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Quite a bleak post. I don't think Black is trying to take over John. I think John instinctively knows something isn't natural about what is happening but can't figure it out. Nothing surprising about that. Poor, poor Harding. :(

Stuyvesant: Hm, I don't think there's much I can say without giving too much away. Your analysis is on target though: Rutledge is far more valuable to Black than Preston.

jwolf: Hm...we should stop by Exeter at some point and see how he's doing. I wonder if he's back from Philadelphia or if he's sticking around.

J. Passepartout: Well, Harding ended up duelling the better part of the Vermont army. If it did end there, then he died in vain - the only one who's guessed at Ticonderoga is General Arnold, and he's over 100 miles (150 km) away when he finds out.

Draco Rexus: Actually Denmark's not doing bad! See the next post for a European map. ;)

coz1: I wouldn't say death's door, at least initially. Honestly I don't know if Harding suffered that much - physically at least. At the end he didn't even realize what was happening.

Storey: Good instinct. :) Now that John has someone to protect (you'd think Cassie would count, but I suppose the incident with Sgt. Daniels threw him for a bit) he's starting to pay much closer attention to what's going on. Obviously he doesn't know WHAT is going on, just that something stinks in.. well, Draco knows. :D
-= 134 =-

April 1784
Cherokee Country

"Are the rumors true, sir?" Captain Pierce, the commander of Heyward's personal guard, fidgeted nervously. He stood at something resembling attention, though he kept his arms behind his back to steady them and his eyes darted about. He finally focused them on his charge, who regarded him with contempt over the edge of the quill he clasped tightly on both ends. Somewhere beyond the tent melting snow thumped as it fell from the trees. The floor of the tent would be so much muck if someone hadn't thought to lay canvas down.

"Which rumors, Captain?" Tom asked quietly.

"The men say folk are starving in Charleston, sir. That there isn't no food." Pierce swallowed. "The slaves refused to work last fall, we ran out in winter and now there won't be any seed neither."

"I doubt it, Captain. We received supplies ourselves just the other day."

"And it's the wagoneers who are telling us what's happening!"

"Have you heard any of them directly?" Heyward jabbed with his quill. "No? Then you know nothing. The men are tired. They're lonely for home. I'm sure you feel the same. It was a long winter, and I'm sure all of us will be happy if it never happens again but now it's over. We're still here. We're going to find where General Arnold left his army, then together we end this!"

"But sir, if something is really wrong at home..."

"The folk at home will deal with it, Captain." Tom glared. "Mister Rutledge and most of the Carolina assembly are there. If there really is a food shortage then they are the men experienced enough to deal with it. There are plenty of options, including importing food from another state. Further, I seriously doubt the slaves just decided to stop working."

"But sir, everyone knows the black man is lazy!"

"Do not start on this line," Tom warned. "They like to eat same as you and I. They wouldn't risk starvation."

Pierce swallowed. He'd expected this to be easier. "Sir, some of the men..and I...would like..."

"To what!?" Go back? What are you going to do? End this food shortage by yourself?"

"So there is a problem."

"We don't know that!" Heyward shouted, rising. "But if there is, there is nothing we can do right now. If they're still sending supplies that means two things: One, It can't be too desperate, and Two, They're still counting on us to end this nightmare. What the devil do you think, sir? That I enjoy being in a leaky tent in the middle of mountains surrounded by ten thousand lunatics howling for my blood and working with another ten thousand that would gladly help them? I have people in Charleston too, Captain! I'm worried too. But we have our duty, and I am not going to spend another year in this mountainous..." HIs vocabulary failed him, and Heyward sputtered for several seconds, "We didn't ask for this war, Captain, but by God I'm going to finish it!"

Pierce took a step back, startled.

"Get out of my sight, Captain." Tom watched him go, part of him sorry for his outburst. The other part glowed happily. The look on his face was worth it. First the men were mad at him for not prosecuting the war, and now they wanted to go home? Plus, he was tired of running from their disapproval for that matter. Damn them! He hadn't suffered through a long winter just so in a few years Rutledge would try his hand at the Cherokee again.

It's been a long decade.

"Sir?" A soldier scratched at the tent flap. "Sir, the outer pickets are bring in a General Merritt to see you."

Charles Merritt was the acting commander of Arnold's army. He was a stout man in his mid-thirties, with brown hair poking below a crushed and soiled hat. His uniform must in much the same state and black rings shadowed his eyes. He exchanged salutes from horseback.

"What news, General?"

"I thought I should report, since we will be working together and you're the senior man in the field," Merritt replied crisply. "I was also curious about your delay." He cast a wondering eye at the army encampment, with people bustling back and forth without order.

"There's no delay," Heyward retorted. "Come in."

