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Cleaning Borneo Island

Majapahit is still going strong in the Moluccas and Malacca region. They own parts of Borneo Island, half of Java Island and smaller islands of Madura, Bali and Buton. They have presence in both Malacca and Moluccas, their ships are stealing Portuguese trade and their presence... is annoying enough to get rid of.

In April 1676, Sebastião I took Majapahit as his first target. The war itself was easy. In June, Portuguese attacked Majapahit army in Surabaya and later that month, the enemy was wiped out in Blambangan. Majapahit was defenceless.


Well, this is gonna end easy

Meanwhile, two Portuguese armies descended down from North Borneo to Majapahit holdings. Nothing much to say about there- sieges, occupations and almost no resistance. The few thousand soldiers Majapahit managed to recruit before going down meant pretty much nothing- they were wiped out.

Majapahit had an ally as well. Sulu. One-island province in the Sulu sea. Again, a beautiful spot on Earth, and also a prime target for Portuguese invasion. The fortress fell in March 1677. Sulu was the first one to sign a peace with Portugal as well- in July 1678, they accepted annexation by the Portuguese.


Sulu is the one with big red arrow poiting at it

Majapahit did the same in October 1678. Portuguese advanced a bit on Java Island, kicked Majapahit out of Buton and Bali and most importantly, kicked Majapahit out of Borneo. Once a proud nation, controlling Moluccas and some territory in Malacca, had been reduced to almost nothing.


And the rest of the Moluccas

The Portuguese hold in both Malacca and Moluccas was becoming more absolute every day. Over 100 ducats sails from Malacca to Bengal each month, resulting in crazy amount of income for Portugal.


Well, the control is getting pretty close to absolute

Other Matters

In January 1677, war between France and Hainaut ended. To everyone's surprise, the French were not able to recover and were forced to cede two provinces to Hainaut. Well, less for the Portuguese to conquer...


Hainaut winning against France? Preposterous!

The tragic war with Ottawa ended in February 1677. The natives were properly punished for killing off the Portuguese Emperor and their lands were given to New Portugal.


Well, at least the Ottawa were properly punished

After the Majapahit war, Portugal actually had enough administrative power left to advance new Portuguese ideas. So, Sebastião adopted the idea of Tolerance, meaning that while the Portuguese still turned people into catholic like crazy televangelists promoting young Earth creationism, the people didn’t mind so much. Meaning a bit less revolt risk for Portugal.


Religious unity really helps a bit

Scotland got their second colonial nation. First being Nova Scotia in Canada. Second was was Argentine, in Portuguese Rio da Prata. On the bright side- the blocked the coast of most of Rio da Prata, so there is no other European nation moving in that way.


Don't play your bagpipes for me, Argentina!

Colonies: Nicaragua, Mesoamerica, November 1676.Tagloc and Maguindanao, Philippines, January 1677. Gunditjmara, Australia, May 1678. Tingit, Alaska, January 1679. Ohio, New Portugal, March 1679.

Birth of João

A baby boy was born to Sebastião in January 1677. He was a bright boy, but the astrologists predicted he will not be such a great ruler. Unfortunately, it seemed like it was military school time for poor little João...


Well, as heirs go... not the best breed
Well, sometimes you gotta get easier wars out of the way. I promise something really much more better next time...

Alas! If Manuel's helmet had been solid gold perhaps he would have lived.

Heh :) Most likely, it would have attracted attention of several nice chaps who think that hey, let's kill off the stupid with the golden helmet and drag him off and live the rest of our lives as kings! Hmm, there's an idea- i should start handing out golden helmets to bad rulers :p

you are now quite too powerful... is there no coalition forming?

Seems not. There were some when i first attacked the French, but they fell off after the war ended. But my best guess is that i'm spreading out conquests all over the world. Once in China, then India, then Europe, then Near East, then Europe again and so on- meaning that by the time the Portuguese Conquest Tour arrives to a country near you, the locals have already forgotten the last time and are not that pissed no more.
A lot of easy wars here. More wonderful wealth for Portugal.

Another colonial nation for Scotland? That's nice for them in the short term. Long term, they've caught your attention.

