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Image thief! :p
I pledge my support to the Union party, as they hold my ideals high and have a firm policy on the issues i hold dearest to my hearth. Like their internasional policy, their views on equal voting for both sexes and first and maybe formost the "work, not aid" policy, as i view a good day work and the following paycheck as one of the greatest gifts a man can have.

Henklav Welcome! Feel free to PM me to discuss what position if any you desire in the party.

yeh just thought id take that last opportunity since no real liberal party has come out yet

No joke, nameless. For a while there I thought the only party that would to the left of me would be the bloody commies. As it is, I think the Union party stands in the center of the spectrum or a bit to the right.

Side note, how do I form a user group?
New parties added in the post. A few more would be nice.
Reminder, next Thursday is the March 1936 election day. Before that, I'll post some updates, using the event kit from TRP.
I would like to join The Democratic Labour Party of America, just because I find the idea of this AAR very interesting.

I believe, in addition, that a larger military force would serve well to decrease unemployment drastically, and that such actions would be beneficial to the American populace. Such an expansion of the armed forces could also give rise to increased amounts of unionized labor if a proper campaign is conducted among the workers of various industrial corporations, and to show preference to corporations using such unionized and well-paid forms of labor.

Also, the creation of some factories could be advantageous, but on a limited scale, and away from the already heavily industrialized areas of the nation in order to increase the incomes of less developed parts of the nation, which will also require additional infrastructure construction.
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Alright, sorry I didn't answer this before, kinda forgot about it ._.

- Military doctrine

We in the Communist Party believe that advancement of our military doctrine is necessary. We must begin to adapt and use the new tactics of the modern world if we are to have any chance of being the victors of a potential Second Great War. The days of trench warfare are over, and we must drop the inferior technology we have used in the past.

- The Panama Question
Unification of the Americas should be one of our top priorities. If we are elected into office this year, we will wish to bring Communism to all the nations of our great continent. We must keep control of Panama so it may be used in our liberation of the Central American states.

- Factories
More factories must be built all across the country to ensure every American citizen can have a good career and work hard for the glory of our nation. We are an industrialized nation, and must remain that way, no matter what the cost of it may be.

- Infrastructure
Increasing infrastructure is also a great idea. If we are to build more factories, then the advancement of transportation is a necessity. If we are elected, new roads through the Great Plains region will be constructed to ensure that our people have the means to travel wherever they wish within our country.

- Nuclear Technology
Nuclear technology will definitely become a very important factor in any upcoming wars we are involved in. We must put a lot of effort into making advancements in this field of research so that we can show our true strength to the fascist fools who wish to destroy the working class of Europe and America!

- Universal Suffrage
All Americans should be given the right to vote in our society. If we are elected, we will ensure that every adult can vote, and will begin to educate our children, our future leaders, about the many different aspects and ideologies of politics.
I hope it is not too late to add a party.
I hereby present:

The United Happiness and Friendship Front

We love Democracy.
We love Democracy, because it is the personification of Happiness and Friendship
Infact, we love it so much, we want to bring it to the hole world.
We think that every living thing in this world and beyond should enjoy our kind of democracy, for it delivers maximum happiness and friendship.

And for those who don't want to be happy...everyone can be "convinced" with the right tools.

Join our glorious and friendly party today and receive a free cookie
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Military doctrine
To maximize happiness, we need a fast, well prepared and advanced army to swiftly defeat the enemies, because every additional hour of war brings unnecessary sadness to the people.
For this we have to concentrate on highly advanced tanks, motorized and mechanized infantry and bombers.
The military will hold as few soldiers as possible, to minimize losses and maximize happiness in the population. That's why we have to train our soldiers long and outfit with the best weapons and equipment.

The Panama Question
It is of utmost importance to make the people of Panama and South America happy, so we must help them as fast as possible and prepare our troops to annex them into happiness.

Building more Factories would raise pollution, and that would lead to unhappiness. Preserving happiness is our highest goal, so we will never do anything to lower it.

More infrastructure is to be built to increase connectivity between the people and raising efficiency of our economy and industry.