His first impression of the new general as they talked was that he was prim, disciplined, stern, and not very good at getting his point across. He insulted the southern army twice more in the first ten minutes. Merritt improved with a little wine though, and soon he was sharing a tale where, as a lieutenant, his squads were chased out of a pasture by six enraged cows.(1)

"Do you have any news from back east?" Heyward asked. The two sat around his table, studying a map of Cherokee Country.

"None you haven't heard I'm sure. You know of the killing in Congress?"

Tom looked up. "No?"

"John Rutledge. South Carolina, wasn't he?"

"Yes." Would that explain it? Had Rutledge, in his grief, made some economic error and there really was a famine?

"They caught the killer though." He leaned forward, as if sharing a great secret. "Man named Allen. New Yorker. Unpleasant chap from what I hear." Merritt leaned back. "What else? Ah, Britain is at war again."

"With who?"

"Poland. Seems everyone is taking turns bending them over." Merritt grinned.


Before Tom had to dignify that, General Allen entered and saluted. "Sir." The older man looked pale and even more tired than their guest. "Apologies. I came as soon as I could."

"Was there a problem?" Heyward asked, looking up.

Allen glanced at the northerner and shook his head. "No, sir."

"General? May I present my second, General Allen."

Merritt stood and shook his hand. "Allen? We were just speaking of you!"


"He jests, sir." Tom frowned. "Let's focus on winning this war."

"Of course." They agreed to link their armies south of the Savannah and so crush the last Cherokee settlements in a single massive blow.

"From what I heard, General Exeter's mistakes were insufficient force and composition," Merritt said after awhile. "I recommend a slow advance. Keep our cannon with us. They may have fortified their 'capital', but I dare say if we deploy our artillery in a semi-circle to their north, west and east they cannot stand."

"Our cannon will be delayed," Heyward sighed. Their commander, Roland Steving, had seen fit to go home with the melting snow due to a sick wife. Tom had argued with him, futilely as it turned out. Sick wife? Perhaps, but he also knew Steving didn't approve of how far the southern army had fallen over the winter.

"We do not have that problem," Merritt smiled. "Perhaps it is best to carry out our merger and then wait for your guns to catch up?"

Allen sulked, staring at his wine. Tom nodded. "Very well. How many men are you bringing?"

"Not including those whose service period is up? I believe I can answer for thirteen thousand. Yourself?"

Allen sniffed. "Enough, sir. More than enough."

"Splendid. Then shall we appoint for a week's time?"

"Yes." Heyward rose. "Good day, sir. Any of my men can find you a place to rest."

"Thank you, but I should head back and you no doubt have preparations to make." Merritt stood and saluted. "Gentlemen."

"Insufferable!" Allen exploded once he'd left. "To think we have to work with that smug creature."

Tom rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Why were you delayed, General? I assume you didn't want to say in front of him?"

"No. There was a bit of a scuffle in the Sixth. There are rumors of home..."

"Yes, I've heard them too," Tom snapped.

"Do you think they're true?"

"I think we have to finish what we started and trust our people home to deal with any difficulties until we get there. I don't want to keep doing this every few years. Do you?"

Allen studied the canvas ground. "No, sir."

"You ordered the usual punishments?"

"I thought to speak with you about it, first."

"Then take care of it." Heyward paced to the tent flap and opened it wide, staring at the chaotic encampment.

"We're going to regain control of this army if it kills them!"

(1)Okay, enough cows. :)
Incidentally, how large was Heyward's prior knowlege of this area of history, before he came to the 18th century?

I wonder why Britain and Poland are at war, in story terms...?

Nice to see reinforcements, but those soldiers would be put to better use bending over Mr. Black like Britain is bending over Poland.
Sounds like Black is deliberately FUBARing Charleston so that an official crisis and martial law and/or dictatorship can be proclaimed.

As for Poland, truly they are FUBARed from the beginning of this scenario. The latest DOW is just the icing on the cake.

PS -- You forgot to give a comparison of Prussian and Polish commanders. :p
Good to see Heyward again. I like that he's trying to pull his army back together. The question is: does he have enough authority left to pull it off, or is he merely hastening a revolt against his leadership?

I was looking forward to find out whether Harding would find earthly or divine salvation, but I guess I'll have to wait a little longer for that. Please don't take too much inspiration from Storey, though. :)
Thomas is having a hell of a time with his army. He can't seem to catch a break.
If Heyward survives this campaign I'll be amazed. :eek:

J. Passepartout: Heyward has a typical working class education for the 1930s (which if you ignore available knowledge and technology could easily stand up to today.) I'm assuming he did get through primary and high school (not sure if that's what they call it in Europe), but didn't go to any college. He probably has a fair grasp of English history and enough about Europe to keep up. Remember though that 'his' timeline broke pretty much from the beginning In his timeline, the AWI failed.

Britain and Poland....good question. I suppose in story terms the answer would be similar to game terms: Britain had an alliance with Prussia. After such a decisive defeat in North America, they're unwilling to shake their alliance for the sake of Poland. Prussia DoWs them, Britain says "Okay."

