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Okay. This isn't an update and I'll answer comments in the next update in a few days, but..

I think I may have to abandon the goal of becoming Master of India. I simply can't imagine how to do it when protectorates cannot be diplo-annexed.

- Each province will bring in overextension and I would be spending the next 175 game years with it being at 75%+
- The cost in admin points would be astronomical. Think thousands upon thousands.

I'm going to have to find a way to mitigate the penalties, otherwise doing it simply would make the rest of the game unbearable.
I am not sure about the new ways things work but when you release a nation as a vassal does it get released at your tech level?
Yenzen said:
I think I may have to abandon the goal of becoming Master of India. I simply can't imagine how to do it when protectorates cannot be diplo-annexed.

I think you can still annex a country completely and then release it as your vassal. Vassals you release will have your religion and your tech group. After ten years you can annex them again. Will be a bit tricky though, since a nation has to be small enough to fully annex, else you'll have to take a few provinces from them and core them yourself. Also, I don't know if it's true for India, but if you control more than 5 overseas provinces together it will become a colonial nation.

My guess for arbitrary points:
Savoy joins the coalition and will try, with the help of their Big Blue Brother, to get their lands back.
Okay. This isn't an update and I'll answer comments in the next update in a few days, but..

I think I may have to abandon the goal of becoming Master of India. I simply can't imagine how to do it when protectorates cannot be diplo-annexed.

- Each province will bring in overextension and I would be spending the next 175 game years with it being at 75%+
- The cost in admin points would be astronomical. Think thousands upon thousands.

I'm going to have to find a way to mitigate the penalties, otherwise doing it simply would make the rest of the game unbearable.
Protectorates and vassals now count towards achievements like 'Master of India', so if it is just the Achievement you are going for you'll still be good. If you want a purple India, that's another matter. EDIT: I misremembered. That sucks.

I guess you'll see the gain admin/gain more for inflation event, patriot revolt, and war with Syria to complete the land bridge.
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Things seem to be going rather well, but you're right to be wary of both France and Russia. From my limited experience, France seems quite happy to build an army that exceeds its force limits (so I'd expect them to have at least 100,000 troops) while Russia is swimming in manpower and quite happy to use it. Can you sell Azov off to anyone? There's not much point holding it.

As to the next war, with protectorates limiting your ability to expand in India, I'd guess a war with Yemen to transfer trade power.

- I made the genalogy by using Word and then pasting it into Paint. As a normally functioning human being, you might recognize as a rather silly way to do it, but I use what I know.
- The maps were made with this image http://i.imgur.com/XOlkbfB.png using this very AAR and my screenshots as a guide as to what Naples exactly looked like when the kings died. I would simply colour the Oceans and provinces with Paint, the greatest ART program ever made.

Have you tried Paint.net? I found it to be very good for AARs as you can use layers, allowing you to have a base image (such as a screenshot) and then a separate layer for overlays (arrows, captions, etc.). Because the captions are on a different layer you can move them around freely without mucking up the original image.
The coalition, they will attack you.

Man I love your style, very detailed and I love the subtle humor

Thanks, though lately I have to make some consessions. To be honest I don't show every repeated event anymore, but I instead try sticking the unique or important ones.

I guess the AQQs. Convert them to Xhrist!

I'm sorry to sound foolish, but what are AQQs?

You mean I don't get points for predicting that you'd conquer Ceylon way-back-when? :p

Incidentally, I did go to the Wiki page to find out which events would statistically be most likely to fire for you before answering, so there was some method in my madness. ;)

Malabar. For Malabar.

Another highly entertaining and enjoyable update. Always good to see more action from Naples. :)

Nah, I was always going to conquer Ceylon at some point if I wanted to establish myself in the Indian trade.

As for Malabar.. you'll have to read the update.

I am not sure about the new ways things work but when you release a nation as a vassal does it get released at your tech level?

They do not. Not anymore, at least.

I think you can still annex a country completely and then release it as your vassal. Vassals you release will have your religion and your tech group. After ten years you can annex them again. Will be a bit tricky though, since a nation has to be small enough to fully annex, else you'll have to take a few provinces from them and core them yourself. Also, I don't know if it's true for India, but if you control more than 5 overseas provinces together it will become a colonial nation.

My guess for arbitrary points:
Savoy joins the coalition and will try, with the help of their Big Blue Brother, to get their lands back.

Colonial nations are only for the americas. If I release cored indian provinces, I'll get another protectorate. Since I can't annex protectorates, selling them their cores back will do me little good :-/

There are a lot of new mechanics to consider in this update.

arbitrary points guess:

I'm gonna guess Castile. They haven't been seen much, but I have a feeling

They have not been doing much until this point. Up until now all their main aggression has been almost entirely been pointed at the new world.

Protectorates and vassals now count towards achievements like 'Master of India', so if it is just the Achievement you are going for you'll still be good. If you want a purple India, that's another matter. EDIT: I misremembered. That sucks.

I guess you'll see the gain admin/gain more for inflation event, patriot revolt, and war with Syria to complete the land bridge.

