzoi and I discussed it, and there's going to be an e_shadow for right now. Malkier can be reclaimed--how, exactly, we didn't decide yet--and played in earlier bookmarks.