I initially sent two armies into Cherokee Country. With one province left (the capital), I merged the armies. Hence the 'reinforcements.'

J Wolf: Good guess and pretty much right. Black definitely wants Charleston to feel desperate enough so he can steadily increase his power and damn the rest. The food shortage is more of a side effect than an actual intended cause. (He wouldn't have wanted Heyward's army to desert.) Black's just not as good at economics and infrastructure as he thinks and erred by stopping the slaves from working. On the other hand, he is VERY good at taking advantage of situations, so look for him to use this too.

Stuyvesant: We'll try to drop in on the north again at some point, though I decided to leave that open to help build the tension. As for Heyward...well, he has his work cut out for him. On the other hand, he really doesn't have to hold them together MUCH longer...

Coz1: As Tom later realized, his early backing down and leniency was a huge mistake and he's paying for it. He's trying to regain control, but it may simply be too late.

Storey: Now that'd be an interesting AAR: 130 odd chapters - main character dies because his army revolts - Thanks for reading. I think you'd all hang me. :eek:

Of course, it's not like I don't have characters to spare...hm.... :D
Last edited:
-= 135 =-

April 1784
Cherokee Country

"There must be thousands of them!" The scout, a boy in his teens gaped as he reported.

"Tens of thousands!" agreed his mate. He looked around, frightened, as if expecting the whole Cherokee nation to materialize inside the American encampment. They were the survivors of a six man team sent to scout out the northern branches of the Savannah River, dressed in brown and green to camouflage with the muddy slopes. Ten minutes ago they returned, and apparently someone stole their wit. Heyward hustled them into his tent and summoned the other generals.

"They don't have tens of thousands," Allen told them. "Nor half that."

"I would not be so confident," Merritt commented. He folded his arms across his chest. "We met with only light resistance the entire campaign. General Arnold believed they were massing their braves for a last stand."

Tom looked up from his seat and shook his head slightly. He didn't want the men more spooked than they were. "What exactly did you see?"

"We proceeded dead south," the first began.

"Don't say dead," the other said.

"South then until we ran into the river, and west until we found a ford. We crossed over and began to look around when they came out of the trees. We were still in the water acting as rear guard, I think that's why we're alive."

'So this Indian army slaughtered the rest of your team?" Allen demanded.

"Yes, sir! Then scalped 'em there while we were watching!"

"Why didn't they run?" Merritt asked.


"You had enough warning to run. Why didn't the rest of your team? Surely the Indians weren't close enough to prevent flight or they'd have caught you too."

"They were, sir! I...I suppose the rest of them weren't fast enough."

"So they had horse?" Merritt pressed. "In forest and hills?"

"No! I mean they attacked with their bows..."

"He lies," Merritt announced.

"I...No, sir!"

"Aye, they may have seen some Indians. Then they ran away. They don't know what happened to the others." The northerner deliberately turned away. "Disgusting."

The scouts gaped. Heyward closed his eyes and flipped his hand. "You may go."

Alone again, Allen whirled. "You had no right talking to them in that matter!"

"They saw an Indian and ran. God's Death, I hope your entire army isn't like that."

"There was naught wrong with their story. I have seen the Savannah, sir. The trees grow close to shore. It is not at all surprising that they were close enough to open fire."

"It rained this morning."

"What the devil does that have to do with anything?"

"It means they couldn't fire their bows effectively."


"Then it wasn't bows, it was muskets. They were confused."

"A bit wet for muskets unless a European taught them to shield their powder, and don't you think they could tell the difference between a bow and a musket if they weren't scared out of their minds?"


"Scared? Nay, nervous perhaps. I may be worried if I saw ten thousand Indians!"

"If the Indians were hidden in the trees, how the Bloody hell did your scouts get an accurate count!?"

"Damn you, sir, I will not stand here and listen to you berate the quality of..."

"ENOUGH!!" Heyward opened his eyes and saw the two commanders inches away. The northerner's eyes bulged, his face flushed. Allen forced his accusatory finger down by his side and looked away. "I am through with both of you!" Tom leaned back, rubbing his temples as Merritt came to attention.

Allen glowered at his rival and followed suit. "My apologies to the gentleman for my harsh words," he grated.

Merritt showed no interest in making up, eyes blazing, though he bowed civilly.

Close enough. "Both of you: Tell your colonels, with my compliments, that I intend to camp on the banks of the Savannah. Then we will see what's there and deal with it."

Two nods. Two salutes. They turned for the tent flap.

"Genera Allen."

"Sir?" The older man turned.

"Find those scouts and make sure they keep quiet. Doesn't matter if they're telling the truth or not, we don't want them causing another panic."


"Yes, General, I see them." Sunset, and Tom Heyward sat astride his horse next to Allen. Tom held a spyglass sweeping the forest south of the Savannah. Occasional flickers of light, but more convincing by far: Smoke. Smoke from a thousand campfires, maybe more.

