Inofficial Magicka Dunka Dunka Tournaments (IMDDT)

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Victory is sour!
14 Badges
Jun 2, 2012
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Hello everyone!

A while ago me and a few other Magicka players had the urge to do some Magicka pvp in the form of a tournament.
However, at that time there weren't any big tournaments going on.
That is why the Inofficial Magicka Dunka Dunka Tournaments (or in short IMDDT) have been organized!
At that time a forum post has been created which can be viewed link:here.
We already have had a tournament and it was great fun, so we'd like to keep the tournaments up.
And for that reason this post has been created. We want to share the fun with you guys! :)

What is IMDDT?
IMDDT is a Steam group which organized Magicka tournaments every few weeks.
The tournaments take place at saturday and sunday evening (the first round at saturday and the other rounds at sunday).
These tournaments are for fun only, we won't be giving away any prices of any sort.
We simply join for fun, honor and glory, but most of all, to shoot fireballs at you (sounds fun no? :happy:).

The battles will be 5 minute matches at the Krietor's Tourney gamemode.
Every match you will be placed against a randomly chosen opponent.
The winner of the match will proceed to the next round, the loser will exit the tournament.
This continues until only one player remains which will be the winner of the tournament.

The battles will be filmed (if both players agree) and posted on a link:Youtube account at the end of the tournament.
(So other attendees of the tournament can see how others did, as well as interested people which like to see how the tournament went.)

We found that some robes give just too much of an advantage in comparison to other robes.
This is why not every robe is allowed in the tournaments, the robes shown below are allowed:
  • Vanilla Robe;
  • Crusader Robe;
  • Cultist Robe;
  • Robe and Hat;
  • Patched Robe;
  • Reservoir Robe;
  • Frontier Robe;
  • Battle Robe Uniform;
  • Bathrobe Wizard;
  • Nippon Robe.
Oh and before I forget:
Macro's, whether they are from a keyboard, mouse or an application are NOT allowed!
If you use these, or cheat in any other way, you will be banned from the tournament without warning.

So how about it?
So how about it? Excited already? :happy:
I'm sure there are still people (although not very likely) out there which are still not completely sure about joining.
Well, to make sure even those people will join, we'll throw in:
How about that! You just be excited to join now right?
So hurry up and start reading the next section! :)

Signing up
Signing up for IMDDT is easy enough. :)
First, make sure you have a Steam account. You have one? Good.
Next, simply join the link:IMDDT group.
Note that if you joined the group, you did NOT join a tournament just yet.
For every upcoming tournament a new event is created (containing the date and time of the tournament).
To sign up for that specific tournament, leave a comment on the event page saying that you are joining.
Thats it! You are now joining the tournament you applied to.

Around 15 minutes before the tournament starts, the organizer of the tournament will set up a Steam group chat and will invite the attendees of the tournament to it.
In here, the organizer will explain who fights who in his first rounds and announces the start of the matches.
Do make sure you are online at that time though, else your spot in the tournament might get passed on to someone else.

So in short:
1: Create a Steam account (if you don't have one).
2: Join the link:IMDDT group.
3: Leave a comment saying that you are joining at the tournament's event page.
4: Join the tournament group chat in Steam 15 minutes before the tournament starts.
5: Shoot fireballs and have fun!

By the way, to those which want to get an idea of how these tournament matches work out, have a check at the Youtube account stated above.
It contains a playlist with the tournament matches, so go and have a look if you are interested.
Oh, and don't forget a tournament gets organized every few weeks. So make sure to check out future tournaments as well!

Anyhow, thats about all I can tell you guys about the tournament.
Have fun playing Magicka and hopefully we'll see you guys at the tournaments!

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btw how many ppl signed up for the tournament?

We did 3 torunaments already, though, we had to cancel the first because not enough ppl showed up.
The second tournament was a small one, 8 people.
20 players signed in for the 3rd, but only 10 showed up, small tournament with 8 ppl only....again >-<

Atm we are waiting for more players to sign in to the 4th tournament.

i see what you did there... but good job anyways with your modpack.
Thanks :p
Hello everyone!

Since IMDDT is organizing another tournament very soon I guess I'd let you guys know. :)
We already had a few tournaments and they are great fun! But we are always looking for more players to share the fun with.
Don't worry about being skilled or not, everyone is allowed to join. The more people the merrier!
(Although I'm not sure if this applies when you are shooting fireballs at eachother. :p)

Your fellow fireball catcher,
Joined to the Steam community :p

Hopefully I'll be able to participate some time despite I'm really really newbie in this game. Do you have any beginner vs beginner matches or are all players as good as the videos show? Because in that case I'll be cannon fodder instead of a competitor :D
Do you have any beginner vs beginner matches?

Hey there Wave,

Currently we do not have specific tournaments for beginners.
However, we do check their experience by a test. You've probably seen it on the front page of the group, its called "Diagnostic Test - How skilled are you?".
To be honest, the outcome of the test doesn't represent your skill at all. However, it gives us a little insight in how much experience you have.
While deciding who fights who in the tournament, we try to take these test outcomes and match you up against players with an (about) equal test outcome.

But who knows? Maybe we should introduce beginner tournaments if there is enough interest for it.

Your fellow fireball catcher,