As for the heir... too bad you can't make babies lead armies.
one day the baby will be an adult and at the head of proud armies
When you said no amount of gold could have saved him I immediately wondered "but what if it could?"
Why should i release Ireland? I'll be using it as a base to get the rest of British Isles
And Portugal forming Spain feels so wrong... i'm not going to change my lovely shade of green to ugly yellow. Oh, and i had a chance to form Spain about 100 years or so- you only need to get key provinces.
But what s your end goal with France and the British Isles? Divided into a bunch of tiny vassals? Assimilation? I can understand the ugly Spanish colors. I just think that the Emperors would want a fancier title is all :p.
The Last Crusade

When Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade back in 1095, not a soul suspected it would be so successful. By 1099, they already controlled the Holy Land and the city of Jerusalem. Though, it was not to be. In 1187, the City of Jerusalem well to Saladin and from there on, it went downhill. The Christians lost one territory after another and in 1291, last of the Crusader cities, Acre or Akko, fell. Since then, Christians had tried to reclaim Holy Land, but to no avail. Soon, not a soul even tried. Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands, and Latin people had accepted it.


Crusaders fighting the Muslims. And not a gun in sight. Boy, how far have we come

Until in December 1679, SebastiãoI called up his forces and said to his followers: “Lads, let’s go Crusadin’”. It had been several hundred years since the last time, but when your absolute monarch calls you to a Crusade, you follow. Even if you recognize the absurdity of your Humanist Emperor going out on a Crusade. The City of Jerusalem was currently in Ottoman hands. The Ottomans, though not owning Constantinople no more, were still a power in the Near East. Controlling most of Asia Minor, Greece, Sinai and some other provinces in the Red Sea and also, some lands in North Africa.


The Ottoman Empire seems big and scary

They were allied with Tunis, Makuria and Afghanistan. Latter, thankfully, was busy in another war and couldn’t join, meaning Sebastião didn’t have to keep extra few armies in Indian-Afghan border to keep things in check. Tunis and especially Makuria were more of a joke anyway.

There were some significantly different logistics this time, compared to the good old Medieval times. Portuguese did not have to sail half across the Mediterranean- though if they did, they had much better boats- or walk across half of Europe. Oh no, Portuguese attacked Ottomans from three directions- 40 000 soldiers marched from Alexandria to Sinai peninsula. 40 000 marched from Arabian peninsula to Maan and put the fortress in there under siege. And 20 000 started invasion of Corfu.

Corfu was the first place Portuguese attacked as well. Ottomans had an army of 6000 in the province, for god knows why. The Portuguese fleet blocked the island as soon as the war started and in January 1680, Portuguese made successful landing there, and since Ottomans had nowhere to run, wiped the enemy.


Can't imagine a good reason why the Ottomans went to Corfu, but you don't look a gift wipe in the mouth

Also in January 1680, an army of the Ottomans was spotted by Portuguese fleet, controlling the Palestinian Coast. The army was 45 000 strong- all the soldiers Ottomans had in one army. But then, something happened. Their army started melting away like a snowman condemned to hell for its sins. Couldn’t have been attrition, the losses were too great for that. By March 1680, when the enemy reached Suez, only 24 000 remained.


Seriously, what happened?

Then, the Portuguese attacked. The battle was extremely easy too, Portuguese losing only 1500 soldiers. The feared Ottomans, with whom parents scared children to sleep in all Europe? Go to sleep or the Ottomans will come and take you away? They seemed to have no fighting spirit left as well. Ehh, long story short, the Ottoman army was wiped off the earth and the Portuguese continued pushing towards heart of the Ottoman territory.


At least it made the battle easy

In April 1680, Sebastião landed another army in Greece, this time to Yanya or as Europeans know it, Epirus. One thing was clear- there were no Ottoman troops in Greece no more, though Ottoman fleet rested safely in Athens. With 50 Portuguese twodeckers patrolling the Aegean Sea.


Portuguese invasion of Greece

In June, Epirus fell. The Portuguese marched on to Athens. The same time, Ottoman plight had attracted attention of one of their neighbours, the Rzeczpospolita. They declared war on Ottomans in June 1680. Also, Venice had made a landing in Asia Minor and started taking undefended provinces.


I see no way this will end up well for the Ottomans

Corfu fell in July 1680. Athens fell the same time, meaning that the Ottoman fleet was forced into the sea. Soon after, there was no Ottoman fleet.