"So the scouts were right," Allen smiled.

"Mmm... You can gloat after we get through them." Heyward slapped the spyglass shut, ignored his second's outraged expression. "What do you think?" He pointed at the river, deceptively quiet and almost black in the fading light.

"We know of four fords around here," Allen offered. He pointed at the closest. "Roll the guns to the top of this ridge to provide covering fire, then have the infantry run across. Form a bridgehead as soon as feasible. It's the only way really unless you want to go around."

Tom shook his head. "If this waits much longer we won't have an army to command." Army morale had steadied after a rash of desertions and unification with the northerners. They didn't need another crisis. "We need to end this while we can."

Allen didn't disagree, though he didn't look happy either. "I've thought of that, sir," he said slowly. "It seems wise to let Merritt's regiments lead the attack."

Tom closed his eyes and sighed.

"They do seem capable," Allen continued quickly. "And we can't risk anyone hesitating on the river."

"And if they take the brunt of the casualties, too bad?"

Allen's gaze narrowed. "That had not entered my thoughts."

Oh, of course not. On the other hand, he did have a point: If any regiment 'broke' while crossing the river then they'd be massacred. "I'll keep it in mind."


Tom followed the other general's finger to a light ... in the middle of the ford? He opened his spyglass and pointed it at the lone rider. "Not an Indian. The uniform's almost Euro... Oh my God!"


"Tell the sentries not to harm him. I'm going down."

"Sir!?" Allen instinctively snatched at Tom's reins but missed.

"We might still stop this!"


"Hello, my friend. It has been a long time." Shadows masked the Badener's face, and what could be seen looked yellow in the lantern's flickering light.

"Too long." Tom grinned and held out his hand. The Badener visibly hesitated, then returned the grip. "How very glad I am to see you. I..."

"Are you, General?" Von Zahringen shook his head. "I am not happy to see you."

Heyward settled back, eyes wide. "I don't understand."

"You were aware I have been working with the natives of this land for some time. Once I used them to help the American effort if you will recall. You have answered our friendship with death, destruction and fire."

Tom shook his head. "You don't understand. I received... Carolina wanted a war, and..."

"Yes," the Badener agreed sharply. "How is your master, General?"

"...and if I didn't lead it," Tom repeated, "then this war would be much worse."

"Worse for whom, General?" von Zahringen demanded. "War does not get much worse! Have your men taken leave of their senses or have you? Villages slaughtered. Men butchered. Women raped. We will not discuss the children."

"Anyone we capture is sent to Carolina, and..."

"You do not think we are aware of what happens in your internment camp!?"

Heyward's jaw slackened at the fury in his friend's voice. "There's a prisoner of war camp, yes, but..."

"You and your masters have abandoned all the conventions and honors of warfare. Why? Why would you dispense not only with God's laws but with common human decency! Where? Where is it written that we must treat each other fairly, but when dealing with pagans honor, decency, and justice no longer apply?"

"The Bible says..." Oh my God. I'm defending this!? Tom shook his head sharply. "Colonel... What is your title now?"

"I have abandoned my titles. My Cherokee name is not your concern. In honor of what we once had, you may call me Dieter. Thomas."

"Dieter. If you want to say this war shouldn't have happened and went too far, I agree with you. We can stop this! Are you in charge of these men?"

"We agree, and I am."

"Withdraw them. We'll come to the Cherokee and impose a very light treaty. I'll negotiate it myself....Why are you laughing?"

"You cannot think I am this foolish."

"If you want peace, that is the best way to do it."

"I have a better way. Withdraw your men to the Carolina border. Then we will discuss reparations for the people you've slaughtered. After that we may live in peace."

"My..masters...as you put it will not agree to that."

Von Zahringen shook his head. "You invade the lands of my friends and think you will be the one dictating terms. I think that will not be happening. Since there was a time we were friends, I will offer you a personal chance to withdraw however: Leave. Tell them what you want: You were defeated. You could not find us. Your men wished to go home. Just go."

"I can't do that! If we leave, first the army will rebel."

"That is not my issue."

"And second Rutledge would just want to fight again in a few years."

"You cannot deal with one man?" The Badener shook his head again.

"Look, since we are friends: Come with me. I will guarantee your safety. We'll get you to America and you can do what you will: Stay there. Travel. Go home? Talk to Rutledge yourself if you want!"

"You must have a very low opinion of me if you think I would abandon my friends when they need me." The Badener swept his arm back, encompassing the now black forest. "You started this. It is your duty to end it."

"I cannot withdraw." Tom sighed. "I just can't."

"Then there is only my official warning, General." He sat upright. "If your men attempt this river, we will destroy you." The German turned away.