Syria was a vassal I annexed, they no longer stand in my way. I think you've missed some of my updates.

Things seem to be going rather well, but you're right to be wary of both France and Russia. From my limited experience, France seems quite happy to build an army that exceeds its force limits (so I'd expect them to have at least 100,000 troops) while Russia is swimming in manpower and quite happy to use it. Can you sell Azov off to anyone? There's not much point holding it.

As to the next war, with protectorates limiting your ability to expand in India, I'd guess a war with Yemen to transfer trade power.

Have you tried Paint.net? I found it to be very good for AARs as you can use layers, allowing you to have a base image (such as a screenshot) and then a separate layer for overlays (arrows, captions, etc.). Because the captions are on a different layer you can move them around freely without mucking up the original image.

I might be able to sell off Azov to Russia, but y'know.. it's mine. I'm kind of weird about that unless I have to give it up in a war.

Paint.net seems interesting though. I gave it a spin this update and I was pretty satisfied when i used it.

All caught up. Excellent as always.

Quiz Question: The Franco-Dutch coalition.

Well, then I better make you fall behind again!

I am uncertain if I can make this is even two updates! Also, I'm not posting them all this time, so there's enough room for arbitrary quizzes between parts. I somehow managed to take over a thousand screenshots when a usual one part update only has about 300. However the second part (which will finish the chapter even if I have t split it in two) will come next week - I simply don't have the time to write it right now.

1. August 1651 - 11. November 1664 part 1/2

Loading up v1.4, let's see if everything blows up in my face...

[5 minutes later]

Okay, the only thing that blew up in my face were the 300< spam messages regarding nations blockading one another. France, Netherlands, Castile, Toulouse and the Ottomans are all blockading me.. which would be relevant if I shared significant power with them in any node.

Oh well. Impressions:

- The patch did little to affect the trade of Naples, since none of the pathways used by me were changed. Ethiopia remains a vassal because it was one to begin with.
- Each culture now has a primary nation, whose cores will never expire as long as that culture lingers on in their cores. Naples is not the primary nation of Sicilian though, Sicily is! I'm a bit curious (and insulted) about that. Interestingly, there are a few cultures like Georgian who has no nation attached to it, though I suspect that is an oversight.
- There are now about a dozen new colonial nations in the Americas, I'll go over them soon.
- Shawnee, Madras and Congo started westernizing the moment I started this game. If all Indian nations do that, making protectorates there may be a problem.
- Great Britain is laughing all the way to the Bank of London about the new Western Europe trade node - and Denmark is just happy this means they can steal all the income from the Gulf of Lawrence --> North Sea trade, 'cause it's too little for GB to bother with (they're steering from Bordeaux instead).
- It's shocking how easily some Indian nations will let me make them a protectorate (Vassals that can't be annexed, will break free after westernization, but give away 50% trade power not counting ships). Orissa just needs some oral treatment from Gioachino II and Marathas just needed to be closer and lose that vassal baggage, as far as I could tell. Quite amazing, considering that these two nations together make up about 60% of India by now.


Oh right. About India. The inability to vassalize any Indian nation means that I've come to this conclusion: Conquering India, in a way that will net me the achievement, would require me to put everything else aside in order to sink down thousands of admin points into coring and always staying at high overextension. It's just not worth it and I have other irons in the fire.

However, I'm not one to completely abandon a set goal of mine, and therefore I've decided to at least go for the second best solution: I will instead aim to have the entire Indian region in my indirect control. That is, all provinces in the region must be owned by me or a vassal/protectorate of mine. I still want to have some degree of hard power in India and will thus try to secure as many important centers and estuaries in the region as possible, in case I should lose protectorates to westernization.

Speaking of which, I sent a diplomat to Orissa to make nice with them. They will be the first gullible sucke.. er, the first honorable partner of Naples.

But first, allow me to introduce

The new colonial nations:


England has had limited success, but still control the Hudson bay and Gulf of Lawrence almost completely.

- Newfoundland, covering approximately modern Canada and New England. In the west, they appear to make it down to the Great Lakes. A shame that Castile makes their north eastern borders look so horrible. It's almost worth going to war over by itself. I don't know why Abnaki isn't a part of it.
- British Cuba! For those who don't want to move from one cold, rainy, gloomy and grey country to another!

Castile is by far the largest colonizer and arguably, the winner of the colonial race lost in real life.

- To the north they have Florida, covering the entire east cost.
- South of that, broken by a few "normal" colonial provinces, there's Mexico covering Texas and modern day middle America. It's still unclear to me what determined the size of these nations.
- In the Caribbean, we find the Castilian East Indies.
- In South America, there's New Granada and more scattered normal Castilian provinces.

Portugal has done well in South America.

- Brazil.
- Rio De Prata.
- Peru

.. in other words, boringly historical other than spreading beyond Brazil southwards.

