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The trade likely dropped some to Andalusia, some to Antwerp, some to Lubeck, and some to Ile-de-France. You should look at the trade map to see which CoTs you lost the value to. It's possible someone formed a new CoT, because I don't see how Venice and Liguria could drop to 25% of their value.

Easy: They used to be CoTs in a trade league. All the trade league members suddenly found themselves not bound to trade in those provinces so likely are heading to Lubeck instead.
75% drop is reasonable, particularly if the league was strong with plenty of trade rights which trade Leagues dish out like they're going out of fashion. Also consider how an aggressive Milan may attract the disgust of other nations who will take their trade elsewhere. A Strong mercantile Hansa can steal trade from just 2 provinces away from Liguria through the league and could take Liguria itself's own trade away with a trade right.
Sometimes when you siege a province defenders get minimum morale bar and you can drive trough the whole country with assault. AFAIk It happens even if you have the same tech group or same tech level? What is the cause?

Bankruptcy, usually. It brings down their morale by 2.00, which includes the morale of defenders.
When I gain a province with a core the buildings won't get destroyed, right?

Case a) Reconquest of a core province
Case b) Core given by a mission for conquest
Case c) Inheritance of a province in your culture group

a) Yes, you keep the buildings.
b) No. The core is granted the day after you get the province so all buildings (excluding forts) are destroyed
c) Yes, cores are granted immediately so you keepthe buildings. Note that the province you inherit must be in your culture group AND a core of its former owner.
If you pay tribute then the horde will not attack you. To end tribute you must:

Declare war with no Casus Beli (you can never get a CB on hordes)
Go Bankrupt (terrible idea)
Lose your border with the horde (not likely if you are Muscovy)

You'll have to swallow the 2 stability, 2 War Exhaustion and 2 infamy hit from declaring without CB.
Well, it will just get too annoying every time I declare war, since without a minster it takes 5 years to get one stability. Also, it just doesn't feel like a challenge, being hordeless for 30 years ;)

You only need to declare once to end the tribute. After that war ends they will re-declare war on you every 5 years again.
How often you can make slider changes is a calculation of how many provinces you have and how efficient your government type is. You cannot see Government Efficiency of each government type without looking at the files but if you hover over each available type it'll tell you how long it is between slider changes. The more efficient ones wll have shorter times between slider changes. An OPM revolutionary republic can get slider changes as often as every ~7.5 years whereas a world-spanning horde can take up to a staggering 80 years.
Is there a way to form England and GB afterwards as Spain?

Short answer: No.

Long Answer: Spain is a "culture unity" of Iberian cultures, meaning it cannot culture shift through normal ways, just like France is a unity of french cultures, Gerany of German cultures etc. Forming England requires you to have English culture.

A workaround is this: If you have only one province and then go bankrupt, your nation adopts the culture of that one province. To form England as Spain you would have to take one English province, lose all other provinces (sell them, create vassals or lose them in a peace deal/to rebels) then go bankrupt. With your new English cultured one-province Spain you would have to remove England from the map and gain cored in the required provinces to form England, then you could form Great Britain as normal.
Then that's what probably happened, though I can't see a tartar lithuanian prov, it might be under the fog.

Religious rebels cause hordification if they rise up in a province owned by a horde. It is most likely that Orthodox zealots rose up in some newly taken golden horde land and were chased into Lithuania where they broke the country, turning it into a horde.

This can be exploited and has been used to make the fastest World Conquests in Divine Wind ever seen by both Ottomans and Ryukyu.
Will the AI always refuse a peace proposal if the warscore is above 100%? I've fought a war against 2 OPM and their war exhaustion is maximal, but they don't accept. I've been trying to make a 102% peace for 2 years, and it's really annoying that they don't say yes. : (

the AI will never accept demands for over 102%. If you absolutely must get that 102% deal then keep the enemy occupied for over 5 years and the value of each province will start to slowly reduce by up to half. To prevent white peace, either fight a battle in the war every once in a while or maintain a blockade against at least one member of the war.
Occupation alone won't prevent white peace?

No. Naval battles, land battles, blockades and new occupations will reset the White Peace timer.

You could let one province be liberated then re-take it to reset the peace timer but you have less control over this and it will reset the peace cost of that province as well.

Edit: Maintaining a blockade will keep the White Peace timer at 0. there is no need to lift and re-establish a blockade. It's a bit silly really.
Read on the wiki that trade league members can compete with the stats of the leader. This doesn't seem to be the case for me though. Has that been changed at some point? Playing the latest beta.

If the leader's stats are better than their own AND you have less or equal infamy then the Trade League leader then yes.
Stupid question, I know, but I didn't play this game since about 1 year ago, and kind of forgot many details. I know about the Combined Arms bonus, but what it actually represents? I'm not talking about the proportion of cavalry units in an army, but about the advantage it provides if I meet the requirements (or eventual penalty if I don't have this bonus).

If you have the combined arms bonus you will gain a "tactics" bonus.

In layman's terms: you will suffer half the number of casualties than you normally would.
I guess I don't understand supply limits. I'm Portugal, and I have an army with a unit weight of 84 in Pirineo (which is my province, but not a core), which has a supply limit of 33. Yet my army is reinforcing at a rate of +7%. My unit weight is over twice the alleged supply limit; why am I not suffering attrition?

As a further note, if that number anything other than 0%, then you are taking attrition. If it is green, you are able to reinforce faster than you lose troops, if it is orange you are breaking even and if it is red, you are losing troops.

Either way, if it over 0%, you are going to be losing manpower and gaining War Exhaustion.
Even as a free trader you will have no problem competing in an owned CoT. The problems come when you own a non-cored CoT which will give you a -15% compete chance in all foreign CoTs. That's the real killer.

Take Lubeck. It is such a wealthy province. If you instantly switch to a new trade league you will keep all your delicious trade stations. Eventually though, all Merchant Republics die. Even successful ones eventually change to Administrative republics. The only way to keep them is to be a Merchant Republic yourself, but the policy restriction on centralisation makes it not worth it for trade stations alone...

Stop me before I start foaming at the mouth and ranting on for pages and pages about trade leagues.