"Herr. You will address me as Herr von Zahringen."
Heh, I knew exactly who it was as soon as you mentioned what the person crossing the river was wearing. Of course I'm very glad to see him... even if he has gotten some strange ideas (at least in my opinion) into his head.

"Herr. You will address me as Herr von Zahringen."
Ouch. That's one friendship less. Clearly, Von Zahringen is disappointed in Heyward's decision. But could he really have expected anything else? And so the stage is set for a tragic battle in which there will only be losers. I pity Heyward, who can only lose, whatever course he charts.
Wonderful. I've been waiting for a meeting between Zahringen and Heyward since the last time we met, which if memory serves is just before Zahringen took up with the Indians this latest time. Heyward's not in a good position at all. He has to do his job, but that isn't what he wants to do and to do it means possibly hurting a close friend. No good solution there, I am afraid.
Things have just gotten down right ugly! :(

I dare hope Tom can come up with something to save the day. But I'm not gonna put any money on it. :(

Damn fine update, you have set the mood perfectly, Cat.

Oh, and you are right, if you did find a way to kill of Tom this far into the story... we would lynch you! :D
Judas Maccabeus: The strange ideas continue.

Stuyvesant: You're right of course. Neither one could really withdraw from the battle, much as they might like to.

coz1: No, no good solution at all. Sometimes duty and honor get in the way of what one wants and common sense.

Draco Rexus: Well...I guess war's pretty ugly after all. Though usually not quite like this.

jwolf: THAT is true.

J. Passepartout: Really? I guess we now know why the cow made their state seal. :D Either that or it's actually the secret center of a Cow Empire....

Mettermrck: Thanks. Unfortunately it's been coming since Tom agreed to lead this little party into Cherokee territory. He tried to control it, and now he has to live with his failure to do so.
-= 136 =-

April 1784
Cherokee Country

"Come in! We almost began without you!" General Allen smiled benignly as Charles Merritt ducked to enter Heyward's tent. Coffee always made Allen more amiable. Coffee and soft tack could work miracles.

"Apologies, sir," Merritt said to Tom, ignoring the buffoon. "I was making sure my men were victualed."

Allen opened his mouth to comment, but Heyward waved his hand. "No worries," he murmured. A long, sleepless night full of a hundred worries, all of which would magically disappear once he finished with the Cherokee, left him in a fog that two cups of coffee and one of tea couldn't dissipate. "Have a seat, General. We'll work out the plan while we eat."

"Excellent!" The northerner sat as a steward appeared with their meal: Sausage, ham, eggs, cheese, bread. "My God you do well for yourselves."

"Surprisingly well considering the famine," Tom replied, glancing at Allen, who flushed.


"Nothing." The bread was almost hard enough to be used to sharpen swords, but cheese and a few thumps on the table seemed to answer. Tom ate little, instead watching his companions systematically devastate their breakfast. "You seem chuffed."

Pleased indeed. Merritt beamed. "Ain't you? I always feel like this before a battle!"

"General Heyward has trouble sleeping," Allen explained quickly.

"Thank you," Tom answered, frowning.

"I, for one, am prime," Allen added as he annexed another two sausages. "With the plan we discussed last night, sir, we cannot fail!"

"I've decided on another plan,"

Allen looked up, startled. "But..."

Heyward turned to the northerner. "You'll set up on our right flank and take that ford. Continue across and engage. General Allen, you'll do the same with the left. We'll leave a weaker force in the center - just enough to hold, but not penetrate. I'm counting on you to double-envelope and thus crush them between you."

"Cannae," Merritt grinned.

"Sir...I really think we should reopen last night's discussion. By allowing General Merritt the... honor of leading the attack, I believe..."

"Are you saying we're not ready to fight?" Tom snapped.

Allen glanced at the northerner and flushed. "Of course not. No, sir."

"Then we will go with my plan. I will stay back and coordinate with the gunners as well as deploy if either of you need assistance." Tom rubbed his forehead. So close. All he had to do was win this battle, siege one last town, then he could tell this whole army where to get stuffed. Not to mention a man named...

"Will you address the men?" Allen asked finally.

"No. I'll leave the instructions to you."

The two generals exchanged looks at his tone. "Sir," Allen paused. "Even if you just speak to the colonels, I'm sure a few encouraging words..."

"I'm sure you can handle it," Tom replied, glaring at him.

Merritt shifted. "Well..." He finished his coffee and slammed the cup down. "I must get back and deploy. I hope to see you after the battle."

"One moment." Heyward swiveled to him. "There is a European among them. He'll probably be wearing a European uniform. Capture him, by all means, but don't hurt him. I want every man to know the one who hurts him answers to me personally."

Merritt blinked. "I will ... tell them, of course. But sir, you know in the heat of battle..."

"No excuses, General!"

"No, sir." Merritt frowned at Allen, then left.

"Sir," the older man began once they were alone.

"That will be all, General Allen. We must be away. Let's get this day over with."


