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EU4 - Development Diary - 30th of April 2019

Good day and welcome to this week's EU4 Dev Diary. Last week we briefly covered Custom Nation desires. Let's go through some of the feedback on it here:

Some nations' national ideas have two ideas in one slot, what's your opinion on adding that to nation designer?

I'm a tad unsatisfied with NI sets with repeating bonuses, and it's generally something you see on older NIs. I'd rather do away with them, but for Custom Nations, we already give the player the ability to turn up ideas to a high degree at extra cost. I'm not convinced that we want to add repeating ideas, even at additional cost.

Please more colours for flags and country on the map! Also let CN import a mission three from a tag, at a cost in ponts.

Another idea: how about giving custom nations access to custom national mission trees? I guess letting you actually design a mission tree sounds like a work for a medium-sized expansion itself.

Expanding the CN feature to allow for custom or imported mission trees would likely balloon in work required quickly. I feel you on the colours issue though.

In-game options when devs?

I will keep asking this as part of my duty to get it through to devs that us players desperately want this so we can customize our playthroughs.

If you mean Game Options akin to CK2, then I'm going to have to disappoint you, as that is not in our plans.

It baffles me how France has such a high playrate. Dosen't it get boring starting so strong?

Also Ming, which literally defeats the purpose of playing.

Relatability is a hell of a drug.

English monarchy and steppe horde are broken with custom nations in random nations settings. The reason is in the government reform file the reform is set to appear if the country already has the reform when it should be set to appear if it has ever had the reform.

Interesting, thanks for the heads up, I'll look into these issues.

Please, for the love of all that is holy, add the converter religions into the nation designer. I am perfectly happy for them to ONLY be available to custom nations if you don't feel like they are fleshed out enough to add them as actual religions via the existing heretic rebels

We'll look into this, I think it'd be a cool touch.

Custom portraits for rulers would add immersion

I just want Ruler/General/Admiral/Explorer/Conquistador portraits and more personalities for these characters. Please. Pretty please.

EU4 is a nation focused game, rather than a character focused one, so we're not big on such things. Advisors, as instruments of state, are about the only people given faces. While you'll see rulers (and all sorts of other characters) in portraits in CK2 and Imperator, they are not going to make an appearance in EU4.

I'd really like to see the culture mapmode on the start screen to help make the custom nations.

Culture map-painting is the patrician level of expansion, so I agree.

More custom nation achievements please. I wouldn't hate the addition of some random world achievements either. Ideas guy is one of the best achievements out there because there are so many different paths you can choose for doing it.

Spot on. Ideas Guy is one of the most inspiring Achievements and more are desired.

Serbian Flavour pack? Missions related to the reconquest of lands held by Tsar Stefan Dusan and expansion in the balkans, Serbia was an important regional power in the area and theyre a bit underrepresented *crie

The focus of the Expansion is from Brest to Byzantium, which encapsulates Serbia. Their time in the flavour limelight is now.

Hey EU IV devs do you planing any changes in ruler/Royal Families/PU system in upcoming European expansion?

In a concise but disappointing response, we do not have this planned for the upcoming expansion/

So what do we have today? A bit of a smorgasbord as it happens. First of all, back in January we talked a bit about 4K support / scalable UI for EU4. It's currently not the prettiest of games when played on a 4K screen, and we've been investigating it lately.

Here is the EU4 experience on a 4K monitor at 100% UI scale:


and up to 150%:


and now for 175%:


We have some kinks to iron out, but we're onto a winner here for making EU4 more timeless for the every growing % of players who have upgraded beyond the traditional batting grounds of 1080p

I want to talk about a couple other aspirations we have for the upcoming European expansion. In the giant end of year dev diary, there were a couple things that we said we wanted to address, namely:

  • The HRE system, which is largely unchanged from EU3 needs to evolve
  • Make Catholicism and the Pope feel like a force to be reckoned with, rather than just another colour of Christianity and country
Let's take the HRE first. The Holy Roman Empire has not really been needing change, leading to it's relative state of persistence for so long. It functions well as an entity for keeping such a historically fractured region jumbled and offers an interesting challenge on expansion with varied approaches on dealing with it, so for all intents and purposes it has a job and it does it without huge complaint.

The caveat here however is that this has been a satisfactory situation for a while, but as we have enriched much of the world around it, the HRE has become less interesting in comparison. When we wrote up pillars for what we want to do in the upcoming expansion and update, we came up with the following:

Revitalize the play in the HRE that hasn’t changed much. Make the empire feel alive filled with bickering princes.

