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Second Lieutenant
41 Badges
Jun 8, 2011
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-Played with TFH 4.01, normal difficulty
-They will be two part, the first will be narrative and the second will describe the games mechanics i use.


Narrative part:
I'm a young officer and I will describe you the war of unification. In 1936, Communist China is in a very bad shape. Mao, our great leader, as retreated in Yan'an, a large city surrounded by high mountains. We have powerful neighbors and Nationalist China will use every pretext to conquer us. But we have also weak neighbors like Xibey San Ma, ruled by a warlord. Mao decided to use spies to lower their national unity. The life in Yan'nan is very hard, the city is a garrison and the local industry can't face the population and the army needs. We have supply shortage and the army is not ready for war.

Game part:
I focused on infantry and militia tech and send 15 (5 in reserve) spies in Xibey San Ma to lower their nationnal unity. In TFH is very effective and in a year they drop from 68.9 to 59.6. The idea is that they only have 3 great cities and if two of them are close to our borders the third is far away. But if we lower their morale enough I should be able to force them to surrender quicker and gain 2 or 3 month of bloody battles.I can't build anything because my economy is to weak for my army so now i'm waiting.



Narrative part:
The Japanese are storming in our land and Mao, our great leader decided to offer assistance to our Chinese friends. But these coward from Xibey San Ma don't ! If their are not with us they are with our enemies. I'm in the western army and we have to force coward to join us. Marching day and night we are storming into their lands. But we must be quick as the Japanese are coming from the east. The war goes well because they were not expecting us. Mountain path are exhausting but there is little resistance. They don't have the time to organize a defensive line. We have made a lot of prisoners and their morale is low. Their generals are retreating to their capital and the victory is close ! But we will not have time to rest because we will have to go back to help the eastern army with the Japanese.

Game part:
I had to attack Japan because I'm not automatically at war with them.
I send Infantry divisions to attack Xibey San Ma and militia on the other border. In two weeks Xibey San Ma surrendered. Of my three mountains divisions, 2 are send in the west to capture Tibet. The rest of the army fall back to reinforce the border with Japan. Shanxi have surrendered and I put my army in a defensive position, using mountains and rivers. I also started to build 3 garrison divisions. Once I'm in a good defensive position the Japanese can't attack me and focused on Nationalist China.




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It looks pretty interesting... Something new comes with those 2 styles of writing... Traced! :)

Narrative part:
My division was bring to the east. We have to hide in the mountains and kill ever one who cross the river. Sometimes we hear Japanese planes but as we remain hidden we are safe. However news from Nationalist China are bad. They are retreating and they can't stop the Japanese. Our political officer explains us that their are loosing this war because their government is corrupted and they lack our communist organisation. Indeed our front is holding well but the Japanese are now attacking us in the south so the situation is pretty bad and we have to move troops to protect the southern border. Also Tibet has fallen and Xinjiang will fall too.

Game part:
Using the river and the mountain defensive bonuses Japan doesn't try to attack me. Any human player would have use his air power to defeat me but not the IA. Taking Tibet and Xinjiang was easy. I lost one territory to Japan but I can still hold the line.

Here you can see the natural defenses of the north of china:


Two mountain divisions were enough to defeat Tibet:


And Xinjiang:

It looks pretty interesting... Something new comes with those 2 styles of writing... Traced! :)

Well sometimes I want to describe the game mechanism I use but I also want to make a story so I choose to split up in tow parts.
Narrative part:
Our political officer tell us that we are now members of the Comintern and that thanks to the conquest of Xinjiang we can trade with our great brother. The north front is calm but the Japanese have crushed the Nationalists and they will surrender soon. It's was predictable has their army is corrupted and they have bad leaders.

Good news, this is peace ! And this is a great victory for the communists because we take more territories to Japan than what we loose (2 vs 1). Our propaganda has rise this stalemate into a great victory. The nationalist have loose everything and we can now attack them to unify China. Our great leader plan is awesome has we will cut their army in two. I feel bad to attack my brothers but only an unified army can defeat the Japanese.

Game part:
The nationalist surrendered and I'm automatically in peace with Japan. Now i'm the strongest faction in China with the highest IC. The conquest of Tibet was totally useless as it gives me 0.07 leadership bonus but it's nice on the map. However the conquest of Xinjiang give me a safe trade route with USSR. Now it's time to attack the nationalists. I will cut off their army and encircle them but I will always move under mountains and rivers protection so the enemy will not be able to flank me. For production and technology: militia, and infantry tech.

The situation:

The planned attack:

The trap:

The end of the nationalist eastern army:

At the same time an attack was ordered in the north to create a new pocket:

Again my troops use rivers to remain protected from a southern attack while they are encircling the enemy:


Here I repeat the same tactics, I use rivers to protect my flanks and i launched a new attack:

From now I have a clear numerical superiority and I'm crushing their army following always the same strategy: a wise use of natural defenses and encirclement:




And nationalist China falls !
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I can´t see pictures for some reason... All in-game pictures are gone! :eek:
Narrative part:
China will be united soon ! After our victory over the Nationalists, nothing can stop us now. Yunnan and Guangxi Clique will follow them soon. They didn't help us against the Japanese and they will pay for that. They are rumors among nationalists prisoners that by starting a civil war between the Chinese faction is good for the Japanese but this is false as we don't forgot who is the true Mennen of China. Only united we would win ! AZs Mao said we will rise a million men army and we will put the Japaneses out of China !

Game part:
Taking Yunnan and Guangxi is just vp rushing against a two time smaller army: easy and uninteresting so no screenshots. The interesting thing is that I'm in the Comintern, at war with Germany, but not with Japan. Yunnan and Guangxi are both in the Axis but I can attack them and Japan will not be at war with me.

So I had two years to reinforce my army: I build mostly militia divisions and 5 fighters squadrons. They will protect me from Japanese planes. I have 13.5 leadership that I used for fighter doctrines and as always infantry and militia tech and doctrines. I have 80+40(land-lease 20 England +10+USA 10+USSR) IC that I used for upgrade and production. Basically the land-lease allow me to build my fighters.

Japan is taking India:

After two years of preparation my new army is big:



When will you attack Japan? It seems they're doing very well in Burma and Bengal. A two front war is very bad for them, as you have plenty of men to hold the southern front while attacking the north.
Narratve part:
As a verteran I was promoted and I'm now a sergeant. We have waited long, reinforced and now we are legion and we don't understand why our hreat leader Mao doesn't want us to attack Japan and free our brothers. We have new planes from USSR and nothing will stop us. An officer as just come: we must prepare, we wll attack Japan tomorrow !

Game part:
Why I have waited so long ? Two reasons: first I needed my fighters and second USSR is loosing the war, if I attack Japan they will be at war with USSR and it can't hold against Japan.

But I have no choice, I will have to attack Japan one day: My army is in two part, one to hold the Northen line and the second to take the southern harbors. The plan is very simple : massive attack in the south, when win, go north. In the north my only move will be to size an airport.


Stupid landing:





With the fall of Hong Kong, they lost their last harbor. The Japanese army lost 150 000 men in this battle.

News from the North:

The troops from the south are now reinforcing the Northen army:
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