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An update regarding the map: I have almost finished drawing the province ID map of Europe and Africa. There are more than 2,000 provinces right now. I think I will first release a version of the mod with no Asia to get things rolling. However, the map is far from finished. If there is somebody who would like to help me with the map I would be glad. What I need help with is placement of province coordinates. In the province.csv file each province must be given coordinates so that the game knows where to place icons such as capital symbol and unit sprite. Is there anybady who would like to help?

Another, simpler task is coming up with place names. Tons of them are needed.

There are 2,238 provinces and perhaps something like 200 more will be added before Europe and Africa have been finished.

Yes, I know I can use it. But every single province needs multiple coordinates, so in the end I have to set more than 10,000 coordinates and that will take lots of time. And just right now I don't have much spare time.
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Well, thanks. I'm right now finishing the provinces of Europe / Hyboria. I don't know when I will be finished but hopefully quite soon. I'll let you know.
The ID map has been finished!



I have one question: I created rivers as separate ocean provinces so that player can click them and see the name of the river. But I'm not sure how to model them gameplay-wise. There are three possible solutions:
a) Rivers are impassable. They are there, but one cannot move ships into them. Basically the same as in DH, but the rivers are clickable.
b) Rivers are passable. There are ports and beaches that let one enter the rivers and conduct amphibious assaults.
c) Rivers are passable and there are ports but no beaches.

Why would I choose c? Because AI will never be able to handle all those beaches.

Another problem with both b and c is the fact that there is no way to limit the accessibility of rivers. This means that even the biggest ocean-going ships will enter them. Another problem: one cannot block a seazone (or accessible river) without declaring war. So one would probably see African ships deep in the inland Europe and the like.The good thing with navigable rivers is the possibility to realistically model the huge impact rivers had with pre-industrial logistics. As there is no strategic redeployment in the game one could use the rivers to quickly transport regiments.
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Does anybody would like to help me out with this mod? I'm a big fan of Conan, and I just can't let this mod die out. Last year I made skins, leaders, ministers, and some flags for a bucket of countries (most of it probably), and I would like to extend the number of countries to a lot more. (Also to move this mod to a more proper map. It would have been so good, if Miihkalk would've finished the new map, or just shared part of it, so someone else (for example me) would finish it. I tried to contact him for many months via email, and here, but with no reply.

If Miihkali comes back, or if he does not support this, than I drop it.

Just to find volunteers I post some pics of the work I made (I'm not showing everything in case I ever release it). Around 75% of the pictures used were from various Conan material, with names of around 60%. (The others were used from similar sources, with the other names made up.)

Hi. I've been lately lurking this forum and was very glad to see someone remembered this mod.

Though I don't have very much spare time nowadays, I'm still very much interested in this mod. I'm just having too problems. Big problems.

First, when I updated my DH to 1.04, Conan the mod stopped working. At first it crashes to desktop when the player's country was involved in a battle. Now it doesn't start at all. I have no idea which might cause this bug. Savedebug is of no use. Actually it's bugged, I cannot open it at all. If I could fix this bug, I could release a playable beta. I haven't tested it with 1.03, though. This bug kinda demoralized me.

Another problem is with the map. The ID layer is finished, but each province should be given an individual color according to a certain table. This is a huge and extremely boring task. I simply have not enough time to do all the work, especially as the work with the map includes so much tinkering. I think I could do the map piece by piece, adding battlescenarios (Aquilonian civil war, Argos-Stygia war, Aquilonia-Nemedia war, Aquilonia vs. Ophir and Koth) as I progress. But to do so I must fix the bug I mentioned. And honestly, I have no idea how to fix the fricking bug!

If somebody could help me, I would appreaciate it very much.
Okay. I took a look at misc.txt. It turned out I had tried to update the file for 1.04, botched it badly, and then forgot about it. There were also additional lines, I guess they were leftovers from earlier versions of DH. I removed them and tried to make misc.txt identical to that of DH Full (of course I tried to preserve the changes I had made).

Now the game runs properly, but I think the combat values in misc.txt are somehow bugged. Battles last for just one hour and the losses are insane (usually 99% on both sides). Right now I have a feeling that the easiest way might be simply to rework the whole misc.txt from scratch. There were not that many changes, after all. Sadly I didn't mark the changes I made... I have to think about it.

Anyway, thank you very much MartinBG.

First of all, I want to apologize for this all having taken such an awfully long time... I'd also like to thank Khor, MartinBG, and Novapaddy for offering help and supporting me. :)

But, I'm happy to say that version 0.4 is now ready. While there's still much to do, it think the mod finally feels like it should.

What you get is a battlescenario depicting the Aquilonian Civil War. Howard never wrote about this war in detail, but he hinted at it several times. Basically this scenario tells how Conan became the king of Aquilonia. You can lead a rebellion against the corrupted king Namedides, or you can stop the rebellious rabble. I suggest you play your first game as Conan's Aquilonia (black flag with a golden lion).

This mod is compatible with DH 1.04. It has one bug I have been unable to locate; this bug affects gameplay in no way, but an error message will pop up after selecting the scenario. Simply press enter when the loading screen stalls, and the game will run normally.