Independent and other things

- Shawnee will later amazingly finish its westernization undisturbed! It'll likely never catch up to the west, but now they can't just overrun by the colonials. You go Natives, there will be no bible belt for you!
- Iroquois is somehow still untouched, though not westernized.
- The Aztecs and Mayas live on as shadows of their former selves.
- The Incas have been pushed out of their mountains, but remain alive in the forests of western Brazil. I guess there's no gold for Portugal to steal there.
- Mighty Norway has no need to create colonial nations.. Well actually, if they did it'd be larger than themselves.

Resuming the game, in December Marathas left the coalition against me, and I discovered that they were annexing their vassal (having one gives a -1000 modifier to making a protectorate of them), due to be done in.. 1580. I didn't have time for that, but I had become convinced that making protectorates of both Orissa and Marathas would be the best way to boost trade power in the Indian nodes. Orissa however did not take long to convince.


Therefore, I concocted a plan: I would first annex Malabar, who had guaranteed Marathas, then make a protectorate of Marathas after demanding that it release its vassal. Declaring Marathas first would bring me into conflict with Malabar as a secondary participant. I could then annex Malabar and afterwards make peace with Marathas. Afterwards I increase relations and make a protectorate of Marathas since the distance modifier would be gone.

While I was preparing my armies, France has decided to support Hungarian Independence - which I guess means trouble if I should try annexing it?


Trouble for them, that is.

They also do the same for Norway. It was only afterwards I looked up what this meant:

Meanwhile, the nobles of Naples argued in favor of returning to two field rotations.


But.. it just tastes so much more organic and ecological when there are only two rotations. Three is unnatural!

In August 1653 I finished annexing Syria and finished hogging cash.


I spent all my new shinies to finish the production lines in Naples and Firenze. Syria also gave some surprisingly new ships, and I could afford to trash some of my old caravels in favor of early and late frigates.

Now, I had not forgotten my designs on Marathas and I had spent this time gather a larger army in India. The issue was quite pressing since Castile had just won provinces in modern Day Indonesia from Majapahit and would soon be colonizing the Maldives. The Indian race was on. However, I would need sufficient forces since Marathas may be in the Indian tech group, but it was no joke in terms of size and allies. I was just about to send a diplomat to forge a claim on Malabar, when the game decided to give me a freebie after finishing the prior mission. Everything was set then in September 1653 and I had an army of 24.000 prepared to face the largest Indian nation.



- Annex Malabar.
- Make Marathas abandon vassalage of Bundelkhan

No secondaries. I could in theory lay siege to all of Marathas and demand they'd become my protectorate, but it would be easier and faster to just mend relations after the war. Besides, I was already strained by revolts because of religious conversions and overextension.

Marathas had a rather impressive navy, including five heavy ships. I wasn't about to challenge them on the open seas, since ships only improve slowly compared to ground forces, and I would have to kill my income in the Gulf of Aden to bring enough Light Ships to beat them otherwise. I simply marched through Malabar, crushing their army and leaving, and waited there for Marathas to respond.


On the home front, I performed a royal marriage and alliance with England. They would be somewhat useful against France and were far enough away not to get pissed at my expansion. Meanwhile Serbia declared war on the Ottomans for Constantinople. Considering that they were unable to even convert 5-basetax provinces, I had a hard time imagining how they were going to hold unto that in the end.

Gioachino II's musky seamen also caught some pirates the Gulf of Aden under a pretentious Portuguese flag. Carrying an obviously forged royal order for a transfer of some of the royal coffers. Moreover, for some reason the Portuguese ambassador kept harassing him for months, but he had better thing to do.


Look, the main thing is that piracy was involved and that Naples could now afford a mint in Venice and Trade companies in Egypt.

While even Aq Qoyunlu, and soon afterwards Dulkadir, were now also attacking the Ottomans. In India Malabar fell to the siege in March 1654 without a sign of Marathas' forces. I ventured north after demanding their full annexation to see what was going on. This might turn into a rather bloodless war. Or so I thought. (I also completed my accumulate money mission. Next mission: Religious unity, I love that mission since I keep conquering myself more heathen lands)


Let's try that paint.net thing

Afterwards I spread out and besieged some provinces. I only needed 9% warscore to make Marathas breaks its vassalization, so I could wait. Meanwhile I removed England as a rival and added France instead (It was about time, honestly). I then made Great Britain my ally, once the game stopped deciding that I hated them.

While Gioachino II felt the need to be able to appoint some higher ranking members of the Orthodox church (where else were all the extra royal bastards supposed to make a career for themselves?), but to make amends for offending Orthodox Christ, he allowed the printing of a bible translated into Sicilian (by someone from a Lombardic region). This had the added fortune of pissing off every nearby catholic power, which is a win in my holy book.


Considering just how important such translation would be, this new bible would likely be the leading cause of the many Italian dialects gradually converging more on a more common language. Oh wait, these captions are supposed to be funny. My bad :-/

In January, 1655 in India, a surprisingly numerous Indian counterattack of two stacks of ~25k had forced Naples to unite their armies, after laying siege to only one province. Rather than wait for a new siege to complete, a lonely stack was attacked, which generated enough warscore to end the war early.


I sent a diplomat to repair relations with Marathas right away.

