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So, now this time is a Empire! Not just a mere Kingdom, lessss go!

Empire of Flanders founded by Ludewijn von Nassau in 1341. His dynasty began as a small count in central Germany, over time marriages were arranged with various nobles by the HRE, one of these marriages resulted in an outcry over the Duchy of Holland, which it was conquered by the von Nassau dynasty.

Several decades passed and more strategic marriages were arranged, the von Nassau dynasty would eventually succeed in placing its relatives on the throne of the Kingdom of Bohemia, in which some of its members were elected as Emperors of the HRE, other members became dukes in Croatia and in Bavaria, and several other branches of the dynasty managed to obtain counties outside the HRE, such as the Counts of Paris and Ypres, as well as ruling small counties in Italy, Jerusalem and Poland.

The Dukes of Holland, the secondary branch that was overshadowed by the von Nassau of Bohemia, would once again become the main members of the family after inheriting several duchies throughout the Lotharingia region, fighting for the independence of their lands and conquering the rich regions of Wallonia from hands of the kings of France. The founding of the Kingdom of Flanders placed it in a privileged position in the region.

The Kings of Flanders fought in the name of the Catholic faith in Livonia and Jerusalem, they were successful in the Holy Land from which the von Nassau branch of the Crusader state of Jerusalem was formed. Not long after, wars were fought against Denmark, the HRE, Italy, Burgundy, France and England. But the greatest achievement of the Kings of Flanders was the conquest of the Kingdom of France, which resulted in the founding of the Empire of Flanders by Ludewijn von Nassau, King of Flanders.

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Um, I think you are in the wrong forum. This is the CK2 forum. That looks like CK3
  • 1Haha
The Kipchak Khanate under the new leader that unified his people, the Khan Eltut, a brilliant strategist, genius and formidable fighter.


Khan Eltut greatly expands his dominion throughout his life, and now in 933 he is 53 years old, but he is infirm and suffers from a sickly disposition, and must soon perish. His nephew Tortogul the Brave should succeed him as Khan of the Qipçaq, the problem is whether the other clans will accepted him.
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In 1011, Khan Tortogul II decided to convert to the Paulician faith, the only other nation with the same religion was the strong Kingdom of Hayk in Armenia, taking the opportunity to also vassalize the Patriarch of the faith.
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In 1011, Khan Tortogul II decided to convert to the Paulician faith, the only other nation with the same religion was the strong Kingdom of Hayk in Armenia, taking the opportunity to also vassalize the Patriarch of the faith.
Which mod is that, with the extra flavour for Paulicians?
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... And that, my friends, was the moment Chagatai Khan realised why it was unwise to poke the bear...

(Peaceful reformed Suomenskuo. Legendary Hero of the Warriors of Ukko. 50ish duke-tier tribal vassals + 35ish extorted tributaries, including a very successful Byz and several kings.)

It's time for a Mongol hunt!



EDIT: As expected, it was over very quickly, and he had to pay me >3k gold in the surrender. Unfortunately, being peaceful, I can't easily take any land from him...
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  • 2Haha
Behold, probably the one "check out my big empire and how cool it is" post I'll ever make:

Big Tibet.

[apologies if this is too long a post for this thread, it's very much a one-post situation and not requiring a full AAR thread imo]


Hello The Entire Mediterranean! Would you like to hear about the glory of Buddha?

In theory, this could even extend further east; around the turn of the 15th century, China was defeated and its throne granted to the sister of the then-current Tsenmo (and Chakravarti, and Emperor of Persia, Protector of the Holy Places of Islam...we've got a lot going on)

This is only fair, in my opinion, as back around the turn of the 14th, China entered a civil war; Tibet backed the incumbent dynasty, but after losing the claimant fled with the remainder of his army and conquered the entire Tibetan empire, turning the former emperor into a vassal king, only for a Chinese imperial army to come chasing after him and shatter his new empire--completely destroying Tibetan empire for the crime of being defeated by their enemy.

I'd been like 90% of the way through conquering India at this point, and had to do the whole thing again--mostly in the lifetime of Tritsuk the Grandiose, a giant one-legged werewolf who made it his life's project, being the only ruler to use Samrat Chakravartin as his primary title. (It helped that a lot of it had recently been united by a great (Jain, ironically) conqueror, who incidentally I had a hell of a time trying to get her bloodline into my family after the unification.) That guy actually managed to found two bloodlines in his own right, one for being a munificent builder of temples and the other for the India thing. I ended with five bloodlines total...