Does it feel this way right now? Not to the point that we are currently satisfied with. As a member state, becoming Emperor is a cool aspiration, but as Emperor, aside from some cool strengths you get, it doesn't feel like you have much in the way of interesting choices to make to run the Empire as you envision. Granted in such a decentralized mass, not all should be so keen to follow your law, but we want to open up the Holy Roman experience to allow for more meaningful and dynamic situations. The Emperor should have some sway in the Burgundian Situation. A powerful Pope should lead to meaningful conflict between Empire and Italy beyond the Shadow Kingdom event. The formation and consolidation of the powerful Prussian state should be a matter of concern for the Emperor and Princes. What if Switzerland wish to abandon the HRE?

These are the occurrences that we aspire to model as dynamically as we can within the HRE, and are dabbling with good ways to simulate this in the game.

Another evident issue with HRE play, one that can be seen by playing as Emperor or talking to anyone who has, is that the final reform feels like a trap. An army of HRE subjects to unleash on your foes and carve up the map as you see fit? Now that's an enjoyable reward for reigning in the Empire, however smashing that final reform, absorbing the entire empire and losing all the effects you've built up, considerably less so. While we don't have the exact details, we see this as something that should be split: where there is a clear path for reform in the HRE, either towards decentralized power or all land under one ruler, so that players don't feel the need to purposefully hold back on completing the HRE reform path.

Regarding Catholicism, both the religion and the head of the faith are in need of attention, and the attention is two-fold, both gameplay and flavour.

In terms of gameplay, Catholicism is widely considered a poor choice of religion. If you are not the Curia Controller, it is a very weak religion, and if you are the Curia Controller, then it's a strange state where you actually want there to be as few other Catholics as possible so that you can hoard this power for yourself. Add to this the fact that the Pope himself is, by and large, just treated as another country, and not the mighty head of a faith that he deserves to be (as I have been masterfully lectured by @Duplo )

When it comes to flavour, Catholicism has far been left in the lurch in terms of interesting content when compared to pretty much all other forms of Christianity.

Catholicism is one of the main focuses, fittingly for this European expansion and update. In a nutshell we want to empower Catholicism against the already tantalizing Protestantism, such that union between the Catholic faith adds to its strength, where the Pope and/or Curia Controller himself can take action in favour of the entire faith (or potentially lining their own filthy pockets) and take action in response to the growing threat posed by the reformation. Currently, Reform Desire does little outside of igniting the reformation, we would like to make the mechanic more engaging for Pope and Catholics alike, such that they are incentivized to combat or grant concessions against the rift.

These are our aspirations at least, with regards to HRE and Catholicism. How do you feel about them in the game currently and what would you most like to see?

Now, we've been talking about design, quality of life and content aspirations for a few months now, which has been very much our goal and quite fun from our end, but I think we all are keen to get to some content. This will be our last week of such aspiration dev diaries: from next week onwards, we'll start showing off map work, content work and features/fixes/QoL for our upcoming European Update and Expansion.

Let's tease as I so often like to do, with a cheeky preview screenshot for next week:

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Hello all, oldish player but new poster.
I'd like to chip in some small suggestions for the HRE:

1. Playing as the Emperor and still being a Duchy, no matter how massive you become has a lot of drawbacks. For one you have less states and then you get a negative modifier if you try and diplo-vassalize anyone else because they might be Kingdoms or whatever. As a massive Austria that went all the way into Anatolia i got a negative modifier when i tried to vassalize Cyprus. The smaller number of states is also massive (especially with the corruption mechanic) and since then, i edit the save file and remove Vienna from the HRE which allows me to become an empire. I only allow this to myself once i revoke the priviledgia, which for all intents and purposes means that I AM THE SENATE.... sorry... the HRE i mean. Technically Austria might have been a duchy but when elected, the Habsburgs were Emperors. I know the title already gives massive bonuses, but the above problems are still massive for anyone expanding even a bit.
- Either the emperorship title should give you more states and allow you to act as an emperor when approaching other nations (like above with Cyprus), OR if your holdings outside the HRE allow it, you should be a king or emperor there, like how the Habsburgs were kings in Bohemia and Hungary. I think the second solution would be complicated.

2. Prussia, Bohemia and later Bavaria didnt become kingdoms because they were big sized electors. That happened because they backed the emperor in wars (BRA and BOH) or because of international geopolitics (BAV being uplifted with the help of France). There was no rule that said "if you're an elector and get big enough, you can elevate yourself". Austria had to forge documents to make itself an archduchy despite its massive power.
So.... perhaps you could ask the emperor or his chief rival to allow you to become a kingdom if you have enough favors with them (like 200 or something) and the appropriate size and power. Something that's difficult to achieve. And if the emperor doenst like it, maybe france will help you, giving the emperor a CB against the both of you.

