• We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement.
It's not a defense. It's a Helms Deepish map (Satan spawns, attacks Heaven, who defends).
Well, believe it or not, I like the part with Taguchi better than the ones with Raul and Willem. I don't know...they seem a bit laisse faire about it all while Toguchi seems more 'into' what is happening around them. I can't put my finger on it.....Just something seems odd...as if they are just treading water until the true start of the second season, if you know what I mean....Not trying to be difficult, but I wanted you to know.
goodness, professor Poltock simply...stolen...off the street more like he was a simply bag of goods than anything else :eek:
I feel like I've kind of lost the thread of the second chapter though, I may have to reread it again before I can begin trying to make predictions again :eek:o
Grubnessul: Maybe a little of both , we'll have to see XD

ColossusCrusher: Ahh , I see what you mean

Amric: Yes , definitely new characters are still getting revved up ; still lots to work out with them and their situations .

Myth: Haha well not quite abducted yet ; just witnesses the fight so far .
Elorei said:
Oh my goodness~! I'm so glad to see you're still writing, Armi darling. <3!

ELLY ! I haven't heard from you in forever <3 I hope you like it !
Just a status report folks : The next update I'll be working on tomorrow and I hope not to disappoint the buildup we've been getting with the Muslim rebellion , the new Artefacts etc . I'll also be providing a catalogue of relics and artifacts so far as best as I can sometime in the week since our wonderful fan TheExecuter recommended it so ! However , if anyone is brave enough to try and make a catalogue him (or her)self feel free to let me know ! Also this week begins the AARLAND CHOICE AWARDS Q3 where once again Timelines is pushing for its third straight campaign for Favourite EU3 and Favourite Narrative . However , as always it is up to YOU the fans to make it happen and as such I will be providing extra bonuses and chapters this week as best as i can in order to provide some incentive and reminders for all of you to vote even if it's not for us ! I've also contacted Nia (the real life Nia) to perhaps provide us some resources in more ART COMMISSIONS . So please get out the vote and tell your friends that Timelines needs their help in this season ! We have a tough set of challengers and all worthy writers and friends so let's have some fun and vote !

One last note ; i'm not quite sure what's happening with the AARlander and at the same time I don't want to hold back Amric's interview such that happened last month with coz's interview so I'll be posting that interview tonight without further ado and then we'll just add the necessary interviews onto this AARlander when it comes out for the sake of getting the interviews back on track . So look forward to that !

You’ve Been Canonized!: Amric​

Welcome all and thank you for once again joining us for this week’s installment of You’ve Been Canonized! our weekly interview segment here at Timelines where we take a patron author and get to know more about them , their thoughts on Timelines , and about their latest project or AAR ! If you’re new to the programme, I’m your host canonized author of Timelines: What if Spain Failed to Control the World? and today’s guest is our newest friend Amric author of Byzantine’s Khan! Let’s get to it!

Part I: Barbarian at Heart
Let’s get to know a little bit about Amric !

canonized: Well first, we're very honoured to have you on the programme ! I’m very curious, how did you come about the name of Amric?

Amric: I used it as my first AD&D character name in 1979. I was always a huge fan of the Conan stories...Conan used the name Amra as a pirate. Well I didn't want to be too obvious about it, so I changed it to Amric.

canonized: One of the pleasures I have of doing these interviews is to always get to know more about our writAARs here in AARland . Could you tell us a little bit about yourself ? Perhaps also how long you've been writing AARs ?

Amric: Well, I'm married with children; three under ten year old children, all autistic. I'm just a regular guy, I suppose. I started on the forums as a lurker in April of 2003 and joined in May of that year. I started writing that same month. I just had to truly join the community.

canonized: Would you say your experience in your life so far as well as raising children has given you inspiration or motivation for your work ? I know , for example , that your current work is charged with a sacrificial heroism that seems to exude a fatherly touch to it .

Amric: To be honest, I haven't thought about that aspect. I suppose it is possible. I have always found the hero who is untouched by events that go on around him or her to be unreal. I try to infuse my characters with realism. The ability to feel. Things like that to me makes them seem more real to me.

canonized: Not only are you a writAAR and someone who's been on the forum for a long time but you've also accumulated not a bad amount of posts ; could you tell us a little about what kind of forum activities you participate in ?

