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Stellaris Dev Diary #228 - New Content & Features in 3.2

Hello everyone!

For today’s dev diary we’ll be talking a little bit about a new wave of changes coming in the upcoming 3.2 update.

3.2 will feature some new content and features, some of which didn’t make it into 3.1, and some of which are new. The reason why I mention that is because I also wanted to shed some light on the process itself. With this new way of working, it’s fine if something isn’t done for a certain update, because it can simply spill into the next update. With our ambition of only having 3 months between the updates, it will not be long before the new piece of content will be out in the public. Speaking of which, the new Pompous Purists Civic is just such an example.

Pompous Purists Civic
This civic was designed to be added to the Humanoids Species Pack with our Buffing the Backlog initiative, but it didn’t quite make it in time to be released in 3.1. In 3.2 you will be able to try out this new addition to the Humanoids Species Pack.

The Pompous Purists Civic is a civic that allows for a diplomatic playstyle, but for xenophobes. The idea is based on an elven fantasy, where they are willing to negotiate with other species, but only as long as it's on their own terms.


Friends? Maybe if you keep a respectable distance.

Ship Browser Experiment
Back in dev diary 213 we briefly talked about the improvements to a part of the empire creation process – namely the part of the UI where you select your ship appearance. The experiment meant that only about half of you got to experience those improvements, while the rest kept the ship appearance selection as it has looked like since 2016. The reason why we ran this improvement as an experiment is because we wanted to measure how successful doing these kinds of improvements can be.


The Ship Appearance part of the empire creation screen allows you to browse different ship sizes and appearances.

The improved ship browser will be available to everyone with the release of 3.2.

Now I’ll hand over to Victor who will be talking a little bit about some new content for anomalies.

Anomaly Variety
Hello everyone! I am Victor, a Custodian Content Designer that you might have seen around on the weekly streams these past few months.

Back in 2018, we removed anomaly failure from the game. This meant that every single time you encountered the Gigantic Skeleton anomaly category, you would always get the Gigantic Skeleton anomaly, for it was the only one in the category. No longer! As one of my tasks for this patch, I decided to simply go through every single anomaly category and add new anomalies to orphaned categories that I could for the development cycle.


This is not only limited to new anomalies, but I also revisited some old classics adding options to events that previous designers created before a lot of the resources we now use were added to the game.


While this is not anything that will revolutionize the game, it is a great and interesting direction for a Custodian content designer to explore, which we are still establishing on the team. I do hope you enjoy your (slightly) more exciting and varied early game!

Terraforming Events and AI behavioral changes
Yes, hello, I am still here. My other task for this patch was to create a few varied random events for terraforming. These events vary in power and complexity and mainly break the monotony of pressing a button and getting a better planet. These bonuses vary from getting more districts of a chosen type to perhaps uncovering a dig site left by a species to enamored with war.


Before you start thinking, you will sit there and terraform a planet back and forth between two different types and fishing for events. Do know that you can only get events the first time you terraform a world, and it’s never guaranteed. Terraforming is quite the unexplored space for Stellaris events, and these were a lot of fun to create.

Finally, @Caligula Caesar has managed to restore the AI’s terraforming hunger! Previously the AI needed to gather an absurd amount of energy credits even to consider terraforming, but that has now been rectified. The AI has been spotted changing and creating optimal planets in our internal testing. They also are more likely to pick terraforming techs and appropriate ascension perks in certain circumstances.


That is all for this week folks! Next week we’ll be back with some exciting news!
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Nice, althrough Pompous Purists feels underwhelming. Needs more salt, I would say - especially considering xenophobe builds aren't exactly big on diplomacy, usually.

What about Performance Improvements and Optimizations? I'm always all for anything that makes Stellaris run faster, the game needs it and so do I. Not all of us have super PCs, after all.
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Expanding the anomalies is something I’ve been hoping for for a long time! More possibilities/variety of outcomes is always appreciated with them! I hope the same can be done for archeological sites, with various branches to spice it up more!
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For those wondering what the point is behind 30% trust growth and how that can even be worthwhile when diplomatic corps exists. As nice as 10% diplomatic wait is, and it really is nice, early game it doesn't do much for you when there is no galactic community and when you may very well not be in a federation. What trust growth lets you do is get to a point where you can get other empires to strike deals with you and if you want, to form federations. 30% trust growth means you can hit certain points in galactic relations sooner and without having to possible do trade deals. Also I don't know how many people observe AI behavior, but being able to crank out trust with an AI quicker means you can get it to stop harming relations or move things to a point where it's not inclined to start harming relations because all good will from a trade deal ran out. I think people are really underestimating how useful it is to get a federation up and running quicker or having more tools to delay or head off potential wars happening when you don't want them.

Early game it has a ton of use and I'd say it probably is going to be more useful early game than diplomatic corps. By the time you get federations and the galactic community, sure the benefits fall off. At that point the player can either stick with it for the RP or they can switch it out for another civic.
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Dang it, now I get to remake my Toade empire (using the frog face) AGAIN because pompous purity and byzantine beauracracy are exactly what I was going for.

