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(( i'll edit it in but fact remains that right up untill the second world war the airforce was frequently shafted))
The Platform of Governor Jarvis (ACP)

Laissez-faire - Despite what the socialists and statists will tell you, the great economic problems we suffered were not from too much capitalism; it was from too little. During the post Civil War boom, we had two free-marketers, and over half-a-dozen interventionists; which ideology had more influence in the lead-up to the economic collapse?

Not only that, but under Harrison's administration, we are closer than ever to running a deficit, perhaps the first non-wartime deficit in our history. We must make cuts, and we must pull back. Under my administration, I will repeal policies I feel gave the government too much influence over the market, and will substantially reform the laws I do not abolish.

During my administration, I will cut spending, push back regulation, and move to further lower taxes (hopefully to 5/5/5, if the budget will allow it).

On the matters of the monopolies, let me remind you, they emerged during the presidencies of Williams and Jamous, neither free-marketers. Certainly, I will keep some regulations on the books, but I feel that most of those laws are burdensome, anti-capitalist, statist, and overall, ineffective. The President used his own wealth (he is nearly as wealthy as me, you socialists, So don't decry my wealth!) to purchase the bulk of Howard industries, then returned them to Mr. Howard (a fine businessman). This president has far extended the power of the presidency, and has sullied the office by, for want of a better word, bribery!

Pacifism - Our foreign policy has been one of mistake compounded by mistake. We funded the Germans; now they are conflicted with our allies Britain. We tried to hem in France; now it has become pushed into such a precarious position, so as to start a Great War! Our policies have brought the world closer to conflict, to suffering, to death, and to tyranny, which our great warrior-presidents, backed by the chicken-hawks, fought against, supposedly.

Under my presidency, I will end this Commonwealth, and instead favour the foreign policy of Washington; neutrality and friendship with all nations. Is that isolationism? Certainly not! Indeed this hawkishness has done far more to isolate us from the world that any peaceful interaction.

I will make large cuts to the Army, focusing instead on a small, elite force, and make some cuts to the navy. On this air-force, I believe it is worthwhile to invest in it, so I will continue Harrison's air policy.

Secularism - I am a Roman Catholic, like my father and grandfather, and most of my family. However, I do not believe the government has the power to endorse any religion, or to favour one in any way, shape, or form. Under my administration, all religions will be accepted by the federal government.

Full Citizenship - We are a nation of immigrants, and we should welcome all newcomers with open arms! I support an extremely liberal immigration policy, and support accepting almost anyone into our great nation.
Here is my platform, with some level of detail:

In terms of the economy, I believe the best choice is laissez-faire. Government has no place in the economy, and the more it intervenes the worse off we are. I personally still do not believe in anti-trust, especially after Harrison bought most of Howard Industries and gave it back to him, effectively making it a mini-trust and defeating the whole point of breaking it up in the first place. However, what was done was done and I will not oppose it any longer.

In terms of trade, I support protectionism. We must make sure our industry is not overtaken by Europe's, and we will need the revenue in order to avoid a deficit.

In terms of religion, I support moralism. America is God's chosen nation, and therefore we should act like it. Christianity therefore should be supported and promoted.

In terms of citizenship, I support full citizenship. All men were created equal, and so long as immigrants follow our laws and assimilate themselves into the American culture, I will welcome them with open arms to the land of the free and the home of the brave.

In terms of the military, I support jingoism. We must reassert ourselves as the hegemon of the western hemisphere. Therefore, I am in favor of showing Central America and Chile that we are not to be messed with, and should they choose to challenge us then we will act appropriately.

I would also like to bring up the Peruvian situation. Some years back they fell to communism and a dictatorship has been installed. Originally I supported establishing trade with them and treating them as any other nation, however I have come to the conclusion that they are not only a threat to us, but also a threat to the Peruvian people. Whereas the other dictatorships of South America do not care about the populace so long as they remain in power, the Peruvian communist regime has actively persecuted their people and have essentially created a police state where there is no freedom of information or freedom of property. Therefore, if I become president, I will ask Congress for a declaration of war against Peru in order to liberate the Peruvian people from the oppressive communist regime.
You do know that Jamous used his interventionism to fund small and struggling businesses only. He didn't give any funding to the companies that would later form so called "monopolies". In a sense Jamous did believe in the free-market, as he only worked to ensure that small businesses did not fall apart, other than that he left the economy alone.

What will you do when the many unemployed soldiers and sailors come knocking on your door because they can't fnd a job? You cannot honestly say decreasing the size of our Armed Forces will be a good thing for our nation. All you will do is cause more unemployment and more resentment from the people because you are afraid of a little deficit. We have the largest surplus of funds in the world, we can go decades with a deficit and still not worry about going into debt. Don't cause the people more suffering just because you want the Government to make a little cash. As for your foreign policy, it is, to put it simply, the most rediculous idea I had ever heard since hearing about Socialism and Communism.

