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Plenty of interesting alternate event outcones. No MR?

What is IR in tech raport? Do you mean you got tech not only from New Zealand, but also Iraq?

And quite nice fighting in Poland. Though air is concerning.

Interesting outcomes, yes. Italy backed down from Albania. In real history, I imagine this would have been beneficial. When I looked at Albania itself, it did not seem to add very much to Italy, so I shrugged it off.

No MR pact. That was another surprise. I do not know the consequences of no MR, but decided to play for it anyway. I was more likely to replay the month of August if the war did not start as planned.

German Air Power in Poland - There is only so much we can do. I chose 11 Spitfire divisions and 11 Bomber divisions because our capacity to transport units by carrier is 11. When we have to evacuate Poland, we can move our air force in two trips.

Evacuating our ground forces will take longer. We have 72 divisions and only 20 transports. So that would be 4 trips. We have our low-cost transports coming online soon. When we get to 36 transports, this will only be two trips.

October update is incoming!
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UK Campaign - October, 1936 - Regrouping and Hunting

October 1 - Our ground units were intact, but in tatters after all that brutal fighting. So we were in no position to start any counter offensive. We did have a race to defend Danzig, so we moved units as we considered them marginally ordered enough to fight. Our Cruisers are ordered enough to fight! They spent the entire month of September on shore leave and now they will go hunting. We put them into 2 groups of 8 and sent them to the German coast.

October 2 - We found one of their main fleets - or what's left of it. It now has their submarines and some cruisers. We destroyed 1 cruiser and 1 submarine and send them retreating to Hamburg, where apparently they are keeping everything.

October 11 - We snuck a few armor units and managed to liberate Poznan with no fight. Hindsight says we should have moved our entire armor force in, because the counterattack with 16 units was only hours away. Instead we had to see how long we could endure 16 units on 3. However the units arrived completely disordered and we broke them right away. I thought we were going to have to fight the minimum four hours of combat then limp home.

October 13 - On the opposite front of the war, France finally realized that there was almost nothing defending the German territory across from the Maginot line with so much force committed to taking Poland and they launched a massive invasion!

Just kidding.

On the opposite front of the war, we saw that Hamburg, the home base of the entire German Kreigsmarine, was left completely undefended.

No kidding.

October 14 - Both German fleets came out to fight and we were able to destroy all German subs. They are left with a handful of cruisers and some transports.

October 18 - The Hamburg Kreigsmarine Raid is over. Just as quickly as our troops arrived, they left and German troops moved in to recapture. The damage was already done to their navy.

We had a land battle with the Germans in the hilly province west of Krakow with a name we cannot pronounce. We sent them packing and probably did a lot o damage.

Technology continues to come in:
38UK Basic Signal Interception and Jamming Unit
39UK Jungle Warfare Equipment
40UK Amphibious Warfare Equipment
41UK Commando Warfare Equipment
42UK Advanced Decimetric Radar
43UK Improved Decimetric Radar Warning Sites
44UK Basic dm AAA Radar
45UK Modular Assembly Ship Construction

I forgot to answer the earlier question. IR is indeed Iraq! They get some diplomacy points and sometimes they obtain a technology and pass it up to us. A lot of the above list is just filling in excess production with tech projects instead of units. Maybe we should be building more air units.

We built 1 Spitfire and 1 Cruiser in October.

Force report - November 1, 1936
154 Land - 151 Infantry 1 Motor 1 Armor 1 Mountain
9 Navy - 3 Cruiser 6 Transport
34 Air - 15 Fighter 6 Tac 13 Dive Bombers
Our raid in Hamburg brought out their fleet to get mauled.
We did some hunting with our air force and took out about 9 air divisions. They seem to have a doomstack of 12 fighters in Hamburg and they run around with another doomstack of 12 bombers. That leaves 10 units we did not account for in those two stacks.

120 Land - 106 Infantry 4 Cavalry 4 Motor 2 Armor 4 Mountain
64 Navy - 10BB 18CR 18DD 1AC 15SS 12TT
9 Air - 4 Fighter 5 Tac
It looks like they lost a Battleship in that raid of Hamburg

68 Land - 52 Infantry 4 Cavalry 10 Motor 2 Mountain
2 Navy - 1 Destroyer 1 Submarine
5 Air - 4 Fighter 1 Tac
It looks like they lost another fighter unit

81 Land - 42 Infantry 21 Motor 9 Armor 9 Militia
141 Navy - 15BB 55CR 34DD 7AC 10SS 20TT
37 Air - 12 Fighter 3 Bomber 5 Tac 5 Dive 11 Torpedo
Our forces are still intact. We managed to not lose any navy, but we have a couple of Battleships, the Revenge and the Queen Elizabeth, in port for repairs. They got so badly damaged they might be out for the rest of the war.