End of Ottoman fleet

In August, Tunis took a long trot from their homeland and managed to retake Damietta. Little good it did to them, for 40 000 Portuguese came by to greet them in proper manner. After that, there was no Tunisian army.


The end of Tunisian armies

Maan fell in August 1680, and opening that fortress let another two Portuguese armies to roam in the Holy Lands. One of them marched on to Sam, or Damascus, to clear another cork on the Portuguese way north.

In October 1680, Ottomans had yet another unpleasant surprise when Qara Qoyunlu declared war on them. Now, the Ottoman Empire is attacked from all sides. Also in October, the Portuguese finally reached the City of Jerusalem. The Ottomans hadn’t even bothered to build a fort there... the city fell without any resistance. Finally, after nearly 500 years, the city was in Christian hands once again.


I almost feel sorry for the Ottomans

In January 1681, Damascus fell and the Portuguese marched on northwards. Aleppo or Halep was the next province that had a fortress, but the Ottomans hadn’t bothered with modernizing the defenses. City fell in bit over a month. The route to Ottoman capital in Adana was open.

Defenses of Adana were about as good as the ones in Aleppo. Unmaintained walls, same since the Medieval ages. No bastions, no angled walls to make the cannonballs bounce off. It was a wet dream of the attacker. Even during the test shots, the walls were unable to withstand the punishment and begun to crumble. Siege started in the end of March and by the beginning of May, the Ottoman capital was Portuguese.


The Ottomans really should have upgraded their castle

By the end of the year 1681, the Ottomans were crushed. There were few provinces that were not under occupation of Portugal, Rzeczpospolita or Qara Qoyunlu, their armies destroyed, their fleet at the bottom of the Mediterranean. It is as complete crushing of the nation as it can be.


Ottomans are now beyond hopeless

The peace with Portugal was made in February 1682. Portugal gained Holy Land and the city of Jerusalem. Plus, Sinai peninsula. Plus, Islands of Crete and Corfu in the Mediterranean. And some provinces from the Red Sea as well. Most importantly though, Jerusalem was back in Christian hands- and it took few years less then 500 for it to happen so.


The crusade is successful

Meanwhile in Moluccas

There are two small islands in the Moluccas, next to Portuguese colony of Halmahera. Ternate and Tidore. Both independent, both beautiful tropical paradises that had not seen any war since god knows what time- and both had been using this time go develop their countries. Until they caught the eye of Sebastião.

Ternate was first. War fought from February to November 1581, the island saw their army defeated, their capital put under siege and then, they were gone. Well, not gone. Just loyal subjects of Portugal. Not that it hurt so much- they most likely will never see war again, they see nice new buildings to take advantage of their natural resources and as a bonus, they can drop their outdated animist faith and become proper Catholics.


The peace and overview of province. A worthy addition indeed

Other Matters

Commandant Garcia Pereira had been working hard on making the Portuguese troops more disciplined. in October 1682, his efforts paid off handsomely. For the next five years, Portuguese will fight exceptionally well.


I have two complaints. First, why only 5 years? Second, why the hell did i invest my papal influence in stability just half a year ago?

In November 1682, the Portuguese started annexation of Venice.

Colonies: Bengkulu, Malacca, December 1681.
There are of course nasty people who will say that Sebastião I took on the conquest of Jerusalem because he thought it would be necessary to control Suez and Damietta for the Suez channel and he just needed another missionary, but that is pure slander. The motives of Sebastião I were purest! Pure religious fervor drove him! Honest!

Still, i don't get why the Ottomans lost half of their army. Can't have been attrition, that doesn't kill so fast- and leave nice even number of units as well. The Ottomans must have deleted troops when they were approaching me.. can't figure out why though- if they could sustain them in peace, the could sustain them in war. I didn't have time enough to cut to their purse deep enough for them to lose that much income. Weird...

At least, i think this is the best whooping i've given to the enemy yet.

A lot of easy wars here. More wonderful wealth for Portugal.

Another colonial nation for Scotland? That's nice for them in the short term. Long term, they've caught your attention.

As for the heir... too bad you can't make babies lead armies.