3. Continuing the above suggestions, would adding titles to your king just for the sake of flavor be out of the question? Like "Jim von Habsburg: archduke of austria, king of hungary, duch of burgundy, etc..." Just have it written under the king's name.

4. I dont know what you plan to do with the reforms, but if revoking the priviledgia and getting the vassal swarm still exists, then something has to be done about the liberty desire of any subject outside the HRE. See i did manage to vassalize Cyprus, but because it was outside the HRE, its liberty desire was instantly 100% because of the way it is currently calculated. It makes no sense.

5. The HRE should have Diets like how the english government has its sessions. It needs to be a process that lasts some time and where various issues get discussed and resolved. Whacking the Protestants that pop up and force converting them to keep your empire intanct is... "videogamish". If the emperor forced a duchy to convert and it was a one province country, it didnt mean its people would stop publishing Martin Luther's bible and scripts. I want to face him in a Diet, be offered options on how to deal with him. Options on how to deal with the rise of Prussia, etc. The city where the Diet takes place should get bonuses and flare up on the political map. The other members of the HRE and perhaps the emperor's rivals should get bonuses or maluses depending on the decisions taken during the Diet. And it shouldnt just be one decision, but a series of decisions and events for each issue discussed.

And a more general suggestion:

6. After playing for some time, the game feels like an interface with buttons. Like i am not controlling France, being the king in Paris, but more like i'm a guy writing code for a computer, calculating stuff, etc. Same with the estates. Bam, i pushed a button and got some money from the Burghers. They might as well be "Estate X" because they dont feel like a living thing. It's a button for bird mana, free ships and money.
What if our interface was enriched with some pictures of our capital city and court? Yeah, i know this isnt CK, but would it really hurt if i saw a picture of the British Government whenever i open the interface for a new bill that's gonna be passed? And if you do incorporate my 5th suggestion, seeing the HRE Diet come together? Seeing a picture of a viennese palace if i play as Austria? Of the Versailles if i play as france? Even most of the flavor events have generic pictures and most people download mods with better pictures.