Follow up: Can you please fix the "ignore same portrait" setting to prevent matching race portraits from spawning in the galaxy?

Suggestion (if I can be sneaky) with the idea of the one-way diplomacy being amazing, could we buff the Information Quarantine edict so that it reduces the "knowledge" of any atrocities you commit inside your own borders? Maybe instead of -5 per pop processed it could be -0.5? Without giving any real world examples, governments preventing media from reporting on things have hidden more (real world) genocides than most people can imagine. (Though not on this forum since we're almost all history buffs).
So Pompous Purists are like high school alpha prima donna that treats her friends like shit, is bossy and shoots down any idea which is not her? I like it.
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This sounds mostly good, but I must warn that civic is just not good enough, and that terraforming will still be pretty boring when all you've got added to it is "well it's done, so here's a choice of minor bonuses", especially since terraforming candidates are incredibly rare outside of Mars and Proxima Centauri b due to them being put in the overcrowded anomaly list. Please make terraforming candidates preset at map generation.

For terraforming, it should really use the dig site system, so we need a project leader, and get events along the way.
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Well... half of the civics are underwhelming from a min-max pov. It's called RP, give it a try sometime instead of min-maxing everytime.
This is the most beautiful comment I've ever seen. We need to make our voices heard before the min-maxers completely trash the game in favor of the devs only adding "optimal" civics for them to cheese the game with.
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For terraforming, it should really use the dig site system, so we need a project leader, and get events along the way.
I posted that in the Suggestions forum last month, I think using Governors maybe as the leader could give them some more active use and flavour, as well as getting benefits to the process depending on how the desired planet type aligns with their own habitability.
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For terraforming, it should really use the dig site system, so we need a project leader, and get events along the way.

Absolutely fantastic idea. Paradox, please do this!
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Pretty cool that some new anomaly stuff is being added! Any chance for some more techs at some point too? Since we don't really have a "tree" for techs it shouldn't be too hard to add more, would add more replayability getting different stuff each game (especially if there are more weapon, armour shield varieties etc. so there are a few different equally viable paths to go down depending which techs you roll, rather than an absolute best that you'll end up getting everytime anyway), and would extend the life of the game too before you get to repeatables (although I'd quite like to see some late game tech after a handful of repeatables too).

Also, for terraforming, will that ever be expanded upon? It kind of annoys me that Gaia worlds are the single best world for every species type (except robots). Seems like there should be some bonuses to other planets too to encourage a more diverse variety of planets in the late game, rather than just a tonne of Gaias and the odd Ecumenopolis here and there.
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This is the most beautiful comment I've ever seen. We need to make our voices heard before the min-maxers completely trash the game in favor of the devs only adding "optimal" civics for them to cheese the game with.
This is highly reductionist; most players like Stefan very much do want to play interesting builds, they just don't like playing something that is too far behind other empires (e.g. Necrophage Hiveminds), or that is very difficult to manage (e.g. deficit exploits). The devs should add non "optimal" civics, but they shouldn't add terrible civics that make randomly-generated empires worse and trick new players into a bad experience, nor very overpowered ones that are basically must-picks.
The last few Humanoids civics were in my opinion close to being too good, while Idyllic Bloom is a damn noob trap (it literally hurts you overall).
They did overall improve civic balance with 3.1: An actual Technocracy nerf plus much-needed buffs to civics based around being good little galitarians does a lot, but it's just worrying when they're putting another civic on the pile that looks like "you only pick this to RP and it will feel bad".
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This is the most beautiful comment I've ever seen. We need to make our voices heard before the min-maxers completely trash the game in favor of the devs only adding "optimal" civics for them to cheese the game with.
I agree with you. There's a huge chunk of the community just wanting to streamline the game more into a map painter.

However +30% trust growth and 2 envoys... bleh. Weak and a bit non-sensical, why would trust grow faster for my arrogant superior dismissive high elves, looking down on stinky dwarves? I don't get it at all, what does it have to do with the concept of the civic?
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This is highly reductionist; most players like Stefan very much do want to play interesting builds, they just don't like playing something that is too far behind other empires (e.g. Necrophage Hiveminds), or that is very difficult to manage (e.g. deficit exploits). The devs should add non "optimal" civics, but they shouldn't add terrible civics that make randomly-generated empires worse and trick new players into a bad experience, nor very overpowered ones that are basically must-picks.
The last few Humanoids civics were in my opinion close to being too good, while Idyllic Bloom is a damn noob trap (it literally hurts you overall).
They did overall improve civic balance with 3.1: An actual Technocracy nerf plus much-needed buffs to civics based around being good little galitarians does a lot, but it's just worrying when they're putting another civic on the pile that looks like "you only pick this to RP and it will feel bad".
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