Like i need more wealth :p As for Scotland, well, they caught my attention when they first settled there. Now, the eye of Sauron is looking for a time in his busy schedule to really gaze on them :p
And that would have been... interesting. General Toddler João :D Still, it's a shame i can't get rid of my heirs any other way.

one day the baby will be an adult and at the head of proud armies

Hopefully, not for long :p

When you said no amount of gold could have saved him I immediately wondered "but what if it could?"

Understood that.. but kinda thought it further- it would have doomed him earlier. :p Running around in pure gold helmet is like yelling over the battlefield "Slay me, and live happily ever after" :p

But what s your end goal with France and the British Isles? Divided into a bunch of tiny vassals? Assimilation? I can understand the ugly Spanish colors. I just think that the Emperors would want a fancier title is all :p.

Conquest! Keeping the lands happily under Portuguese rule is my final goal. No vassals, no assimilation (too costly on dip power), nothing else but a bunch of Frenchmen and English being ruled by the Portuguese.

Yea, if there were titles like Iberian Empire or something like that, i'd consider it at least. But Spain and Portugal are both countries of equal statue and turning Portugal into Spain feels just wrong. Forming Spain is Aragonese or Castilian job, Portugal is just Portugal. Just... in my eyes, Spain isn't fancy. Spain is something Castilian and i have spent lives of my soldiers, my gold and my time to stop Castile or Aragon forming Spian. It just seems so wrong to give it all up and form it myself.
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Hey, the Holy Land is now owned by it's rightful ruler: Portugal! All that sweet money... I mean piety. ;)

I think the Commonwealth and Qara Qoyunlu took advantage of the situation. Smart of the AI. How bad are the Ottomans coming out of those wars? Do they still exist?
Conquest! Keeping the lands happily under Portuguese rule is my final goal. No vassals, no assimilation (too costly on dip power), nothing else but a bunch of Frenchmen and English being ruled by the Portuguese.

Yea, if there were titles like Iberian Empire or something like that, i'd consider it at least. But Spain and Portugal are both countries of equal statue and turning Portugal into Spain feels just wrong. Forming Spain is Aragonese or Castilian job, Portugal is just Portugal. Just... in my eyes, Spain isn't fancy. Spain is something Castilian and i have spent lives of my soldiers, my gold and my time to stop Castile or Aragon forming Spian. It just seems so wrong to give it all up and form it myself.
Any mods to make the Iberian empire? And on the whole "feeling wrong thing", Portuguese rule in Britain seems...off. Maybe scrap the Iberian empire thing and go with West Roman Empire. Sebastien (no accent marks on my keyboard so I'll anglicize it) needs his laurel wreaths!
Once Again into the Brits, My Friend

The Portuguese forces were gathering in Ireland. Already, 40 000 soldiers had been stationed there, the Portuguese Navy could be spotted around English provinces. It was obvious that the Portuguese were preparing for an invasion. But in 10th February 1683, Great Britain decided it would be fine time to declare war on Scotland. Meaning the Royal Navy was about to leave port and sail to unknown, instead of sitting in London. This time, the Brits were allied with Norway, Burgundy, Hainaut and Saxony.

Sebastião didn’t want to waste time. In 11th February, he declared war on Great Britain, demanding Munster. In 12th February, Royal Navy and Armada Real met in Dogger Bank. The Brits, expecting to hunt down Scottish fleet, were woefully unprepared for the Portuguese. In the following battle, they lost most of their heavy fleet, plus their trade fleet got hit too. The Brits retreated to ports while the Portuguese kept watch, knowing full well that their time will come.


The opening shots of the war- Royal Navy crippled

The second Portuguese fleet took out another small British trade fleet in North Channel, while the Portuguese armies in Ireland marched in to occupy two remaining provinces. It was in March when the Portuguese arrived in Strait of Dover, and two armies of total strength of 50 000 started invasion of Kent.

Meanwhile, the first land battle of the war happened when British ally Burgundy was attacked by the Portuguese. The Portuguese had an army twice their size- and after the battle, Burgundy was short one army.


Killing of Burgundian army

The English then went full stupid. Instead of using their army of 46 000 soldiers to disrupt Portuguese invasion of Kent, they marched away from London towards unknown- until in April, the Portuguese got reports that the Brits are in Ireland. The Portuguese sent a fleet to Irish Sea, to ensure that the Brits would stay in Ireland.