Nuclear Technology
This Technology has a huge potential for happiness. We might be able to use it for generating energy. Also the technology could be used to create such a fierce weapon, that everyone will be our friends and share our happiness.
Because if they won't, they will be bombed to eternal happiness.

Universal Suffrage
Removing the right to vote for woman would also remove happiness and happiness is to hold at all costs. Every being in this world has a right to vote and be happy
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The American Fascisti League


America has imported the dangerous ideals of the old European Liberals of history past. Our Rational Fascist movement will strike down those old and decadent schools of liberal thinking within the Republic. Those Liberals forget that man and nation are not seperated by some laws and notions, they are combined. The American Man must realized that he must give everything to the state, even if his life is demanded for the greater good. This greater good being the transformation of our Republic into an Imperial Power. Our will to Imperial Power will send rational government and culture across the land.

I hereby proclaim a party for the common American patriot!

America has not always been the great country it has been today, we have fought, traded and built our way into the state we are in today! Our forefathers lay the way for us to become the greatest nation on earth and live in peace, but now it seems that the common American has forgot all this. Forgetting that our forefathers fought so that they could live in peace, not to continue fighting wars for no good reason! Well, we want to remind people that war Is not always the way but sometimes good policies is all that is needed! We want to uphold the American standards of progress and unity!

Therefore I proclaim The Party of Progress and Unity (PPU)!

The Party of Progress and Unity wants to build a strong industry, and the best way to achieve this is by an economic police that allows the state to regulate trade. Laissez faire policies are great but it can tip over to quickly and therefore we need free market with regulations. Socially we consider ourselves slightly conservative as the state should never infringe on anyone’s rights! The military don’t need new recruits but better technology, America is not under any threat soo all we need to do is produce technology! Military technology also benefit the civil population as much of it can be used by the general public, it’s a win-win! Federalism must be expanded so that we can build up all our great nations’ states to become the best state they can become! All this will ensure Americas place as the greatest nation on earth.

- Military doctrine
We must ensure that the least amount of soldiers die, therefore we must reconsider our doctirne!

- The Panama Question
This indeed a situation that can develop quickly, but we feel that war might not be the best solution. We don’t feel we can take any concrete stance on this at this time.

- Factories
Is it not enough Factories in central U.S.? Factories have become too concentrated to certain areas, this is the biggest cause of pollution. If we build fabrics in states and areas that doesn’t already have them we will not only make America prospers but also get rid of the pollution!

- Infrastructure
This is an no brainer, Infrastructure is the only way to progress!

- Nuclear Technology
It is a largely-known fact that our nuclear research is more advanced than any other nation's. It's never harmful to be a bit more advanced, especially since this technology looks promising both from industrial and military points of view.
Nuclear technology is not an priority, some research should be done but not much

- Universal Suffrage
Women, the mothers of America, are of course some of the most important citizens in our country. But they are housewife’s and mothers and we should not burden them with politics. Sure, there are some women that is involved politics, therefore we suggest that this women gets to vote. Therefore we should introduce a system for women to vote if they are in a position where politics matter, so women of high class or wealth should have voting rights, the rest we don’t want to burden with this!
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I would like to join The Democratic Labour Party of America, just because I find the idea of this AAR very interesting.

I believe, in addition, that a larger military force would serve well to decrease unemployment drastically, and that such actions would be beneficial to the American populace. Such an expansion of the armed forces could also give rise to increased amounts of unionized labor if a proper campaign is conducted among the workers of various industrial corporations, and to show preference to corporations using such unionized and well-paid forms of labor.

Also, the creation of some factories could be advantageous, but on a limited scale, and away from the already heavily industrialized areas of the nation in order to increase the incomes of less developed parts of the nation, which will also require additional infrastructure construction.

Welcome to the party! I shall be making a group soon! btw the American Fascist League, hahah AFL is like one of Australia's national sports, Australian Football League :p
New parties added.
Iceman, you're proclaiming your party for the second time? You already formed it earlier with the same name :p.
3 pages in and no actual game update yet. Let's move that along, gents. Otherwise this is an RPG and not an AAR and will need to be moved.

