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Japan (VI)

(PLEASE,NOTICE AGAIN: I will be following here the traditional order of Japansese names. For example, in "Minami Jiro" the family name is Minami)

Baron Shirakawa Yoshinori

(Service 1911-April 29th 1932, Background: engineer, Personality: competent)

Minami Jiro (1874-1955)

(Service 1919-36, Background: cavalry_school, Personality: bigoted)

Ueda Kenkichi (1875-1962)

(Service 1924-39, Background: cavalry_school, Personality: impulsive)

Admiral Baron Osumi Mineo

(Service December 1st 1920-1941, Background: warmonger, Personality: harsh)

Baron Honjō Shigeru (1876-1946)

(Service 1922-36, Background: war_college, Personality: aggressive)

Hayashi Senjūrō (1876-1943)

(Service 1925-38, Background: warmonger, Personality: fanatic)

Masaki Jinzaburō

(Service 1922-35, Background: drillmaster, Personality: glory_hound)

Baron Araki Sadao

(Service March 1923-March 1936, Background: warmonger, Personality: glory_hound)

Tamon Jirō (1878-1934)

(Service 1924-33, Background: generals_aide, Personality: active)

Count Terauchi Hisaichi (1879-1946)

(Service 1924-45, Background: generals_aide, Personality: choleric)

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Sorry for the delay, guys.

Palisadoes: well, I already gave quite a detailed explanation of the process some time ago, you can read in in here, but essentially my mwthod is basically craftwork: I look for a good quality immage, cut it to a square size framing the character's face, and then after cleaning all the original colours out of it , I resize it to a 300x300 pix size (which I finf to be a very comfortable size for working) I proceed to "paint" the portrait again like a painter would do, only that I use Photoshop instead of paint and brush, but the principles are the same, adding lights, shadows, colour.... At the end, I cut the portrait, paste it iover a green background and resize it to 40x43 pix in BMP format, which is the final result you can see here.

farinal: in my signature you can see the link to PW's post in this same thread where you can download and install our leadermod, although I think that the japanese leaders are still not included in it. For more info about when they will be available, you should ask him, as he's the one who makes the leaderfiles and puts them together with the leaderpics I've made.

To all the members of the forum: As I'm quite near to finishing the Japanese, I've begun reasearching Italian leaders, as I feel that Italy has been quite ignored in our leadermod till now. The problem is that although I've been able to find plenty of info for Sardinia-Piedmont and for the unified Kingdom of Italy, it's being very difficult to find information for the rest of the Italian states. I'd like to request your help with the following leaders:


Vanilla Leaders:

Ferdinando Lanza: I've got info about him, but I can't find a picture of him.

Tommaso Clary: Neither info nor pic. he existed though, as he fought against Garibaldi during the altter's invasion of the Kingdom in 1860.

New Leaders:

Giosuè Ritucci: I've got info about him, but I can't find a picture of him. Field marshal, commanded the Borbonic army during the battle of the Volturno against Garibaldi in 1860.

Alessandro Nunziante: I've got info about him, but I can't find a picture of him. He later served in the Italian army, and was appointed Senator, but even in the excellent webpage of the Italian Senate they lack a pic of this guy.

Luigi Tabacchi: Neither info nor pic. he existed though, as he fought against Garibaldi during the altter's invasion of the Kingdom in 1860 (battle of the Volturno).

Gaetano Afán de Ribera: Neither info nor pic. he existed though, as he fought against Garibaldi during the altter's invasion of the Kingdom in 1860 (again, battle of the Volturno; he was a Field marshal by then).

Info about leaders for any other of the Italian minor states (Tuscany, Papal States, Modena, etc) will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help!:)
I already gave quite a detailed explanation of the process some time ago, you can read in in here, but essentially my mwthod is basically craftwork: I look for a good quality immage, cut it to a square size framing the character's face, and then after cleaning all the original colours out of it , I resize it to a 300x300 pix size (which I finf to be a very comfortable size for working) I proceed to "paint" the portrait again like a painter would do, only that I use Photoshop instead of paint and brush, but the principles are the same, adding lights, shadows, colour.... At the end, I cut the portrait, paste it iover a green background and resize it to 40x43 pix in BMP format, which is the final result you can see here.
Ahh, cool! Thanks for the reply! :)

It's great work that you are doing, by the way! I have photoshop myself but no idea how to use most of it haha! :D

Keep up the great work! :)
IS there file for those without Revoluitons?
If is, where I can download it?
Japan (VII)

Still some more Japanese leaders:

Hata Shunroku (1879-1962)

(Service March 1926-33, Background: artillerist, Personality: merciless)

Sugiyama Hajime (1880-1945)

(Service May 1925-September 1945, Background: warmonger, Personality: vainglorious)

Admiral Nagano Osami (1880-1947)

(Service December 1923-45, Background: generals_aide, Personality: cautious)

Admiral Yonai Mitsumasa (1880-1948)

(Service December 1st 1925-45, Background: politician, Personality: coolminded)

Admiral Shimada Shigetaro (1883-1976)

(Service November 30th 1929-45, Background: yesman, Personality: indifferent)

Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku (1884-1943)

(Service 30th November 1929-43, Background:innovative_tactician, Personality: brilliant)

The only ones left now are some pre-Meiji leaders that were added with posteriority to the list.
Great work! :D
Again very nice work guys - Japan VI and VII will be in VIP:R 0.3, and if you get the pre-Meiji leaders up in the next few weeks, I'll get those in as well.