That is all. Thanks for taking the time to read my wall of text.
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In regards of improving the mechanics for the catholic faith:
Good religions in my opinion are those which offer strong bonuses as a reward for player effort (e.g. native American religions, coptic) or that offer both good bonuses and some degree over when you get them (e.g. muslim religion group with piety or buddhists with karma). On the other hand Anglican is the ultimate lazy players choice as you get it for free playing on the British isles, you don't even need to convert your provinces as you can just spawn a center of religion and then you wait to press buttons. Catholic is somewhere in the middle between these extremes and I would prever it moves towards the first category. To do that I would like to see some more possible interactions. Here are some suggestions:
  • Missions from the pope:
    What if you could accept missions from the pope in the style of the old mission system? Some could be generic (e.g. retake Jerusalem for a claim on Jerusalem), others could be timed: There could be a mission to retake Konstantinopel (or any other major christian capital) taken by the Ottomans (or any other non-christian) for a limited time period. There could be lots of missions in regards to the reformation: Make HRE princes catholic, convert provinces, break relations with non-catholics, etc. There could be missions against excommunicated tags or crusade targets. (On a side note: Please limit crusade targets more: I do not want to see Spain call for a crusade against a primitive OPM in south America)
    For any of those missions you could give substantial bonuses once you have achieved the mission objective (powerful country modifiers, lots of papal authority or even a guarantee to become the next curia controller for really diffcult ones like retaking Konstantinopel or winning the religious league war). On the other hand if you don't do anything to achieve your mission objective (e.g. you don't even go to war with the target) you should be penalized heavily (stab loss, negative country modifier, -10 monthly papal authority, etc.)
  • Cardinals on the map:
    What if you could see cardinals on the map (map mode!) so you could prioritize taking a province with a cardinal to obtain an additional one yourself? Maybe you could do certain things (bribe the pope) to get an additional one in one of your eligible provinces. Maybe you could interact with the cardinals themselves: Bribe them to move if they are unhappy with their overlord instead of relying on the event that allows you to steal a cardinal.
  • The curia as pseudo-parliament:
    Going with the idea of realizing cardinals on the map, what if an actual curia would exist? The curia could be formed by cardinals on the map (not all, but some of them) and give the pope access to a parliament-like mechanic with curia cardinals replacing parliamentary seats. That would give the pope access to a more powerful government, balancing out the fact that the pope's ruler stats are random. Instead of the usual bribe mechanics curia cardinals should ask for different things of course. For example if France is elligible for excommunication and you have a Burgundian curia cardinal, that cardinal could demand you excommunicate France. Of course this would not please a French curia cardinal you might have. There could also be ties to the "missions from the pope"-system I suggested above, where certain missions could be demanded by the curia, which you would then possibly need to join. The parliamentary bonuses should be fairly substantial, there should however be a downside as well. What if you constantly deny the requests of the curia? Maybe instead of gaining corruption, if you fail say three "debates" in a row, a rival pope could appear in Avignon?
  • The counterreformation:
    One thing that really bugs me in the current state of the game is the counterreformation. The idea of the counterreformation is to make a great effort to convert those filthy heretics back to the true faith, but currently you cannot do that as those filthy heretics all are impervious for conversion due to religous zeal. That leads to the ridiculous situation that you cannot convert the Bavarians (which you are supposed to convert back to catholicism) and instead you use the additional missionaries to convert the muslims in Africa. I think the counterreformation should only give bonuses for European provinces and should allow you to disregard religious zeal from heretics by removing that modifier in a (European heretic) province once you have conquered it. Accepting the counterreformation decision should of course signigicantly impact your relations with reformed and protestant countries.
  • Relations:
    Flipping religion from catholic to protestant or reformed should be more meaningful in my opinion. Becoming protestant as a ruler was mostly done for monetary reasons. It allowed you to seize unimaginable fortunes by simply making church land your land and to instal your own bishops who paid tax to you. The downside should be severe diplomatic penalties with catholics, as the reformation was something the pope and the emperor actively tried to root out. That could be realized by making alliances (or at least royal marriages) with catholics impossible for a limited time period after flipping religion and the relationship penalty could be more severe. On the upside you should get way more money from switching religion than you currently do. Also in my opinion protestants simply should not be able to to enter the religous league war on the catholic side (protestant Bohemia allied to Austria losing the league war only to become emperor afterwards anyone?).
In regards of improving the HRE mechanics:
In the current state of the game I don't think anyone would describe reforming the empire as fun. It is a whole lot of work with fairly huge obstacles in the way and yet the bonuses you get for achieving it are fairly minor in the current state of the game. Apart from doing a one faith campaign, the vassal swarm is not that strong anymore. You can start the game as Ashikaga and have an even more overpowered vassal swarm right at the start. Even governments geared towards a direct conquest style, most obviously the Mughals, are way stronger than the HRE vassal swarm and you can get their benefits way earlier. Reforming the empire in my opinion should allow you to form a pretty powerful state with massively powerful national ideas and massively powerful government reforms that can rival those of the shogunate or the Mughal reforms. In addition to that reforming the empire could be more fun as well. Here are some suggestions:
  • Reworking the HRE reforms:
    The reforms have always been strange to me. Observing a typical European game the emperor starts off with no reform, passes between one and three reforms and the reform progress stays that way until the end of the game. That is not a good representation, isn't it? Certainly the position of the emperor was a lot stronger in 1450 than it was in 1700. I think not only should the reforms themselves be reworked, you just should not start off with no reforms. In my opinion the whole reform system could be reworked to represent the state of the empire between centralization and separation/federalization.
