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'Tis interesting that the British are giving up land in the Caribbean, are you planning to continue this policy and obtain more islands? Also, things are sounding ominous when it comes to the Japanese, what are their relations like with the rest of the world?
The Japanese actually have fairly good relations with the outside world.

However i can see them coming into conflict Russia soon (as is historically accurate) as the russians own half of korea.

The Japanese are building a large, capable navy, and have significant colonial holdings in the pacific and in Africa (???)

I am certain I will come into conflict with Japan. Their power cannot go unchecked in the pacific. I plan to further my plans in the carribean and pacific with the coming war with Spain. After that, i cannot see anything other than conflict with the Japs in the pacific.

Battleship warfare is afoot :)
Prologue: To Build a Navy (Cont'd)

Part III: Multiple Threats Emerge


German Troops Parade for the Kaiser in Berlin as they march off to war.

In 1894, Germany Declared war on France, and the Ottomans gave their allegiance to the Kaiser. This caused a significant shake up with our comrades in the Army. A new organizational system was established here, using large divisions of around 30,000 men. (three times the size of a division in most European armies) The first of these new organizations, the 1st Infantry Division was formed from existing units of the US Army, and established their base in Upstate New York.

Coinciding with this move was the recalling of the cavalry in all Areas west of the Mississippi with the exception of the Arizona Territory. The wars with the plains Indians were officially a thing of the past. The Cavalry Units established their base in Virginia.

Paris was placed under siege during December of 1894, it was also around this time that we received another report that the Japanese had doubled their number of Battleships to 12, While at the time we had a total of 9 in service and 2 in production. Of these 9, four were based in San Francisco. We still however held a superiority in number in cruisers, with our 10 vessels to their 2.

Italy joined the side of German in her war with France in Mid 1895, by this point the war was no longer in doubt as the Kaiser’s legions had pushed the French forces into the southern regions of their country. France surrendered several months later, ceding more border territories in the Alsace to Germany and ceding Nice to Italy. A year later, Europe again went to war, when Austria, Russia and her allies declared war on the German-Ottoman Alliance, sparking the second Great Balkan war. The German Army’s advance astounded us all, they began to push back both the Austrians and Russians seemingly with ease. It was apparent that their army was the best in the world

While our armaments race with Japan continued, we were happy to receive the required funding for our project from the new McKinley Administration. This joy however was short lived when Senator John D. Long was appointed as Secretary of the Navy. The reason this caused us such grief was that the Senator would much rather be on vacation than at the Naval Office here in Washington. There have been however rumors that a new Vice- Secretary is to be appointed, a man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt. I only know the name from the papers, he was the Commissioner of Police for some time in New York City. To be honest I don’t quite know how he is supposed to run a navy with that experience. We’re supposed to meet him tomorrow, April 19th, 1897, we’ll just see what Commissioner Roosevelt has to offer the United States Navy…

Word has also just come in that Germany has concluded peace with Russia, it is rumored the cessation of Russian lands is involved…

End of Prologue

Coming in Chapter One:The Savage Wars of Peace...

Screenshots and video.
I've already written the next installment.

I always make sure i have one additional installment on hand before i make an update.

I want to wait awhile before i post the next one. Trust me, its a good one ;)
Bully! It seems you will have your work cut out for you if there is to be a permanent peace in Europe. But surely you plan to throw a few twists in there, so where these "savage wars ofpeace" will take place, I cannot venture to guess. Looking forward to this next update. Great stuff, C.V. :D
Well get to work on the AAR, expect next installment by sometime tonight.

Something I've noticed since returning to the board, the Vicky section, especially the AAR section gets very little notice. Perhaps all is to blame on HoI2?
Chapter One: The Savage Wars of Peace

Part I: Assistant Secretary Roosevelt Makes his Mark

(Note, Change in perspective, now being told in the 3rd Person)


Theodore Roosevelt leaving at the Department of the Navy, 1897
Click here for Video of TR Leaving the Department of Navy

Their meeting was short, Roosevelt was introduced to Commodore Davey and the other officers at the Department of the Navy. Within days after being installed as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, the former commissioner of New York Policemen, Roosevelt found himself in charge of the United States Fleet’s everyday operations, as Senator Long departed for a trip back home to Massachusetts. Roosevelt began moving flotillas around to his liking, especially strengthening the Naval assets in the Pacific.