Amric: well, not as much as I used to, or as much as I like. My children take up quite a bit of time. But I do try to get in on the Guess The Author series. I've participated in the great Free Company stories. I was a co editor of the AARland Gazette. I try to participate in the ACA when I can. The OT forum is a place I also frequent. I'm kind of all over the place. I try to read as many AAR’s that I can, but there is such a great amount of good work out there that it is virtually impossible for anyone to get to it all.

canonized: It's a pity that many of the fixtures of community activity has been in decline recently ; As someone who's seen a lot of the history of AARland , what is your impression of our community as it is right now ?

Amric: It's vast. When I started there was just EU and EUII. That's it....as the community has expanded the sheer volume of AAR's is staggering. Plus during the summer months things do tend to slow down. Every year people say things are declining. The reality is that things pick back up during the following months. Things will pick up again and people will forget once more until it happens next year. The forums are healthy. People are just, I suppose you could say, overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff going on. Plus there are many people who don't realize there are forums outside of their little niche. Such as, for an example, HOI, or Victoria, or even EUIII. They don't realize there is more out there. Some discover the wider forum and participate. Which is great. But there is no rule that says you HAVE to participate in the larger forum. It's great if people do, but it isn't a requirement. Various endeavors have been initiated in the past by moderators. Today much is initiated by the forumites themselves. In that way I think the forums are better. Having the members doing these activities shows that the forum is a healthy enterprise. Things are going so well that it takes a lot to keep up with everything that goes on here. It's a bustling place. Think of a new colony that has over the years become a bustling metropolis. That is pretty much how I see things. Where once there was only EU there are now numerous games and stories about them. Diversity is a good thing.

canonized: As for your own contributions to the community , your writing style , at least for your current project , is of the narrative format with special emphasis on dialogue which makes it read almost like a radio play ; why did you choose this particular writing style ?

Amric: My first story was in the narrative style. In fact, almost all of my projects are that way. I decided that a story heavy on dialogue would be a way to show things happening in a unique way rather than just 'showing' them through actions. I've done a couple of gameplay AAR's lately, but my first love has always been narrative.

canonized: Do you draw from any particular sources for inspiration ? What , who , or where would your muse be ?

Amric: Pretty much anything. My first story was about the rebirth of the Roman Empire. I did it via Sweden. Why? Because I had read that the Romans DID know about Scandinavia and thought it would be a unique way to present a reborn Rome. Things of that nature just come to me. For Cyprus it was Bismarck's fine work with the same nation. He never finished his and so it inspired me to write a story about Cyprus. For this one, Byzantine's Khan, I had read a short story about a man who had invented a 'radio' that could tune into the thoughts of long ago figures. It featured Genghis Khan as the Captian of the City Guard of Constantinople. It never explained how he got there. I thought what a great idea! So I just expanded the forefront and went completely on a tangent from there. Many of my ideas just come to me in a flash. Some are fully formed while others are just fragments. For every story I've written there are about 10 that I discarded as no good. I can be inspired by just about anything. But it all pretty much boils down to 'what if'. What if Genghis Khan were to become Leonides. What if Rome were to be reborn through Sweden. What if a time traveler went back in time to conquer a good portion of Europe? What if are two of the most powerful words ever known...

canonized: Aside from your current hobby writing for AARland , will you be pursuing any endeavors for publishing ?

Amric: Well, 20 plus years ago, I tried. I wasn't very good back then...it kind of discouraged me. But arriving in AARland and the great feedback I've received...well I've wondered. Am I good enough to truly get published? Or am I a second tier hack? I just don't know. My own mind tells me that there are many others here on the forum who are far better writers than myself. I see their work and sometimes wonder if my own bumbling efforts are truly worthy of being published. I suppose it is really more of a confidence issue than anything else. But there may come a time where I might give another shot of being published. I still feel I am honing my craft, I guess.

Part II: The Eye of the Hurricane
Let’s see what Amric thinks of Timelines .

canonized: You are another brave soul who whizzed by catching up on Timelines ; where did you first hear of us ?