- Vice-President Roderick Khur
((Don't want to interrupt anything but BigBadBob are you going to mod the game to go past 36' or is that where it ends?
((I actually asked BBB about that way back in a PM, and he said we might just continue this on in RP after '36 like he has done with his regular non-interactive AARs.))
((Sounds great, oh and do you know when we need to have our platform up for the primary.
((Sounds great, oh and do you know when we need to have our platform up for the primary.

((Hey, you got an avatar!

You don't need to do it by anytime, but you're not going to get many votes if people don't know your policies.))

Rogov said:
Actually only Nightmore responded to the pre-election committee I tried to organize, and his intention of running on the same platform basically is what motivated me to just keep quiet and then do what I did in the primaries by seizing a slot and using it as a bargaining chip.

There is no conspiracy against Walsh, just Leeroy Jenkins character insisting he's over the hill. I've refrained from doing so, beyond my rejection of the old Walsh and Nightmore platforms; I've not called you over the hill I've merely defended my platform. My criticisms of Walsh's speech had nothing to do with his age or experience, just with the aggressive manner he presents a moderate platformn; which seems to defeat the purpose.

So I hope that clears things up and prevents interparty turmoil.

((Like your speeches are famous for being well mannered :D

Sorry about the conspiracy theory, it just seemed a bit odd that at first there was no real 'old' aura about me (okay, if you pressed someone and they thought about it, maybe) Nightmore effectively called me and him old, then you said (OOC) we had no chance of winning with old leadership, then Nightmore immediately dropped out, and then Leeroy was trying to bully me out of the race. From a paranoid eye that looks a bit like a conspiracy theory. Sorry again.

As for no interparty turmoil.... he started it.))

All I am saying is perhaps it's time to retire.

I have attempted to restrain myself, and I know you are young an dinexperienced, but I must tell you that trying to get all the other candidates to withdraw so you can take over the party will not work until the United States of America has crumbled into the dust. And that will be never.

((BTW, Rogov, if there was no pre-election Commitee, then those policies are basically yours dressed up with party unity, right? Which is quite clever actually.))
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My fellow Americans,

There is a question in diplomacy that can only be mentioned in a whisper, such is its dangers for the involved parties. A question as old as these United States itself. It has lingered over Paris, London and Washington, a spectre of horror that we must nonetheless ignore. It haunts the government of every civilised nation, and no statesman dare mention its name lest the spectre appear anew. I speak, of course, of the Polish Question. It has been little more than a century since Poland was carved up and colonised by its avaricious neighbours. It has been less time than that since the last Polish uprising, which ended in the destruction of their nation-state. Even now, they await the opportunity to strike at their oppressors. They lack only encouragement. Up until now, diplomatic etiquette has forced us to refrain from raising this issue for fear of isolating Russia, Austria and Germany. But now that the affected powers have aligned themselves against the Empire of Liberty, we are no longer bound by such politeness. Therefore, I have no hesitation in proposing the following act.

My intentions are three-fold. First, to enshrine the national principle in international law, so that its voice is heeded wherever it may be spoke and the cause of our brother nationalities is advanced. Second, to estrange French public opinion from Russia, the former being sympathetic to the Poles and the latter being their oppressors, and so drive France firmly into the arms of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. Third, to inspire the oppressed Poles of Russia, Austria and Germany into open revolution against their foreign masters, and so create such dissent in their Polish provinces as to require all their energies for its resolution and so render them incapable of exerting their might against us in foreign affairs.

- Anton Maxim

Polish Original Land, Autonomy and National Defence Act

PREAMBLE: An act to restore the Polish Nation to its national borders by reconstituting the Kingdom of Poland from the Polish territories of the Russian Empire and reclaiming the Polish majority territories from the Austrian Empire and the German Empire, as well as reinstituting the Polish Constitution and the Polish Parliament, as well as all other aspects of the apparatus of state, etc. etc.

ASSERTING that the original partition of Poland of 1795 was an unlawful act of international aggression and expansion, unrecognised and non-ratified until the Congress of Vienna of 1815,

RECALLING the obligations undertaken by the Government of the Russian Empire at the Congress of Vienna of 1815 to recognise the constitutional autonomy of the Kingdom of Poland and guarantee its territorial integrity as a personal union between the Crown of Poland and the Crown of Russia,

NOTING the failure of the Government of the Russian Empire to uphold said obligations by first systematically violating the Polish Constitution and the rights it entails to the Polish people and then illegally annexing the Kingdom of Poland outright by force of arms and against the will of the Polish people,

CONDEMNING the violent and unlawful methods exercised in the suppression of the Polish people in their rights to freedom of speech and parliamentary representation as guaranteed by the said obligations undertaken by the Government of the Russian Empire at the Congress of Vienna of 1815,

RECOGNISING that the principle of the nation-state is an essential tenet of all national peoples and must be respected by the Government of the Russian Empire,