The first of his major orders came during his second day of being acting secretary of the navy. The oder came to the US Pacific Squadron under Admiral Fletcher in San Francisco to load the troops of the US 5th Division under General Miller, based in California onto her transports ships to disembark them at the Hawaiian Islands, for Hawaii was to be annexed. While the troops were preparing to be loaded onto Fletcher’s ships, the US Foreign Secretary, under orders from the new President McKinley struck a deal with the Queen’s Foreign Secretary for the purchase of the Belize Territory and the Island of Jamaica for a Price of 240,000 Pounds.


TR Poses for a shot with several Top Naval officers before embarking on Fleet exercises in the summer of 1897

That summer TR also went aboard the USS Maine during Naval Exercises off the Coast of Virginia. The ocean spray and salty wind enthralled Roosevelt, who by now had begun to think globally. "I have had a grand time running the navy!" TR noted in his diary, "For three days I was aboard The Maine during exercises off Virginia. My the sound of those guns, any man who thinks we can go without a large navy just needs to hear the thunderous sound of those guns on a great ship like this."

It was around this time that debate in the congress over the issue of how large of funding the navy should receive for its armament arose. A sizable body of representatives stood by their opinion that money should instead be used on internal improvements, and preparing the two remaining territories of Arizona and Oklahoma for entering the Union. In one of his early speeches as Assistant Secretary of the navy, Theodore Roosevelt added his voice to the debate over the naval arms race which was developing between the US and Japan, stating, “We need a large navy, able to meet those, of any other nation. It is niggardly and foolish shortsightedness to cramp our naval expenditures while squandering money right and left on everything else.”


From this desk in the Naval Department, Roosevelt shook up the American Naval Structure, moving ships as he pleased and preparing the Navy for its job ahead
Listen to Roosevelt comment on the Debate over Naval Armament

The US 5th Division went ashore on the Island of Oahu on May 23rd 1897, that same day in Norfolk, Secretary Roosevelt Presided over the launching of two new Battleships, the Virginia and Ohio at the Naval yard in Norfolk Virginia. The operations in Hawaii proceeded without any problems. The natives in Hawaii, by now used to interactions with Americans hardly noticed the new military presence on their islands, and had no qualm with becoming a territory of the United States.

Hawaii however was not the only area which was attracting Roosevelt’s attention. The strategically important Isthmus of Panama had been weighing heavily in TR’s thoughts. It was conceivable that in the future a canal could be built there, providing the United States Navy a shortcut to the Pacific, a trip which currently required a lengthy voyage into the south Seas around Cape Horn.

The Panamanians had wished to break away from Columbia for some time now. Playing off this rift, Roosevelt in a speech declared that should the Panamanians seek independence from Columbia, they would have the full support of the US Navy. Although this bold statement was never fully backed by the administration, the Panamanians took it to heart, and went into open revolt against the Columbians in July 1897. Coincidently, this revolt coincided with the Arrival of the US 3rd Squadron, consisting of the Battleships Indiana, Massachusetts, and Missouri off the Panamanian Coast.

As would be expected, the Columbians moved to violently crush this rebellion, and soon after the United States Marine Corps (total strength 1 Large US Division) and the US 1st Infantry Division were deployed to the Isthmus. Going ashore on the 21st of July, US Forces were met with no organized Columbian opposition, with the one small Columbian Army unit in the area reported to have been evacuated by sea to safety. While the 1st Division dug in at the southern end of the Isthmus, the Marines moved north to take the rest of the thin strip of land. On August 13th However, the Marines ran into a Columbian Division near the town of Penonome, suffering only several dozen casualties. By early October the Isthmus was under total US control, and on October 17th Panama was free from Columbian rule as a protectorate of the United States.


The US Marine Division goes Ashore on the Isthmus of Panama

The last two months of 1897 saw the reallocation of US Naval forces across the globe. After a report arrived at the Naval Office stating that the Japanese now had 15 operational Battleships, the same amount as the United States Fleet possessed. The Japanese however still possessed the advantage as all of their ships would be deployed in the Pacific Ocean, while the current number of Battleships in the US Pacific Fleet out of San Francisco was only 5. In response, the US Third Squadron, then based in Kingston, Jamaica was renamed the US Asiatic Fleet and was ordered to the California Coast, bringing the total Battleship strength for the US in the Pacific to Eight. Upon Arrival in California, the USS Indiana, part of the new Asiatic Fleet was given a new commanding Officer, Commodore Patrick Davey, formerly of the Naval Armament Committee.

