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I think movement speed and siege times would work fine with a lower levy rate. It would take a longer time to 'finish'a game. But then again, it's Westeros, Technology hasn;t changed much for the past 5000 years, you have all the time in the world.

I do agree that battles should have an overall larger impact on the warscore. In the books battles settled war's. Like the war on the trident, The redgrass fields, Even (shortly) after the fall of Winterfell, Robb Stark was still considered to be winning the war, because he was in a good position,, and had shattered so many Lannister armies. In the books, Strongholds don;t seem to matter much.

In the books the sieges are usually done to lure armies out, with most of them only being settled after the war is all but done, usually with generous terms, Only a few have been recorded to have been assaulted, as most castles that mattered were considered impregentable.

Replenishment should be decreased by a considerable amount, so the levies matter more, and individual battles matter more. Just like in the books. At least this is all my opinion.
Fair enough, but battles don't seem to end with as many casualties as they currently do in-game either. For example, playing as Robert Baratheon my 21k host faced a 19k Targaryen host at Summerhall, and I lost 6k men and they lost 16k men. With slower levy replenishment that war would pretty much be over with that battle (disregarding the remaining bannermen of course) - maybe tweak battle casualties as well? The battle Tyrion fights, when Tywin goes up against Roose Bolton, doesn't have a ton of dead as even if the Northerners lost Bolton retreated and iirc still had more than 10 thousand foot at his command afterwards. Battles in Westeros seem to have more of a strategical (denying the enemy a good position, important causeway etc.) outcome to them rather than a purely tactical one (wiping out an enemy force completely). Maybe the game engine is to blame here because even if the AI or the player retreats the other will always pursue for as long as needed until the enemy is destroyed, so I don't know whether there is a decent work around for this.
I'm sorry if somebody already mentioned this, but I have CKII on steam and I can't open the CKII folder inside SteamApps to install the mod. Help Please?

EDIT: Ignore Above
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Fair enough, but battles don't seem to end with as many casualties as they currently do in-game either. For example, playing as Robert Baratheon my 21k host faced a 19k Targaryen host at Summerhall, and I lost 6k men and they lost 16k men. With slower levy replenishment that war would pretty much be over with that battle (disregarding the remaining bannermen of course) - maybe tweak battle casualties as well? The battle Tyrion fights, when Tywin goes up against Roose Bolton, doesn't have a ton of dead as even if the Northerners lost Bolton retreated and iirc still had more than 10 thousand foot at his command afterwards. Battles in Westeros seem to have more of a strategical (denying the enemy a good position, important causeway etc.) outcome to them rather than a purely tactical one (wiping out an enemy force completely). Maybe the game engine is to blame here because even if the AI or the player retreats the other will always pursue for as long as needed until the enemy is destroyed, so I don't know whether there is a decent work around for this.

That could work as well. I don't really mind all that much what method is being used, as long as wars don't stay a stalemate for so long. The current War of the usurper has lasted 5 summers and 4 winterrs by which they seemed mostly unaffected, maybe slightly less stacks.

All the while the war score fluctuation as high as 70% for either side, several times in the course of the war.
Watching Robert Baratheon capture and then banish the Mad King to the Wall made me laugh for a good 5 minutes straight.
Hahaha, I can imagine! In my game Robert died and Stannis took the throne, and nobody liked Stannis. He has fought 4 civil wars since, prevailing every time, it's hilarious.
It's easy to end the War of the Usurper as Rhaegar. Just plot to kill Aerys.

Also, later down the line, he had twins with Lyanna Stark. Both are insane. Lovely.
Is this mod not compatible with the mac version? Is any mod for that matter? When I select the mod from the launcher refuses the game to start and gives me an error message.
Mods doesn't work for me either.. This one makes the game crash before I get to the loading screen, while others just doesn't do anything..
Alas the wait is over.

So far it seems very stable, just tried a short mp session with 9 other people and if its stable enough for that!
I love this.

Is there no female title for the North? Sansa succeeded Ned and crowned herself Nking in the North

She should just be "Queen of the North." Where exactly did you see "Nking in the North"?

It ended rather poorly.
Great mod, it runs very well with no crashes or memory leaks (thus far) and it does feel like Westeros, filled with its memorable characters and occurances. Amazing!

Just curious though, didn't the Whents and Darrys support the Targaryens during the War of the Usurper? I vaguely recall that Robert stripped lands and titles, though far from all of them, from the two families along with pardons at the end of the war but I'm not sure. Two of the Kingsguard were from them afterall, but I don't remember how much of an impact that had on their loyalty towards their king.
They both declared for Aerys, as did Gulltown and some minor Vale lords. Hoster and Jon had to deal with them before they could march south. In the case of the latter, Jon Arryn couldn't get Ned and Robert to their respective commands until he recaptured the only port in the Vale. I think having another couple of Riverlands and Vale provinces declare for Aerys would be a gamechanger. Depends on the balance. It would lead to the Thone getting a foothold in the Riverlands and they almost never do that now, but that's kind of canon. Almost all of the war was fought around the Crownlands, until the end when it shifted to Dragonstone and Dorne.

For a while, Jon Connington wasn't declaring for Aerys. Now that he does it really changes the way the rebellion is fought. The Stormlands are a meatgrinder now. The only safe place you can run to is a dead end. It's great.
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