DECLARING that the United States of America, as a nation-state and a democracy, will not tolerate the forcible suppression of the Polish people and the violation of their representative rights and the destruction of their nation-state,

REQUESTS that the Government of the Russian Empire dissolve the Polish Governorate and restore the Polish Nation to the borders demarcated at the Congress of Vienna of 1815,

REQUESTS that the Government of the German Empire cede the Polish majority provinces of West Prussia, Posen and Upper Silesia to the said reconstituted Polish Nation,

REQUESTS that the Government of the Austrian Empire cede the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria to the said reconstituted Polish Nation,

REQUESTS that the Government of the Russian Empire reinstitute the Polish Constitution and restore the Polish Army and recall the Chamber of Envoys and the Senate into existence,

REQUIRES the Government of the Russian Empire to undertake a national plebiscite within the territories of the reconstituted Polish Nation to determine the national opinion on whether to continue as an autonomous appendage of the Russian Empire or to assume full sovereignty and independence from the Russian Empire and end the personal union of the Crown of Russia and the Crown of Poland, within a period of five years to this day,

DEMANDS that the Government of the Russian Empire respect the outcome of this national plebiscite and accept its recommendations regardless of its impact on the territorial integrity of the Russian Empire,

DECLARES that a failure on the part of the aforementioned Governments to respond to this Act will merit the fullest economic and diplomatic sanctions from the United States of America.​
The Polish were a warmongering people controlling large swaths of land they held no claim to. Let sleeping dogs lie and let the Polish be gradually fazed out.
Why on earth should we care in the least about the Polish? They are far away across the Atlantic, not even nearly as close as Britain or France, nor would they be of any strategic value to us. All this would accomplish is angering the Germans and Russians, and truly why would we want to do that?

The stupidity of this pointless bill is astounding.
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Here Here Mr Calvin knows what is right!

Also I would like to vote for Taggerman in the Federalist Primary
I certainly feel the plight of the Polish people, and would promote a greater deal of autonomy and liberty within the Russian Empire. However, I will not support declaring war or forcing undue pressure upon the Czar; rather, I will use diplomatic influence to protect minorities and people being oppressed across the globe.
I certainly feel the plight of the Polish people, and would promote a greater deal of autonomy and liberty within the Russian Empire. However, I will not support declaring war or forcing undue pressure upon the Czar; rather, I will use diplomatic influence to protect minorities and people being oppressed across the globe.

"I believe this to be the most though-out position so far on this issue."
- Attorney-General Erica Hayden-Vallejo
We are not voting yet Honorable Major Westwood, but I thank you for your vote of confidence before the primary election.

America needs a government which will work with the people, industry, workers, all for the purpose of American and global prosperity, Democracy for the oppressed, and freedom for all!

A vote for Taggarman is a vote for a grand coalition, representative of all voices, and speaking on behalf of the American People!
We must not seek war, to do so would be irresponsible and immoral. To throw countless young American men onto the meat-grinder of conflict for our ego's sake would be reprehensible. However should war come to this world the United States must be on the side of democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. We must stand with those whom our views are similar otherwise we shall fall divided, and the idea of a free world shall perish. In order to stop war we should allow France into the Commonwealth. With the existence of a triple alliance of such great power, the three Emperors won't dare to disturb the peace of Europe. This deterrence is the single greatest force that will maintain peace across our planet and allow America and our allies to prosper and thrive free of the fear of the gun.

On the Polish issue, while the plight of the Poles is severe, they are but one of many great peoples subjugated under the shackles of dictatorial regimes: the Baltic nations, the Checkoslovaks, the South Slavs, and the Romanians too suffer under the absolute monarchies of the Unjust Empires. We must do what we can to support these peoples, short of a declaration of war.
However, to further antagonize the emperors could very push even closer to war, so this Commonwealth could become a liability to our great nation, especially when we have no vested interest in fighting a global war, save for our own imperialism (something I find lacking in significance).

Which is why I believe this Commonwealth should come to an end. While it has had some benefits, the risk of a great war which we have no business in (though we are somewhat liable in it, due to our funding of Germany, leading to its creation and strength and the corresponding polarization of Europe), and a war with that triple alliance would be bloody and long.

Our navy is strong, an iron wall around this blessed Union, and we could easily raise an army to defend our nation (not to intervene ceaselessly or to 'liberate' lands, mind you), so it would warrant a reduction in the size of our land forces (the increased revenue from that would go into lowering taxes and further exploring the prospects of our air force).

I must ask you this, Mister Maxim; what shall we do about all the oppressed peoples of the Earth? Shall we invade every nation that is tyrannical (which would include Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Russia, China, and virtually every state, large and small)? Or will we make these declarations, dishonour them, and look foolish and weak on the international stage? Indeed, your proposal is a double edged sword: it could very well extend our power, but it would certainly antagonize the triple alliance, and there is no guarantee of success.