In addition to the high levels of technology, medicine, fortification and trade you'd expect from having spent 400-odd years developing it, my imperial capital just kinda has...


...a lot going on!
The empire is covered in universities, libraries, underground cities and gold-plated statues of my grandmother, but some highlights from the rest of the world:

  • A crusading dynastic empire was somehow hijacked by their targets, and now Shia Sweden also holds southern Spain and most of the Holy Land
  • Suomenusko/Finnic paganism reformed and established multiple kingdoms, though the biggest one currently remains a vassal of the gigantic Zhezdi nomad confederation that has dominated the steppe for at least a century (even my Tibetan vassals' conquests of parts of the Zhezdi border proved ephemeral due to nomad unrest)
  • I noticed I had a claimant to the Sunni caliphate hanging around, converted them to Buddhism and landed them as a vassal then pressed their claim, and to my surprise this worked, and ever since the Sunni caliph has been a Buddhist king in my empire. Um, all right. Much more recently, towards the end of the game, my vassals' wars reduced the Shia caliph to a couple counties in eastern Arabia, so I quickly made her a tributary to stop anyone else attacking her. So I guess now both sects are under the glorious protection of the Buddha...?
  • A nomadic group settled in the Poland-Lithuania area and formed the Catholic "empire of Sudermania", which spent most of its lifetime as a sort of weak puppet of the extraordinarily powerful vassal kings of Lithuania under it who held most of its actual territory, so I'm sure modern historians will have a field day arguing over whether the 'empire' was a sham institution or not (purple on the world map there)
  • The Aztecs invaded cause I have Sunset Invasion on, but were eventually beaten back so thoroughly that the (Cathar) Aztec emperor now only holds three-quarters of Iceland and has lost even its closest islands; however, remnants of Nahua culture have been quite successful in Scandinavia and the British Isles; the current queen of Ireland and Scotland is Nahua. Meanwhile despite a period of Anglo-Norman rule, the Saxons played an uno-reverse and are now ruling not just most of Britain but the kingdom of France, too; the remainder of Britain is Breton, interestingly. The rest of central Europe just did the latest in a regular cycle of independence revolts from the HRE that reverses its continued attempts to mega-blob; it retains unreasonable gains in north-central Africa, but Ghana and Abyssinia are now strong enough it's likely not getting anywhere further.
  • The Byzantines were shattered by the Fourth Crusade event around 1200 (the last successful crusade, I might add, since most of the remainder have been targetted at me and fizzled out in the face of my 400k-strong army before even launching, other than the one for Egypt which was immediately conquered back by a jihad), leaving their territory a wild team deathmatch currently consisting of the likes of a king-tier republic of Epirus, various tributaries of the Sicilo-Normans, and both Croatia and Bulgaria having converted to Jain? Which seems to have spread alongside and indeed beyond the borders of my empire via secret cults quite extensively, though Buddhism remains the world's largest religion by a huge margin.
  • The trade zones and general merchant republic situation is...weird! The traditional Italian ones are competing with my patronage of the republic of Crete I set up, which features prominent Byzantine families such as the Kantakouzenoi as its great houses, which is fun (...and also turned Jain at some point), and until very recently were scrapping with an Irish-Nahua Republic of Ulster for control of the north sea, until it was smashed in the 1420s. The Indian ocean is calmer, just my other two vassal republics (Gujarat and Yemen). Another thing that isn't in on the action is the Hansa, which after a good couple centuries of business managed to lose all its coastal territory and become a regular, non-merchant republic. That is still called a Merchant League.
  • Catholic holy orders include the Knights of Santiago, Calatrava and Lesbos. Incredibly, though, the Fedayeen ended up with like 100k troops, as much as the HRE at its height, those being joint second for global troop count after my giant empire of doom!

Anyway, I think that'll do me for carving out huge portions of the world for achievement-hunting for a good while! Time to do some scrappy little games after this, I think...



You can see where I got caught up in that Chinese civil war and went back down in rank for a bit, haha. Also worth noting Nyendrak II 'the Lion', right near the end, who was the only one to get a higher score than Tritsuk India-siezer up there; she did a crazy amount of building and development, was constantly drinking from the fountain of youth to prolong her life, had 11 girlfriends at one point (I figured it'd be fun to get the Casanova achievement with a gay character), and became the first empress of Persia in 800 years. We love to see a girlboss winning?
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