That is a gross mistake to make, Brits. Notice the Portuguese fleet moving to block the Irish Sea

The English had still full stupid mode on. They outnumbered the Portuguese a bit, with Portugal having two armies, total 40 000 on strength and they were in separate provinces. Instead of attacking and hoping for the best, the Brits went to take back Connaught and then Munster, not realizing that the Portuguese were not sleeping as well. First, the Portuguese occupied Kent, then took a fleet in, then sailed another 30 000 soldiers to Ireland. In June, 70 000 Portuguese attacked the Brits in Munster. Forcing the poor buggers to run for their lives. Bit later, their army was destroyed in Connaught. The Britain was defenceless.


End of the British Army

Meanwhile in America, in the end of May 1683, Portuguese army had completed siege of Santee, capital of New Norway and then joined forces of New Portugal and Louisiana in fighting Thirteen colonies in Yadkin. The Portuguese were successful and in September 1683, Portuguese finished the army of Thirteen colonies in Ticonderoga.


In colonies, the situation turns quickly into Portuguese favour as well

As for England proper- London was under siege, Portuguese forces were transported from Ireland over to England and in February 1684, London fell. Portuguese moved on, the main siege army to Lincolnshire while the other armies occupied nearby provinces, forcing the remnants of Royal Navy out to the sea and sinking them.

In June 1684, the Brits had managed to recruit an army of 22 000 soldiers and sent it to retake Lincolnshire. They were wiped out the last man, and now, the Brits were totally defenseless once again.


End of the fastly recruited second army of the English- and their trade fleet

The Portuguese continued the sieges and hitting small British armies. In was in January 1685 when two fortresses fell- Lothian in North and Cornwall in South. It was when good Emperor Sebastião decided it would be enough and forced a peace on the Brits. Poor folks had to give up all Ireland, the Portuguese also took most of Wales and entered into England proper.


Conquest of Ireland and Wales

As for the New World, first, there was Norway, trusted ally of the Brits, who was forced to give up all of New Norway (all two provinces of it) and also, two provinces they had in Mesoamerica. Also, New Portugal got nine provinces from Thirteen Colonies.


... and in America, Norway is gone and Thirteen Colonies are getting closer to Thirteen

To make matters worse for the Brits, soon after the peace was signed, France declared war on them.

Other Matters

In March 1683, when Portuguese finished the colony of Wulgurukaba in Australia, they made a horrible discovery. The Portuguese were not sole owners of Australia no more. Russians had moved in....

Why, Russians, why?

Malacca had started colonizing. They managed to settle Andaman islands without Portugal taking notice and in January 1684, they colonized Sampit in Borneo island. That made Portuguese look very much their way.


First Russians, now Malacca? Ehh, making sure that Portugal is the sole colonized is sure a hard job

Perhaps to show how global the Portugal had become, the best example would be Xiaoying Zhao. A nun from Fuzhou in China, who became known for her piety and her knowledge of scripture. Known enough that news of her reached the ears of Sebastião, who asked her to travel to Portugal. And when she arrived and spoke with the Emperor, he was so captivated by her piety and wisdom that he took her as his advisor.


Well, there is an exceptional theologian straight from China

Theodoro was actually the first nation to sign peace with the Ottomans. It took place in November 1684. They demanded the sole Ottoman province in the northern shore of the Black Sea, Hunkala. Ottomans celebrated it by going bankrupt.


The Ottomans are pretty much doomed

Other colonies: Haida in Alaska and Erie in New Portugal, September 1683. Palawan, Philippines, November 1685.
Though i find invading England hilarious (sorry, all Brits here), the main joy to me is taking the colonial lands and reducing British colonial desires to nothing- as the Portuguese rulers have been doing since forever, actually. And all the Norwegian colonial ambitions ended as well. Quite useful things, these enemy alliances. At least sometimes.

And Ottomans are still sooo screwed.

Hey, the Holy Land is now owned by it's rightful ruler: Portugal! All that sweet money... I mean piety. ;)

I think the Commonwealth and Qara Qoyunlu took advantage of the situation. Smart of the AI. How bad are the Ottomans coming out of those wars? Do they still exist?