The Plan


If not for their lack of uniforms and darker complexions, and one understanding military affairs forgave their archaic muskets, one could mistake them for European line infantry. Dieter von Zahringen paced in front of the Cherokee, hands clasped behind his back, inspecting them as he inspected the Baden Home Guard so many years before. Occasionally he corrected a man's grip on his gun. The braves frowned at this strange display of line and square. What did this have to do with war?

Chesmu agreed. He stalked behind von Zahringen, huffing like an enraged bull. "You are wasting time!" he shouted.

The Badener ignored him. Corrected another man's grip. Smiled encouragingly and patted him on the shoulder.

"And these are the weapons of the enemy!" Chesmu grabbed the offending musket and held it in one hand, glaring like it might strike.

Von Zahringen turned slowly. "I am in command here, Chesmu." His accent still brought puzzled frowns to most faces, but they could piece together what he said now.

"You may have convinced the chiefs to fight this war your way, but you have not convinced me! Nor them!" Chesmu pointed at the army.

"I have the chiefs' trust. I have their respect. You are not a chief."

"Not today," Chesmu hissed. "Some day..."

"Some day you may advise me on command." The Badener ripped the musket from his hands and gave it back to its owner. "But not today."

The Indian snarled. Dieter turned to the massed army. "Men!" His voice couldn't reach the entire army, but those who couldn't hear him would learn what he said from their friends. "For a year we have watched the Americans. They have killed your men or sold them as slaves. They have raped and polluted your women. They have taken your children. Today they will try to cross the river. Should they get past us there will be nothing that can stop them from reaching your homes. Your families. Your tribe."

"Some wonder," he glanced at Chesmu, "Why I fight with you. That is a fair question. Just as there are many tribes in the Cherokee, there are many tribes among my people. Not all of us think this is right. Not all of us wage war without reason. I am here to show you that truth, and I am here because they have broken our own laws of what a warrior can do in battle."

"Others of you wonder why your chiefs gave you the weapons of the white men, and why I have you fight as them. The ways your ancestors fought against the other tribes worked well against them. Against the white man though, you must use their tactics and their weapons. It is the only way to show them you are not the savages they believe. More importantly, it is the only way to win."

Braves glanced back and forth, muttering at this unwelcome intelligence. Chesmu snorted openly.

"Men! In the end it is not your weapons that will prevail, nor your tactics. We will defeat them because today our cause is just. Today you fight not for yourselves, but for everyone you care for. Today your ancestors and the spirits walk with us! Today," the Badener roared, drawing his sword and pointing at the river, "we avenge our fallen and we destroy the terror in our midst!"


"What in hell's name...?" General Merritt muttered as what appeared to be Cherokee line infantry - line infantry! - appeared out of the trees. Heyward's European was a busy fellow. He looked forward to talking to him. "Signal all colonels: Attack!"

Trumpets and drums joined the shouts of ten thousand excited soldiers and the war cries of their foe. Merritt's first regiment charged into the cold river, sloshing slowly with guns and powder boxes over their heads lest the swirling water destroy them. His second regiment followed. The Cherokee infantry opened at sixty yards, an acceptable if not brilliant line fire that checked their advance. While they reloaded a second line appeared on their right, and they too fired.

"Damn them!" the general shouted. "Enough of this! Get across now!" He waved his sword at the far shore as his horse stepped into the river, nickered at the unexpected chill and bobbed its head up and down in protest.

By now the first line fired again. Determined, and with their fellows pressing at their backs, the northern infantry slogged ahead. Merritt drew his pistol as a third line appeared, fired. They answered him. Screams filled the air. Men fell where they stood, the lucky ones floating downstream while the others, stuck in the river mud, slumped in mid-formation as if they chose that moment to take a nap only to be pulled and pushed out of the way by their mates. Charles wiped the sweat from his chin. This was always the hardest part of an offensive attack, the advance.

He glanced downstream to see how the rest of the battle fared and cursed. That bloody jackass Allen was still on his side of the river, exchanging musket fire with them! What the hell was he waiting for? Even if he won his exchange he had to cross the water eventually, and in the God damned Indians could gang up on him. Cannae? Sure, if half the Carthaginian army had decided in mid battle to take a break for tea!

At last his first regiment made the opposite shore and paused to fix bayonets. Merritt smiled, then his eyes widened. "Hell..."


"I said 'Charge!'" von Zahringen shouted. He watched the messenger run off and shook his head, then resumed watching the battle. Occasionally the American cannon spoke from a nearby ridge, but at this range any hit was pure luck. One unlucky ball actually hit their own center, which kept Chesmu chuckling for almost five minutes. The Badener looked back and forth. Delicate. Very delicate.

"Why are you charging?" Chesmu demanded, pressing his face closer to the Badener. "I thought you wanted to fight as the whites do! With guns!"