In September 1655, the great nation of Toulouse left the coalition against Naples and in October, the Netherlands followed suit. Now I only had France, the Ottomans and Netherlands intent on my utter destruction.

I had been spending some of my new income building up:

- Manufactories in Egypt and the Gulf of Aden.
- Trade buildings in the high tax power provinces in Egypt so that I could save some more light ships for other areas.
- Production and military buildings in Italy proper.

In November 1655 Serbia finished its war with the Ottomans.


They had been unable to convert even 5-tax Sunni provinces, so I had no idea how the heck they were planning on holding unto that many Turkish/heathen provinces. Then it dawned on me: The Ottomans now held eternal cores on all Turkish provinces and most of all, they were of a vassalizable size.

Now, previously having been taught the lesson that holy wars never change war leader, and knowing that the Ottomans were already under attack by two minor nations and might be engulfed if I didn't act fast, I declared war upon the Ottomans immediately, despite having to fight France as a secondary participant.


War goals:

Primary: Vassalize the Ottomans
Secondary for 100% warscore when the ottomans are sieged: Anything to hurt France. Release Brittany?

The plan was to simply overrun the Ottomans to 100% warscore and end the war fast, while defending against France in the Alps.

... Which sounds neat, but I failed to consider: Coalitions are different



And thus, Naples was outwitted by a pre-pubescent kid.

At first glance, the numbers looked good. However, Lithuania joined France shortly after and they would keep Poland and Hungary busy. Add to the fact that in every other regard than Naval combat, England is almost useless and I had a real problem on my hands.

But I would be damned if I wasn't going to try. Change of plans:

- Use eastern 32k army to siege Ottomans.

- Use two western 32k armies to hold the line in Switzerland. Once French armies were tenderized, move into France and make the blue surrender monkeys do what they do best.

In December, before I was even able to gather morale after turning up military spending, the French had crossed the Swiss border. Unwilling to retreat and yield essential defense of the alps, I managed to lure the French into Wallis, where a small army could distract them, until I gained enough morale to move my main armies in. A dramatic and highly confusing battle then started. In the meantime I was humiliated in the Mediterranean Sea as the French Armada, that I at least expected the English to keep in check, had sailed all the way from Western France.



1: France didn't bring a general in a 42k stack!?
2: I was defending in the mountains, with a good leader, against an army of lesser size with too much cavalry - and yet my losses were significantly higher?!

Meanwhile, while France and Naples were killing each another on the battlefields, another killer struck the beautiful city of Naples itself - and arguably, it was better at than any of my armies had ever been.


If only that doctor had not been able to spread the news, none of this would have happened!

Well, at least I had "won" the battle against the French. In the meantime, I was forced to declare another war in the east, as Dulkadir was attacking the Ottomans. I planned on simply keeping them occupied until their war ended without demanding any land from them..


Or maybe I just felt like I needed more wars, you decide.

After crushing the Dulkadir forces, I sent them northwards to re-enforce the eastern frontier where Poland and Lithuania were exchanging blows.

Meanwhile, Marathas accepted the offer to become a protectorate of Naples. They were currently allied with Shan who was at war with Ming and a few other nations. They were also the war leader. Do you see where this is going?



Right. I wasn't allocating any troops to help the ally of my pseudo-ally before I finished my other wars.

But the while the war in the far east itself could relatively safely be ignored, it has other more ridiculous consequences, as I automatically called my allies to a war over ten thousand kilometers from their borders.


But... But I never wanted you to help me in the first place.

Yup. Me becoming war leader just snapped all of my alliances and gave me a huge, slowly dissipating, negative opinion modifier towards them. Poland could overcome it and re-engage our alliance, Great Britain could not.

Silly game mechanics aside, in France, England made a pathetic landing in Brittany of 10k forces that were wiped out by the main French stack, but this also allowed me to move into France in the spring of 1656. However, it wasn't until the fall, where I was facing the weirdest of my many recent revolts - a buddist uprising in Ceylon - that I finally saw the French response: 43k French troops.. which would scare me more, if they weren't without a leader. Again!. I carelessly attacked them across a river and after the battle, the pursuit follow down to southern France.


This felt almost like cheating.

On the Eastern front I helped Poland and Hungary defeat two more large, unlead armies. I was starting to suspect that this was some bug with 1.3, and it honestly felt like I was abusing the game somehow. When I looked up the ledger, these nations unquestionably had multiple military leaders. Where were they now? Heck if I know.


There was little question that I would win at this point. Following this, a long carpet siege of France ensued and I would strike any new armies they would raise with my hunter-killer group. I never faced a French stack with a leader and the largest army were two 17k stack and about five random revolts across Naples - and also, more angry Buddhists.


This time they actually managed to take the province before I made it there.

While the war with France was still active, the unabated primacy of the alps fell into my hands as Switzerland was annexed.


On the Ottoman front, I could not stop Aq Qoyunlu from taking an Ottoman province, but that could always be taken care of later and Dulkadir gave up shortly followed by me white peacing it. Amusingly, the two common enemies of the Ottomans would soon fight one another, resulting in Aq Qoyunlu annexing Dulkadir. Only the coalition war with France and the weird Eastern war to worry about now. More importantly, it sent down the required warscore to 58% to vassalize the Ottomans.