Here is a picture of the political situation:

On the west, we would prefer to fight the Germans in a place where we might have a defensive advantage, such as a river. On open ground, the only advantage we might have is armor. In the east, it looks like the Germans are trying to sneak a path to Warsaw. We can try to trap them, but instead we are moving our motorized units to block. The 10 divisions approaching are currently in good order.

Most likely, time is favoring us. So we can afford to wait for opportunities to present themselves.
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We played two more months to get to January, 1940, but I am too tired to type up a full AAR. So once again here's a sneak preview of our situation on January 1, 1940. Poland is still up, but it looks like the Germans are getting a tighter grip.


We pushed westwards almost to Berlin, but the Germans have also made a push to get into striking distance from Warsaw. With our forces spit into two parts we might be overextended and we would do well to fix that. Our manpower is down to 452, so we are struggling a bit with the war effort. We seem to be making the Germans feel pain.

167 Land - 148 Infantry 1 Motor 1 Armor 1 Mountain 16 Militia
12 Navy - 3 Cruiser 2 Submarine 7 Transport
14 Air - 3 Tac 11 Dive
We have not seen their bomber stack in a while, but we had a lucky raid and managed to delete their fighter stack. Both the AI and I were too distracted in another front to notice when it happened, so I did not get a picture of it happening.

127 Land - 113 Infantry 4 Cavalry 4 Motor 2 Armor 4 Mountain
65 Navy - 10BB 19CR 8DD 1AC 15SS 12TT
9 Air - 4 Fighter 5 Tac

60 Land - 46 Infantry 2 Cavalry 10 Motor 2 Mountain
2 Navy - 1 Destroyer 1 Submarine
5 Air - 4 Fighter 1 Tac

84 Land - 45 Infantry 21 Motor 9 Armor 9 Militia
149 Navy - 15BB 55CR 34DD 7AC 10SS 28TT
37 Air - 12 Fighter 3 Bomber 5 Tac 6 Dive 11 Torpedo
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October 13 - On the opposite front of the war, France finally realized that there was almost nothing defending the German territory across from the Maginot line with so much force committed to taking Poland and they launched a massive invasion!

Just kidding.
I swar, you had me there! Little memory remaining helps to get tricked like that :D

I think Italy might still declare on Greece, though. As for no MR it's generally a boon i think? I mean, you are fighting in Poland so... No, i don't remember how it affects the game, whether USSR is likely to attack, when, what would happen to eastern Poland etc.

The raid on Hamburg is kind of cheesy though. AI is kind of limited in many aspects, though given your naval superiority it should not matter much.

And how did you won the air fight? I thought you were at a disadvantage in fighters?

You probably want to check whether Poland has enough resources or if you can gift it techs -especially ones that do not require upgrading...

All in all i guess the war will be over before christmas ;)
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I swar, you had me there! Little memory remaining helps to get tricked like that :D

I think Italy might still declare on Greece, though. As for no MR it's generally a boon i think? I mean, you are fighting in Poland so... No, i don't remember how it affects the game, whether USSR is likely to attack, when, what would happen to eastern Poland etc.

The raid on Hamburg is kind of cheesy though. AI is kind of limited in many aspects, though given your naval superiority it should not matter much.

And how did you won the air fight? I thought you were at a disadvantage in fighters?

You probably want to check whether Poland has enough resources or if you can gift it techs -especially ones that do not require upgrading...

All in all i guess the war will be over before christmas ;)

France - The thought always crossed my mind when watching that front. They have so many land units. When we evacuate Poland, we will move over to France and the Low Countries and shamelessly use their units to help shield ours.

Italy - Declaring on Greece might trigger a sphere of influence event and get us in a war with them. So far it looks like them joining the Axis is dependent on Poland falling.

Japan - I do not know when they join the war. It might be tied to France falling.

USSR and Finland - I do not know if the Winter War is tied to Poland falling and the MR Pact.

Hamburg Raid - Cheesy. I looked and saw no defenders.

Taking out the Fighters - See above for Hamburg Raid. Second time we raided, it was only defended by the fighters. This is also cheesy. Have you ever forgotten about an enemy stack moving towards a territory that only contains your bomber stack? Then you see an Enemy in Sight message and think no big deal - Then you wonder what happened to your bomber stack.

Poland - I actually checked the file and they are out of manpower and they are out of supplies and they are putting everything into supplies and this is a death spiral because this will increase their dissent and decrease their supply production. I wonder if our 75 land divisions and 22 air divisions are starving them.