Amric: Oh, I've noticed it. But I was trying to avoid the EUIII forum until I finished BK...but since there is no real end in sight for it, I dragged myself to it. I was reading Coz1's 40 Years on...and well I had noticed yours staying up near the top. It seemed very popular and I decided that the title was intriguing. So I started to read. And read. And read some more. It was a pretty gripping story. It had me hooked, so I wanted to get current and see where the story led next.

canonized: I know you've left many comments along the way of your journey which were a delight to read and think about ; what would you say was the most unique aspect of the work that you enjoyed ?

Amric: Your ability to go from the past to the 'present'. You made the characters in both sections real. They had thoughts, feelings, true to what was right for each character. Writing in the past as well as the present or future is not something everyone can do. Or at least well, anyway. There are some here that can do it, you can do it. It's just really impressive.

canonized: Well thank you , that means a lot ! Speaking of characters , as someone who is adept at developing his own characters , did you have any particular personas or sets of personas that caught your eye in the work ?

Amric: I love the Cardinal. He's larger than life, but he has a 'real' side to him. A down to earth side that is just as important. I really like Isabella. She reminds me of my own Ariana. Perhaps even more dangerous, as well. Antonio, well I like him, but he bugs me a bit. He keeps getting captured. He reminds, as I have mentioned in my comments, of James Bond. He keeps getting captured and escaping. They are really my favorites in the story. So far, anyway.

canonized: Haha , the Cardinal seems to be the MVP in Season I . I believe one of the things we share in common in our writing styles is that we also enjoy a good sense of suspense , adventure , and intrigue ; how have these elements been for you while reading Timelines ?

Amric: I've enjoyed them immensely. Being able to read straight through has been kind of fun. It's quite satisfying to keep on reading and see that some of my presumptions have been wrong, or perhaps a bit off. Whereas with single updates there is the factor of waiting to see what happens. Not a bad thing, but reading straight through you get a real sense of the scope of everything. The enemies are paper....they aren't like a cartoon. They are real and they are dangerous. They aren't stupid; they are just as smart and tough as the heroes. They don't make stupid mistakes. Oh, everyone makes mistakes, it's only human. But the enemies don't do things like leave a door unlocked for the heroes to just stroll through. They work smart. Just like the heroes. In some ways you can almost sense that they truly believe that they are working for good against the 'evil' Spanish Empire. It is that sort of thing that makes this a truly wonderful tale. Your ability to make even the bad guys seem like they are pursuing a noble course. Even if it is 'misguided' or even 'evil' to the sensibilities of the heroes.

canonized: We don't get to speak much of bad guys on interviews but with such a great analysis I can't help but ask which of the bad guys speak to you most or at least tickles your dark side the most haha .

Amric: Well, take Sio-Pan....he is truly a very dark character. But he isn't stupid. He has immersed himself in the world of poisons. To the point of making himself basically immune to them. That takes courage. Insanity as well, perhaps, but it is courageous. His willingness to torture, sometimes just for the sake of it.....well, it doesn't 'tickle' me....but I understand it. There are many dark villains in real life who did and do just that very thing. He's very...real. Pure evil, in my opinion, but he is good at what he does. He takes joy in it. It is his passion. Marcus, on the other hand....she/he is a tortured soul. She wants to make believe she is a man. She believes that a man is more powerful. The reality is that as a woman she is just as powerful, only in a different way. Her twisted soul is in conflict against herself. It's tragic, in a warped sort of way.

canonized: Among the ‘good and evil’ characters ; we have the central, in the middle, character of Tom . Although many times he's almost like an innocent bystander , what does his character invoke for you ?

Amric: Innocence. I know it sounds hard to believe. But this is a guy who just kind of found himself thrust into the middle of a secret war he doesn't understand. He 'created' a world in his imagination, or so he thinks. But as time goes on, his innocence is worn away by people like Marcus and even his own 'friends'. I know I put that in quotes. Because, in a way, I'm not SURE they are his friends. They are just as eager as Marcus to 'mold' him. He really is the embodiment of the innocents who know nothing of what is going on. He is now on the inside and buffeted by forces he doesn't really understand. In the end, he really wants to be left alone. But that isn't an option for him anymore. He is too deep, he knows too much, and both sides want what he has. I feel bad for the guy, but in some ways he needs to get a grip and deal. He has no choice really. Nobody is going to leave him alone. So he will have to make a stand and choose what he will do. And then he is going to have to go through with it, regardless of the cost. But it is going to be a while before he gets to that point. When he does, well somebody is going to lose. But that is kind of the point, isn't it?

canonized: Wow , an excellent inspection on his character ; it actually does inspire me as I write further chapters on the development of these individuals . Last question in this section is the most obvious one for anyone who's read the interviews before : Any guesses on what the Timepieces and the Keys are or their purpose ?