In fact, this entire was going so disappointingly easy that I was starting to feel queasy about it. Venice was the richest trade node in the world and it had the hardiest, muskiest and manliest seamen in the entire world. National decline was running rampant in this desolate national and obviously the military - which had only been able to handle three or four wars at once - was to blame for this. They were nothing at all like the proud, industrious men of the sea and that's why the average life expectancy of a military officer was 3 years and a naval one 35. Oddly enough, at the same time, recruitment saw a strange shift.


So you're killing France. Why are you not also killing Muscovy and Spain at the same time. Hmm?

In July 1658, France had had enough and this peace was signed. The remnants of the Ottoman Empire was now in my hands.


In fact, the army had been such a disappointment, that Gioachino II abandoned any plans of reform. Just send wave after wave of the countless gutless wretches into the breach, until the enemy is too tired to kill more Neapolitan troops - and then finish them off.


Also known as "The Brannigan-killbot ploy."

Now I really should have stopped the session here. I was at peace and had some time to think things through. But I kept on playing, for it always seemed like there was more stuff to do.

During the war my diplomatic relations +5 leader had died and was luckily replaced by another - though he was only a +1 overall diplomatic advisor, which could be a problem once I get expansion ideas.

... But I still wasn't technically at peace. While I cared little for Shan, I should at least stop the war before it made it all the way to Orissa to hard my protectorate and increase the chance of them having rebels. Besides, I figured that my 18k soldiers in the far east could use some exercise other than cutting down endless rebels. So the Neapolitan East India Legion, as I've fancifully dubbed them, started their offense against Ming and Brunei to defend Shan, the ally of my pseudo-ally. After a long campaign, I had to admit my utter defeat though.


After this, for a (very) short period, Naples would have peace. We should take a minute to admire what is without a doubt my favorite unexpected expander in this game - Serbia.


For I intended to use my new Ottoman vassal's cores to dismantle them and to cut them off from the Adriatic Sea, by any means required. While their expansion had been impressive, I doubted their ability to hold unto most of the lands that had fallen into their hands - even with all the mission power bonuses it has, Naples will seemingly be unable to convert the Ottomans unless it had a missionary advisor.

However, there's time for more of that in future updates.

Oh, one last thing. Unreported Naples news, which I've taken screenshots of reveal that I had wine related events in:

- 11. April 1652
- 21. July 1653
- 8. January 1658

I usually don't skip on events, but the rampant wine obsession in Naples is getting a bit out of hand!

About the wars

I don't know why France never used leaders in their main stacks. It makes the entire thing feel like a very empty victory of sorts. I believe that I could have won regardless with effort and strategy, but this had been much too easy. Luckily other nations later picked generals normally and so it could just have been a fluke - maybe france had its generals stuck in a distant province on an army in exile? I don't know.

News of the world

- Friesland defected to the Netherlands from Denmark. Now only Utrecht remained an untaken Dutch core.. Which it of course couldn't help itself from declaring, even if it is now engaged alone against GB, Denmark and half a dozen HRE nations.

- Spain would soon start colonizing the Maldives.. which are a part of both the Ceylon node and the Indian region!

- Anne II Lancaster has crushed the parlimentarists completely. Too bad the game is staunchly determined that I hate her with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, otherwise I would re-engage the alliance.

Arbitrary Quiz:


DensleyBlair: +4 for predicting the war with Malabar, indirect as it may have been to my larger goal.
Buckingham: +2 for predicting my war with the French coalition, though it was French-Ottoman at this point.

New Question:

- Since I still have five years of this chapter played through, this quiz is for once made with the gift of foreknowledge: other than Marathas and Orissa, I will make another protectorate in the next chapter. Who is it?
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I have a question! If you conquer a nation entirely you could release it as a vassal without having to core it...so if you get them small enough to make full annex wars on them you could turn them into vassals that way then annex them I believe?
Hooray! More points! I think this is my best winning streak yet.

As for the next protectorate, I'll go for Ara?an – that little beige country by Orissa. Pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but one province never hurts.

Really enjoyable, as ever. I've never seen the establish protectorate function before, actually. Is it reserved for colonial, unwesternised nations?
Not an update, this time I'm afraid, but I fear I made a pretty dumb mistake when i wrote the last AAR: protectorates give 50% trade power, not income!

I have a question! If you conquer a nation entirely you could release it as a vassal without having to core it...so if you get them small enough to make full annex wars on them you could turn them into vassals that way then annex them I believe?

Again, no. The game will "sense" that the nation you're releasing should be in the Indian tech group and create a protectorate. Every commenter on this subject seems to agree on that.

Hooray! More points! I think this is my best winning streak yet.

As for the next protectorate, I'll go for Ara?an – that little beige country by Orissa. Pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but one province never hurts.

Really enjoyable, as ever. I've never seen the establish protectorate function before, actually. Is it reserved for colonial, unwesternised nations?