The Ego party has decided!

- Military doctrine
Military funds must be decreased, and a full volunteer army has to be created.

- The Panama Question
Leave those poor people be.

- Factories
Don't build more. Who wants to work anyway? Just close them all / make them produce consumer goods.
- Infrastructure
Jawohl! We need a US autobahn! Jetzt!

- Nuclear Technology
Let the scientist decide on this matter.

- Universal Suffrage
Of course, everyone should be able to vote - on one party, his very own EGO PARTY!
3 pages in and no actual game update yet. Let's move that along, gents. Otherwise this is an RPG and not an AAR and will need to be moved.

As you wish. I'll update today or tomorrow, depending on how much time I have.
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Dear representers of the newly formed political parties, welcome to the U.S Congress building. We are here today to discuss about the March 1936 elections.

The issue of factories is surprising. About half of the parties have announced not to construct more facilities, and the other half supports the idea. If we have a look at this economic map, we can see that the non-industrial areas, covered in dark green, have spread widely over the Great Plains.


Another issue worth mentioning is the so-called 'Panama Question'. Militarists in the senate support the idea of armed intervention in Central America to create a pro-American, loyal puppet state. Surprisingly, about half of the parties are supporting this idea. Or as the The United Happiness and Friendship Front says, "annex everyone into happiness".


The military view of all parties is very similar, too. The only radical difference is the Ego Party, which is going to make the army voluntary. More discussion on this party coming later.

Now, shall we move on to the next issue?
A question on nuclear research has been raised amongst the parties, and it seems that most of them are supporting extended research. The currently estimated year of our nuclear research is 1939. Since our nuclear technology is already more advanced than any other nation's, advancing more might become a slow process lasting for a long time.

Otherwise, the research of the United States seems fine. Everything that isn't yet up-to-date, will be made so.


Other issues, such as continuing the Universal Suffrage, have been proven a must for our nation, since all parties support it.

One last mention in this meeting is concerning yxc qwert and his Ego Party. It's known motto is "Me, Myself and I", and this has raised a question: Is this radical party really democratic? Judging from the speeches of its leader, this party wants to close down factories, build "autobahns" and isn't interested on nuclear research (but instead wants the scientists to decide about that).
This gives us the image that yxc qwert is a egoistic, mentally problematic german.
This has earned him the nickname "Dr. Strangelove" amongst the voters.

We do not wish him to be offended, and he should be only glad about the fact he has received so much notice in this first meeting of 1936.
I call this meeting adjourned.
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One last mention in this meeting is concerning yxc qwert and his Ego Party. It's known motto is "Me, Myself and I", and this has raised a question: Is this radical party really democratic? Judging from the speeches of its leader, this party wants to close down factories, build "autobahns" and isn't interested on nuclear research (but instead wants the scientists to decide about that).
This gives us the image that yxc qwert is a egoistic, mentally problematic german.
This has earned him the nickname "Dr. Strangelove" amongst the voters.

We do not wish him to be offended, and he should be only glad about the fact he has received so much notice in this first meeting of 1936.
I call this meeting adjourned.
I call our (=my) concept self-democratic - coz everyone would vote for himself, init? We(=Me, Myself & I) are the dream of the average Joe: yes, he can be president too, through his very own party! I am a very egoistic man, i want every other American to be selfish, too - you can see I am kein German (or am I? MWHAHAHAHAHAHA)! I believe Americans doesnt need arms - zey instead need money & other consumer goods for a higher living standard. Building infra is also good for us, citizens of zis beatiful country (=my little playground soon, very soon) can get from one place to the other sehr schnell, if zey want to. You can see, ze building of state-owned arm factories is an unnecessary expense, when we can build chocolate factories instead, habe ich recht?:cool:
Just to clarify in case of a misunderstanding (I try to make my speech as sir Humphrey-esque as possible), the ACCP is most in favour of intervention and taking full control of the Panama area. I thought most other parties were as well.
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