It is also possible that they are out of rubber and steel and their IC has fallen apart. We can try setting up a massive convoy and shipping some resources over to them.

Another plan might be to actually invade Hamburg and try to force those divisions westward. Then we will have a supply depot we can manage ourselves. The way the map looks now, I am tempted to try to eliminate some divisions or at least cause more damage.

I should be able to post more tonight and maybe play out two more months.
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UK Campaign - November and December 1939

We had German divisions all over the west and south of Poland. It looks like we were chipping away at their air force.

We found some smaller stack of aircraft to attack and hound. We could send one group to attack it. They had 0 organization so it was over in two hours with a little bit of damage. We had another squadron 2 territories away to go attack that same spot. It's also cheesy and seems effective. Meanwhile right next door in Berlin they had their doomstack of 12 bombers that could have put an end to it. Also in the picture we can see that the doomstack of 12 fighters is sitting in Hamburg waiting for a carrier full of swordfish.

November 6 - Germany captured the hilly province of Czestochewbacca as our motorized divisions could not arrive in time. They showed up the next day to recapture. Then they had to go back east because the flood of divisions is difficult to control.

November 12 - We sacked Hamburg and that deleted those 12 fighter divisions. We were distracted by an intense land battle that ended about the same time. November 15 the same 3 engineer divisions raided Kiel and the next day evacuated. It took them a couple more days, November 18 to recapture both cities, but the damage was already done.

November 24 - Landsberg does not sound very Polish, but we captured it. Should we call it Landberski? We also captured Stettin and that gives us another territory we can not only defend with a river, but with battleships for some reason.

Technology continues to trickle in:
46UK Basic LR Fighter Prototype Test
47UK Resonance Magnetron Device
48UK Improved Light Tank Prototype Test
49CA Improved Artillery Pieces
50UK Advanced dm Naval AA Radar
51UK Telemetrics Station
52UK Joystick Wire Guidance
We ran out of projects, so started down the Rocketry / Nuclear chain

3 Infantry-Engineer Divisions
8 Transports

We had quite a few brutal victories, but based on the earlier political map it looks like the flood of divisions is still coming and we have to choose more where we can fight. This is a rather brief summary and I am anxious to play again!
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Oh, definitely send them stuff, including suppliess. Pity they are out of manpower.

Also, Czestochewbacca, lol :D

I think Landsberg would be Gorzów? Stettin > Szczecin is the best, i guess.
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UK Campaign - January 1940 - The Wet Paper Bag Trap

This is fresh in mind and almost live. I just saw your last message roll in! :D

This month felt like we could not fight our way out of of paper bag. We started by sending our armor to Oppelin to arrive in 7 days. The Engineer units we sent across the river to Sandomierez got jumped by 10 infantry divisions which was not a big deal, but it delayed their crossing of the river. In spite of the engineer divisions we could not score hits. We might have done well to use the engineer leader as originally intended.

So the units we intended to trap in Lublin were allowed to escape. This has been the story of the month. We could not close our traps. They could.

The 9 armor we sent to Oppelin could not win, either and we do not know why. It looked like a very easy fight.

January 12 Lublin - Finally we scored a victory by sending 15 Infantry against 2 defenders. A few days later January 16 we scored another couple easy victories and drove them out of Czestochewbacca. However, once again we were unable to trap any divisions. January 19 our 15 infantry divisions advanced to Sandommierz but could not win, so we retreated to Lublin.

January 21 - We realized just in time that the Germans are closing their Wet Paper Bag Trap. Can we fight our way out of this one?

Well I did not take a Mulligan Month, so it follows we were able to fight our way out of a paper bag that got wet in a snowstorm. We were able to follow up on this victory by retaking Bydgoszcz. However the Germans showed up in force in Landsbergski with 50 Divisions against our 34. We put in our minimum 4 hours work and left the 2 Polish divisions to their fate. There are better days to fight.

Finally, on the other side of the pond and across the bigger pond, the USA delivered yet another ahistorical decision for the game!

1UK Advanced Synthetic Materials
2UK Advanced Radar Warning Sites
3UK Improved Engine
4UK Improved Suspension
5UK Improved Gear
6UK Improved Weaponry and Detection (Sub tech level)
7UK Airborne Warfare (Bomber Tech)
8UK Improved ASW and Convoy Escorts (Naval Tech)
10UK Advanced Electromechanical Decryption Device (Necessary for next level computers)

8 more Transports bringing us to 36
We can evacuate 72/75 of our divisions in Poland in 2 trips.
1 Spitfire bringing our total to 13.
We should send them over to bolster our force.
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Today I learned I can fly Fighter missions from an Aircraft Carrier. For some reason I thought I was restricted to Torpedo planes. This means I can fly carrier missions. (even in crap weather)

I also did not know I could pull this off!