I think I should explain protectorates a little better before I make the next update:

- They give 50% of their trade power as noted, but none of their income.
- They're much more easy to make, starting with a universal -30 modifier at the smallest positive relation. They do however have a steeply rising distance modifier to making them protectorates, which is why I needed Malabar this time to close even the small gap there was. However, this distance seems also to be modified by distance to the nearest of your protectorates.
- Each one gives a successive -10 modifier to diplomatically proposing the next potential protectorate. If you have three protectorates, you will get a -30 on top of the opinion modifier to making another one diplomatically - a tough modifier to overcome. Your number of protectorates then have a soft limit and this is why I've gone for the two largest protectorates that will give me the most power over the Ceylon, and to a lesser degree, the Bengal node thus far.
- They cannot be annexed, unlike vassals.
- They will break away if they complete westernization. You do not get them as vassals or anything.
- They do not take up a diplomatic relations slot.
- They (seemingly) can always be demanded through war at 100% war score. (unconfirmed for me)
- They are made when the difference in tech speeds exceed 50%, meaning I can vassalize most muslim nations (not khanates nor indian ones) and all eastern. Eastern tech groups would be able to vassalize Indian nations, actually.

I don't like them that much, seeing as how they can be very temporary. I'd prefer they took up a diplomatic slot and either became vassals after westernizing or if they could be annexed after 50 years. However, they're my best bet to take on the Indian trade and I plan taking some province from other Indian nations to boost my hard trade power.
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I don't like this new system at all. There definitely needs to be some way to make them advance enough to be safely vassalized.
Same. :( Protectorates can be a real b****, if you pardon my language. AQQ is Aq Qoynulu, it's the tag in game I believe. For next protectorate...Madurai.
Same. :( Protectorates can be a real b****, if you pardon my language. AQQ is Aq Qoynulu, it's the tag in game I believe. For next protectorate...Madurai.
I believe "the AQQs" referred to both the Aq Qoyonlu (AQ) and the Qara Qoyonlu (QQ), hence the plural at the end. ;)

Gotta be Shan.
I also think Shan is the third protectorate. :)
I don't like this new system at all. There definitely needs to be some way to make them advance enough to be safely vassalized.

Yeah. The whole "Whoop, now I'm westernized, making the fact that you made me a protectorate kind of stupid compared to taking provinces permanently" is a bit jarring. You should have some use of a protectorate nation after it westernizes.

But for now, I work with what I'm given. I can't afford to conquer too much of India directly, so I must focus on high trade power provinces and protectorates for the rest.

Same. :( Protectorates can be a real b****, if you pardon my language. AQQ is Aq Qoynulu, it's the tag in game I believe. For next protectorate...Madurai.

Mh, the issue with Madurai is that it's kind of tiny and has little trade power.

As for the abbriviation, when Is earched for it I got some Arabian Quiz program and I was thinking if I was supposed to know about it. ^^

Gotta be Shan.

A good candidate, it's large enough to give plenty of trade power and is well placed once I move on to the Bengal node.

I believe "the AQQs" referred to both the Aq Qoyonlu (AQ) and the Qara Qoyonlu (QQ), hence the plural at the end. ;)

I also think Shan is the third protectorate. :)

Well, GreatUberGeek should have claimed that, because then I would be merciful and give like one extra point for... Oh, I was just about to spoil part of the update!

Hooray! More points! I think this is my best winning streak yet.

As for the next protectorate, I'll go for Ara?an – that little beige country by Orissa. Pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but one province never hurts.

Really enjoyable, as ever. I've never seen the establish protectorate function before, actually. Is it reserved for colonial, unwesternised nations?

Arakan is a one province minor. The problem with making tiny protectorates is that they do hurt, because they will quickly add up large negative modifiers for making more protectorates diplomatically.

1. August 1651 - 11. November 1664 part 2/2

The need for peace and tranquility in order to deal with the revolts and war exhaustion meant that Naples spend a number of years recovering and nurturing its new lands.

... Just kidding. I declared war on Yemen just a few months later.


I mean, who expects careful deliberation from a rising global empire, which still keeps its capital city located within ten kilometers of a huge, active volcano?


Rome? Florence? Milan? - Oh no, this is the perfect spot. - No sensible human being.

Oh well, at least the view is nice when it’s not threatened by a cataclysmic inferno of chaotic hellfire.

... Oh right, there was a war to be fought.



- Annex Aden and Muscat (centers of trade)
- Restore Ethiopian cores (should be cheap, they are considered "colonies" in terms of warscore)


- Annex Mocca (connecting to Aden)


- Half of trade power (unlikely that there will be enough warscore for that.

Overall, the goal is to secure Naples' hold over the Gulf of Aden to maintain at least about 60% of trade power. In addition, I want the annexation of Ethiopia to start.

I had prepared a 23k army in Hedjaz led by Gioachino II and additionally 15k in Ethiopia to aid them against some Sunni rebels. I reasoned this should be more than enough.