"Look." Von Zahringen pointed to his left. "They're almost across the river. If they manage to properly deploy they'll have the advantage. If we attack now they're still in the water." He indicated the center. "That's his weak point. We can push across and split their army." Then to the right: "And their commander is either a fool or a coward. He should have charged with his friend."

"Where is this man you know? This 'General'?"

"I don't see him." The Badener pointed to the cannon. "Probably there watching the battle."

"I look forward to meeting him." Chesmu pat his knife and grinned.

"If we do capture him, he will be accorded all the honors of war!"

"You fight your way. I'll fight mine."


There is no honor in battle. Before? Certainly. Merritt grew up loving the parades of British infantry and cavalry through his home town of Hartford, Connecticut. After? Fair enough: Honor ensured you could live with your enemy when the war was over. Not during, though. In the middle of a battle there's only one rule.

He could still dimly hear his horse screaming some ten yards behind him, churning the water into a pink frenzy as it struggled against a destiny delivered by musket. The water roared in his ears, though even here in mid-river it was no deeper than his waist. Men pushed at him in all directions regardless of rank, the ones at front trying to buy themselves a few inches and those behind eager to get out of the damnable water. Someone shouted his name. Something hot whizzed past his head. Again the roaring. One last heroic push past two of his own men, one with blood pouring from his throat, and he was in the maelstrom.

Indians thrust at him with bayonet. This didn't seem their forte, but they proved wonderful at improvisation as they swung their rifles like axes, bayonets cutting almost as well as swords. Merritt had his out. He watched a blond haired boy fall in front of him, stepped in and slashed at a dark skinned face. A crimson spray blinded him and he hacked wildly. Someone screamed. Friend? Foe? The roaring returned, deafening. A solid wall shoved him from behind into someone's arms. That person saw fit to slug him. Merritt swung. Lost his sword, slick with blood. His vision cleared, though it still stung, and he wrapped his hands around the intruder's throat. He expected the man to back off or twist away. He didn't expect the Indian to butt him in the head! Stars. In the split second it took him to recover he tripped on someone's body and fell into the crimson water.

The Cherokee fell on top of him, trying to hold him down. Charles opened his eyes to icy water, but he had more pressing matters, like his thumping heart and burning chest. He tried to slap his hands over the brave's ears, but couldn't move his arms fast enough to hurt. Something dark above him, followed by a flurry of motion, and suddenly the Indian was gone. Merritt surfaced, gasping to find himself ten feet behind the front lines. "We're winning!" he shouted, or would have if he had any breath in his lungs. Men shoved him aside like he wasn't there, eager for blood.


Allen gaped as 'his' Indians surged into the river. They either didn't know that guns don't like water or didn't care, as they tucked them to their breast as they advanced. He swallowed hard. Another round of fire? Charge? Heyward would expect him to charge, but of course he was safe on his little hill leaving the butcher's bill to the real soldiers. Not that Allen blamed him, not really. He'd happily be on that little hill too.

Some sergeant made the decision for him. "CHARGE!" The cry tore from a thousand throats and the Carolinans advanced. A wild melee erupted in mid-river, occasionally broken up as American or Indian drifted down river from one of the other murder fests. Allen held back three whole companies as a reserve and watched critically from the bank as the battle raged. The Cherokee appeared to have the advantage - they fought like maniacs! The general looked back and forth for the telltale signs of a rout. None..yet. His men fought well, like southerners always do, and even seemed to be slowly winning but the Indians just kept coming! How many had the scouts said? Tens of thousands? How many men must he lose? How would he explain this to the families? To his friends?

"Sir," a messenger appeared, bleeding and out of breath. "Colonel Rice's compliments, and he requests your reserve."

"Colonel Rice?" Allen scanned the battle, shook his head and turned to a trumpeter of eight. "Prepare to signal: I am ordering a..."

Something shrieked over his head, close enough that the hot wind knocked Allen down. Screams and shouts from the river ahead trebled in intensity so that for a horrible moment he thought he'd found the pits of the damned. This impression seemed proven when the earth roared and shook as the world exploded.


Dieter von Zahringen lifted his chin in mute defiance at fate, staring through dazzled eyes at what was left of his right flank. A perfect cannon shot devastated the back ranks then exploded in a white hot flash.

"I see Thomas brought bombs," he said quietly.

Chesmu looked around quickly. Their left was retreating, their right destroyed. Only in the center did the Cherokee seem to be winning, and that barely. Once the Americans closed their trap...

"You," he snarled at Dieter, taking two steps back. "This is your fault!"

"We will win," von Zahringen replied, still staring at the carnage. "I will take our reserve and engage their right. God is with us."

Chesmu snarled.


Thomas Heyward, Commanding the Army of the South, rode down hill. By now he knew the blood shouldn't bother him, nor even the hacked or blown off body parts, but it still did. Disgusting. Smoke hung lazily over the river, a mixture of pungent gunpowder and burnt flesh. Some bright soul organized a detail to burn the bodies.

