time 0:00:00:016 *** executable info Timestamp: 6081a539 Date: Thu Apr 22 12:32:57 2021 *** hardware info CPU AMD FX-8320E Eight-Core Processor CPU count 4 Phys. Memory 12285 MBytes Memory In Use 49% Disk Free 56242 MBytes *** OS info OS: Windows 10 Version: 10.0.19043 *** Debug::Init() time 0:00:00:156 Steam initialized (AppId 464920) *** Ged! Language: English time 0:00:01:125 *** RenderDevice::Init: started... time 0:00:01:844 *** Texture headers: 17538 loaded, 0 newer, 27 ms time 0:00:02:047 *** graphics info GPU Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics (Feature Level: 11.1 { SAD4ShaderInstructions: True, ExtendedDoublesShaderInstructions: True, }) API d3d11 GPU Driver Version 27.20.21003.8013 GPU Driver Package Version 27.20.21003.8013 time 0:00:02:188 Platform: { desktop = true, developer = false, editor = true, ged = true, goldmaster = true, pc = true, pops = true, steam = true, } time 0:00:02:906 [LUA ERROR] Attempt to use an undefined global 'LuaModEnv' [string ""](-1): <> [C](-1): field procall [string ""](-1): field StaticMsg [string ""](-1): <> --- end of stack [LUA ERROR] [string ""]:-1: attempt to call a nil value (field 'LuaModEnv') [C](-1): field procall [string ""](-1): field StaticMsg [string ""](-1): <> --- end of stack time 0:00:02:985 Enumming all 2 sound devices Found a sound device '6 - SAMSUNG (AMD High Definition Audio Device)' (ID: {}.{4e5b75a1-793f-49fe-8216-c961306d8c85}), format: 0000fffe, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, bits: 16, role: 0000000f Found a sound device 'Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)' (ID: {}.{9938f689-4d94-4d9e-8b51-e2bedd9bf461}), format: 0000fffe, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, bits: 16, role: 00000000 *** Sound device '6 - SAMSUNG (AMD High Definition Audio Device)' (ID: {}.{4e5b75a1-793f-49fe-8216-c961306d8c85}), format: 0000fffe, channels: 2, sample rate: 48000, bits: 16 time 0:00:03:016 DTM started in 0 mb Lua revision: 0 Assets revision: 1001586 Steam AppID: 464920 time 0:00:03:063 Initializing ged app :ModEditor ChangeVideoMode request: 1100 x 900 60 Hz, Windowed, vsync: on time 0:00:03:094 Changed video mode to: 1100 x 900 (Windowed) vsync: on ChangeVideoMode end. time 0:00:13:360 Stopping the game threads from the Lua side. time 0:00:13:375 Stopping the game threads after receiving WM_QUIT. time 0:00:13:391 Hook 'Shader :: CompileEffect' not found! time 0:00:13:625 *** Debug::Done() Time (ms) 13625