This makes moving air units in and out of Eastern Europe trivial!

Who needs long-range escort aircraft when we have an all-weather carrier fleet?!
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UK Campaign - March 4, 1940

According to my notes, this started slow and then suddenly got interesting. Early in the month we took out a couple of fighter divisions the Germans built in Berlin, then got jumped by their bomber mafia.

February 7 we won a quick victory in Ponzan and then turned back. February 13 the Germans attacked in Stettin with 33 divisions against 13. We decided it was not worth it and let it go.

February 9 to 15 we initiated a raid in Hamburg and got as far as Wilhelmshaven and even Munster for a short while. Perhaps this is serving as a distraction as German troops appear to be moving in both directions.
Sacking the port of Wilhelmshaven allowed us another attack on the German fleet. They were down to 3CR 1DD 1SS and 7TT.

February 19 we counterattacked Sandomierez and this time won. February 20 we also won a brutal victory in Poznan.

The next day, we could not believe it!

We have no idea how this came about. I am guessing Japan joined the Axis and it did not show up in our messages for some reason. Maybe one of our allies invited them to the Alliance. This puts us at war with Japan now and we have some decisions to make.

RIP Hong Kong Submarine - It was lost in a flood of messages and we did not know it was under attack. We wanted to see what kind of Japanese fleet was nearby threatening our outpost. We lost that information in the messages, so we sent the Singapore Submarine.

RIP Singapore Submarine - We sent them looking for the fleet that killed the Hong Kong Submarine. It was about 34 Japanese Destroyers and Transports. Either they are reinforcing mainland China or they will soon be in Hong Kong.

RIP Australia and New Zealand Convoy - We cut it off after losing 7 Transports and have no way of protecting it. It is most likely a submarine and we would do well to send our old Destroyers hunting. We also lost 4 more transports to the last remaining German sub which we were able to sink later.

Meanwhile we are mustering whatever undamaged ships we can spare. This is actually 7 or our 15 Battleships and 15 of our 17 improved cruisers. The destroyers we will keep nearby, but we might do well to move them over towards India and Singapore. The Submarines can all move. We have a tough decision with the Carrier fleet, because we still have our bombers in Poland. Maybe we evacuate them to our little beachhead.

This leaves us with our fleet of Basic Cruisers and our damaged ships in charge of the island defense.

Here is our political situation across Germany:

Well we have had that beachhead for close to a month now and maybe finally a serious attempt to dislodge it.

11UK Fluid Catalytic Cracking Plants
12UK Basic Escort Fighters

198 Land - 169 Infantry 3 Motor 1 Armor 1 Mountain 24 Militia
9 Navy - 3 Cruisers 1 Destroyer 5 Transport
14 Air - 3 Tac 11 Dive

96 Land - 77 Infantry 8 Cavalry 4 Motor 5 Marine 2 Militia
148 Navy - 10BB 41CR 20DD 5AC 10SS 62TT
44 Air - 16 Fighter 5 Tac 10 Dive 12 Naval 1 Torpedo
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UK Campaign - April 1, 1940 - A War with Multiple Fronts

Sometimes I worry that frequent saves and loads messes with the AI and its plans. From early EU I remember that troop positions were set to their listed positions and nothing was recorded of their movement and ETA. A load was kind of like starting the scenario from that exact position and it took the AI an entire day to decide a plan for each unit. Combat also appeared to get reset.

It looks like the AI decides once per day on midnight what to do with each unit. That is usually when I see units begin to move or suddenly decide their objective is no longer winnable and they either stop marching or move somewhere else. They do appear to be pretty good at setting up a coordinated attack on a location and making units show up exactly at dawn on a bright sunny day.

However, then the action is intense like it was in the last session, it takes me a very long time to play out just a few days. So this session was 27 days. Maybe it works out almost even, because I have an entire day to think of a plan and suddenly my plans change, as can be seen in the text below.

March 4 - We took an inventory of our current situation and what we can do. This war has at least 3 fronts, depending on how we count them.
Poland is one or two fronts. There is a border with Germany and we have about 12 motor and 9 armor divisions there.
There is a South Poland front. We have 9 motor and 15 infantry divisions in Krakow.
Then there is the Hamburglar Front, where we have 30 Infantry divisions trying to cause some kind of distraction and steal some kind of victory.
Finally we have the Japanese Front, where suddenly (I am guessing) Japan joined in an alliance with Germany and that put us as war with Japan and that made it convenient for Nationalist China to join our alliance.
The Germans have a big advantage in divisions and technology. The Japanese have a big pond to play in. We will be making some decisions right here and moving some forces around. We might even be losing some outposts, depending how fast we move and how much faster the Japanese move.

