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Feb 27, 2007
  • Stellaris: Galaxy Edition
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • Europa Universalis IV: Pre-order
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Cities: Skylines - After Dark
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Cities: Skylines - Snowfall
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Stellaris
  • 500k Club
  • Stellaris: Galaxy Edition
  • Hearts of Iron IV Sign-up
  • Stellaris Sign-up
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Stellaris: Digital Anniversary Edition
  • Stellaris: Leviathans Story Pack
  • Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Stellaris: Ancient Relics
  • Divine Wind
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Darkest Hour
  • Europa Universalis III
  • Europa Universalis III: Chronicles
  • Hearts of Iron II: Armageddon
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Heir to the Throne
  • March of the Eagles
  • Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Victoria: Revolutions
  • Victoria 2
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
There's more projects going on in DH than just the big ones that you can see on the front page of the mod forum. Heck, you've probably been working on a little mod yourself, but you've been reluctant to share it for whatever reason-- it's too far from being complete to share in its own thread, the mod's based on your own Victoria game and you fear it's too specific for the general interests of other players, you're already overloaded with work and don't think you'll finish your mod anytime soon-- whatever the reason, why don't you share what work you have done here? Perhaps you can garner some interest in it, or some feedback or tips.

Let's see what you've got.

For the sake of getting the ball rolling, here's a little thing suitable for Halloween weekend:
H. P. Lovecraft's dalliances with journalism lead him down an entirely different path, as a politician and movement leader. Wooing audiences with an inner energy that surprises many close confidants, Lovecraft becomes the founder of an esoteric nationalist party that wins landslide election after landslide election in the early '30s. The populace's worries about bizarre behaviors within Lovecraft's party are placated with the assurance that "absolutely nothing malevolent is going on, and President Lovecraft has definitely not made a dark pact with squamous, eldritch extraterrestrial beings."





everyone here most likely knows that I've been working on A World To Win for months.

I won't disappoint. It answers the question: what if the European Revolutions that the Bolsheviks desperately craved succeeded, sparing the USSR from extreme isolationism and Socialism in one Country?
I won't disappoint. It answers the question: what if the European Revolutions that the Bolsheviks desperately craved succeeded, sparing the USSR from extreme isolationism and Socialism in one Country?
So is all of Continental Europe Communist then? With Europe recovering (or convulsing) from revolutions, who are the three alliance leaders to lead the three main alliances?
So is all of Continental Europe Communist then? With Europe recovering (or convulsing) from revolutions, who are the three alliance leaders to lead the three main alliances?

the "Axis" is France, Great Britain, and the Third Reich. The "Allies" are the American Commune, Mexico, and the United Republics of Central America(based on Kaiserreich's centro America). The Comintern are the usual countries with several European nations added in to the Communist International.
the "Axis" is France, Great Britain, and the Third Reich. The "Allies" are the American Commune, Mexico, and the United Republics of Central America(based on Kaiserreich's centro America). The Comintern are the usual countries with several European nations added in to the Communist International.

Oh, so a democratic-authoritarian alliance (or just authoritarian, and France and Britain have had some bad times themselves) and two Communist alliances (New World and Old World)? That could be pretty bitchin'. How will the two Communist alliances be pitched against each other?

I gotta ask about that Lovecraft mod. Where can I get it and what else does it do?

It's incomplete and I'm already overwhelmed with coursework and work-work. :/ Just needed to put something in the OP.
I'm quietly working away on bringing Fernando Torres's World in Flames mod into the new DH map, but it will be a couple of months yet before it's done.

My first effort is to maintain 100% his mod as it was, but in the new map. Later I intend to improve stuff, where I can; I still have ideas for better graphics... I've played his mod just yesterday, and the AI is absolutely fantastic..
I've been slowly trying to incorporate the best of Puma's Sprites into DH. The first pack I release will not have multi-level Sprites since AoD and DH have a different leveling system. But a future release, (much further in the future) will be multi-level to reflect WW1, interwar, early WW2, Late WW2, and post-war models. So the WW1 biplane you inherit in 1933 could someday become a 1950s jet fighter.

Of course, all of this work will be Puma's, I'll just be renaming the files, so if anyone can suggest a good program that can quickly and accurately rename files, that would be great!
I've been slowly trying to incorporate the best of Puma's Sprites into DH. The first pack I release will not have multi-level Sprites since AoD and DH have a different leveling system. But a future release, (much further in the future) will be multi-level to reflect WW1, interwar, early WW2, Late WW2, and post-war models. So the WW1 biplane you inherit in 1933 could someday become a 1950s jet fighter.

Of course, all of this work will be Puma's, I'll just be renaming the files, so if anyone can suggest a good program that can quickly and accurately rename files, that would be great!

A very good "re-naming" program I've used was called Rename-It, check out: http://www.beroux.com/english/softwares/renameit/

I also used Inforapid search and replace.. also check out: inforapid.com.. both are FREE.
My project is called On That Fateful Day, and is set during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The idea of this mod is simple: Worst case scenario, a MAD nuclear exchange.

The scenario starts when all nukes are flying by all nuclear powers against all potential targets. Each nuclear power, including player, will go through an extensive event tree that will deactivate certain missiles or leave them be (for example, USA can decide whether or not nuke neutral Soviet-friendly countries like Finland and Albania). Once all the nukes have fallen, an event chain arranges peace between NATO and Warsaw Pact, and all nuked countries leave their alliances, experience cabinet changes and further events decide how the world will proceed.

The Soviet Union, mauled by NATO nukes will be totally obliterated, and only a small remnant will remain. Otherwise all Soviet Republics declare independence or merge into nearby nations (Karelia will join Finland if latter is not nuked). A militaristic, theocratic Holy Russian Empire will rise from the ruins, and its primary goal is simply reuniting the anarchy-ridden Russia. The Soviet remnant will be located in far North, controlling a few coastal provinces around the White Sea.

United States will have vast continuity plans ready, based on Reagan-era CoG plans. US political leadership will be eliminated and replaced by a far-right military government, with capital moved to Pennsylvania. The US government will maintain coastal access, with an assortment of small enclaves across the globe, loyal to the government. However otherwise the United States falls into anarchy, and numerous states and former nations will take over the nation. The US government's main objective in the scenario is to reinstate American rule over the world and "finish the job" in Russia. US Armed Forces around the world will be disbanded, defect to nearby nations although I planned a whole nation formed by US army remnants somewhere in American Midwest.

Smaller powers, like China, UK and France will also be nuked no matter what. They will fall into anarchy and with the exception of UK communist/nationalist civil wars erupt. Taiwan will not be nuked, and Nationalist China will attempt to reunite China maybe with a little help from Japan, assuming that USSR/China did not nuke it.

I have only crude plans yet but the advantage of this mod is that by having the nuclear war start DURING the scenario means I won't need to spend countless hours removing industry and infrastructure from every province. The mod will mostly revolve around events, and eventually I would plan it to be a Kaiserreich-style, proper scenario.
The emphasis of the scenario is careful planning of province improvements. No nation will have more than a few IC left, and wars will mostly involve militia.
The theme song of the mod is, of course, We'll Meet Again.
I like your project, Lord Finnish!!!