Amric: Well I mentioned it in a comment. I still believe it. I think the timepieces are 'portals' to another timeline. An alternate one. The keys access them to allow individuals to cross from one to the other. Having the 'Nazi' in China working to create havoc is kind of a huge clue. He certainly didn't come from the past where Spain holds sway. Or the present where the Spanish Empire controls the world. He and his fellows HAVE to be from an alternate. That is my thinking on it all.

Part III: The Rise of the Eagles
Let’s talk a little about Amric’s latest work !

canonized: You've written quite a few AARs. How do you feel BK stands up to the others?

Amric: I think it compares well, if not better than all of my others. It is longer, and even more complex than my Cyprus story. The characters seem richer and more vibrant. The concept is more 'concrete' than Cyprus. At this time it is probably my best work, by far.

canonized: The most immediate impression that I had from beginning Byzantine's Khan was simply the premise itself . A truly intriguing idea to have perhaps the greatest warlord in world history becoming a Roman (Byzantine) citizen and the effects . Although you already mentioned the initial reasons why you thought up of this idea , could you tell us perhaps in a bit more detail how and why this premise came to you and your plan for implementing it ?

Amric: As I said before, I got the initial idea from a short story. Implementing it was easy. At first, I had the Mongolian Empire Scenario which would allow me to use EUII to orchestrate my game and the story. However, when my old system crashed I had to get a new one. The new system never worked MES well, and in the end, the game portion had to go. Now it is all from my imagination. The concept, of course, is to restore the Roman Empire to its glory. Of course I can't say whether it is to the glory of the Eastern Roman Empire or the entire Roman Empire. That would be saying too much.... I also felt it was very important that he convert to Christianity. It won't really affect how he does things, completely. But it doesn't make sense for a pagan to do all of this restoration of the empire. At least for me. It wouldn't make sense that the people of the Empire would embrace a pagan. A barbarian is enough of a stretch as it is. At this time period the people of the Empire weren't exactly welcoming of people who weren't a part of the empire. He needs the conversion to be more accepted by the people of the empire.

canonized: And , indeed , one of the great aspects of your work is seeing this smart Mongolian warrior adapt to the culture , fighting styles , and even to the famous Byzantine politics of the time . Did you have his development planned from the beginning or was it a more step by step approach to how he assimilated and began to assume an erudite command of Byzantine ways ?

Amric: It just kind of flowed that way. In reality, Temujin was a VERY smart man. He spoke numerous languages. He was in no way stupid. Barbarous, yes, but not stupid. Making his home in the City he would pay attention and see how things worked. Once he did, he put his own spin on it. He is more forceful than an average citizen. He is willing to go further to achieve his goals. If it requires a few bodies be stepped on, so be it. He has brought some of his own people's style of warfare to the Empire as well. He is assimilated, but his savagery is still very much there. I didn't want to make him too 'civilized'. To do what he must he is going to have to be ruthless. The most honest answer is that it just kind of worked out that way. It wasn't really planned. My work just kind of flows out of me. Sometimes like a river, sometimes a stream. It's kind of a stream of consciousness sort of thing. I 'listen' to my characters and then report on what they do and say. It sounds corny, but it seems to work for me.

canonized: Speaking of Barbarous , one of the things that really amazed me about your work are the gripping action sequences of which you have plenty . Not to say that it is gratuitous but you definitely know how to make action engaging , suspenseful , and adventurous from surprise home assaults to assassinations (I won't give away who) . Tell us a little about these kinds of scenes and how you construct them .

