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Stellaris Dev Diary #85: Decadence and Ascension Path Changes

Hello everyone and welcome to another Stellaris development diary. Today's dev diary is the last dev diary for the 1.8 'Čapek' update, and will be going over the introduction of Awakened Empire Decadence and some changes coming to the three Ascension Paths and Megastructures. Decadence is a free feature in the 1.8 update, while the Ascension Path and Megastructure changes require the Utopia expansion.

Awakened Empire Decadence
Awakened Empires were added to the game as a way of throwing a new challenge at the player in the late-game. They are intended to be formidable foes, and only the absolutely most powerful player empires are meant to be able to take them on alone. However, this could lead to an unintended game state where the Awakened Empire had conquered or subjugated all regular empires and effectively 'won', with the player being stuck as an AE subject until the end of time. In order to address this, we've added a new mechanic called Decadence for Awakened Empires. Decadence is effectively a meter, going from 0 to 100, that starts filling up for Awakened Empires once a certain amount of time has passed since awakening. The larger they are (both in terms of owned planets and subjugated empires), the faster it builds up. Decadence reduces Awakened Empire resource income and fleet power, and also increases the rebelliousness of their subjects, and has very large penalties at high levels of Decadence. What this means it that while an Awakened Empire might start very strong, and grow even stronger as they expand, that very expansion will eventually turn into decline, until they're weakened to the point where the rest of the galaxy can rebel and overthrow them - if you end up their subject, you just have to be patient, build up your forces, and wait for the right moment to take back your freedom. Awakened Empires have also been changed so that they prefer to subjugate other empires (though still taking some planets as well) to conquering them outright, so there should always be a collection of subjects chafing under the precursor yoke and biding their time.

Ascension Path Changes
One of the most loved features in Utopia is the Ascension Paths - the ability to choose an 'end goal' for your empire and species in the form of Psionic, Synthetic or Biological Ascension. However, the decision to restrict the Psionic and Synthetic paths based on ethics was less popular, and though I think the reasoning for it is sound (making ethics more diverse), this is a case where I think there is a valid case to say that balance should take a step back in favor of letting the player decide the path or their own empire. For this reason, we've lifted the Spiritualist-only restriction on psionics and have opened up for Spiritualists to research robotics and synthetically ascend. We have also removed the Materialist-only restriction on AI Citizen Rights.

To compensate for this loss, Spiritualists have received a buff in the form of stronger Temples, and Materialists have been given a new living standard called 'Academic Privilege' that boosts happiness and research output at the cost of more consumer goods. However, though we've lifted the hard restriction, the impact of the ascension paths on ethics attraction and faction happiness remain. This means that, for example, a Spiritualist empire that decides to Synthetically Ascend will have significant troubles with unhappy factions and materialist ethics drift, and similarly, the pursuit of Psionics will cause increased Spiritualist attraction and the likely creation of a strong Spiritualist faction.

In addition to these more general changes, there's a few more path-specific changes and additions:
Psionic: Buffed traits and Psi Corps building, and added an alert to tell you when the Shroud is ready for use. Additionally, psionically awakening other species in your empire now happens more often.
Synthetic: Added the ability to assimilate new biological pops into synthetic bodies, and the addition of robomodding significantly buffs this path. Synthetic and Cyborg leader traits were nerfed a bit to compensate.
Biological: Increased the total trait points by 1, and reduced the cost of advanced traits such as Robust.

Megastructure Changes
The headline feature of Utopia was the Megastructures, massive constructions requiring tens of thousands of minerals and decades to construct. A frequent criticism we have received for the Megastructures is that they simply do not feel significant enough, with comments on how the Dyson Sphere should realistically be producing millions of energy, and so on. We've made some changes in 1.8 that we hope will address some of these complaints, though I want to preface this by saying that Megastructures are not and will never be 'realistic', nor is Stellaris meant to be a realistic game in the first place. However, they are meant to feel impressive and special, and when a handful of Habitats with solar power processors can match a Dyson Sphere in output, that impressiveness tends to fade, no matter whether it's actually balanced or not.

For this reason, we have decided to make a change to the Dyson Sphere and Science Nexus. Both of these Megastructures have been majorly buffed, with a finished Dyson Sphere now producing 1000 energy and a fully upgraded Science Nexus outputting a total of ~750 science. However, they have been changed so that each empire can now only build one of each, similar to the Sentry Array. This means that they can be very powerful without having to massively increase the build time or cost to prevent them from simply being spammed. Ringworlds have not been changed, and can be built in any number you want, indirectly buffing the effectiveness of the Circle of Life perk.

Additionally, we've made a tweak to the Master Builders perk. This perk, when taken, will now give you the Mega-Engineering technology if you do not already have it, similar to how World Shaper gives Atmospheric Manipulation and Mastery of Nature gives blocker techs. This allows for reliable access to Mega-Engineering for empires that want to focus on Megastructure construction.

That's all for today! Next week we'll post the full patch notes for 1.8 and Synthetic Dawn. See you then!
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With the lifting of these restrictions, will it then be possible to create psionic robots?

