Weekly AAR Showcase: The Red Heart of Europe - A modded Burgundian AAR

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Congratulations Issac Wolfe :)
Congratulations Mr.Wolfe!
Thank you for this honor! I am shocked that my little AAR, especially in the overlooked Rome sub-forum, has attracted community-wide attention. I figured my writing cause was inevitably doomed, but it is clear to me now that it is not.

I thank you, Remble, for passing the torch to me. I had no envisioned my tale to capture this much attention. I would also like to thank the fans of my AAR, readers and commenters, for their continued support. I hope that Caesar's near death experience will continue to capture an audience as the New Year knocks on Paradox's door.

Thank you, AARLand.
Congratulations :)
Congratulations Issac Wolfe, and well deserved too!
And so my week ends. It was a glorious one filled with praise and fanfare. Though the dreaded holidays have put a drag on update, my story has seen more views that since it was started back in November. I would like to give my final thanks to the people of AARLand for their continued support.

However, it is time to appoint my successor.

I found this quite easy, actually. When choosing an Showcase, in my opinion, it is important to not just judge by the quality of the writing or the interesting aspects of the game played, but more on the innovative design it may have. Though their are many good stories, many lack distinction. That was my charge when picking a successor.

In conclusion, I would like to nominate Realpolitik - An interactive AAR concept by TRP. The concept is simple - we, the readers, guide the fortunes of victorious Post-Weltkrieg German Empire through the years as the politicians and parties to set policy. I have seen nothing like this and I believe because of it's innovative concept that it deserves a week of fanfare in the Weekly Showcase.

Congratulations TRP. You have earned it.
Congratulations on the success of your latest project , you two :D
Congratulations you guys :)
Thank you Issac Wolfe for this week of fame.
To be completely honest we would never have dreamed that our newest AAR would grow to such activity in such a short time.

And thanks to party members and voters of Realpolitik, may our little AAR bring amusement to the mass for a long time to come. :)

-Vincent and Laurence, Totally Random Productions
Thanks a lot for the AwAARd guys! We hope to see you all in Realpolitik if you have some times to play politics :D

Incidentally, we already decided who we'll pass the AwAARd on to. Not to mention names, but it was one of the other interactive AARs we participated in (There are four right now, including Realpolitik) and it formed the direct inspiration for the concept, so we'd be jerks not to award the origin of our heritage :D

For the rest, we wish you all a productive and happy 2010!

-Vincent and Laurence, Totally Random Productions

EDIT: looks like we ninja posted ourselves there...:D
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