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Congratulations Director! I remember reading your first AAR, As the Spirit Moves Me, and since then have thoroughly enjoyed your work. An award well deserved. :)
Congratulations Director! :)
Congratulations, maestro!
Congratulations, Director. Another 4 time winner. Well deserved. Some of your best work yet!
Congrats is indeed in order! Great work as usual, my friend!
Thank you all for your kind words. Some of those kind words are from old friends, or names I recognize from my AARs, or writers whose work I appreciate. Others of you I don't know, but hope I will.

A Special Providence marks a watershed for me in that I think it is the best-planned and structured of my AARs to date. It grew as a side-note from a barely-begun novel and took on a life of its own when I realized I did not yet have the chops to write what I wanted. Perhaps I never shall, but Providence is my way of trying to develop those skills. The fact that Lincoln, Sherman, Grant and all the rest of the cast are terrific fun to write for is really just a bonus.

If I am a pillar of AARland, it is because other people gave of their time selflessly to make a place that I could belong. 'Thank you' would be too tame to express what I feel, but it is the only phrase I have.

So thank you - to Lord Durham for wisdom, to MrT for encouragement, to coz1, stnylan and Amric for friendship and truth, to Stuyvesant and GhostWriter for lessons in the fine art of commenting, to Draco Rexus, Storey and Rensselaer (I cannot spell that name) for their example. Here's a heartfelt thank you to Vann the Red, to J Passepartout, to Fulcrumvale and TheExecuter, whose frequent and perceptive comments have helped put the Special in Providence. To anyone I have left out I offer my deepest apologies... I do try to remember to thank the people I owe, but too often I fail.

Merrick, thank you for the nomination. I've been an admirer of your work since the beginning and I am honored to be your choice.

And thank you - most of all - to all of you who have ever left a comment as a token of your passing-by. Your comments make the AARs happen, folks - mine and everyone else's. Give the gift that keeps on giving... go tell someone you like their work, OK? Think of it as kAARma. :)

By the way, there are now TWO new updates to Providence. I hope you enjoy them!
Great speech! I think i will check out Special Providence, just always looked to big and daunting to catch up with, but it looks like it will be worth the effort :)