Is it possible to modify inventions in one of the config files? I need to fix a problem I found.

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Jun 22, 2015
The "Machine Tools" invention says it has the following effects:

Factory throughput tech: +5.0%
Mining Output: +50%
Machine Parts production output: +2.0%

I have found that it adds an additional modifier to RGO mining operations. It increases throughput by +50% as well as output, causing a gigantic increase to Coal and Iron production when it is discovered. As Prussia, my coal production increased from 170 to 290 overnight. This is obviously not intended.

I would like to fix this in my configuration files if possible. Will any of you be kind enough to point me i the right direction?
I think this might be intentional.

From the latest path notes:

  • Effects of Machine Tools, Tractors, Nitroglycerin, Distribution Channels & Electricity inventions are now country wide instead of being spread through province event spam.