2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] ************ -= The Paradox Game Converters Group =- ***************** * Compatible with Imperator [v2.0] and CK3 [v1.6.1] * Built on 2022-07-20 15:37:36Z ************************ + Imperator To CK3 + ************************ 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [PROGRESS] 0 % 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [DEBUG] Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19044.0 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [DEBUG] Installed UI Language Info: hu-HU 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [DEBUG] Current UI Language Info: hu-HU 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] Reading configuration file... 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] Save game set to: C:\Users\balin\OneDrive\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Imperator\save games\mp_autosave.rome 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] HeresiesInHistoricalAreas set to: False 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] ImperatorCurrencyRate set to: 1 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] Output name set to: Grand Campaign 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] Using output name Grand_Campaign 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] I:R install path is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ImperatorRome 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] Imperator version: 2.0.3 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] CK3 install path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Crusader Kings III 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] CK3 version: 2022-08-12 08:59:49 [INFO] *** Hello Imperator, Roma Invicta! *** 2022-08-12 08:59:50 [INFO] Verifying Imperator save... 2022-08-12 08:59:50 [INFO] Importing regular Imperator save. 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Save game version: 2.0.3 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Date: 701.1.1 AUC (-53.1.1 AD) 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Enabled DLC: Epirus Flavor Pack 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Enabled DLC: Heirs of Alexander 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Enabled DLC: Hellenistic World Flavor Pack 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Enabled DLC: Magna Graecia 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Enabled DLC: The Punic Wars 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Detecting used mods... 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Save game claims 0 mods used: 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] No mods were detected in savegame. Skipping mod processing. 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Reading Imperator script values... 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Loading Imperator governments... 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Loading Imperator deities... 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Loading Imperator religions... 2022-08-12 08:59:52 [INFO] Loading Families... 2022-08-12 08:59:53 [DEBUG] Ignored Family tokens: owner, color, status, variables 2022-08-12 08:59:53 [INFO] Loaded 1474 families. 2022-08-12 08:59:53 [INFO] Loading Characters... 2022-08-12 09:00:35 [INFO] Linking Characters with Spouses... 2022-08-12 09:00:35 [INFO] 76918 spouses linked. 2022-08-12 09:00:35 [INFO] Linking Characters with Mothers and Fathers... 2022-08-12 09:00:35 [INFO] 65292 mothers and 65745 fathers linked. 2022-08-12 09:00:35 [DEBUG] Ignored Character tokens: ethnicity, family_name, last_ruler_term, is_bastard, rivals, fertility, health, character_experience, popularity, spouse_death_date, num_ambitions, ambition, variables, yearly_character_pulses, corruption, prominence, convictions, friends, score, base, leader_date, loyal_veterans, holdings, last_victory, unit, preferred_heir, timed_loyalty, modifier, legion_date, succession, legion, party_type, is_party_leader, support_as_heir, divorcee, mercenary, is_banished 2022-08-12 09:00:35 [INFO] Loaded 109853 characters. 2022-08-12 09:00:35 [INFO] Loading Countries... 2022-08-12 09:00:38 [DEBUG] Ignored CountryCurrencies tokens: innovations 2022-08-12 09:00:38 [DEBUG] Ignored RulerTerm tokens: party 2022-08-12 09:00:38 [DEBUG] Ignored Country tokens: coat_of_arms, variables, graphical_culture, gender_equality, num_stance_changes, is_antagonist, original_capital, current_regnal_number, has_senior_ally, diplomatic_stance, sub_unit, sub_unit_access, sub_unit_construction_count, combat_tactics, laws, unit_counts, ideas, ignore_senate_approval, not_supporting_primary_heir, technology, recovery_motivation, monthly_manpower, current_income, estimated_monthly_income, averaged_income, economy, religious_unity, foreign_religion_pops, total_population, succession, diplomatic_action, max_manpower, blockaded_percent, blockaded_percent_per_province, active_inventions, mark_invention, military_bonuses, export, economic_policies, successors, last_trade_route_creation_date, num_owned_provinces_per_year, total_holdings, possible_holdings, total_power_base, non_loyal_power_base, armies, navies, total_cohorts, num_ships_under_construction, num_regs_under_construction, num_donkeys_under_construction, num_forts_under_construction, loyal_cohorts, disloyal_cohorts, loyal_pops, centralization, legitimacy, last_war, last_peace, last_battle_won, cached_happiness_for_owned, cached_pop_count_for_owned, cultures, levy, ai, host_ai, units, country_characters_packed, heritage, legion_recruitment, starting_population, pantheon, governorship, monthly_war_exhaustion, modifier, anti_piracy, poptype_rights, omen, omen_start, omen_duration, parties, deity_category, treasures, origin, ports, great_work, pirate_haven, co_ruler, received_offers, clan_chief, auto_accept_trade, dyn, revolt, past_deified_rulers, prisoners_abroad 2022-08-12 09:00:38 [INFO] Loaded 1174 countries. 2022-08-12 09:00:38 [INFO] Loading Pops... 2022-08-12 09:00:43 [INFO] Loaded 86700 pops. 2022-08-12 09:00:43 [INFO] Loading Provinces... 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [DEBUG] Ignored Province tokens: variables, state, previous_owner, last_owner_change, last_controller_change, claim, original_culture, original_religion, population_ratio, possible_migrant, growing_pop, migrant, assimilate, convert, promote, demote, garrison, trade_goods, num_of_roads, num_foreign_culture, num_other_religion, blockaded, blockaded_percent_per_navy, looted, plundered, holdings, treasure_slots, great_work, move_pop_command, previous_controller, last_enslavement, modifier, has_port, unit, port, winter_neighbours, winter, levied_pops, secondary_great_work, building_construction, siege, siege_combat, barbarian_power 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [INFO] Loaded 8062 provinces. 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [INFO] Loading Jobs... 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [DEBUG] Ignored Jobs tokens: office_job, techoffice_job 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [INFO] Loaded 128 governorships. 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [INFO] Loading Imperator holy site database... 