Weekly AAR Showcase: The Anglo-Saxon Exodus: A Tale Of Surviving

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Thank you very much Riccardo. To be honest I did not think this AAR would win anything since I started it solely to give me something to do while at work.

Now for a few things about myself, I am a security guard. I spend most of my days standing or sitting around doing nothing for eight to sixteen hours a day. We are no longer allowed to read at work so I instead turned to writing. At first I was writing my own personal fantasy novel, but following that I decided to do this AAR while I wait. Currently the novel is being looked over by TOR Books and I should be given word on it some time in October they said. Until then I need to keep myself busy.

I've written a few AARs before. Most of these were written based off of the Crusader Kings games. I enjoy it's play style and its open ended concept with different families. However, after last weeks winner I read his AAR as well as the other ones he had done. Among those was The Roman Republic. It was this AAR that gave me the idea to try out my own hand at a similar concept. At first the AAR should have been of the Vae Vicitis expansion, but I was having trouble with it running and so it became an original EU: Rome AAR.

The concept of the AAR is a simple one. Each chapter is a different time of the Roman Republic. The game starts with the Pyrrhic War so that is where the first chapter begins. These chapters are then broken up by the Consuls who rule during that era. Sometimes it is a single Consul during the entire period of time and other times it is multiple Consuls. Even the Chapters are not always an entire War, such as the most recent one; Sicilia Front. Recently Carthage has declared war on Rome and this chapter follows the campaign to capture the island of Sicilia(Sicily). Every chapter ends with a coming election, even if a war or an event is over.

The second post in the AAR is a breakdown of three things currently. The very top is the Table of Contents where you can jump to any Chapter already written. These chapters also inform you from what year to what year these Chapters go over. The next section is the list of Roman Consuls by when they ruled. This section as well as the last will be updated with each chapter posted. Lastly, the final section is the Roman Conflicts. Here you can see each war that Rome has fought in, against who, and how long the war went on. These wars can very well change names over time as well. Such as with the most recent war. It originally was known as Appius' War as he was the instigator of it. However, following his death it became known as the Punic War. This could very well change as well should there be another great war with Carthage and it could be changed to the First Punic War or some such.

I would just like to say thank you again for naming this AAR the showcased AAR of the Week. I hope all of you enjoy it. Feel free to make any suggestions on anything that you think needs to be changed or added to my AAR. I look forward to any comments; even negative ones. ;)
My week has come to an end. I appreciate the nomination even if I still do not believe it should have been. ;) I also posted another update to finish off my time here if you are all interested in reading it.

With my time up I had difficulty finding an aar. I took a look at some of the less well known games, but found none that really sparked my interest. Instead I finally decided to pick an aar that is based off my favorite CK2 mod, AGOT. There have only been one other aar which had received a showcase from this mod back in July 2012, Lions in the Garden. And so I name the new winner to be From Lords to Kings, my own AGOT AAR. That's right another week of MMMEEE!!!

In all seriousness I am naming Release The Kraken! as the new showcase. JimThePocket's aar follows the story of House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. As they fight to claim a crown, lose it, and take it back. There are noble warriors, blood thirsty 'maidens', and of course the new Mad-King(though don't try to move against him. He has dragons).

Please everybody congratulate Jim for his fantastic aar.
Congratulations JimThePocket! AGoT has never really piqued my interest (I do, however, love Patrick Rothfuss' 'The Kingkiller Chronicles' - check them out ;),) though I do check in on some of the AARs from time to time and kid myself into thinking I know what's going on ;) Congratulations once again.
Thanks everybody! :happy:

I've been blown away with how well received Release the Kraken has been. I've never written an AAR for any game before, or submitted any sort of writing in public, so the kind comments have been a great salve for my confidence as a writer!
If I have not read it yet, it is only due to my distaste of the Ironborn. ;) Congratulations!
The Greyjoy's reign of terror over the AAR showcase is over, and so it falls to me to make my submission.

I'm naming Voffvoffhunden's Absolute Domination- A Campaign of Prussian Hardships for March of the Eagles.

Rather than a more narrative AAR like mine and Etzel's stuff I wanted to pick something more descriptive that could be used to clearly illustrate how this relatively new game works. Absolute Domination does this in a style that is both entertaining and informative. Check it out!
Congrats Voffvoffhunden! (awesome nick btw ;))
Thank you so much!

I am honoured by this nomination, and apologise for the delay not only in responding, but in updates to the AAR as well! Life just gets a little in the way sometimes, but now all that is out of the way.

A Campaing of Prussian Hardships (I am quite fond of the error in the title) is my first shot at an ARR, which is why I chose March of the Eagles, which is somewhat less of a commitment compared to some of Paradox' others games. The more functional style is a result of me trying to capture the sense of playing March of the Eagles. In my experience it is swift but tense, often keeping you on the edge of your seat as most battles are unpredictable, each one representing the thin line between utter victory and crushing defeat for your nation.

Thanks again, and I will be back tomorrow with a new nomination once Prussia's supremacy comes to an end.
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