Tree Growth is a shamefully stupid game mechanic.

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There should be an option in the gameplay tab to enable or disable this; it doesn't make sense to be stuck with it throughout the entire game, with mini trees everywhere. It's sad to see that this was planned and implemented in a Cities: Skylines 2.

I love playing in sandbox mode with infinite money and everything unlocked just to create a good looking city. Having this option would be a great help. To me, it makes no sense at all. Colossal Order simply ignored the community that enjoys detailing cities.
THIS. I wanna see the full grown trees right away. I am sure the devs can easily implement this has a graphical settings option.
There is a mod, well 2 that do what has been mentioned, one allows placing of adult trees (can't remember what it's called..just search trees) and the other allows you to bypass tree spacing (Anarchy).
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Go ahead, plop that medieval castle- it'll have brand new saplings all around it.
Well back in the time when castles were being built it would more often than not be in a place without trees so the guards could keep an eye out for rival feudal lord's armies/Peasant revolts/The French, so this is far from the realms of being unrealistic.
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It'd be a good QoL feature if you saw the trees fully grown as you plopped them. You could still have it appear as a sapling once plopped.
As for the feature itself, I don't mind it, really. It adds a nice kind of depth to the game, while saying something about, I don't know, the passage of time and how life is temporary. Maybe that just sounds pretentious, but

It could also be expanded upon. If a tree fell over and decayed when dead (except plopped trees for detailing, they should just be removed and replaced with a sapling, I guess), that'd be a nice detail. Maybe it could get covered with moss and lose some of its branches or whatever, and eventually disappear. I guess you could also have certain trees have a very long lifespan, like a big oak or whatever that gradually grows to a large, majestic tree --if that isn't how it works already, ig.

I honestly wish that buildings and roads you place weren't instantly there but would take a little time to build like the buildings in the areas you zone.
This. Would add a nice level of challenge to the game if reorganizing your highways or building new roads actually took time, and you had to come up with temporary solutions. Dirt roads/alleys could be instantly placeable, I suppose. Then you could use them as detours, like in reality when they close a road and make a simple and temporary gravel/paved road for cars to use while the roadwork is being done.
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"But this mechanic is necessary to balance the forestry industry"

Or do you think it's possible they added this mechanic so that the game more closely resembles how trees work IRL?
Options are always a good thing. Some want to make things looks good now and not have to wait for things such as trees to grow. Some want to wait. Give the option.

EDIT: Or, here's a crazy idea for an additional option for those that want best of both worlds. Show the tree as fully grown while in plop mode, and once it's plopped then it starts small and has to grow.

EDIT 2: Or, let's go even furhter and have a toggle that let's you see (preview) all trees at full growth that have been placed in the area you are viewing.
Lucid take for a thread that started with a unhinged rant.
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I like realism, when it doesn't interfere with enjoyment. Waiting for trees to grow is not enjoyable for me.
I agree. The Tree controller mod was really important so I could keep playing the game.
Now every tree I place I use the mod to switch between older stages of growth. This way, I:
1. Can see how the place will actually look like with them on a long term;
2. Don't have them die all at once because putting them already old makes this happen;
3. Have different sizes of the same tree, making the place look beautiful and natural, even better them trees in CSL1.

The seasonal changes to trees and having them dyeing is beautiful for detailing. At the end of the day, the feature is really good and betters the game for all types of players. The implementation could be better with some small changes, like the modder did with tree controller.
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I love the fact that trees are slowly growing, I wish this was true with other things too.
I honestly wish that buildings and roads you place weren't instantly there but would take a little time to build like the buildings in the areas you zone.
Especially monuments and other unique buildings like the technical university. Would be cool if those wouldn't just be tech costs plus a big pile of money.

The amount of time the trees take to grow is debatable though, real world hours is no where comparable to the seconds buildings take to construct ingame.
Honestly would love to play that game.
Like with Civ 6 without fast animations. Sometimes I love to just toogle it of and enjoy the game. Other times I want them fast because my interest is somewhere else.

If Cities had what you are describing in something like a 0.5x option for simulation speed (so ppl wouldn't feel complied to play that way) it would be INCREDIBLE.

And I'm saying this as a guy that mostly choose every building I place with Find It and Plop the growables.

With so many things they clearly cut or launched unfinished I'm glad the devs were able to launch the trees with this feature.
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It's true that I didn't like it, but I have to admit that coming back to a part of the city where you put some trees (park, riversides,...) and see all grown up, it's something nice. But it's something you can avoid now with the available mods.
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It makes sense to have trees be able to be transplanted fully grown. Maybe for an extra fee. (Especially for large trees.)