Amric: Well, I read. A lot. I've read so many different kinds of stories that I have bits and pieces of them still with me. I think of the characters first. What they are like and what they are capable of....then I sort of wonder what they might do. I then just write it down. That scene you allude to...I'll tell you a little secret. It didn't start out that way. Originally the murdered person was going to be murdered while bathing. Instead as I was writing it came to me that it would be better if I did it a different way. I used to hand write an update and then type it up. As I typed, things would change somewhat. I never know how things will go beforehand. I get a germ of an idea and go with it and I get to see where it takes me. Sometimes it is as much of a shock to me what happens as it is to my readers. Sometimes I start with an idea and as I go it morphs into something else. It's really hard to explain. I try to stay within the limits of the forum rules and the abilities and weapons of the day. I do take 'dramatic' license with some things. Like the repeating crossbow. It IS a real weapon. It was developed in Alexandria centuries before the story. I just brought it back and dusted it off. Things like that show the creativity that the empire is regaining under the Khan and his cronies.

canonized: Speaking of the Khan and his cronies , what I found very engrossing as a young person is the way that you handle the way Leonides (Temujin's Christian name for those who haven't read the work yet) and his friends as they grow up . Specifically the way they hold little meetings and give bird-of-prey related names to everything . It kind of really makes me think of some high school group of friends doing something for the community whereas this is of course an intensely serious matter they have underway . The coziness of the diction allows me as a young person to attach onto it . Was this intentional ; was there perhaps any high school or childhood experience that precipitated these almost clubhouse scenes ?

Amric: Well, every 'conspiracy' needs a place to go. A HQ, if you will. A place where the conspirators can confer and make plans. I was a cub scout as a youth. I played football and baseball and basketball. Every young fellow who has knows that the coach has little pep talks or 'strategy' sessions. It's really no different. The bird names came about as the fact that the Legions follow the Eagle standard. The Eagle Guard was a conscious effort to mimic that concept. Ariana has the Falcon Guard as a companion type to the Eagle Guard. The name of Eagle's Aerie is a non to subtle ploy on the Eagle of the Empire as well. It all points to Empire and the standard of the legions. It's all about the Empire for Leonides, and his friends as well. Whatever it takes to draw comparisons to a strong empire and their once 'invincible' legions.

canonized: As you mentioned before , a converted Temujin was very important for the story , but it also introduced a particular character and there was actually one specific scene in your narrative that I found myself tearing up and that's specifically when Father Christopher boldly offered to fight off the lynch mob attacking the mansion saying that he was not a coward as well as successfully fighting off several people with just a quarterstaff . In a world that is so anti-clerical at times , I was heftily impressed at this early scene . Could you tell us a little bit about this and of the development of this character in general ?

Amric: Well I needed a strong clerical presence. One that would impress Leonides and allow him to be converted. Father Christopher came to mind. A kind of play on the priest on the TV show MASH. Father Christopher wasn't always a priest. He was a former soldier. He knows how to fight. It's been awhile, but it isn't something you can readily forget. In the Empire, the clergy is still respected. It isn't like Western Europe of that time. The Empire was still 'strong'. The clergy were not only respected, but in some cases, feared. Sure, the clergy in Western Europe were respected, and even feared. But I think they were more powerful in the Empire. I have no problem with religion. I never have. In the time period of BK, religion is extremely important. Crusades and jihads were done in the name of religion. I want to portray the time period as well as I can. There will be more of Father Christopher. He's not gone from the story yet. He still has an important role to play.

canonized: Around where we are right now , these are pivotal moments . Although I won't give much away for those who haven't read yet , but there are much troubles both domestically and abroad , the characters of Erik and Bianca provide an interesting foil to the mains , and we have enemies on the front as well as the alluded assassination we spoke of before among other things brewing . What can we expect in the next few updates ? Any previews for your fans and perhaps something to entice those who might be interested in delving into your great what if epic ?

Amric: Well, there will be blood. Lots and lots of destruction and mayhem. It's kind of expected. With the murder...well, who could be surprised by such? However.....There is the influence of Father Christopher. That influence will be crucial. For without it, the bloodlust would be far, far worse. Erik and Bianca...well I needed an assassin. Erik came about. Bianca...well she was intended as a one off character. Never to return. Well that didn't happen. She has become integral to the plans of Ariana. Erik already is, of course, but Bianca has forced her way to being Erik's equal, in her own way. There is more work for the two of them as well. It's not all about clandestine murders. There is espionage as well. The war will continue, obviously. The turmoil over the murder. That will cause it's own set of problems. Ones that Ariana will have to deal with on her own. Leonides has a war to fight. Things are in choas, but there IS a light at the end of this very dark tunnel in the midst of the story.

canonized: Indeed all the action as well as the entirety of the work itself deserves the title of Byzantine by all means . Do you have any further AAR plans after you complete this one ?