Seeing that the money coming from Holy Land isn't that much, it must be piety :D
And AI has never been shy of kicking nation when they're down. But as you see, the war is still ongoing. Things are not going too well for them though- but i suspect that killing off Ottomans isn't that easy.

Any mods to make the Iberian empire? And on the whole "feeling wrong thing", Portuguese rule in Britain seems...off. Maybe scrap the Iberian empire thing and go with West Roman Empire. Sebastien (no accent marks on my keyboard so I'll anglicize it) needs his laurel wreaths!

Well, if the Spanish Armada would have been successful, then in would have been Spanish rule in Britain. The Portuguese were just a tad better :p And during the Napoleonic time, when France owned most of the continental Europe, it didn't seem off then? Hmm, and well, Portuguese colonies in North America seem as off as Portuguese on Britain.
And still, the times have changes. Portuguese have created something more bigger and more powerful then Western Roman or even just Roman Empire. The Portuguese Empire spawns all continents (well, not Antarctica), has... dunno, 10-20 times the size of the Roman Empire at it's height and so on and so on. Going back to the old titles, be it Roman or Iberian or something, it just seems to me that it is diminishing the Portuguese achievements.
which country is now controlling the Dardanelles?
Well, if the Spanish Armada would have been successful, then in would have been Spanish rule in Britain. The Portuguese were just a tad better :p And during the Napoleonic time, when France owned most of the continental Europe, it didn't seem off then? Hmm, and well, Portuguese colonies in North America seem as off as Portuguese on Britain.
And still, the times have changes. Portuguese have created something more bigger and more powerful then Western Roman or even just Roman Empire. The Portuguese Empire spawns all continents (well, not Antarctica), has... dunno, 10-20 times the size of the Roman Empire at it's height and so on and so on. Going back to the old titles, be it Roman or Iberian or something, it just seems to me that it is diminishing the Portuguese achievements.
Well, the Spanish probably wouldn't have actually conquered Britain. They probably would have put a good catholic on the throne instead. And Napoleon likely wouldn't have truly conquered it either as opposed to tearing it into tiny little puppet kingdoms for Napoleon's relatives to rule while possible keeping the southern coast under direct rule. For me, I always enjoy it when people justify their conquests, no matter how flimsily. It makes it more fun that way IMO. For instance, with France you no doubt had a few royal marriages from when you were allies, so it's sort of a hundred years war sort of war over succession with the ultimate result being you conquering France. With Britain, though, I feel like you should claim sovereignty to protect your Catholic brothers from the protestant scourge or something like that. I honestly just want to see an independent Wales because why the heck not? Maybe you can pull a Napoleon and take the economically important areas for yourself and make the rest into puppets. I mean, you've basically already won the game. Why not make things a little more....interesting?
Ouch, Great Britain isn't doing too great right now. The British Isles are looking more and more green. Interesting to see France declaring war on them now. They're determined to remain a power in Europe.

As for Russia's new colony... Time to invade the Motherland!
The two continents of the new world will soon be know as "North and South Other Portugal" at this rate
I can't get a quote to work on my phone, but what's up with the maths on the screenshot of the Dogger Bank naval battle?

9-8 = 0
17-1 = 15
19-11 = 0

Does EU always go odd like that?
Paradox games tend to have their own maths... remember HoI3 statistics?
  • 1
Unrivaling France

In September 1686, the truth with France was all over again. Sebastião didn’t hesitate for a minute- the war was promptly declared. For amongst other things, France had still had the audacity to colonize the Rio da Prata region, just about enough to get a new colonial nation- after all the trouble Portugal took evicting them from New World.

The beginning of the war wasn’t so promising though. Since the France was at war with England and the Brits had no fleet- mostly due to the fact the Portuguese taking utmost care to sink every last boat of it, the French dared to get their navy into English coast. So did the Portuguese privateer fleet hunting down fat merchants in English Channel. Their meeting was inevitable and unfortunate. For the first time, the French managed to destroy an entire Portuguese fleet.


Ouch. Just ouch.

In land, Portuguese fared better. In October, French attacked the Portuguese in Nemours, but as usual, were beaten back. By now, the Portuguese will always have too big numbers for France to compete successfully.