Much of the rest of his army, those not too badly wounded nor with a firm commander, picked at the dead and mostly came away disappointed. Their muskets weren't worth it, and the bayonets would be added to the army's stockpile. They salvaged some beaded jewelry, and more than one soldier walked away with a new soft leather tunic, but little else. Tom didn't bother trying to stop them. They left their fellow Americans alone, that would have to do.

A virtual dam of bodies actually blocked the Savannah River and pink water lapped at the nearby grass. Heyward found a soldier wandering aimlessly and stopped. "You! Are you injured?"

The soldier turned, offering no sign of recognition. "No."

"Where's your commander?"

He turned as if expecting someone to appear or answer the question. "Dunno."

"And your squad?"


Heyward looked him over. No, no obvious injuries. He noticed the two chevrons on the soldier's arm. "Corporal, take a detail and clear that mess." He pointed at the impromptu dam.

The corporal stared at it. "Who put that there?" he wondered.

Who indeed.

A few minutes later he found General Allen limping about, shouting orders to his men. Blood seeped from a cloth tied to his leg and an open wound on his cheek. Allen's wig was...gone, exposing his balding grey-haired pate.


"And we'll set up camp here. Where is that surgeon?" He turned about. "When you find him, tell him I need my leg looked at. He can very well do that while they set up a field hospital." Allen finally caught Heyward's eye. "Do you know what those devils on the hill did? They fired a bomb at me!"

"I think they were aiming for the Indians," Tom answered. He'd ordered the attack when it looked like his left might break.

"Well they hit me!" Allen pointed at his leg indignantly. "And they devastated my men!"

Heyward watched men run back and forth. "They don't look devastated."

"Nonsense! I lost a hundred men in that blast! Where is that damned doctor?"

A colonel rode to them and saluted. "Colonel Decker, Fifth New York, sir. I wanted to say..."

Tom turned. "Congratulations, colonel. Your men fought well."

"Thank you, sir, but..."

"Where's General Merritt? I want to speak with him."

Decker paused. "Dead."

Tom's jaw dropped. "How?"

"In the thick of the fighting on the right side, sir. I didn't see it, but I hear they cut him off from the others. He took three or four of them with him." Decker looked around the field, found nothing comforting and stared at his horse's back. "I think he would've wanted it that way."

Depressionn. Casualties would be high. Too high for such a stupid fight that could have been avoided. Tom could only hope it was worth it. He sighed audibly. "I'm sorry, Colonel."

Decker hesitated and looked up, pale. For a moment Tom thought this man too was hurt, but when he stepped forward the colonel came to attention. "Sir, I must report. Your...that is to say, General Merritt asked us to be on the lookout for a European."


Generals Allen and Heyward followed Decker across the blood spattered field. Mostly Indians died on this side of the river. Occasionally they could hear moaning from the wounded and dying, cut off in a shriek as vengeful and greedy soldiers found them. Tom leapt off his horse and broke into a run when he spotted two soldiers guarding one of the bodies. "Oh God..." he moaned. "NO!"[/b[ He shoved past them and dropped to his knees.

Allen folded his arms as his commander cried and shook this enemy, urging him to wake before finally cradling him like a child. The European chose his fate, it was only right he take his medicine. It was more than unseemly to do this when he'd barely noticed the men lost on his own side. "Sir..."

"I'm sorry," Tom wept. "I should have found a way. I..."

Allen noticed two soldiers staring and gripped his shoulder. "Sir!"

Heyward froze in mid sob. He hissed and lifted his face. Allen recoiled from the pure hatred in his eyes. Tom leveled the lethal gaze at Decker. "Who?"

The colonel had removed his hat in respect for the fallen. His eyes widened and he paled further. "Sir?"

"Who shot him?" Tom snarled.

"I don't know!"

"You were here, Colonel!" Heyward leapt to his feet, body forgotten. "You saw it! Who fired the shot!"

"I don't know! Sir..."

"Like hell you don't!" Heyward reached for his sword.

"Sir, twasn't one of us! I swear it!"

"And how do you know that if you weren't here!?"

"Look at the body, sir! The hole's too big for our guns, sir. Twas one of theirs! And sir, he was shot from behind!"

Tom opened his mouth to retort. Shut it. Stared at his friend Dieter von Zahringen. Decker was right. Damn him.

No. Damn them all.

"As you said," Allen began nervously. "We won, now we can end this war. Sir? Where...?"

"You end it, General!" Tom snapped as he mounted.


"I am done with this! Mister Rutledge and I are going to have a chat!"
I see that Dieter has put more sense into Heyward, in the most unfortunate way possible. :(


The discussion between Heyward and his generals at the beginning reminded me of the Civil War, for some reason.

Well, at least one good thing has come out of Dieter's death, I hope Chesmu also dies, along with Black.