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [INFO] Player countries: SMN 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [INFO] Player countries: VNT 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [DEBUG] Ignored World tokens: save_game_version, meta_player_name, started, play_time, speed, random_seed, random_count, game_configuration, variables, objectives, strike_team, ai_combat, ai_war, state, horde, mercenary, road_network, combat, trade, treasure_manager, diplomacy, dynamic_game_object_manager, cancellable_modifiers_manager, ironman_manager, mission_manager, great_work_manager, country_culture_manager, legion_manager, parties, sync_ai_tasks, playthrough_id, tutorial_disable, turn, unsync_ai_tasks, replay, triggered_event, triggered_event_temp, next_player_event_id, player_event 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [INFO] *** Building World *** 2022-08-12 09:00:46 [INFO] Linking Characters with Families... 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Families without definition: 0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 100, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 757, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 784, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 885, 886, 887, 888, 890, 891, 892, 893, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 916, 919, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940, 942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977, 978, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987, 988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 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16778336, 16778339, 16778340, 16778342, 16778344, 16778345, 16778347, 16778349, 16778351, 16778353, 16778354, 16778355, 16778357, 16778358, 16778359, 16778360, 16778362, 16778364, 16778365, 16778373, 16778374, 16778377, 16778378, 16778380, 16778382, 16778384, 16778386, 16778388, 16778389, 16778391, 16778392, 16778393, 16778395, 16778396, 16778398, 16778399, 16778401, 16778403, 16778404, 16778407, 16778408, 16778411, 16778412, 16778414, 16778415, 16778417, 16778418, 16778420, 16778421, 16778423, 16778424, 16778426, 16778428, 16778430, 16778431, 16778433, 16778434, 16778435, 16778436, 16778438, 16778439, 16778441, 16778442, 16778443, 16778470, 16778472, 16778474, 16778476, 16778477, 16778478, 16778479, 16778480, 16778481, 16778482, 16778483, 16778485, 16778489, 16778490, 16778506, 16778507, 16778508, 16778510, 16778511, 16778512, 16778514, 16778519, 16778521, 16778522, 16778524, 16778526, 16778527, 16778528, 16778529, 16778531, 16778532, 16778534, 16778536, 16778538, 16778539, 16778540, 16778541, 16778543, 16778544, 16778546, 16778548, 16778549, 16778551, 16778553, 16778554, 16778559, 16778560, 16778561, 33554440, 33554472, 33554479, 33554481, 33554491, 33554505, 33554513, 33554515, 33555115, 33555136, 33555148, 33555150, 33555153, 33555154, 33555157, 33555163, 33555167, 33555172, 33555175, 33555182, 33555189, 33555192, 33555196, 33555197, 33555198, 33555201, 33555203, 33555207, 33555212, 33555213, 33555215, 33555221, 33555226, 33555231, 33555235, 33555239, 33555249, 33555253, 33555255, 33555256, 33555261, 33555263, 33555265, 33555267, 33555270, 33555271, 33555277, 33555279, 33555281, 33555285, 33555288, 33555293, 33555295, 33555298, 33555304, 33555311, 33555313, 33555315, 33555320, 33555321, 33555327, 33555328, 33555333, 33555334, 33555336, 33555337, 33555339, 33555342, 33555343, 33555344, 33555351, 33555352, 33555353, 33555358, 33555359, 33555361, 33555363, 33555365, 33555366, 33555368, 33555372, 33555375, 33555380, 33555382, 33555384, 33555386, 33555388, 33555391, 33555393, 33555395, 33555400, 33555402, 33555405, 33555409, 33555412, 33555415, 33555416, 33555417, 33555420, 33555423, 33555424, 33555425, 33555429, 33555431, 33555432, 33555433, 33555435, 33555438, 33555441, 33555444, 33555447, 33555449, 33555450, 33555457, 33555460, 33555462, 33555463, 33555467, 33555469, 33555471, 33555473, 33555475, 33555477, 33555485, 33555491, 33555492, 33555494, 33555496, 33555498, 33555502, 33555503, 33555505, 33555506, 33555510, 33555515, 33555521, 33555523, 33555525, 33555526, 33555536, 33555538, 33555546, 33555548, 33555549, 33555558, 33555560, 33555563, 33555567, 33555569, 33555570, 33555571, 33555573, 33555580, 33555581, 33555589, 33555590, 33555593, 33555594, 33555596, 33555598, 33555600, 33555604, 33555605, 33555607, 33555609, 33555611, 33555612, 33555614, 33555615, 33555620, 33555623, 33555624, 33555628, 33555631, 33555633, 33555636, 33555637, 33555642, 33555646, 33555647, 33555649, 33555651, 33555658, 33555686, 33555692, 33555693, 33555695, 33555696, 33555697, 33555701, 33555728, 33555737, 33555740, 33555745, 33555750, 33555752, 33555754, 33555756, 33555759, 33555762, 33555764, 33555765, 33555768, 33555770, 50331695, 50331721, 50331729, 50332352, 50332358, 50332370, 50332383, 50332398, 50332405, 50332408, 50332414, 50332417, 50332419, 50332428, 50332429, 50332431, 50332451, 50332469, 50332472, 50332483, 50332487, 50332493, 50332495, 50332504, 50332514, 50332520, 50332527, 50332529, 50332531, 50332536, 50332543, 50332550, 50332553, 50332558, 50332559, 50332560, 50332567, 50332575, 50332581, 50332582, 50332584, 50332588, 50332596, 50332600, 50332602, 50332604, 50332609, 50332611, 50332616, 50332618, 50332621, 50332625, 50332628, 50332632, 50332633, 50332636, 50332639, 50332640, 50332647, 50332648, 50332651, 50332654, 50332660, 50332665, 50332676, 50332677, 50332679, 50332685, 50332687, 50332689, 50332691, 50332693, 50332695, 50332701, 50332714, 50332719, 50332726, 50332739, 50332741, 50332742, 50332754, 50332762, 50332771, 50332774, 50332785, 50332786, 50332789, 50332806, 50332809, 50332812, 50332814, 50332816, 50332820, 50332821, 50332823, 50332828, 50332830, 50332831, 50332836, 50332847, 50332852, 50332853, 50332858, 50332862, 50332863, 50332865, 50332902, 50332908, 50332909, 50332917, 50332944, 50332953, 50332956, 50332961, 50332966, 50332972, 50332975, 50332978, 50332981, 67108945, 67109568, 67109624, 67109633, 67109635, 67109644, 67109645, 67109647, 67109709, 67109730, 67109736, 67109745, 67109747, 67109769, 67109774, 67109797, 67109798, 67109800, 67109804, 67109812, 67109816, 67109818, 67109832, 67109834, 67109844, 67109848, 67109855, 67109863, 67109864, 67109867, 67109876, 67109881, 67109889, 67109893, 67109895, 67109911, 67109917, 67109923, 67109930, 67109935, 67109942, 67109957, 67109970, 67109987, 67110001, 67110005, 67110025, 67110028, 67110030, 67110039, 67110047, 67110052, 67110063, 67110069, 67110074, 67110079, 67110081, 67110118, 67110124, 67110160, 67110172, 67110188, 67110194, 67110200, 83886161, 83886815, 83886837, 83886849, 83886851, 83886952, 83887013, 83887016, 83887048, 83887050, 83887092, 83887109, 83887111, 83887139, 83887146, 83887151, 83887186, 83887241, 83887244, 83887246, 83887263, 83887279, 83887290, 83887297, 83887334, 83887376, 83887404, 83887410, 100664031, 100664053, 100664186, 100664232, 100664264, 100664266, 100664308, 100664362, 100664402, 100664457, 100664479, 100664556, 100664592, 100664626, 117441480, 117441482, 117441578, 117441618, 117441695, 117441772, 117441808, 117441842, 134218696, 134218794, 134218834, 134218988, 134219024, 150996010 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] 51104 families linked to characters. