Weekly AAR Showcase: The Anglo-Saxon Exodus: A Tale Of Surviving

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Conga Rats, VILenin!
coz1 said:
Congrats VILenin! It seems there is yet another HoI2 AAR to catch up on. :D
Actually, it´s HoI1 :)
Congrats, VILenin!
Cool! I just started to take a look at this one a couple of days ago.

Great detail, and looks like it will turn out to be an interesting one!

Congrats, VILenin!

Wow, well thanks to everyone for the kind words and to RossN for the nomination.

This is my first AAR, started a few months back during the slow days of summer, and has survived despite evil conspiracies by the post office to end it. The inspiration to do a WWI AAR, using TGW mod, came from reading Allenby's masterpiece. The decision to play as Austria-Hungary was made for a couple reasons. First, it is kinda different. A-H has acquired a reputation as having done nothing but slowly collapse for hundreds of years and that isn't true. Second, I've always been an austro-phile at heart; for some reason I'm always rooting for the blob to succeed.

Anyways, thanks again to everyone who's commented or read my AAR, hopefully you'll continue to do so. It's gonna be a looong war. ;)
Vlenin, i too have a soft spot for Austria-Hungary. Congratulations for an award you truly deserved.
Very well done! Much desverved!
Exactly, very well deserved. :)
Well, that about wraps up my week so it's time to name the next showcase. I chose The Fallen Eagle: A Byzantine AAR , an EU2 piece by SeanB. He has been painstakingly re-building the Roman empire and entertaining his readers. Featuring war with the Turks, religious disputes and a naval clash with Spain, it's a good piece. If you haven't read it, check it out this week as you enjoy your turkey. :)

Congratulations SeanB!
Woah, thanks guys! I'm pretty suprised I won, but thanks! :D

Edit: Ah right, description.

Well, my AAR at first look may seem like just another AGCEEP Byz story, but I'm trying something I think is fairly unique. I'm attempting to play the Byzantine Empire as a real nation would be played, even at the expense of game play sometimes. Now, I know others have done similar work, but it will become more pronounced as my AAR goes on, as I have taken the great challenge of keeping the world historically accurate through file editing. That is to say, if the existence of the Byzantine Empire would not affect a nation, then it will act, behave, and expand as it did historically. I try to edit my game file every 30 - 50 years as needed to keep things from getting too off course. Any recommendations are welcome on how I can streamline this tidying up process. :)

My goal for this AAR is to play my Empire as a real nation in a otherwise familiar and identifiable world. That means they’ll probably still be a British Empire, a USA, a Germany etc. Famous historical events such as the conquest of the Aztecs by Cortez will (And have in regards to that example) happen. However, the Byzantine Empire does exist, and as a result, history will still be somewhat different as a result of its influence. I shall be taking this AAR to HoI2, and hopefully by then I’ll still have readers. ;) I look forward to your comments as I post the next update. Thank you again for this nomination!
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Congratulations, a long time closet fan.
Congrats SeanB. A novel way of playing and writing the gameplay.
Hey, Congrats SeanB. I've been enjoying how you have been able to retrain yourself from going on that all too easy conquering spree. Very enjoyable read.
Congratulations SeanB :D
Congratulations SeanB, this was one well-deserved honor. I for one have enjoyed your AAR greatly, and am looking forward to reading more of it. Byzantines are one of my favorite nations to play in EUII - in fact, my very first EUII game was as them, and though they are somewhat of a challenge, you've managed to surpass their glory days at the present, not in the least! :D
I guess I should give out my nomination now. I nominate "Going slightly mad: A Bavarian AAR" by Rocketman. One of the most hilarious things I've read in a while. :D He really deserves it.