Weekly AAR Showcase: The Anglo-Saxon Exodus: A Tale Of Surviving

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My sincerest congratulations, Michaelangelo!

(Also, thanks for the mention, Av! I promise to have something out soonish...)
Oh wow, I never expected to have an AAR showcased here, let alone my very first. I'd like to thank the academy, my producer, my agent... oh wait, sorry, wrong award. :D Well I'd like to at least thank Avindian for nominating me. After following your AARs for so long, I feel especially honoured to have my first AAR recognized in turn. :) Also thanks for the free promo for my new AAR. I've also been meaning to read CatKnight's AAR. since this isn't the first time I've had mine compared to his, so I'll have to make time for such an excessive binge-read. Guess now I have to scour the forums for an excellent AAR to nominate. Should be easier than finding a new Fan of the Week at least. :p
Well that week went by quickly. It was nice to see my AAR in the spotlight, especially as it nears its conclusion. Thanks again to Avindian for the nomination, which I deeply appreciate. Now for some recommendations. There are so many great AARs out there that deserve recognition, but I shall try to narrow it down to only a couple before announcing my nomination. blklizard's Towards the Present We Go, Langobards AAR has really drawn me in recently with its highly detailed narrative and intriguing plot. While the sheer size is daunting to many, there are several good points to jump into where you can still enjoy the AAR without needing to read the earlier parts to understand. I know not many people delve into EUIII AARs anymore, but it's gone way beyond that now and I'd highly recommend it. "Up to the Euphrates and Tigris" - An Egypt AAR by Attalus is a personal favourite of mine in V2 AARs, with the perfect mix of gameplay and narrative. It's always great fun to see a nation outside Europe get played and its even more fun when Attalus lets the readers vote on decisions that will affect the direction that Egypt, and even other nations, will take. I could go on, but I see that this AAR won this award before, so you all should know how great it is by now. I seem to be rambling at this point. You don't need an in-depth analysis of every AAR I read, after all. :p

While I have pointed out great AARs already, there is one that I'm honestly surprised hasn't won already. That AAR is The Long(er) Lasting Lombards (Lombard Mega-Campaign pt. 2) by RedTemplar. The AAR is part of a mega campaign starting in CK2, and if you decide to check out this AAR I definitely recommend reading the first part. What I love about this AAR is not only the engaging story RedTemplar crafts around the Lombard, or rather now Italian, nation but also the world he's created. His time spent in CK2 has led to a game of EUIV where many giant blobs exist right at the game start. It's like a late game scenario in 1444. The result is a fascinating power balance as these giant nations engage in periods of cold wars followed by titanic struggles. RedTemplar has also put a lot of dedication into this AAR, personally modding in custom ideas for many of the nations and adjusting things to make the world just right for the perfect AAR. The fact that this is apparently his first time playing EUIV is astounding. Now that I've laid on the praise real thick, I would like to officially congratulate RedTemplar and his AAR as this week's winner of the Weekly AAR Showcase. Congratulations! :)
Why thank you all! I'm quite humbled to receive this, and grateful to Michaelangelo for the high praises. The journey of the Lombard people forging the Italian Empire in CKII was a ton of fun, and after a lot of modding to add some scenario and flavor into EUIV, I'm excited to be working my way through another few hundred years with the Lombard Emperors!
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Well deserved winner. Well done RedTemplar
Thank you one and all for the compliments and praise! As the years continue on, the Lombards have become major colonizers of the New World, and just recently got their teeth punched in by the massive Byzantine Empire of doom. I hope some of you will read or lurk along thanks to the extra publicity :)

But it's Sunday and time to pass the showcase on -- and I'm going to give my nod to "The French Struggle: House Galimani of Orleans." https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/foru...uggle-house-galimani-of-orleans.853352/page-3

A very nicely written AAR with a nice character-driven focus, that manages to take large conflicts and make them feel personal and story-driven. Go check it out and give some kudos to Italianajt!
Thank you everyone. We are now in the 1200's with my single-county start (Orleans) and the Galimani family. MANY ups and downs. Granted the Kingdom of Aquitaine during the Crusade for the said kingdom in the early 1200's plus other notable achievements. Come check it out...plus, try to uncover the mysteries of the d'Arny Family/Order in the fictional "modern day" framing stories around posts.
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As per my modus operandi, I am here to distribute this week's honors a day early. I love a lot of the CK2 AARs out there. Honorable mention to SgtSmuckers and his AGOT story on the imbecile warrior of Lannisport. KHUU! KHUU! KHUU!
However this showcase would best be served by pointing out an AAR and user who has already one an award for his CK2 mod. @Silfae has done a tremendous job in weaving his narrative story of a rulers dirty nature into a display of how his in-development mod works.
Sweet Arabyan Nightmare - Geheimnisnacht-dev-AAR deserves about an hour of your time to binge read and then your sub. The AAR is set in the Warhammer universe of which I have no knowledge of and of which silfae lets you know you don't need to know anything about it either. I believe the Geheimnisnacht mod has already won an award.
Congratulations to silfae!