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Linking Characters with Countries... 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] 109853 countries linked to characters. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] 109853 home countries linked to characters. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] 10 prisoner homes linked to characters. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Linking Provinces with Pops... 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] 80262 pops linked to provinces. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Linking Provinces with Countries... 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] 6002 provinces linked to countries. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Linking Countries with Families... 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] 1474 families linked to countries. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of SPA doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of EPI doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of MAC doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of KIO doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of BPK doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of ODR doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of HCP doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of CAP doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of ARM doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of JUD doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of SMA doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [DEBUG] List of pre-Imperator rulers of DRD doesn't match data from save! 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] *** Good-bye Imperator, rest in peace. *** 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Parsing death reason mappings... 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Loaded 67 death reason links. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Parsing government mappings... 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Loaded 17 government links. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Parsing nickname mappings... 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Loaded 354 nickname links. 2022-08-12 09:00:47 [INFO] Parsing province mappings... 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] 4371 mappings loaded. 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] Parsing succession law mappings... 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] Loaded 15 succession law links. 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] Parsing Title mappings... 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] 204 title mappings loaded. 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] *** Hello CK3, let's get painting. *** 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] CK3 bookmark date set to: 2.1.1 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] Loading map data... 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] Loaded provinces map. 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] Loaded province definitions. 2022-08-12 09:00:48 [INFO] Loaded province positions. 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [INFO] Determined province neighbors. 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: definitions 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: provinces 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: rivers 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: topology 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: continent 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: adjacencies 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: island_region 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: seasons 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [INFO] Found impassables. 2022-08-12 09:01:05 [INFO] Reading Localization... 2022-08-12 09:01:11 [INFO] 384099 localization lines read. 2022-08-12 09:01:11 [INFO] Loading CK3 holy sites... 2022-08-12 09:01:11 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: is_active 2022-08-12 09:01:11 [INFO] Loading religions from CK3 game and mods... 2022-08-12 09:01:12 [INFO] Loading replaceable holy site IDs... 2022-08-12 09:01:12 [INFO] Parsing CoAs... 2022-08-12 09:01:12 [INFO] Loaded 143 coats of arms. 2022-08-12 09:01:13 [DEBUG] Ignored Title tokens: destroy_on_succession 2022-08-12 09:01:13 [INFO] Parsing title history... 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Loaded 3281 title histories. 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Initializing Geography... 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: generate_modifiers 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: graphical 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: color 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: graphical 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: color 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: graphical 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: color 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: graphical 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: color 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: graphical 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: color 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: generate_modifiers 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Ignoring keyword: generate_modifiers 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Initializing Imperator Geography... 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Imperator areas file location: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/ImperatorRome/game/map_data/areas.txt 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [DEBUG] Imperator regions file location: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/ImperatorRome/game/map_data/regions.txt 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Parsing religion mappings... 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Loaded 89 religious links. 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Parsing culture mappings... 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Loaded 217 cultural links. 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Parsing trait mappings... 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Loaded 85 trait links. 2022-08-12 09:01:15 [INFO] Importing Imperator Characters... 2022-08-12 09:01:24 [WARN] Imperator character 96742's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:24 [WARN] Imperator character 98063's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:24 [WARN] Imperator character 101347's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [WARN] Imperator character 103878's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [WARN] Imperator character 104428's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [WARN] Imperator character 105288's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [WARN] Imperator character 105723's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [WARN] Imperator character 106285's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [WARN] Imperator character 107701's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [WARN] Imperator character 109291's prison country does not exist in CK3! 