While I was spreading out to carpet siege Yemen, I had reached administrative technology 20 and was aiming for absolute monarchy - but I would wait with selecting it until I reached administrative tech level 22, where I would the new idea group. I could use the discipline and manpower from absolutism more than manpower recover (though useful), because the two other bonuses of constitutional monarchies (Legitimacy and prestige bonuses) I already had in spades.
Besides, the will of house Borghese bows to no "constitution"! - Actually this new these new-fangled liberal dogmas meant, that it just may be necessary to somewhat limit the advancement of non-nobles to the upper echelons of the army - least we be overrun by militant liberals from the inside!


If peasants had "rights", they wouldn't be peasants, duh.

After I had spread all over to carpet sieging Yemen in July 1660, Dulkadir broke free from Aq Qoyunlu. This was an affront to Orthodoxy and I decided to declare war on them right away.


I forgot to screenshot the battle. You guess how it ends.

Wargoal: Full annexation... to be given to the Ottomans afterwards, since they're Ottoman cores.

In the Far East, I was surprised to learn that a country, I thought was too far removed from me, would accept becoming a protectorate. Seems the calculation depends on the distance from your nearest protectorate!


This would set me up for plenty of trade power in the Bengal node, though I was frustrated by the fact that I would not have any individual provinces to hold there for myself.

Meanwhile I was still suffering from monthly revolts. First, it was the Syrians, then the Turks, then the Great Über Geeks - but that may have been a side effect of naming them that.


Why are you so angry and what do you keep telling me to call you Mary's lambs? That's blasphemy guys, even if you're Orthodox now.

Shortly after I once again achieved religious unity and once again picked another mission to accumulate money. It's like this game is an endless series of repetitions that have no greater purpose, is essentially meaningless and will only serve to bring me and you guys closer to our inevitable decay, and ultimately death.

Existential babbling aside, the war with Dulkadir ended in the summer of 1661 - The cores could be sold to the Ottomans the moment the war with Yemen ended.


In fact, Yemen was down to its last province in December 1661, when I suffered a serious case of sensory overload.


Taking a few minutes to get an overview of the situation, I concluded this:

- Just like when I had been called in to assist Shan by my protectorate Orissa, even though Orissa was not the war leader, Serbia had made a protectorate of Qara Qoyunlu and straight away was called into all of their wars, including mine with Yemen.
- However, unlike my Asian intervention, the power difference between Serbia and Yemen was not large enough to make them war leader
- The stuff with Muscovy/Austria/Trier was a separate war happening at the same time, where Serbia was also forced to intervene, as Persia was attacking Qara Qoyunlu. Here Qara Qoyunlu started out as the war leader and in that case, Serbia was large enough to take over as war leader - and then proceeded to call in Muscovy.

In other words, Serbia was simply added to my pool of enemies for my current war. If Yemen had made Serbia war leader, I could very well have been facing half of the world simply because Serbia made that protectorate!

Moreover, tired as I was from the constant warfare, I still decided that this was a good time to capitalize on Ottomans cores and my plans for the Naples-Arabia land bridge.

New additional wargoals.


- Annex Zeta
- Liberate Croatia


- Return Constantinople to the Ottomans


- Any other Ottoman provinces I can afford to have returned.
- Excess cash?

I had a combined total of 45k troops left in the main European theatre and 36 in Adana to face their Anatolian provinces and I soon moved in to confront Serbia's forces on both fronts - and accidentally destroyed most of their navy.


The European theatre would take a while longer, since I had to march all the way through Bavaria and Bohemia, because Austria was a bit uncooperative after the rampant destruction of their nation, which Naples might have a teeny tiny bit of responsibility for. I finally arrived to face Serbia in April 1662... This time, I was the one who forgot to bring in a war leader.


However, this was not entirely enough to break them and a third battle soon too place on European soil, with the united remains of their army and a combination of my Anatolian and European armies.


Now, while the Crown had been at odds with the nobles of Naples from time to time, Gioachino knew the dangers of this modern economy well. Therefore, when one of the noble houses turned to him for help after wasting all their money on questionable enterprises, he was all too happy to give away huge sums of money, he himself had taken from the ignorant peasants.


Some things never change.

This of course broke the mission to gather money somehow, so I instead picked a mission to achieve religious unity. Again.

At this point, there was little fight back in Serbia, and as time went by more and more provinces fell. In the home front a horrid new disease had found its way into Corsica - the dreaded flu.


I don't understand. Doing nothing requires administrative effort and eases the problem? Also, I like how you can only be a jerk.

Besides, how is this better than today? It's a viral disease, it's not like we can do anything in most cases, except keep people hydrated in really serious cases.

In October, while I was turning Serbia into a desolate wasteland, disturbing news arrived.


This greatly concerned me. While Madurai had been too small for me to bother making into a protectorate, I did not want anyone else holding land there either! Castile holding two island groups nearby bothered me enough. However, as far as I could tell, Portugal’s nearest colony was in Western Africa. I would wait to see if they even showed up.

In March 1664, Serbia had finally lost every province and I could demand this peace:


Soon after, I was able to end the war entirely with the defeat of Yemen.