Amric: Oh, well....I don't know. This story has such a LONG way to go. I've been writing it for nearly a year and a half. I jokingly projected that it will last into 2009. It just might. I might write another gameplay AAR. Those are easy. There are no characters to handle, with their inflated egos...and demands for more screen time. Just what happens and what I do. I've done two of those in the last couple of months. If I wait until BK is done, I'm going to get forgotten. EUIII is the big dog now. So I'll probably write a gameplay AAR, just to keep my name out there for all the new people..... I HAVE been kicking around an idea about the trading cities within the province of Alsace, or Elsass as it is named in EUIII. I've already done some research on it. It's a fascinating concept. I watched a episode on the History Channel about it, and it piqued my interest. Not sure if I'll do it, but it does intrigue me.

canonized: Well thank you again for being on the programme , Amric ! We look forward to more updates on your AAR and for your continued patronage here with us . I’d like to also thank our audience once again for tuning in this week ! Please make sure to keep Amric , myself , and all those we’ve interviewed in mind as you vote in the AARland Choice AwAARds 2007 Q3 which just begun ! Tune in sometime this week for the announcement of our next interviewee but until then hope you all have a wonderful week ! Good fight , good night !
indeed, some good stuff! So when is the next update coming? :D
Great interview canonized, always interesting to hear the Old Guard speak!
Another winner canonized! Enjoyed that interview very much. :)
I must say I knew most about Amric from the 'house of Amric' stuff, nice to see something about his AAR side ;)
Murmurandus: Thank you , sir !

Grubnessul: Next update will be scheduled for tomorrow . Going to schedule a bonus for tonight :D

English Patriot: Yes , Amric was a great guest to have this week !

coz1: Glad you liked it ! It was definitely a gem to talk with Amric ! His critique on Timelines was also very interesting , we had a good time off the record discussing some of his thoughts on the symbolism of certain elements of the badguys -- drinking poison , marcus's condition things like that and how it symbolizes the states of evil present in the story and in the world .

Avernite: Haha I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of looking into The House of Amric !

As we start our campaign for Favourite EU3 AAR and Favourite EU3 Narrative in the AARland Choice AwAARds 2007 Q3 , we're setting out more bonuses and updates this week ! Now that Season II is among us , time to see a new map ! Here's what Europe looks like now . Please keep Timelines and all your favourites in mind as you go vote ! There will most likely be no more extensions for voting this month just like last time so Timelines needs your help to get out and vote for the two categories we're going for ! Hope you all enjoy !



Special Notes on where we are in the story:

Protestant Rebellion Occuring in Midlands, England and a full fledged Rebellion in Ireland .

Spain is sending troops to prepare to occupy the vassal states and preparing to annex England , Venice , Bohemia , and Austria .

Machinations of a full fledged Muslim Revolt spanning from Granada , North Africa, all the way to Alexandria and Jerusalem currently in progress .

Ottomans and Persia speaking of jihad against Spain .

Spanish Expedition sent to Novgorod .

Large concentration of Protestants around Praha , southern Germany , and North Lithuania .

Spain still controls certain Trade provinces in southern Persia and Mecca is controlled off map .

Edingburgh and Iceland are controlled by Poland .
Yay! Maps! I see Austria's doing its usual thing, Russia's very big! And the rebellions stirring in the far flung provinces of the Empire might become more of a problem..
Interesting, did Russia actually form in your game or did you helped them a bit? :p
Great interview with Amric. Always nice to know that there is another old D&D geek out there so I don't feel so lonely.
Murmurandus: Glad to be of service ! Not the best of maps but I hope it works !

English Patriot: Haha yes , Austria is a lovely country like that and yes , the Rebellions are very geographically diverse which is a problem .

Grubnessul: I did help them out a little ; just to make it more interesting .

grayghost: HOORAY Glad to have you back !