Commodore Davey boarded the USS Indiana on January 1st, 1898. Little did he know or expect what the coming year would have in store for the United States and her Navy...

Naval Situation: January 1st, 1898

Naval Comparison:

US Navy Order of Battle:

World Situation on January 1st, 1898


The Caribbean:
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Time to take Cuba, I would think.

Sadly, my slow computer takes quite a bit of time to download the sound and video (though as I was writing this reponse, I did catch the Roosevelt video). Still, I think it a great addition to the AAR, and certainly unique.

Also, it seems that Roosevelt has better things to do than take photos (if that photograph is any guide.) ;) He seems to be ready to move on to better things, which is quite like the old boy. One has to love Roosevelt! He's just so...so...bully!

As for the Vickie AAR area, you are probably right. HoI2 seems to be getting quite a bit of attention right now. It is certainly slowing the forum down. I imagine Paradox does not mind, but it certainly slows down my reading. :mad: Still, those interested will hopefully make a point to keep current here. I know I will. Keep up the great work, C.V. And have I mentioned that it's great to see you writing again? :D
coz1 said:
Time to take Cuba, I would think.

Sadly, my slow computer takes quite a bit of time to download the sound and video (though as I was writing this reponse, I did catch the Roosevelt video). Still, I think it a great addition to the AAR, and certainly unique.

Also, it seems that Roosevelt has better things to do than take photos (if that photograph is any guide.) ;) He seems to be ready to move on to better things, which is quite like the old boy. One has to love Roosevelt! He's just so...so...bully!

As for the Vickie AAR area, you are probably right. HoI2 seems to be getting quite a bit of attention right now. It is certainly slowing the forum down. I imagine Paradox does not mind, but it certainly slows down my reading. :mad: Still, those interested will hopefully make a point to keep current here. I know I will. Keep up the great work, C.V. And have I mentioned that it's great to see you writing again? :D

Thanks. I'm glad people like the audio/video aspect im trying to add.

Hopefully this AAR can bring some people back to the Vicky AAR section. Its too bad theres nothing like a weekly showcase to shoot for, a vicky AAR in the weekly showcase could bring some people back to the AAR area again.

Ah that was a great section. The big pictures of TR really enhance the narrative. Then again, small pictures of TR wouldn't quite work would it? :) I d/led the video and audio fine and appreciated them both. Good work, and don't fret about readership....there's plenty of us enjoying your story, I'm sure.
Seidita said:
I hope he goes for Cuba, while we're at it why not bring democracy to Hispanola.

Eh, i'd like to not annex cuba if i can. If its possible in the vanilla Vicky i'd like to set cuba free as a satellite state.

As for hispaniola, i already have one of the two countries there as a satellite state.
C.V. Mannerheim said:
Eh, i'd like to not annex cuba if i can. If its possible in the vanilla Vicky i'd like to set cuba free as a satellite state.

As for hispaniola, i already have one of the two countries there as a satellite state.

you can free Cuba as a satellite after 1868 so you should already be ok ;)
Seidita said:
you can free Cuba as a satellite after 1868 so you should already be ok ;)

Thanks then, I appreciate it :D

Castro can kiss my a$$ ;)
Since the school week is starting, i dunno when the next update will be, probably as late as friday. Hopefully sooner :)

Itll be a good update too, with some good pics to go with it :)

Lets just say that the navy gets tested...
After the Cubans you should conquer the Mexicans and Canadians, there just so weak and helpless, I mean the deadly Canadian and Mexican war machines are an imideate threat and the U.S military should liberate these people. Like I did. :D
Nah, i dont really want a huge land EMPIRE.

The Islands I hold in the carribean are minor holdings, i seek only to sattelite nations.

The only foreign soil which American asks for is enough to bury the dead that won that soil ;)
Hey, I like the idea of having a large collection of satelite nations around the good ol' U.S. of A. And if anybody can do it, TR and the U.S. Navy (with the assitance of the Marines :D ) can do it!