    With higher progress towards centralization the emperor should not only receive stronger bonuses, he should also enjoy more interactions with his princes. What if at certain progress levels he could start to request generals from the princes, similar to the shogunate interactions? Maybe he could request manpower, funds, etc.? On the other hand the obligations should increase as well. On the other side of the reform progress if the position of the emperor is weakened, maybe he could start to receive weaker static bonuses to manpower, force limit and less interactions with princes. At the same time the obligations should diminish as well: Why should you defend a member of the empire if you receive nothing of worth from them? This strengthening or weakening of obligations of the emperor would be a natural way for other AI princes to decide if they want more centralization or the opposite: If they are small, weak and next to a powerful neighbour, giving up some independence for protection is natural. If they become larger (Brandenburg, Bohemia, Bavaria, etc.) they should strive towards more independence.
    This could also prevent the reform progress from being stagnant for 250 years: If most princes want more independence and you have negative imperial authority growth for long enough you could get a chance for an event calling for an imperial diet, that would ask for severe concessions that you don't want to make (e.g. break up your own country by releasing tags) or lose an imperial reform.
    Starting off with a middle ground would also allow you to remove the exploit that allows you to disband the empire really early in the game by simply allying all electors and then attacking Austria. You could remove the disband the HRE button and make separation the last "reform" towards the separation side of the spectrum.
  • General improvements:
    Please abandon the restriction to the government rank. To me it does not make sense why you have to stay a duchy. Why can electors upgrade? Why can't you upgrade as the emperor? As there were kingdoms in the HRE (Bohemia for example always was a kingdom) I think you should always be able to became a kingdom if you have the development required. However the only one allowed to become empire rank should be the emperor (which he currently can't anyway).
    CBs for the reformation are desperately required as well. The reformation is the biggest hurdle to overcome on the road to reform the empire and unfortunately it all comes down to luck unless you are not afraid to savescum. I remember a game as Austria in which the centers of reformation appeared in England, Sweden (JP under Denmark), Switzerland, France, Poland and Switzerland again. Or they could all just appear in German OPMs that you have province adjacency with. While some degree of randomness is required to make the game dynamic, giving the emperor a CB on every province with a center of reformation, be it in the HRE or not, would make the game less arbitrary. Alternatively a peacedeal option "Eradicate Center of Reformation" for countries with a center of reformation for a high amount of warscore (e.g. 80%) would be another way of making the reformation less arbitrary. It certainly would be better than having to take five provinces from France to snake my way to their religious center and having to risk a coalition. It also would substantially boost the AI's ability to something about the reformation.
    As a more personal suggestion, I would like to see a decision you could take that prevents you from becoming emperor. There are situations in which you do not want to become emperor and do not want to leave the empire either (or can't, as you already are the emperor). In particular I would love to play an Austria game focussing on diplomacy, without playing the empire game. However if you want to stay catholic and focus on diplomatic reputation and improving relations, you can't not become emperor (onless you savescum to only have female heirs). That decision could make you not elligible for say 100 years and could come at the cost of prestige, legitimacy and relation penalties.
  • Free cities and electors:
    I do not like the fact that as the emperor you have a whole lot of obligations on your platter, yet the static bonuses you receive are fairly minor (the increased manpower pool just saves you money). On the other hand free cities and electors enjoy a lot of bonuses while not having to do anything in return. I really hope this changes in the future as it just feels unfair. What if you could demand money from free cities (with a long cooldown of course) via periodic event "emperor renews free city privileges" or you could ask electors that they help in the defense of the empire (again with a long cooldown). If they do not agree with your wishes, they should stop being a free city or elector. Just enjoying considerable benefits with no tradeoff just does not feel right to me.
  • Events and reform progress:
    Some big events should have a considerable effect on the state of the empire. Both in strengthening or weakening the position of the emperor. In particular I am thinking about the shadow kingdom, the reformation and the French revolution. Preventing the shadow kingdom could give you an additional reform, rewarding you for your effort. Failing to do so could cost one. The reformation is even more interesting: A protestant victory could cost a reform, as the legitimacy of the holy Roman emperor is very much derived from the idea of being "the sword of god" or the worldly representation of god's power, where the pope is the spiritual one. A catholic victory could give you an additional reform and the peace of Westphalia could open the path to the "vassal swarm ending" of the HRE reform path instead of working towards a centralized state, giving or costing no reform itself. Finally the French revolution should be a threat that could end the empire (historically Napoleon brought down the empire, but relying on that event to fire would be a stretch in the game). Failing to beat the revolution in a reasonable timeframe could just disband the empire entirely (which would not be the worst thing in the world, because at that point we are very late in the game) or could give you an additional reform (maybe giving a new player the final push to reformation for his first HRE campaign)
I dont think that the HRE HAS to be the best vassal swarm in the game. There is no rule that says that. I also think that the Reformation is either too hard to beat, or too easy, but certainly doesnt work like in real life. On top of that you want the game to give you casus bellis on the protestants so that you can deal with them with even greater ease? On the contrary i think that forcing a duke to convert doesnt mean that his people would stop spreading the religion, or that he would actually do it. Charle the V's armies might have won most of the battles, but in essence he lost his power over the empire and over the religion. So yeah you do have the biggest army in the HRE, automatically getting CBs on the Protestants to play an easier whack a mole makes it even easier, no?

Also getting the Shadow Kingdom is already a victory in itself. More Princes means more imperial authority and the italians usually stay catholic, so you have a buffer for some heretics before your IA starts to drop. But you want a free reform on top? Good players revoke the priviledgia by 1550 or 1600, so with all due respect, i suggest you play on easy if you want things to be... easy.
[...] Please make it wear you need to take expansion or exploration ideas to get charter companies.

This, very much this! I'm a noob player and these are annoyingly tedious. They pop up straight in the middle of mission regions for my current nation (Portugal at this point) and I should either break an alliance to get those territories, or drag hald Europe in a war -.-