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Re: Groundwork for Portuguese Events

Originally posted by Luis de Aveiro
The emigrations to Brazil events should lower the population, but increase the funds with the money they sent to their families. This money supported several banks, insurances that bankrupted in the 80's and 90's economic crisis, as that money wasn't being sent in a greater scalle.

The portuguese emigration from 1850 to 1920 was large, with over 1.4 million people leaving the country, that had a population short of 4 million in 1850, and still managed 5.9 in 1910 (top that, rabbits! ;)) but I wonder if that shouldn't be left to the engine. After all, Portugal's supposed to be somewhat of a hellhole in this period, so the POPs should leave of their own accord. If the player manages to counter that and create stable government and economy (0 budget deficit and all ;)) it would be damn inconvenient to have the people leave for Brasil anyway.

The Pink Map- or Mapa Cor-de-Rosa, which led to the english ultimatum and to the 1891 republican revolt, should allow the player to accept the ultimatum conditions a get out of the regions between Angola and Mozambique, or stand against a probability of a luso-britanic war (which would be fun if Portugal asked for the Germans help and create a 1st World War event 23 years earlier)

Again, handle with care. If Portugal actually has a well established colony there when Rhodes comes a-knocking, I doubt the British would've acted like they did. If the Brits start earlier and already have Cape to Cairo by 1890, the ultimatum would look exceedingly out of place. If both start colonizing the region at the same time, then Britain should demand cessation of colonialism from Portugal. Does the AI use this feature? If so, the situation should come about naturally. Of course, this is putting too much stock in the game engine, but there's really no need to start coding events before we've even seen the game box.

Discussing effects is completely different, though. :) Do you really think it likely that Germany would have intervened in this? I'd say their relations to the UK were not poor enough to prompt them to side with Portugal. (They probably would have sided with the UK to grab a bit of the portuguese colonies, IMHO) Besides, there was very little chance that D. Carlos would've refused the ultimatum.

Some minor native revolts in the East-Timor, Angola and Mozambique (Gugunhanha) provinces.

No east Timor province, from what I saw in a screenshot. Only one province in the island, and that's portuguese, apparently. (For once, a Paradox map inaccuracy is cool :)) OTOH, I think there's no Macau. As for creating the revolts, sounds cool, but I don't think there's any way to recreate the way in which the Gungunhana's revolt ended. How the hell do you represent Chaimite in the game?

On another topic, could someone with the game tell me the levels of infrastructure in Portugal in the 1914 scenario? From a screenshot posted, it looks like Portugal doesn't even have L1 railroads. If so, I'm going whining to bug reporting. :) The rail in Portugal may not be too good, but it's there nonetheless.
Originally posted by Txini
Really nothing is coded only programmed, althought coding it is only converting what I wrote to real code :p

Would be interesting to look how it goes yes.

Aprof, well we need that ones, but the Puerto Rican one shall also maybe need for Spain to be in the Gloriosa effects I believe :p

Txini, Generalissimo, we could divide the events we currently have and start programming them.
Originally posted by Bobby Shaftoe
Txini, Generalissimo, we could divide the events we currently have and start programming them.

No problem, which ones do you want, would you left me the Sexenium?? :p
We can ask Jen or GM for them :p
There should be some Canovas and Sagasta events. If the conservatives are in power, then Spain should get a factory or two, and some rails. (Possibly not that much, I haven't played enough to know how much would be needed to balance) If the liberals are in power, greater stress should be given to eliminating corruption, and probably still to get some economic help.

Also, if the Catalan party gets elected (asi it did in one of my games) then Catalonia should receive independence, or something.

There should also be a random event for Spain (I don't know if this is possible) wherein if the Catalan party has greater than 20% support, the player has options to give Catalonia independence or not, at the cost of militancy if they don't.
Originally posted by bonela
Also if a republican party wins, a democracy should be created. Just as it happened with Alfonso XIII in 1931.