The Portuguese are victorious again

In November, the French tried attacking Portuguese transport fleet blockading the French coast in Quiberon Bay, but this time, the Portuguese managed to slip into port unharmed. Finally, in December 1686, Armada Real caught up with the French navy. In battle of Cote d’Argent, they cornered the French navy and sunk most of the heavy ships. The rest retreated to Nantes.


The revenge is sweet

In February 1687, the French attacked the Portuguese Nemours again. Again, it ended 54 000 French against twice the number of Portuguese. Though this time, the French actually managed to inflict some serious damage on Portugal. After this battle, Sebastião ordered the Portuguese infantry and cavalry to adapt to new units. It was in the middle of the war, but the French were beaten back and it would be safe for a few month.


Another battle of Nemours. The French were clearly using superior units here

Meanwhile, Venice had taken Nantes and forced the French fleet out to the sea. The French fleet ceased to exist soon after.


This time, Venetians drove the French to the sea for the final part of the revenge

In June, the French attacked the Portuguese in Nemours for the third time. Again, the Portuguese gathered their armies, fought back, pushed the French back. The usual.


Again, Nemours. The French just don't learn

Meanwhile, Anjou fell to the Portuguese armies. In November, the French thought that ehh, screw Nemours, let’s do something different and attacked the Portuguese there. The result was... predictable.


Well, the French did learn. Not that it did them any good

Meanwhile, France managed to sign peace with Hainaut, gaining Rethel back. Hainaut being ally of the Great Britain and all that. As for Brits- they were sieging Picardie and preparing to get the fortress back on their own.

In April 1688, the French came to Anjou again. This time, there were no Portuguese armies around, so they happily put the fortress under siege. The problem was that the Portuguese were not far off. In May, 130 000 Portuguese attacked the French, just 30 000 in strength. In this battle, the French were finally defeated.


It only took five battles to annihilate the French. Go for the manpower, Boooo!

The war still lasted for a year, but there is nothing more to write about it. There were sieges, there were more sieges, there was kicking of small French armies, desperately trying to merge into bigger army. The war was won and in April 1689, Sebastião signed peace, gaining four provinces from France. With Nemours taken, Paris is just next door to the Portuguese. And France is not a valid rival for the Portuguese no more.


Portuguese moving up one notch. Guess what city i will take next?

As for South America, the French had colonized just enough- they had colonized the last coastal provinces of Rio da Prata. For that matter, in all of South America. Now, the Portuguese claimed them as their own, sparing them the effort of doing it themselves.


Thank you kindly, France, for closing the shoreline of Rio Da Prata

Other Matters

In 1687, Portuguese advanced their technology once again. Once again, it was one of the technologies that changed the playing field. It resulted in better administrative and development efficiency, meaning that the coring is now cheaper then ever. More colonial growth too. Better tactics, better cavalry shock, new units. Oh, and Portuguese adopted Arme Blanche Cavalry and Caroline Infantry. Most importantly though- Imperialism Casus Belli that allows Portugal to declare war on anyone without need for a claim or anything.


This is quite impressive list of innovations

Rzeczpospolita signed peace with the Ottomans in June 1687. Their demands were surprisingly small- they only took two provinces, including Athens, to themselves and one to Serbia. The rest- well, Mamluks were having a field day as the Poles forced Ottomans to give back all their provinces in Africa, plus some in Middle East as well.


The Poles were holding themselves back on this one

In June 1687, Portugal advanced Humanist ideas too, this time adopting Local Traditions. Result- less revolt risk for Portugal.


Less revolt risk is a godsend gift

Venice was annexed by Portugal in October 1687. Yet another three provinces in Italy, and rich ones as well.


More of Italy

Qara Qoyunlu signed peace with Ottomans in April 1688. They were not as benevolent as the Rzeczpospolita, grabbing eight provinces to themselves. And Mamluks gained the back Syrian coastline. Looks like the Mamluks were winners of the Ottoman Flood- without going to war themselves.


The Black Sheep grabbing much more -though Mamluks really hit the motherlode in this war

Jerusalem was converted to Catholic faith in November 1689. There was great rejoicing in the Empire.

In 1688, Portuguese discovered yet another disturbing factor- the Russians were at it again. This time, in North America, colonizing not one, but two provinces. Just on the border as well, with one belonging to California, the other to Alaska. This incursion is really getting on Portuguese nerves and despite several warnings to cease colonization, the Russians still keep on going.