It's an easy mod option, but also something minor enough that it'd probably make sense to just have it in the base game.
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I agree, and Colossal Order's firm stance on this incredibly minor tree annoyance is absurd.

I remember hearing early on that the trees had to grow to balance the game play. But that is laughable, because many of this game's mechanics don't work. You can't tell me it's necessary for balance when much of the game is unfinished.

Would allowing me to built fully grown trees break the economy; the one where the money comes in for no clear reason, and there is no challenge? How would my ability to build fully grown trees make this worse?

It's a ridiculous hill they have chosen to die on when there are so many other problems with the game. Enabling users to build fully grown trees would appease some part of the play base, but instead they've firmly put their foot down on this matter? For... reasons...? What?

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I agree, and Colossal Order's firm stance on this incredibly minor tree annoyance is absurd.

I remember hearing early on that the trees had to grow to balance the game play. But that is laughable, because many of this game's mechanics don't work. You can't tell me it's necessary for balance when much of the game is unfinished.

Would allowing me to built fully grown trees break the economy; the one where the money comes in for no clear reason, and there is no challenge? How would my ability to build fully grown trees make this worse?

It's a ridiculous hill they have chosen to die on when there are so many other problems with the game. Enabling users to build fully grown trees would appease some part of the play base, but instead they've firmly put their foot down on this matter? For... reasons...? What?

Saying it is to balance tree production gameplay is a simplified (and bad, IMHO) way to say it's a core feature of the game and a lot hangs on it.
I bet most ppl like the feature, and as seen in this thread those that dislike just don't enjoy not seeing how the tree look like when they place it.
Players enjoy the feature. It would be TERRIBLE if they fell for the backlash of the bad implementation and went backwards ripping it off the game.
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it's a core feature of the game and a lot hangs on it

Is it though...?

Too much of this game is nonfunctional for me to agree with you that this systems is necessary. If this game worked like a fine oiled machine; then sure, I could agree with this take. But that is not the case.

I'd rather they fix education, or criminal justice, or finances, or a myriad of other half implemented game mechanics; over focusing on how tree growth effects the overall system.

Players enjoy the feature.

This statement is peak humor. Per this thread, this statement is untrue.

It would be TERRIBLE if they fell for the backlash of the bad implementation and went backwards ripping it off the game.

And ultimately, I find the tree growth to only a minor annoyance. It seems to be a strong opinion of other plays, but my problem is that the game is still not good after 6 months.

I don't believe this development team has the ability to make quick changes, otherwise we would've seen more drastic improvements since release. I'd rather they 'Moved fast and break things" to improve the game; but that isn't happening.
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Is it though...?

Too much of this game is nonfunctional for me to agree with you that this systems is necessary. If this game worked like a fine oiled machine; then sure, I could agree with this take. But that is not the case.

I'd rather they fix education, or criminal justice, or finances, or a myriad of other half implemented game mechanics; over focusing on how tree growth effects the overall system.

This statement is peak humor. Per this thread, this statement is untrue.

And ultimately, I find the tree growth to only a minor annoyance. It seems to be a strong opinion of other plays, but my problem is that the game is still not good after 6 months.

I don't believe this development team has the ability to make quick changes, otherwise we would've seen more drastic improvements since release. I'd rather they 'Moved fast and break things" to improve the game; but that isn't happening.
"Too much of this game is nonfunctional for me to agree with you that this systems is necessary."
- You talk like if it took any effort from the Dev team to not remove this complete and bug less (one of the few) feature. Wtf?

It would take effort to remove it! It would be a drastic change to remove this entire feature (the modders have tried, it's works with core feature of the game like the seasons, it's not simple at all). I prefer they focus on fixing the economy, and everything else the game is lacking.

The feature just don't have a good implementation and needs something like the Tree Controler mod or the great suggestions some ppl wrote here.

You are not every player.

"Per this thread, this statement is untrue." Not even this thread, dude. Lot of ppl writing here like the feature. Read it. You are not every player.
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What if you were to just use the tree mod that lets you control the age of the trees and works flawlessly, instead of throwing a temper tantrum and acting like an entitled child

CS1 AND 2 HAVE MODS so the devs DONT HAVE to add every little request from every person wanting the game to be x or y way
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This is a great mechanic but lacking. In SimCity 4 new trees would grow near old trees and the forest would spread on it's own. I'd like to see that in CS.
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