It would have to be a radical republican faction - Canovas and Sagasta were happy with Alfonso.

I was just noting how, around 1900, there are like...ten parties in the politics. The Catalan one got my attention just because it was, well...Catalan.

What is the protocol for submitting/writing events, anyway?
At the time I've wrote that I hadn't any contact with the game. Now, as I've started to try it, I see it is very difficult to do those proposals.

But we could do some in some conditions:
for instance if Portugal has Angola conected to Mozambique, and UK is trying to create Rhodes African Empire, while it is a greater nation than Portugal!

-lots of reactionary conscioucieness plus social-economical instability could lead to a absolutist reaction- killing every atempt of social reform

- depending on the social-political situation it is ( risky) possible to have a republican revolution since 1891 and/or a assassination atempt that'll lead to new elections.
SPA - 269000 - 269999 are Spanish IDs for Events, so when people want we can start creating them :p

POR - 245000-245999

PD: Remember my list in page 1 :p
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Generalisimo said:
and what are we waiting for?... :D

A Star placing over an stable??? :D
Doing the Monarch Election events I found myself in a dilemma, and is what to do with Franco-Prussian War, which CB was done by this question, and is what to do if Prussia/Germany accept the Crown, France ask for it not to be but Prussians continue claiming the Crown should Franco-Prussian War still happen but with Spain fighting France as well??
Just to coordinate with you guys. I am proposing a series of events for the United States surrounding the Black Warrior Affair in 1852, when authorities in Havana detained a US merchant vessel for customs violations. Historically, it let to some southern demands to get Cuba but these were quieted down and led to the Ostend Manifesto (basically a few ambassadors stated that it would be a good idea to take Cuba) but nothing came of it.

Anyhow, I wrote out a series of five events, which gives the US a slim chance to offer to buy Cuba from Spain (for 10,000) or go to war over it. This includes a Spanish event where the player can choose to sell it or not (choice A is no). There's very slim chances for something ahistorical to happen.

Take a look... http://www.europa-universalis.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2348816&postcount=214 ... and see if it's balanced enough. Scroll in that post until you see "Black Warrior Affair". :)
Mettermrck said:
Just to coordinate with you guys. I am proposing a series of events for the United States surrounding the Black Warrior Affair in 1852, when authorities in Havana detained a US merchant vessel for customs violations. Historically, it let to some southern demands to get Cuba but these were quieted down and led to the Ostend Manifesto (basically a few ambassadors stated that it would be a good idea to take Cuba) but nothing came of it.

Anyhow, I wrote out a series of five events, which gives the US a slim chance to offer to buy Cuba from Spain (for 10,000) or go to war over it. This includes a Spanish event where the player can choose to sell it or not (choice A is no). There's very slim chances for something ahistorical to happen.

Take a look... http://www.europa-universalis.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2348816&postcount=214 ... and see if it's balanced enough. Scroll in that post until you see "Black Warrior Affair". :)
well, one question... if you are playing as the US and you want to buy Cuba... for how much will an AI controlled Spain sell it to you?... i don't think 10.000... maybe a bit more will be good... but who knows... :D
Generalisimo said:
well, one question... if you are playing as the US and you want to buy Cuba... for how much will an AI controlled Spain sell it to you?... i don't think 10.000... maybe a bit more will be good... but who knows... :D

Hehe...well, I can always add more. I was figuring since 15,000 represented $15 million for Guadalupe-Hidalgo, that 10,000 worked for Cuba. Anyhow, it's easily editable if need be. :)
Txini said:
Doing the Monarch Election events I found myself in a dilemma, and is what to do with Franco-Prussian War, which CB was done by this question, and is what to do if Prussia/Germany accept the Crown, France ask for it not to be but Prussians continue claiming the Crown should Franco-Prussian War still happen but with Spain fighting France as well??
how we are going to distribute the free IDs?... to avoid having gaps in the spanish range... ;)