With all the leaders your mod has provided, VIP is now testing reducing leadership cost from 20 to 10 so these new leaders get more use. It's working very well.

Again thanks for all the work guys, we in VIP are very greatful.
Gaius Marius I: Thanks for the interest you've taken in it, man! Let's wait and hope that Italian chap will we more successful than I in the research :)

Andrelvis and OHgamer: Thanks for your kind support guys (on PW's and my own behalf), it's always good to have your work appreciated :). I think that dropping the leadership points needed to get a leader is a very good idea, and I'm glad that VIP has added our leaders, this way they get to a much wider audience.
Japan (VIII)

Okay, here you have the final batch of Japanese leaders. All of them were active during or immediately before the Meiji Restoration.

Admiral Count Katsu Yasuyoshi

(Service 1855 - 1866, Background: professor, Personality: intelligent)

Okubo Toshimichi (1830-1878)

(Service 1860 - May 14th 1878, Background: diplomat, Personality: resolute)

Yoshida Shoin (1830-1859)

(Service 1848 - October 17th 1859, Background: uncommonly_young, Personality: brilliant)

Matsudaira Katamori (1836-1893)

(Service September 1862 - February 1868, Background: gifted_administrator, Personality: able)

Count Itagaki Taisuke (1837-1919)

(Service 1861 - 1873, Background: warmonger, Personality: aggressive)

Takasugi Shinsaku (1839-1867)

(Service 1859 - May 17th 1867, Background: professor, Personality: openminded)

Now I'm going to begin with Italy. First, I'm going to do the leaders for the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont.
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont (I)

HISTORICAL NOTE: The Kingdom of Italy was officialy proclaimed on 17th March 1861, thus marking the end of the independent Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont. All the officers listed here reached the rank of general or admiral before that date. The ones who reached it after that date have been included in the Italian leaderlist.
Accordingly, the vanilla leaders Persano, Cialdini and Raffaele Cadorna have been removed from the Italian leaderlist and put instead in the Sardinian one, as they reached the rank of admiral/general before the aforementioned date.
Gerolamo Ramorino has been removed from the Sardinian leaderlist because his historical service period in the Piedmontese army (less than a year before his execution in 1849) was so short that we thought it would be better to exclude him from the game.


Carlo Alberto Amedeo di Savoia, King of Sardinia-Piedmont
(1798-1849) + Leaderfile done

(CORRECTION Service:1831-1849, Background: aristocrat, Personality: openminded)

Alfonso Ferrero, Marquis of La Marmora (1804-78) + Leaderfile done

(CORRECTION Service: November 1848-1867, Background: generals_aide, Personality: mediocre)

Admiral Carlo Pellion, Count of Persano (1806-83) + Leaderfile done

(CORRECTION Service: 1851-1867)

Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-82)
+ Leaderfile done

(CORRECTION Service: 1859-1871)

Enrico Cialdini (1811-92) + Leaderfile done

(CORRECTION Service: 1855-1869)

Count Raffaele Cadorna
(1815-97) + Leaderfile done

(CORRECTION Service: 1860-1877, Background: drillmaster, Personality: able)

Next batch, new leaders for Sardinia-Piedmont. Enjoy!
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Very, very good, I noticed though there is a typo for Carlo Alberto, it's supposed to be "aristocrat" and not "aristodrat". I think it was my fault. :eek:o
Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont (II)

Some new additions for the Sardinian leaderfile:

Emanuele Pes, Marquis of Villamarina and Baron Dell'Isola Piana (1777-1852)

(Service: November 29th 1820-1851, Background: politician, Personality: diplomatic)

Admiral Count Giuseppe Albini (1780-1859)

(Service: 1838-1855, Background: war_college, Personality: indifferent)

Ettore Gerbaix, Count of Sonnaz and Baron d'Aranthon (1787-1867)

(Service: 1834-1852, Background: aristocrat, Personality: scared)

Carlo Ferrero, Marquis of La Marmora and Prince of Masserano (1788-1859)

(Service: January 8th 1839-1853, Background: cavalry_school, Personality: mediocre)

Count Antonio Franzini (1788-1860)

(Service: October 1st 1839-1850, Background: generals_aide, Personality: timid)

Baron Eusebio Bava (1790-1854)

(Service: 1832-1854, Background: war_college, Personality: cautious)

Baron Agostino Chiodo (1791-1861)

(Service: 1839-1850, Background: engineer, Personality: careful)

Giovanni Francesco Mollard (1795-1864)

(Service: February 1849-1860, Background: exranker, Personality: soldierly)

Admiral Count Francesco Serra (1801-1877)

(Service: 1848-25th October 1871, Background: old_school, Personality: able)

Giovanni Durando (1804-1869)

(Service: 24th March 1842-1862, Background: war_college, Personality: romantic)