Download it here





I have a project in real life that has a deadline at the beginning of December. I'll focus on that one for the next few weeks and resume working on this mod afterwards. I have some plans what the next update will include. I think the best way to expand this mod is through battlescenarios. I'm planning the following battlescenarios for the next update:
  • The Scarlet Citadel. Aquilonia vs. Koth and Ophir. Conan's allies betray him and try to kill him, but he survives. In the short story, Ophirian troops rout when they realize that Conan has returned. This battlescenario will be "alternate history" in which the war continues until one side destroys the other.
  • The Hour of the Dragon. Aquilonia vs. Nemedia. The two most powerful Hyborian kingdoms fight each other. While Aquilonia is more powerful in terms of manpower, Nemedia benefits from the black magic of the sorcerer Xaltotun.
  • Stygian-Argossean Conflict. Another conflict Howard never wrote about in detail, this scenario will include naval warfare as Stygia and Argos are not neighbours. It will make an interesting scenario, as Argos is socially and technologically extremely advanced, while Stygia is a stagnant theocracy with a bronze-age technology.
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First of all, I want to apologize for this all having taken such an awfully long time... I'd also like to thank Khor, MartinBG, and Novapaddy for offering help and supporting me. :)

But, I'm happy to say that version 0.4 is now ready. While there's still much to do, it think the mod finally feels like it should.

What you get is a battlescenario depicting the Aquilonian Civil War. Howard never wrote about this war in detail, but he hinted at it several times. Basically this scenario tells how Conan became the king of Aquilonia. You can lead a rebellion against the corrupted king Namedides, or you can stop the rebellious rabble. I suggest you play your first game as Conan's Aquilonia (black flag with a golden lion).

This mod is compatible with DH 1.04. It has one bug I have been unable to locate; this bug affects gameplay in no way, but an error message will pop up after selecting the scenario. Simply press enter when the loading screen stalls, and the game will run normally.

Download it here





I have a project in real life that has a deadline at the beginning of December. I'll focus on that one for the next few weeks and resume working on this mod afterwards. I have some plans what the next update will include. I think the best way to expand this mod is through battlescenarios. I'm planning the following battlescenarios for the next update:
  • The Scarlet Citadel. Aquilonia vs. Koth and Ophir. Conan's allies betray him and try to kill him, but he survives. In the short story, Ophirian troops rout when they realize that Conan has returned. This battlescenario will be "alternate history" in which the war continues until one side destroys the other.
  • The Hour of the Dragon. Aquilonia vs. Nemedia. The two most powerful Hyborian kingdoms fight each other. While Aquilonia is more powerful in terms of manpower, Nemedia benefits from the black magic of the sorcerer Xaltotun.
  • Stygian-Argossean Conflict. Another conflict Howard never wrote about in detail, this scenario will include naval warfare as Stygia and Argos are not neighbours. It will make an interesting scenario, as Argos is socially and technologically extremely advanced, while Stygia is a stagnant theocracy with a bronze-age technology.

PLEASE, accept me on the mod team
What kind of stuff would you like to do? Right now there's not much to do in the terms of actual modding, though. All kinds of ideas are welcome, however.

- How to improve the gameplay? Are there bugs?
- Swordsmen are currently underdeveloped. Pikemen are good in open terrain, while axemen get bonuses against heavily armored targets. What should be swordsmen's niche?
- Make up names for provinces. They should be sufficiently ancient without sounding too familiar from real history.
- Random event ideas. Stuff like "Bandits have raided our borders".
- Brigade ideas. In Conan the Mod there are no actual brigades, but improvements (such as armor, shield, or special training).
- Do you know how to do graphics? I do not.
What kind of stuff would you like to do? Right now there's not much to do in the terms of actual modding, though. All kinds of ideas are welcome, however.

- How to improve the gameplay? Are there bugs?
- Swordsmen are currently underdeveloped. Pikemen are good in open terrain, while axemen get bonuses against heavily armored targets. What should be swordsmen's niche?
- Make up names for provinces. They should be sufficiently ancient without sounding too familiar from real history.
- Random event ideas. Stuff like "Bandits have raided our borders".
- Brigade ideas. In Conan the Mod there are no actual brigades, but improvements (such as armor, shield, or special training).
- Do you know how to do graphics? I do not.

Well, the pikemen should be focused on the defense, as a heavy-slow defense unit, because their main use was to hold the enemy infantry while your cavalry and infantry attacked them on the flanks, so I believe that the Swordsmen's should be the fast medium infantry vulnerable to projectiles, while the axemen could be the elite

I didn't found any bug yet

I can create thousands of names

I can come up with ideas of random events too, but I cannot write them as my skills don't allow me too

We could add some "supplementary forces", for example, you build a heavy pike phalanx and attach some archers to kill the enemy while the phalanx hold them

Sadly I don't know how to change graphics

Also, what about adding a horde to invade in the late game to make it more interesting? Something after the events of the main Conan storyline
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Hi! I'm back! I know I failed you last time, but I can do some research on conan, mostly because I've created my very own conan the barbarian wargame (for miniatures) :p