Oh, you have got to be kidding me, Russia?

Colonies- Palembang, Sumatra Island, June 1686 With this, Portuguese finally completed the colonization of Sumatra. Wyandot, New Portugal, December 1687. Nisga'a, Alaska, May 1688.

Other Conquests

Tidore, the second of the island kingdoms in Moluccas, was annexed in a war lasting from May to September 1686.


End of Tidore

Pagaruyung controlled four provinces in Sumatra Island. Since the time of French incursion to Spice Islands, they have been a protectorate of France, along with the small island-nation of Siak. So, what better time to attack them when fighting with France in Europe? With one war, lasting from January 1687 to April 1688, the Portuguese took their capital, their provinces, destroyed their armies and incorporated the nation to Portuguese Empire. With that, Sumatra Island was finally Portuguese.


Finishing conquest of Sumatra Island

Powhattan in America was a westernized native nations. They were also the first the Portuguese tested their new Imperialism CB on. With war lasting from December 1687 to July 1688, their three provinces were added to New Portugal.


Annexing yet another poor native state

Same same fate befell on Iroquois. This war lasted from September to November 1687 and again, three newly conquered provinces were added to New Portugal.


... and another

Finally, from February to June 1689, Portuguese attacked Onage in Louisiana. Their one province was added to Portuguese Louisiana.


Oh, yet another one
Again, France. Again, bit more northwards. Again, all colonies taken. This is becoming a tradition- though France stays out of the colonial business for good now. And Imperialism works wonders- all the natives that westernized are now valid targets. Plus, some more conquest in East Asia.

As for the Ottomans- they lost surprisingly little.

which country is now controlling the Dardanelles?

Rzeczpospolita. For now.

Well, the Spanish probably wouldn't have actually conquered Britain. They probably would have put a good catholic on the throne instead. And Napoleon likely wouldn't have truly conquered it either as opposed to tearing it into tiny little puppet kingdoms for Napoleon's relatives to rule while possible keeping the southern coast under direct rule. For me, I always enjoy it when people justify their conquests, no matter how flimsily. It makes it more fun that way IMO. For instance, with France you no doubt had a few royal marriages from when you were allies, so it's sort of a hundred years war sort of war over succession with the ultimate result being you conquering France. With Britain, though, I feel like you should claim sovereignty to protect your Catholic brothers from the protestant scourge or something like that. I honestly just want to see an independent Wales because why the heck not? Maybe you can pull a Napoleon and take the economically important areas for yourself and make the rest into puppets. I mean, you've basically already won the game. Why not make things a little more....interesting?

True that, Napoleon did have puppets. Similar to client states. As for Spain- not so sure. If Filipe had pulled if off, married Mary, got a heir and all that, then they would all be ruled by one chap. Though, one can only speculate in these matters.

Well, and all my wars with England have been for one reason only- to diminish their power in the New World. I've had quite a few over the time-- to stop their expansion to Africa, to Mexico and so on. This time only, i'm making preventive measures to keep English from trying again, but the target here is Thirteen Colonies. And Norwegian holdings.

And i've been expanding left and right to the known world with the sole goal of grabbing their trade and transferring all their wealth to Lisboa :p

Ouch, Great Britain isn't doing too great right now. The British Isles are looking more and more green. Interesting to see France declaring war on them now. They're determined to remain a power in Europe.

As for Russia's new colony... Time to invade the Motherland!

Well, the French got one province out of the war. Unfortunately for them, the truce with Portugal expired. And yes, it seems to be no other way but to pay a visit to Muscovy.

The two continents of the new world will soon be know as "North and South Other Portugal" at this rate

Well, if this keeps up, i might actually be able to pull this off.

I can't get a quote to work on my phone, but what's up with the maths on the screenshot of the Dogger Bank naval battle?

9-8 = 0
17-1 = 15
19-11 = 0

Does EU always go odd like that?
Paradox games tend to have their own maths... remember HoI3 statistics?

Yea, HOI3 ones were accurate :p This time, it is easier though. English frigate fleet of 15 ships popped in in the last day of the battle. Apparently, the game can't handle that well. So what you see sunk is the original British fleet and the one remaining is the numbers in the trade fleet. This happening is very rare, usually EU IV can count :p