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [INFO] 109853 total characters recognized. 2022-08-12 09:01:25 [INFO] 65292 mothers and 65745 fathers linked in CK3. 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [INFO] 38459 spouses linked in CK3. 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [INFO] 0 prisoners linked with jailors in CK3. 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [INFO] Importing pregnancies... 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [INFO] Clearing featured characters' descriptions... 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [INFO] Importing Imperator Families... 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [INFO] 300 total families imported. 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [INFO] Importing Imperator Countries... 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name OSR as name for d_IMPTOCK3_OSR! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name OSR as adjective for d_IMPTOCK3_OSR! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name SOP as name for d_IMPTOCK3_SOP! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name SOP as adjective for d_IMPTOCK3_SOP! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name VNG as name for d_IMPTOCK3_VNG! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name VNG as adjective for d_IMPTOCK3_VNG! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name ISA as name for d_IMPTOCK3_ISA! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name ISA as adjective for d_IMPTOCK3_ISA! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name KOK as name for d_IMPTOCK3_KOK! 2022-08-12 09:01:26 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name KOK as adjective for d_IMPTOCK3_KOK! 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name cappadocian PROV212 as name for d_IMPTOCK3_F37! 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [WARN] Using unlocalized Imperator name cappadocian PROV212 as adjective for d_IMPTOCK3_F37! 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [INFO] Imported 1170 countries from I:R. 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [INFO] Importing vanilla provinces... 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building, duchy_capital_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: faith 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: faith 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: 950 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: faith 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: faith 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: 1010 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building, duchy_capital_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: faith 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: faith 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: faith 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [WARN] Vanilla province duplication - 216 already loaded! Overwriting. 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [WARN] Vanilla province duplication - 217 already loaded! Overwriting. 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: terrain 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building, duchy_capital_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:27 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot, special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [WARN] Vanilla province duplication - 8068 already loaded! Overwriting. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [DEBUG] Ignored history keywords: special_building_slot 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [WARN] Duplicate province mapping for 8141, overwriting! 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [WARN] Duplicate province mapping for 8142, overwriting! 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [WARN] Duplicate province mapping for 8146, overwriting! 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [WARN] Duplicate province mapping for 8015, overwriting! 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [WARN] Duplicate province mapping for 667, overwriting! 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6254 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6257 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6244 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6292 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6246 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6250 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6253 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6260 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6262 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6265 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [WARN] Base province 685 not found for province 667. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6110 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6111 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 6112 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 8147 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 4025 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 4024 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 4253 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 431 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 432 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 428 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 429 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 375 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 374 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 427 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 377 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 423 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 378 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 379 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 376 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 383 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 394 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 395 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 397 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 398 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 399 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 401 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 402 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 403 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 409 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 408 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 407 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 404 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 405 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 406 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 410 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 411 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 412 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 415 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 414 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 416 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 417 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Vanilla province duplication - 413 already loaded! Preferring unique entry over mapping. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Loaded 8544 province definitions. 2022-08-12 09:01:28 [INFO] Importing Imperator Provinces... 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine religion for province 7142 with source religion , using vanilla religion! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine culture for province 7142 with source culture , using vanilla culture! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine religion for province 1432 with source religion , using vanilla religion! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine culture for province 1432 with source culture , using vanilla culture! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine religion for province 7143 with source religion , using vanilla religion! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine culture for province 7143 with source culture , using vanilla culture! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine religion for province 7133 with source religion , using vanilla religion! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine culture for province 7133 with source culture , using vanilla culture! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine religion for province 7121 with source religion , using vanilla religion! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine culture for province 7121 with source culture , using vanilla culture! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine religion for province 7131 with source religion , using vanilla religion! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine culture for province 7131 with source culture , using vanilla culture! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine religion for province 7132 with source religion , using vanilla religion! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [WARN] Couldn't determine culture for province 7132 with source culture , using vanilla culture! 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [INFO] 8062 Imperator provinces imported into 6164 CK3 provinces. 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [INFO] Importing Imperator Governorships... 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [INFO] Imported 118 governorships from I:R. 2022-08-12 09:01:31 [INFO] Overwriting counties' history... 2022-08-12 09:01:32 [INFO] Importing development from Imperator... 2022-08-12 09:01:32 [INFO] Removing invalid landless titles. 2022-08-12 09:01:36 [DEBUG] Found landless generated titles that can't be landless: d_IMPTOCK3_ATH, d_IMPTOCK3_SPA, d_IMPTOCK3_EPI, d_IMPTOCK3_KRK, d_IMPTOCK3_AET, d_IMPTOCK3_AKR, d_IMPTOCK3_MSE, d_IMPTOCK3_PTA, d_IMPTOCK3_DYM, d_IMPTOCK3_MGL, d_IMPTOCK3_TEG, d_IMPTOCK3_AIG, d_IMPTOCK3_PLE, d_IMPTOCK3_AZA, d_IMPTOCK3_ARG, d_IMPTOCK3_MTE, d_IMPTOCK3_ELI, d_IMPTOCK3_TRN, d_IMPTOCK3_EPD, d_IMPTOCK3_PRI, d_IMPTOCK3_HRA, d_IMPTOCK3_LPR, d_IMPTOCK3_MAC, d_IMPTOCK3_STP, d_IMPTOCK3_MGA, d_IMPTOCK3_THE, d_IMPTOCK3_EUB, d_IMPTOCK3_BOE, d_IMPTOCK3_DEL, k_IMPTOCK3_ADR, d_IMPTOCK3_KOS, d_IMPTOCK3_MLO, d_IMPTOCK3_BYZ, d_IMPTOCK3_ION, d_IMPTOCK3_CIA, d_IMPTOCK3_KNI, d_IMPTOCK3_IOA, d_IMPTOCK3_CDD, d_IMPTOCK3_KIO, d_IMPTOCK3_SNP, d_IMPTOCK3_AST, d_IMPTOCK3_KZK, d_IMPTOCK3_AMS, d_IMPTOCK3_HKS, d_IMPTOCK3_KRS, d_IMPTOCK3_KYA, d_IMPTOCK3_PAA, d_IMPTOCK3_TAN, d_IMPTOCK3_HRM, d_IMPTOCK3_ORE, k_IMPTOCK3_BPK, d_IMPTOCK3_SRM, d_IMPTOCK3_OLB, d_IMPTOCK3_TYS, d_IMPTOCK3_TYG, d_IMPTOCK3_MAE, d_IMPTOCK3_CHS, d_IMPTOCK3_ORG, d_IMPTOCK3_ISO, d_IMPTOCK3_TMS, d_IMPTOCK3_KTS, d_IMPTOCK3_KOI, d_IMPTOCK3_ODS, d_IMPTOCK3_MES, d_IMPTOCK3_APL, d_IMPTOCK3_SND, d_IMPTOCK3_SCE, d_IMPTOCK3_LGA, d_IMPTOCK3_SCA, d_IMPTOCK3_KNO, d_IMPTOCK3_PYR, d_IMPTOCK3_LYT, d_IMPTOCK3_KYD, d_IMPTOCK3_GRT, d_IMPTOCK3_IEP, d_IMPTOCK3_TRA, d_IMPTOCK3_PRE, d_IMPTOCK3_ELT, d_IMPTOCK3_TRE, d_IMPTOCK3_ODR, d_IMPTOCK3_COR, k_IMPTOCK3_PRY, d_IMPTOCK3_RHO, d_IMPTOCK3_BIT, d_IMPTOCK3_HCP, d_IMPTOCK3_CAP, d_IMPTOCK3_PON, d_IMPTOCK3_PAP, d_IMPTOCK3_ADI, d_IMPTOCK3_ARM, d_IMPTOCK3_MAP, d_IMPTOCK3_IBR, d_IMPTOCK3_COL, d_IMPTOCK3_ALB, d_IMPTOCK3_TRZ, d_IMPTOCK3_BAC, d_IMPTOCK3_PAR, d_IMPTOCK3_OSR, d_IMPTOCK3_SOP, d_IMPTOCK3_COM, d_IMPTOCK3_JUD, d_IMPTOCK3_SMA, d_IMPTOCK3_BYB, d_IMPTOCK3_ARA, d_IMPTOCK3_SID, d_IMPTOCK3_BMB, d_IMPTOCK3_SAM, d_IMPTOCK3_ETR, d_IMPTOCK3_UMB, d_IMPTOCK3_PIE, d_IMPTOCK3_SAB, d_IMPTOCK3_APU, d_IMPTOCK3_NEP, d_IMPTOCK3_FRE, d_IMPTOCK3_PEL, d_IMPTOCK3_MSP, d_IMPTOCK3_SNI, d_IMPTOCK3_LCA, d_IMPTOCK3_BRT, d_IMPTOCK3_ANO, d_IMPTOCK3_MET, d_IMPTOCK3_TAR, d_IMPTOCK3_THU, d_IMPTOCK3_HCL, d_IMPTOCK3_CRO, d_IMPTOCK3_LOC, d_IMPTOCK3_RHG, d_IMPTOCK3_HPO, d_IMPTOCK3_SCU, d_IMPTOCK3_CUT, d_IMPTOCK3_SLS, d_IMPTOCK3_LPO, d_IMPTOCK3_LGN, d_IMPTOCK3_TAU, d_IMPTOCK3_INM, d_IMPTOCK3_IGN, d_IMPTOCK3_EPA, d_IMPTOCK3_INS, d_IMPTOCK3_CNM, d_IMPTOCK3_KRN, d_IMPTOCK3_HIS, d_IMPTOCK3_GUN, d_IMPTOCK3_BOI, d_IMPTOCK3_RAE, d_IMPTOCK3_BRE, d_IMPTOCK3_FNT, d_IMPTOCK3_NUC, d_IMPTOCK3_MRS, d_IMPTOCK3_SIO, d_IMPTOCK3_SYR, d_IMPTOCK3_ACR, d_IMPTOCK3_CAT, d_IMPTOCK3_DUR, d_IMPTOCK3_PAS, d_IMPTOCK3_DUM, d_IMPTOCK3_ICE, d_IMPTOCK3_SIR, d_IMPTOCK3_DEM, d_IMPTOCK3_COI, d_IMPTOCK3_DOB, d_IMPTOCK3_COV, d_IMPTOCK3_ORD, d_IMPTOCK3_DEC, d_IMPTOCK3_BRI, d_IMPTOCK3_CAV, d_IMPTOCK3_TRI, d_IMPTOCK3_CAL, d_IMPTOCK3_VTD, d_IMPTOCK3_DNN, d_IMPTOCK3_TXL, d_IMPTOCK3_ULT, d_IMPTOCK3_BLD, d_IMPTOCK3_ASU, d_IMPTOCK3_AUI, d_IMPTOCK3_AUG, d_IMPTOCK3_BAI, d_IMPTOCK3_BAL, d_IMPTOCK3_CLL, d_IMPTOCK3_CBI, d_IMPTOCK3_CRI, d_IMPTOCK3_CRP, d_IMPTOCK3_CLB, d_IMPTOCK3_CLC, d_IMPTOCK3_CNT, d_IMPTOCK3_CNU, d_IMPTOCK3_EDT, d_IMPTOCK3_ICV, d_IMPTOCK3_ILG, d_IMPTOCK3_IDK, d_IMPTOCK3_LCT, d_IMPTOCK3_ORT, d_IMPTOCK3_TUR, d_IMPTOCK3_VCI, d_IMPTOCK3_VSC, d_IMPTOCK3_VET, d_IMPTOCK3_EPO, d_IMPTOCK3_TAT, d_IMPTOCK3_MST, d_IMPTOCK3_GAD, d_IMPTOCK3_MAT, d_IMPTOCK3_SGS, d_IMPTOCK3_VAD, d_IMPTOCK3_ORM, d_IMPTOCK3_AVG, d_IMPTOCK3_COC, d_IMPTOCK3_CNI, d_IMPTOCK3_BLN, d_IMPTOCK3_MRC, d_IMPTOCK3_TMC, d_IMPTOCK3_VDI, d_IMPTOCK3_AMC, d_IMPTOCK3_BDU, d_IMPTOCK3_GGR, d_IMPTOCK3_LCN, d_IMPTOCK3_LGO, d_IMPTOCK3_PSC, d_IMPTOCK3_SLI, d_IMPTOCK3_SPT, d_IMPTOCK3_TBU, d_IMPTOCK3_ZLA, d_IMPTOCK3_AEB, d_IMPTOCK3_ABO, d_IMPTOCK3_ARR, d_IMPTOCK3_BED, d_IMPTOCK3_BAN, d_IMPTOCK3_BRC, k_IMPTOCK3_CLD, d_IMPTOCK3_COP, d_IMPTOCK3_GRV, d_IMPTOCK3_INT, d_IMPTOCK3_LUN, d_IMPTOCK3_NRI, d_IMPTOCK3_SUR, d_IMPTOCK3_SLN, d_IMPTOCK3_TMG, d_IMPTOCK3_VRR, d_IMPTOCK3_CSS, d_IMPTOCK3_TDL, d_IMPTOCK3_PAE, d_IMPTOCK3_LSI, d_IMPTOCK3_TPL, d_IMPTOCK3_SFI, d_IMPTOCK3_CMS, d_IMPTOCK3_TDT, d_IMPTOCK3_EBL, d_IMPTOCK3_IGD, d_IMPTOCK3_LCC, d_IMPTOCK3_AVA, d_IMPTOCK3_TLS, d_IMPTOCK3_BDL, d_IMPTOCK3_TDI, d_IMPTOCK3_BLT, d_IMPTOCK3_CLU, d_IMPTOCK3_CRE, d_IMPTOCK3_CLO, d_IMPTOCK3_LSN, d_IMPTOCK3_TTH, d_IMPTOCK3_BLL, d_IMPTOCK3_OLC, d_IMPTOCK3_LBT, d_IMPTOCK3_DNQ, d_IMPTOCK3_MOC, d_IMPTOCK3_AEL, d_IMPTOCK3_TRQ, d_IMPTOCK3_SLC, d_IMPTOCK3_SDT, d_IMPTOCK3_DEI, d_IMPTOCK3_EBI, d_IMPTOCK3_MTS, d_IMPTOCK3_GRM, d_IMPTOCK3_MSS, d_IMPTOCK3_MSY, d_IMPTOCK3_CYR, d_IMPTOCK3_MSL, d_IMPTOCK3_MAU, d_IMPTOCK3_AXM, d_IMPTOCK3_MYL, d_IMPTOCK3_OPO, d_IMPTOCK3_MND, d_IMPTOCK3_AVL, d_IMPTOCK3_ADO, d_IMPTOCK3_YEH, d_IMPTOCK3_GWN, d_IMPTOCK3_BOR, d_IMPTOCK3_AUT, d_IMPTOCK3_BMY, d_IMPTOCK3_ACO, d_IMPTOCK3_HDR, d_IMPTOCK3_LPT, d_IMPTOCK3_TPS, d_IMPTOCK3_UTC, d_IMPTOCK3_TRP, d_IMPTOCK3_EMP, d_IMPTOCK3_IOL, d_IMPTOCK3_KUA, d_IMPTOCK3_DOD, d_IMPTOCK3_DAL, d_IMPTOCK3_ABC, d_IMPTOCK3_ALL, d_IMPTOCK3_ARC, d_IMPTOCK3_AVN, d_IMPTOCK3_BTU, d_IMPTOCK3_CDC, d_IMPTOCK3_CNS, d_IMPTOCK3_HVI, d_IMPTOCK3_NTB, d_IMPTOCK3_RUT, d_IMPTOCK3_SLV, d_IMPTOCK3_SGL, d_IMPTOCK3_SRB, d_IMPTOCK3_SRD, d_IMPTOCK3_TRB, d_IMPTOCK3_TRS, d_IMPTOCK3_TCT, d_IMPTOCK3_VOC, d_IMPTOCK3_DCA, d_IMPTOCK3_OXB, d_IMPTOCK3_CTR, d_IMPTOCK3_ASC, d_IMPTOCK3_BIG, d_IMPTOCK3_CCS, d_IMPTOCK3_SBZ, d_IMPTOCK3_PTC, d_IMPTOCK3_SNT, d_IMPTOCK3_HMK, d_IMPTOCK3_HVT, d_IMPTOCK3_VNN, d_IMPTOCK3_TLG, d_IMPTOCK3_ESO, d_IMPTOCK3_BRG, d_IMPTOCK3_CTN, d_IMPTOCK3_TIG, d_IMPTOCK3_TOU, d_IMPTOCK3_VRB, d_IMPTOCK3_RAU, d_IMPTOCK3_BGT, d_IMPTOCK3_CRN, d_IMPTOCK3_PCS, d_IMPTOCK3_TRO, d_IMPTOCK3_NMN, k_IMPTOCK3_ADC, d_IMPTOCK3_RDO, d_IMPTOCK3_EBV, d_IMPTOCK3_DBL, d_IMPTOCK3_LXV, d_IMPTOCK3_OSM, d_IMPTOCK3_VTN, d_IMPTOCK3_VNL, d_IMPTOCK3_ESV, d_IMPTOCK3_VCL, d_IMPTOCK3_AMB, d_IMPTOCK3_AED, d_IMPTOCK3_SQI, d_IMPTOCK3_LNG, d_IMPTOCK3_MDB, d_IMPTOCK3_SNN, d_IMPTOCK3_TRC, d_IMPTOCK3_PRS, d_IMPTOCK3_CTL, d_IMPTOCK3_MDM, d_IMPTOCK3_VNG, d_IMPTOCK3_ADT, d_IMPTOCK3_EBS, d_IMPTOCK3_MNP, d_IMPTOCK3_CGN, d_IMPTOCK3_MRN, d_IMPTOCK3_NRV, d_IMPTOCK3_RMI, d_IMPTOCK3_CLT, d_IMPTOCK3_BLV, d_IMPTOCK3_ABM, d_IMPTOCK3_VMD, d_IMPTOCK3_SSS, d_IMPTOCK3_MAS, d_IMPTOCK3_BOA, d_IMPTOCK3_CAA, d_IMPTOCK3_DRI, d_IMPTOCK3_DLM, d_IMPTOCK3_DIT, d_IMPTOCK3_LTB, d_IMPTOCK3_LBN, d_IMPTOCK3_PII, d_IMPTOCK3_ABI, d_IMPTOCK3_CVI, d_IMPTOCK3_DUI, d_IMPTOCK3_PNN, d_IMPTOCK3_DNT, d_IMPTOCK3_DND, d_IMPTOCK3_SCD, d_IMPTOCK3_AMI, d_IMPTOCK3_OXU, d_IMPTOCK3_OTN, d_IMPTOCK3_HCN, d_IMPTOCK3_EVS, d_IMPTOCK3_TLT, d_IMPTOCK3_MOE, d_IMPTOCK3_TBL, d_IMPTOCK3_GTE, d_IMPTOCK3_POT, d_IMPTOCK3_SLD, d_IMPTOCK3_ABN, d_IMPTOCK3_BUD, d_IMPTOCK3_RAT, d_IMPTOCK3_APP, d_IMPTOCK3_CAC, d_IMPTOCK3_ANS, d_IMPTOCK3_TYR, d_IMPTOCK3_NRC, d_IMPTOCK3_TSC, d_IMPTOCK3_TLN, d_IMPTOCK3_DRD, d_IMPTOCK3_SDI, d_IMPTOCK3_SHB, d_IMPTOCK3_MIN, d_IMPTOCK3_QTB, d_IMPTOCK3_HDM, d_IMPTOCK3_NBT, d_IMPTOCK3_LHY, d_IMPTOCK3_MAK, d_IMPTOCK3_TYO, d_IMPTOCK3_GRH, d_IMPTOCK3_THD, d_IMPTOCK3_QDA, d_IMPTOCK3_SHU, d_IMPTOCK3_PHY, d_IMPTOCK3_WUS, d_IMPTOCK3_TAY, d_IMPTOCK3_SOG, d_IMPTOCK3_KHT, d_IMPTOCK3_LOL, d_IMPTOCK3_PSH, d_IMPTOCK3_PND, d_IMPTOCK3_CHR, d_IMPTOCK3_AYY, d_IMPTOCK3_STY, d_IMPTOCK3_ANU, d_IMPTOCK3_MSH, d_IMPTOCK3_ASM, d_IMPTOCK3_ANH, d_IMPTOCK3_KAL, d_IMPTOCK3_PIT, d_IMPTOCK3_BOJ, d_IMPTOCK3_KUN, d_IMPTOCK3_ALU, d_IMPTOCK3_RTI, d_IMPTOCK3_IDR, d_IMPTOCK3_KRA, d_IMPTOCK3_ZHZ, d_IMPTOCK3_YRL, d_IMPTOCK3_TSA, d_IMPTOCK3_ATV, d_IMPTOCK3_GHA, d_IMPTOCK3_PRA, d_IMPTOCK3_YDD, d_IMPTOCK3_NBA, d_IMPTOCK3_NBP, d_IMPTOCK3_HYA, d_IMPTOCK3_PLD, d_IMPTOCK3_RHN, d_IMPTOCK3_MLY, d_IMPTOCK3_PRB, d_IMPTOCK3_KSR, d_IMPTOCK3_ADG, d_IMPTOCK3_KHB, d_IMPTOCK3_KLS, d_IMPTOCK3_SXS, k_IMPTOCK3_VDL, d_IMPTOCK3_HRE, d_IMPTOCK3_VRI, d_IMPTOCK3_ANG, d_IMPTOCK3_AES, d_IMPTOCK3_LVA, d_IMPTOCK3_LGB, d_IMPTOCK3_MCM, d_IMPTOCK3_CHC, d_IMPTOCK3_PRN, d_IMPTOCK3_PSS, d_IMPTOCK3_KRZ, d_IMPTOCK3_ARS, d_IMPTOCK3_SCY, d_IMPTOCK3_ZGY, d_IMPTOCK3_HNY, d_IMPTOCK3_PHI, d_IMPTOCK3_DAN, d_IMPTOCK3_LEU, d_IMPTOCK3_GTH, d_IMPTOCK3_SCI, d_IMPTOCK3_FOS, d_IMPTOCK3_REU, d_IMPTOCK3_AVO, d_IMPTOCK3_CRS, d_IMPTOCK3_AGR, d_IMPTOCK3_IOI, d_IMPTOCK3_BLR, d_IMPTOCK3_DAR, d_IMPTOCK3_ELA, d_IMPTOCK3_MNA, d_IMPTOCK3_CAU, d_IMPTOCK3_IVE, d_IMPTOCK3_USD, d_IMPTOCK3_ROB, d_IMPTOCK3_VEN, d_IMPTOCK3_BGA, d_IMPTOCK3_CAN, d_IMPTOCK3_CON, d_IMPTOCK3_SUD, d_IMPTOCK3_ELE, d_IMPTOCK3_GEL, d_IMPTOCK3_HEM, d_IMPTOCK3_TYN, d_IMPTOCK3_CLA, d_IMPTOCK3_SIN, d_IMPTOCK3_AMP, d_IMPTOCK3_OPU, d_IMPTOCK3_PHO, d_IMPTOCK3_DLP, d_IMPTOCK3_AMK, d_IMPTOCK3_LAP, d_IMPTOCK3_ARD, d_IMPTOCK3_MAD, d_IMPTOCK3_ASP, d_IMPTOCK3_PHA, d_IMPTOCK3_EPM, d_IMPTOCK3_ISA, d_IMPTOCK3_KOK, d_IMPTOCK3_APO, d_IMPTOCK3_SLG, d_IMPTOCK3_TRM, d_IMPTOCK3_SSG, d_IMPTOCK3_PDL, d_IMPTOCK3_HMD, d_IMPTOCK3_SMS, d_IMPTOCK3_TIE, d_IMPTOCK3_LYC, d_IMPTOCK3_ISU, d_IMPTOCK3_LAR, d_IMPTOCK3_MYD, d_IMPTOCK3_AKY, d_IMPTOCK3_ORO, 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k_IMPTOCK3_F07, d_IMPTOCK3_F08, d_IMPTOCK3_F09, d_IMPTOCK3_F10, d_IMPTOCK3_F11, d_IMPTOCK3_F12, d_IMPTOCK3_F13, d_IMPTOCK3_F14, d_IMPTOCK3_F15, d_IMPTOCK3_F16, d_IMPTOCK3_F17, d_IMPTOCK3_F18, d_IMPTOCK3_F19, d_IMPTOCK3_F20, d_IMPTOCK3_F21, d_IMPTOCK3_F22, d_IMPTOCK3_F23, d_IMPTOCK3_F24, d_IMPTOCK3_F25, d_IMPTOCK3_F26, d_IMPTOCK3_F27, d_IMPTOCK3_F28, d_IMPTOCK3_F30, d_IMPTOCK3_F31, d_IMPTOCK3_F32, d_IMPTOCK3_F33, d_IMPTOCK3_F34, d_IMPTOCK3_F35, d_IMPTOCK3_F36, d_IMPTOCK3_F37, d_IMPTOCK3_F38, d_IMPTOCK3_F39, d_IMPTOCK3_F40, d_IMPTOCK3_F41, d_IMPTOCK3_F42, d_IMPTOCK3_F43, d_IMPTOCK3_F44, d_IMPTOCK3_F45, d_IMPTOCK3_F46, d_IMPTOCK3_F47, d_IMPTOCK3_F48, d_IMPTOCK3_F49, d_IMPTOCK3_F50, d_IMPTOCK3_F51, d_IMPTOCK3_F52, d_IMPTOCK3_F53, d_IMPTOCK3_F54, d_IMPTOCK3_F56, d_IMPTOCK3_F57, d_IMPTOCK3_F58, d_IMPTOCK3_F59, d_IMPTOCK3_F60, d_IMPTOCK3_F61, d_IMPTOCK3_F62, d_IMPTOCK3_F63, d_IMPTOCK3_F65, d_IMPTOCK3_F66, d_IMPTOCK3_F67, d_IMPTOCK3_F70, d_IMPTOCK3_F71, d_IMPTOCK3_F73, d_IMPTOCK3_F74, d_IMPTOCK3_A12_sarmatia_europea_region, d_IMPTOCK3_RAM_pannonia_region, k_IMPTOCK3_EGY_dacia_region, k_IMPTOCK3_MRY_parthia_region, d_IMPTOCK3_RUG_pannonia_region, d_IMPTOCK3_SVC_bohemia_area 2022-08-12 09:01:36 [DEBUG] Found landless vanilla titles that can't be landless: k_danelaw, k_daneland, k_mediterranean_sea, d_sunni, d_shiite, d_imami, d_masmudi, d_muwalladi, e_golden_horde, e_ilkhanate, e_chagatai, e_black_horde, e_white_horde, e_aarlud_khanate, e_togskol_khanate, e_baruun_khanate, e_uyghur_khanate, e_kirghiz_khanate, e_mongol_empire, e_kara_khitai, e_timurids, k_guiyi, k_switzerland, k_austria, k_visigoths, e_outremer, k_toledo, d_knights_templar, d_teutonic_order, d_knights_hospitaler, d_hashshashin, d_bektashi, d_haruriyyah, d_jomsvikings, d_immortals, d_zealots, d_holy_sepulchre, d_saint_anthony, d_saint_addai, d_sky_lords, d_spirit_guardians, d_warriors_perun, d_chosen_perkunas, d_sons_kaleva, d_huitzilopochtli, d_knights_santiago, d_knights_calatrava, d_followers_arjuna, d_ashokas_chosen, d_bulls_rishabha, d_zun_warriors, e_latin_empire, e_slavia, e_armenia, e_north_sea, k_pechenegs, d_zaragoza, d_erzerum, d_amalfi, d_belgrade, d_pronsk, d_sandomiersk, d_swiss, e_hre, k_hansa, e_britannia, k_england, d_bedford, d_northumberland, d_lancaster, d_york, d_norfolk, d_hereford, d_gloucester, d_canterbury, d_somerset, d_cornwall, k_wales, d_gwynedd, d_powys, d_deheubarth, k_scotland, d_the_isles, d_galloway, d_western_isles, d_lothian, d_moray, k_ireland, d_meath, d_ulster, d_connacht, d_leinster, d_munster, k_cornwall, k_mann_the_isles, e_germany, k_saxony, d_angria, d_westfalen, d_ostfalen, d_holstein, k_frisia, d_holland, d_gelre, d_utrecht, d_frisia, k_lotharingia, d_luxembourg, d_julich, d_upper_lorraine, d_lower_lorraine, d_bar