Weekly AAR Showcase: The Anglo-Saxon Exodus: A Tale Of Surviving

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Congratulations !
Well done rhynoclemmis, congratulations :)
Klaipedietis: ...My congratulations go to rhynoclemmis and his Victoria AAR, Saftladen / Italbolt“...

good catch ! ! :D

i am glad that i found it here ! !
Klaipedietis said:
My congratulations go to rhynoclemmis and his Victoria AAR:
„Saftladen / Italbolt“ – An Austrian GC AAR

This AAR is great! Personally, i find Victoria a complex and even boring game,
but this AAR makes it seem like an exciting rollercoaster ride. The writing is really entertaining,
so everyone, don't just look at the screenshots, read it!
No kidding about how fun it is to read Rhynoclemmis' rambling, humorous musings!

I've really enjoyed this AAR, which I think I caught from the very beginning.

Congratulations, Rhynoclemmis! :D

Thank you very much, dear people, for the congratulations to my AAR. Appraisal feels good when I don't have to do it in front of the mirror. ;) I can still do the six-shooter move, though. Thanks Klaipedietis for the nomination. Humble character that I am, I have already included it into my signature.
Contrary to the AAR title, I'm doing rather well currently, but I trust in my playing handicap to change that.

So it's my turn to nominate an AAR now and I sincerely hope that I'm not breaking any rules here (checked the AAR Author thread, too) and I hereby name

Storey's grand AAR Three Countries One Goal (EU3) as my more than worthy successor.

Storey's newest AAR follows the intriguing concept of playing three countries, alternating in 10 years cycles, with the ultimate goal of gaining possession of some god-forsaken province in the middle of Eurasia and holding it for a full cycle. The AAR is in full progress, so I say it's high time you check it out, shouldn't you know it and haven't subscripted already.

Half-hearted spoiler warning: I enjoy the AAR very much because the AI manages to reduce the next-in-line country's manpower to 0 while picking wars with Big Mac-sized neighbours and then bailing out, leaving Storey to sort out the mess.
Great choice and one of my favorites - both the writAAR and the AAR!

Congrats Joe. We always like a good Storey. ;)
Congrats Joe! That piece of work deserves this prise. All the nerves that have been destroyed not to mention all the cats that have been thrown out of the room...

Again, Congratulations! It is deserved and due, in my humble opinion.
Congratulations !
Wonderful! Storey really needed the pat in the back after what TO and Sicily just did to him. :D

Congratulations, Joe, always good to see you add to your ever-increasing boatload of accolades. :)

Just like your EU2 'Three Countries One Goal', the EU3 incarnation is a lot of fun to read. Educational, too, as far as it's teaching me a lot of stuff to avoid if I ever go back to EU3 myself. :p

Combine your berserker gamestyle, your colorful lamentations when the AI screws you royally and the fascinating anecdotes (regardless of whether they're true or not, they're always interesting) and you have a very entertaining brew indeed!
congratulations Storey ! ! :cool:
Congratulations Storey!
Well done Storey, congratulations :)
Thank you rhynoclemmis for this honor. I promise to say more later but right now I’ve got my nose to the ground hunting up the next AAR to share with everyone. Thanks everyone for your comments.

Congrats Storey!

i've always liked your Avatar btw, it fits your nickname perfectly ;) .