E.g start out as a robot empire -> go for a psionic ascension

Other questions that popped up:

Or start as a robot empire, borg style -> choose between a focus on synthetic or biological paths (or psionic)?

Can spiritual Crusaders now employ robots to do their bidding?

Will materialists with psionic ascension employ psionic enhanced droids as armies?

Will future patches allow for more specialized combinations of the Ascension paths? (eventually leading to a possibility to re-create the X-com's Ethereal?)

The Ethereal's would be the main race of your empire, starting spiritualist and developing ascension. Conquered species would then be turned with a combination of psionic/biological or synthetic (or a combination of all three) to make them very task specific.
The OP has been updated with the Megastructure changes in 1.8.
Prefered many weaker Dyson Spheres/Science nexuses to one big. Maybe give them more stages, so building a fully upgraded dyson spehere is twice as effective but takes twice as long time/resources (only difference is that less stars are needed, bu tthe effect the same.)
Additionally, we've made a tweak to the Master Builders perk. This perk, when taken, will now give you the Mega-Engineering technology if you do not already have it,

Finally! Thanx, no more pointless waiting!
I see a problem with the Megastructure changes.

What does the Galactic Wonders perk do after you've built your Dyson Sphere, Science Nexus and Sentry Array?
Nothing, just like Mastery of Nature doesn't offer any effect anymore once you have cleared all your blockers.

So that's not really a problem, given that the benefits for these structures are now quite massive.
I see a problem with the Megastructure changes.

What does the Galactic Wonders perk do after you've built your Dyson Sphere, Science Nexus and Sentry Array?

What does Consecrated Worlds give after time has run out? It shouldn't matter - you got your bounty.
However, they have been changed so that each empire can now only build one of each, similar to the Sentry Array.
Can one empire control more than one by capturing additional ones? And if yes, is it possible to build one after capturing one (or more) as long as my empire hasn't build one itself? Can an empire build new one after losing, for example, a Dyson Sphere it has already built?

Basically, I suppose I'm asking if the game tracks the number of built or controlled megastructures of type X to determine if new one can be built. (And yeah, I've never played the game long enough after Utopia to build Sentry Array and see how it behaves in those circumstances...)
Does an ascended Synthetic Empire count as a Machine Empire, or is Machine Empire a gestalt-consciousness-specific term? Tusind tak!
Machine empire are, for what i've understand Hive mind machine empires and no synthetic ascended ones.

Is the psionic trait for spiritualist FE new ? I've never seen that before.

Spiritualist Fallen empire is psionic in 1.8.
Awakened Empire Decadence

I don't see a value for it in that diplomacy screenshot, so is the decadence a hidden value or is it directly displayed somewhere?
I see a problem with the Megastructure changes.

What does the Galactic Wonders perk do after you've built your Dyson Sphere, Science Nexus and Sentry Array?

Nothing, just like Mastery of Nature doesn't offer any effect anymore once you have cleared all your blockers.

Doesn't it also increase build speed of Habitats and Ring World, which you can have unlimited of?

Edit: I misread, Master Builder and not the Galactic Wonders perk increases build speed.

But when you have a Dyson Sphere, Science Nexus and a Sentry Arrary, it is time to start a new game anyway.
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@Wiz Will it be possible to have 2 Dyson spheres or 2 science nexus if you repair a ruined one after you have already built one? Will repairing a ruined science nexus or Dyson sphere count as your one if you repair them?
I see a problem with the Megastructure changes.

What does the Galactic Wonders perk do after you've built your Dyson Sphere, Science Nexus and Sentry Array?
I think the change/buff in general is good, and a good way to handle the megastructure issue, but I have the same concern as klingonadmiral, which is what Galactic Wonders the Ascension perk will do after said wonders are built. I don't think there's another perk which actually has no use after you intially take it and use it, and it feels off for an Ascension perk to be that way. I'm not sure exactly what secondary effect should go in there, maybe mineral cap (idk how differentiated that would be from Mega-Engineering), energy cap (would synergize well with the Dyson, Nexus, and Sentry buff, and be pretty unique), or a bonus to megastructure build speed that stacks with Master Builders (this makes the most sense to me and I think would fit the idea of an empire really focusing on megastructures and trying to make a viable tall build).
Additionally, we've made a tweak to the Master Builders perk. This perk, when taken, will now give you the Mega-Engineering technology if you do not already have it, similar to how World Shaper gives Atmospheric Manipulation and Mastery of Nature gives blocker techs. This allows for reliable access to Mega-Engineering for empires that want to focus on Megastructure construction.

Awesome job Wiz; really excited to get Synthetic Dawn in 2 weeks.

Question: I could be wrong, but I thought Galactic Wonders perk (a possible prerequisite for Master Builders in the screenshot) required the Mega-Engineering in the first place; has that been changed so that we can guarantee quicker access to megastructures if desired? If not, then that's less of a boon than it might initially seem.
Do you know this/does it already do this in the game and I'm dumb? Or is it just what you think should be the case? Personally I think it should be a megastructure build speed increase because then you can RP a tall empire trying to make more than one Ring World.

It already does this, and I'd assume it still will. The 100% build speed applies to all kinds of Megastructures; Habitats and Ringworlds included.