, d_bavaria, d_nordgau, d_salzburg, d_augsburg, d_steyermark, d_osterreich, d_tyrol, d_carinthia, d_krain, d_istria, d_west_franconia, d_east_franconia, d_hesse, d_currezia, d_alsace, d_anhalt, d_thuringia, e_byzantium, k_saruhan, k_trinacria, k_tekke, k_trebizond, k_ottoman, k_rum, k_mentese, k_karaman, k_germiyan, k_eretnid, k_aydin, k_candar, d_thrace, d_strymon, d_aegean_islands, d_thessalonika, d_thessaly, k_epirus, d_epirus, d_dyrrachion, d_cephalonia, d_athens, d_achaia, k_krete, d_krete, k_croatia, d_dalmatia, d_croatia, d_slavonia, d_bosna, d_lower_bosna, d_usora, d_ragusa, k_serbia, d_rashka, d_macva, d_duklja, k_bosnia, d_vidin, d_turnovo, d_dobrudja, d_bulgaria, d_philippopolis, k_cyprus, d_cyprus, d_opsikion, d_ephese, d_thracesia, d_optimatoi, d_bucellaria, d_cibyrrhaeot, d_anatolia, d_cappadocia, d_charsianon, k_pontus, d_paphlagonia, d_armeniac, d_sebasteia, k_armenia, d_mesopotamia, d_vaspurakan, d_greater_armenia, k_georgia, d_tao-klarjeti, d_abkhazia, d_georgia, d_benevento, d_capua, d_apulia, d_salerno, d_calabria, d_venice, k_armenian_principality, k_old_armenia, e_italy, k_genoa, k_pisa, k_naples, d_friuli, d_verona, d_piedmonte, d_lombardia, d_genoa, d_emilia, d_pisa, d_toscana, k_sardinia, d_corsica, d_sardinia, k_romagna, d_romagna, d_ancona, d_spoleto, d_latium, e_scandinavia, d_svealand, d_bergslagen, d_vastergotland, d_ostergotland, d_smaland, d_norrland, d_gotland, k_sapmi, d_aarjetje, d_vuovdisamieana, d_duortnoseatnu, d_giemajohka, d_guoldat, k_denmark, d_sjaelland, d_skane, d_jylland, d_slesvig, d_viken, d_agder, d_vestlandi, d_trandalog, d_dalir, d_halogaland, d_iceland, d_northern_isles, d_jamtland, k_finland, d_finland, d_savo, d_pohjanmaa, d_karelia, e_wendish_empire, d_pommerania, d_nordmark, d_pomerelia, d_ostmark, k_lithuania, d_lithuanians, d_prussia, d_masuria, d_courland, d_samogitia, d_latgalians, k_esthonia, d_esthonia, d_livonia, k_livonia, e_west_slavia, k_moravia, k_poland, d_lesser_poland, d_mazovia, d_upper_silesia, d_lower_silesia, d_kuyavia, d_moravia, d_volhynia, d_halych, d_cherven_cities, k_sorbia, d_meissen, d_lausitz, e_russia, k_ruthenia, d_kiev, d_turov, d_pereyaslavl, d_chernigov, d_karachev, d_novosil, k_novgorod, d_novgorod, d_vepsia, d_luki, k_white_rus, d_grodno, d_pinsk, d_minsk, d_polotsk, d_smolensk, k_opolye, d_opolye, d_ryazan, d_nizhny_novgorod, k_bjarmaland, d_biarmia, d_chudia, d_vologda, d_ustyug, e_caspian-pontic_steppe, d_yedisan, d_levedia, d_khazaria, d_azov, d_alania, k_caspian_steppe, d_itil, d_pecheneg, k_magyar, e_volga-ural, k_volga_bulgaria, d_volga_bulgaria, d_kazan, d_jalmat, d_martyuba, k_mordvinia, d_mordvinia, d_voronezh, d_chuvashia, d_khopyor, k_permia, d_perm, d_ural, d_udmurtia, k_bashkiria, d_bashkiria, d_uraltau, d_vogulia, e_siberia, k_yugra, d_ostyaki, d_konda, d_pelym, d_kazym, k_sibir, d_sibir, d_ishim, d_tara, d_lanikaz, k_ob, d_salair, d_ala_tau, d_vasyugan_mire, d_baraba_steppe, d_kulyndy_steppe, e_mongolia, k_mongolia, d_otuken, d_ogrash, d_selenga_valley, d_ovorkhangai, d_arkhangai, d_khovsgol, d_gobi_altai, d_ubsunur_hollow, d_khovd, k_tuva, d_togina, d_tannu_ola, d_western_sayan, k_khakassia, d_khakass_hollow, d_shoria, d_kargassia, d_eastern_sayan, k_buryatia, d_uda_valley, d_dauria, d_bargujin_tukum, d_baigaluuls, d_tsagaanbaigal, k_angara, d_yenisei_kan, d_chuna_valley, d_lena, d_angara, e_tartaria, k_zhetysu, d_zhetysu, d_alakol, d_tarbagatai, d_ili-alatau, k_kimek, d_mugodzhar_hills, d_aqtobe, d_atyrau, k_cuman, d_turgay, d_kurgan, d_kush-murun, d_saryarka, d_kazakh, k_kipchak, d_semey, d_kentarlau, d_karkaraly, d_karabas, d_betpa, k_dzungaria, d_kara_khoja, d_altay, d_gurbantunggut, d_naiman_gobi, e_turan, k_khotan, d_khotan, d_kashgar, d_karashar, d_charkliq, d_jemba, d_aral_il, d_barsuki, k_syr_darya, d_syr_darya, d_chah, d_muyunkum, d_badakhshan, d_khuttal, d_osrushana, d_ferghana, d_khorezm, d_uzboy, e_bactria, d_isfahan, d_kirman, d_yazd, d_rayy, d_hamadan, d_fars, d_hormuz, d_khuzestan, d_kermanshah, d_nishapur, d_merv, d_ghur, d_herat, d_balkh, d_nasa, d_kohestan, d_daylam, d_tabaristan, d_gurgan, d_azerbaijan, d_shirvan, d_makran, d_jabal_kufs, d_sistan, d_kabul, d_zabulistan, d_samarra, d_wasit, d_kufa, d_basra, d_baghdad, d_diyarrabia, d_diyarmudar, d_diyarbakr, d_euphrates, d_kurdistan, e_carpathia, d_transylvanian_alps, d_muntenia, d_oltenia, k_moldavia, d_bukovina, d_moldova, d_bugeac, k_hungary, d_somogy, d_nyitra, d_ungvar, d_transcarpathia, d_bihar, d_temes, d_bacs, d_gyor, d_syrmia, e_france, k_france, d_valois, d_berry, d_anjou, d_normandy, d_orleans, d_champagne, d_burgundy, d_flanders, d_gascogne, d_aquitaine, d_toulouse, d_languedoc, d_armagnac, d_poitou, d_auvergne, d_bourbon, k_brittany, d_provence, d_savoie, d_dauphine, d_upper_burgundy, d_transjurania, e_spain, k_andalusia, d_cordoba, d_granada, d_sevilla, d_toledo, k_badajoz, d_beja, d_badajoz, d_algarve, k_valencia, d_mallorca, d_murcia, k_castille, d_castilla, d_cantabria, d_barcelona, k_navarra, d_navarra, d_viscaya, k_asturias, k_leon, d_leon, d_asturias, k_spanish_galicia, k_portugal, d_porto, d_coimbra, e_maghreb, d_marrakesh, d_sous, d_tafilalt, d_fes, d_canarias, k_canarias, d_tlemcen, d_alger, d_bejaia, d_zab, d_mzab, d_kairouan, d_tunis, d_kroumerie, d_gabes, d_jerid, d_tripolitania, d_syrte, k_anbiya, d_zammour, d_adrar, d_touat, d_taghaza, k_sahara, d_tadmekka, d_ghat, d_air, d_kawar, d_tibesti, d_fezzan, e_arabia, k_israel, d_jawf, d_amman, d_shammar, d_mecca, d_asir, d_najd, d_yamama, d_al-hasa, d_bahrain, d_oman, k_yemen, d_sanaa, d_jawf-al-yamani, d_taizz, d_hadramawt, d_mahra, d_socotra, k_egypt, d_alexandria, d_delta, d_cairo, d_al-wahat, d_al-said, d_eastern_desert, d_sinai, d_oultrejourdain, d_palestine, d_urdunn, d_aleppo, d_edessa, d_homs, d_antioch, d_lebanon, d_damascus, d_palmyra, e_abyssinia, k_abyssinia, d_dahlaks, d_lasta, d_gondar, d_gojjam, d_showa, d_nobatia, d_makuria, d_shamir, d_alwa, d_sennar, k_blemmyia, d_naqis, d_bazin, d_baqlin, k_damot, d_damot, d_kaffa, d_sharka, k_adal, d_dawaro, d_adal, d_mora, d_danakil, d_zaila, d_sanaag, e_ajuraan, k_ajuraan, d_hafun, d_mogadishu, d_west_ajuraan, k_outer_ajuraan, d_shabelle, d_bali, d_samalo, e_kanem_bornu, k_kanem, d_kanem, d_bornu, d_kagha, k_sao, d_baguirmi, d_salamat, d_wandala, k_hausaland, d_kano, d_katsina, d_kebbi, d_gobir, k_darfur, d_darfur, d_west_darfur, d_wadai, d_kordofan, e_mali, k_songhay, d_kawkaw, d_timbuktu, d_dendi, k_gurma, d_lower_gurma, d_upper_gurma, d_yatenga, k_ghana, d_wagadu, d_mema, d_tagant, d_diafunu, d_kaniaga, k_mali, d_manding, d_bambuk, d_futa_jalon, d_loma, k_takrur, d_takrur, d_silla, d_djolof, k_jenne, d_jenne, d_bobo, k_kaabu, d_kaabu, d_wuli, d_kasa, e_guinea, k_guinea, d_sapi, d_kono, d_bassa, d_toro, d_wenyon, d_kru, k_kong, d_worodugu, d_kong, d_lobi, k_akan, d_ashanti, d_adiukru, d_gyaman, d_brong, d_eweland, k_gur, d_dagomba, d_wagadugu, d_mamprusi, k_borgu, d_borgu, d_savalu, k_yorubaland, d_ibadan, d_oyo, d_ife, d_benin, k_igbo-benue, d_igboland, d_nupe, d_kwararafa, e_rajastan, d_sauvira, d_bhakkar, d_multan, d_lahore, d_gandhara, k_delhi, d_kuru, d_haritanaka, d_mathura, d_vodamayutja, k_gujarat, d_gurjara_mandala, d_anartta, d_saurashtra, d_lata, d_maru, d_jangladesh, d_stravani, d_medapata, d_ajmer, k_malwa, d_dadhipadra, d_akara_dasarna, d_anupa, d_kanyakubja, d_saryupara, d_jejakabhukti, d_kurmanchal, d_khasa, d_nepal, d_limbuwan, k_kashmir, d_kasmira, d_pamir, e_bengal, k_bengal, d_gauda, d_varendra, d_vanga, d_nadia, d_suhma, d_kamarupanagara, d_sutiya, d_para_lauhitya, d_magadha, d_tirabhukti, d_kasi, d_jharkand, k_gondwana, d_dahala, d_ratanpur, d_tosali, d_daksina_kosala, d_kalinga, d_dandakaranya, k_pagan, d_pagan, d_tagaung, d_sriksetra, d_arakan, d_ramannadesa, e_deccan, k_bene_israel, d_devagiri, d_vidharba, d_konkana, d_nasikya, d_rattapadi, d_kalyani, d_nulambavadi, d_raichur_doab, d_pandya_nadu, d_chola_nadu, d_chera_nadu, d_tondai_nadu, k_andhra, d_udayagiri, d_vengi, k_telingana, d_warangal, d_racakonda, k_lanka, d_dakhina_desa, d_ruhunu, d_sinhala, e_tibet, k_u, d_yarlung, d_lhasa, d_nagchu, d_conyi, k_tsang, d_xigaze, d_sagya, d_ngamring, d_nyima, k_kham, d_qamdo, d_boyul, d_nyingchi, d_nangqen, d_lhatok, d_lingtsang, d_dege, d_batang, d_litang, k_amdo, d_xining, d_tuyuhun, d_nagormo, d_amdo, d_zadoi, d_qumarleb, k_gyalrong, d_gyalrong, d_chakla, d_golog, d_malho, d_gainlho, k_guge, d_ngari, d_kinnaur, d_purang, k_maryul, d_ladakh, d_zanskar, d_baltiyul, d_aksai_chin, d_rutog, d_bumthang, d_paro, d_monyul, d_lhoyul, d_dzayul, k_xia, d_xia, d_wuluhai, d_zhenfan, d_liangzhou, d_shanzhou, d_qilin, d_ganzhou, d_yijinai, d_guiyi, d_aksay, k_adiukru, k_toro 2022-08-12 09:01:36 [INFO] Setting de jure kingdoms... 2022-08-12 09:01:43 [INFO] Setting de jure empires... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Distributing countries' gold... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Removing employer id from landed characters... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Purging unneeded characters... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Purged 4602 unneeded characters. 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith baltic_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith old_bon... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith theravada... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith mahayana... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith vajrayana... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith donyipoloism... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith sedism... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith manichean... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith norse_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:05 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith germanic_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith anglo_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith hellenic_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith eleusinian_mysteries... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith mithraic_mysteries... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith vaishnavism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith shaivism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith srikula_shaktism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith kalikula_shaktism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith smartism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith krishnaism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith druze... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith digambara... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith svetambara... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith yapaniya... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith rabbinism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith karaism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith haymanot... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith malabarism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith samaritan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith kabarism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith kushitism_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith egyptian_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith atenist_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith kiratism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith yumaism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith melieism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith slavic_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith tengri_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [WARN] No Imperator religion or deity found for holy site generated in b_shelji for tengri_pagan! 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith waaqism_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith yazidi... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith mazdayasna... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith zurvanism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith gayomarthianism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith mazdakism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith khurramism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith anatolian_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith arabic_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith armenian_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith berber_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith canaanite_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith caucasian_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith celtic_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith briton_paganism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith gallic_celtic... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith gaelic_paganism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith celtiberian_paganism... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith dacian_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith iberian_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith mesopotamian_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Determining holy sites for faith scythian_pagan... 2022-08-12 09:02:06 [INFO] Clearing the output mod folder... 2022-08-12 09:02:07 [INFO] Creating folders... 2022-08-12 09:02:07 [INFO] Writing Characters... 2022-08-12 09:02:08 [INFO] Writing Dynasties... 2022-08-12 09:02:08 [INFO] Writing Provinces... 2022-08-12 09:02:16 [INFO] Writing Landed Titles... 2022-08-12 09:02:17 [INFO] Writing holy sites... 2022-08-12 09:02:17 [INFO] Writing modified religions... 2022-08-12 09:02:17 [INFO] Writing Succession Triggers... 2022-08-12 09:02:17 [INFO] Writing Localization... 2022-08-12 09:02:17 [INFO] Outputting named colors from Imperator game and mods... 2022-08-12 09:02:17 [INFO] Copying Coats of Arms... 2022-08-12 09:02:29 [INFO] Copying blankMod files to output... 2022-08-12 09:02:31 [INFO] Creating bookmark... 2022-08-12 09:02:31 [INFO] Drawing bookmark map... 2022-08-12 09:02:35 [DEBUG] Coloring 3 impassable provinces with color of k_venice... 2022-08-12 09:02:39 [DEBUG] Coloring 5 impassable provinces with color of k_IMPTOCK3_SMN... 2022-08-12 09:02:44 [INFO] * Conversion complete! * 2022-08-12 09:02:44 [PROGRESS] 100 %