I started by sending missionaries rather than coring my new provinces in order to complete my mission.

After the war, I sold Dulkadir's former provinces to the Ottomans, since they had a core on them.

Croatia was quickly brought into the fold, while the annexation of Ethiopia and Karaman was started.



Only Görz on the path from Naples to Mecca was now not under either my direct or indirect control. To compensate for the new diplomatic relation, I cut royal ties with England. It would take some time before the game stopped deciding that I despise them so that I can ally them again. In addition, the new patches now had diplomatic ideas completely remove the stability hit for breaking a royal marriage.

Meanwhile, the infantry celebrated the fact that Cavalry kind of sucks in this game. Even more so in the mid-late game.


It was then I noticed the date and decided to play on to 11. November 1644 and take a look at the general situation.

End chapter observations

- Ming, for reasons I cannot quite understand, are sending their trade southwards, away from their capital.


I suspect this is one of the reasons that the income in the Venetian node has soared lately.

- I now have 43% power in Ceylon, 63% in the Gulf of Aden, 76% in Alexandria and lastly 68% in Naples, because Croatia, Hungary and Austria are now profiteering from it. Austria specifically bothers me in that regard, since they're now using ships. Maybe an attack for Görz is overdue despite my overextension? - Oh and Ragusa at 47% now sends 12,5 ducats, making Naples worth just over 50 ducats monthly!

- Brunei will likely accept becoming a protectorate, if I can get relations above 0. I'm torn between this and just doing a conquest of high trade power provinces later.


- The Portuguese have arrived in Madurai.


Three ideas to handle the Portuguese situation:

1: Find a way to make Brunei my protectorate (since I was planning on this anyway) and then make Madurai my protectorate and defend it that way, afterwards annex Mysore and give it to them.
2: Like 1, but without trying to add Brunei first. I can capture important centers of trade from them later once I start with trade ideas.
3: Screw it. Normal colonial war with Castile/Portugal, demand existing colonies from them and don't end the war before Portugal gives up the war against Madurai.
4: Do nothing for the entire next chapter, I'm already overextended and war exhausted (2.82).

On the Neapolitan expansion

Naples had begun to face the price of becoming a Global Empire. Half of my army has been spread out in three stacks of 18-20, one in India, one in Aden and one in Judea, in order to be able to respond to local revolts in a time (appearing with a frequency between 1-3 months). Of course, this is made worse by my terribly legitimacy, overextension and 2+ war exhaustion, but it is a huge drain on troops and time. Since Taxation makes less and less of my total income, I am starting to consider just letting the Patriarch Authority go to 100%. The stability and manpower just may be worth it.

Future target possibilities:

I've been compiling a list of future targets for the next many chapters. It's growing quite extensive.

- Serbia to "liberate" other provinces for the Ottomans.
- Austria for Görz and to push them off the Adriatic Sea.
- Savoy to take Piedmont, where after they can be vassalized one way or the other.
- Sind! To access NW India and prepare expansion there. It's an estuary, so I would prefer having hard control over it, and Marathas has a claim on it so time is scarce.
- Spain and Portugal (they're allies)! To push them away from my India (Castile holds the Maldives and the Andamans) and take colonies like Somalia.
- Madurai and Mysore to complete my grip on the tip of India. In that order, since I can return Madurai's cores from Mysore. Issue right now: Portugal.
- Mentese to return to the Ottomans.
- It actually seems like Yemen can be vassalized the good old fashioned way in the next war! But Iraq would have to become a protectorate. I don't really understand.

News of the world.

- Orissa has captured the minor Arakan - which irked me a bit, because it was one of the few remaining provinces, which I could annex to have some hard power in the area.
- Marathas has brought Gujarat down to size and now borders SIndh, which I had designs on conquering since it's an important center of trade in the Indus node.


New extent of my protectorates

- Muscovy has annexed Norway, which has enriched the world with a Muscovite Iceland and Muscovite South America.
- They have also claimed the title Defender of the Orthodox Faith... which I guess means they will have to come to my defense :happy: - I considered it for myself as a morale boost, but decided it simply wasn't worth the technology penalty.

- There is not a free Tibet... Well, the nation is free, the population is still subjugated to a power hungry aristocracy like the rest of the world.

Arbitrary Quiz


fordisbunk & MiniaAr: +4 points for guessing Shan
GreatUberGeek: +1 point for guessing Madurai. I never picked it, but I've had a lot of considerations, since annexing it would be very admin cost heavy for little gain.

New quiz:

Which solution do I pick in regards to Portugal?

Painting is "Vesuvius in Eruption" by Joseph Wright: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Vesuvius_eruptions_by_Joseph_Wright_of_Derby
I noticed that while a nation is attempting to westernize they have Western Tech. Which means they aren't horde or muslim or indian tech and thus you can go for vassalizing. As for Portugal...fight!
Option number two, please.

If I'd have known about the disadvantages of protecting OPMs, I probably wouldn't have gone for Arakan, but what can you do? Not really a mechanic I've played with yet, as I say. I'll have to take a look next time I'm playing the Netherlands or some such.