Land Divisions:
Since we listed the locations of 75 out of 75 land divisions, it is simplest to give a plan for each:
Crack Cow Command will remain in Poland to defend territories as well as they can.
The 12 Motor and 9 Armor will move over to the Hamburger Command to try making something happen. I know making something happen is not exactly a plan. From the picture in the previous post above, we can see the Germans are sending about 29 divisions to dislodge Hamburger Command. As for Hamburger Command itself, they have to brace for impact and wait for reinforcements.

Air Divisions:
Our Spitfire Squadrons were resting in England and we will send them over to help Hamburger Command. There is only so much we can do against a 12-stack of bombers, but we will put up some distraction.
Our Bomber Squadrons will also move over there, using the Carriers as a floating base in between. Based on this, it appears we are abandoning Crack Cow Command. However, we will try to keep our Bombers close to where the biggest action will be.
Our Torpedo Bombers will make a long journey to French Indo-China and Singapore, making stops in France, French Algeria, Malta, Egypt, Jerusalem, Iraq, and all across India. It took us a few days but we got there. Then we rested up where it appeared we had some safety. We stopped short of Hong Kong because our foresight said we were going to lose it. We want to be able to find ships before we commit to an air base in an undefended territory.

Naval Divisions:
We have 21 outdated destroyers. We sent 9 of them in squadrons of 3 back to our home island, just in case they were needed for sub hunting. 6 of them remained in the Mediterranean. Finally the last 6 joined Singapore Command in an effort to patrol the waters between Singapore and Australia so that one day we might be able to reopen a supply convoy.
Some of our 13 basic destroyers were damaged in recent fighting with the Germans, so we sent them to port for repairs. The undamaged destroyers we sent towards Singapore. We have 17 basic cruisers and they are staying with the home island defense. 5 of them are with our carrier task force and the other 12 are monitoring the German coast. Our 21 outdated cruisers are in 7 groups of 3 in various bases in Bermuda, Freetown Africa, Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Ceylon, and Singapore.
Two of our 17 modern cruisers are damaged and went to port for repairs. The other 15 moved to join Singapore Command, where we will try to provide some united line of defense against the Japanese.
Our Battleships are coming back to the German coast. It appears their job is to provide fire support. We have 15 of them and it appears they give a 30 point penalty in a coastal province, which seems to make absolutely no sense. It should either reduce a naval invasion penalty or provide a penalty in a naval invasion.

March 7 was when Hamburger Command came under attack. We seemed to have a small edge at the start of the battle and a massive edge when our reinforcements arrived. We attempted a counterattack across the river, but that failed. One of the best naval powers the world has seen is struggling to cross a river.

March 11 the Japanese capture Hong Kong. Hindsight says we were wise to keep our torpedo planes recovering in French Indochina. Crack Cow Command came under attack in Bydgoczazy, but were able to drive them off a couple days later.

March 14 The Japanese started their invasion of the Malayan Peninsula. They have decided to focus their naval and amphibious attacks on us. It will not be that much longer before they reach Singapore. At least this tells us where we can find some of our ships - and find them we did! It looks like we were dealing with a stack of 34 ships including a bunch of transports. Our 15 cruisers were already there, but we decided to leave the battle early in an effort to save the HMS Cornwall to fight another day.

March 15 we captured Hannover, but we were just not winning in Lubeck. We had another naval engagement with that Japanese superstack and left to save the HMS Suffolk at 15%. March 16 we captured Munster and wasted a Stuka, leaving the Germans with their superstack of 3 tac and 9 dive bombers.

March 20 marked a long bloody battle with Crack Cow Command defending Lodz. This battle lasted 4 days, but appeared to be a very solid and bloody victory.

March 23 we captured Rostock. We chanced upon the territory with our armor while it was completely undefended. This finally gives us a chance to encircle some divisions. Crack Cow Command came under attack again in Radom March 26 and Warsaw in March 27 and was victorious everywhere. Hamburger Command came under attack in Hannover and we bloodied them as well. Finally, our counterattack encircled the enemy in Kiel and we were able to eliminate 21 divisions.

Capture Kiel drove out the remnants of the Kreigsmarine and we were able to completely eliminate it. Our torpedo planes and cruisers seemed to do a lot of damage to the Japanese fleet. We sent 3 divisions towards Singapore in an effort to save it. They are in Egypt now and if they cannot make it in time, then we will need a different island base.

13UK Improved Rocket Design
14UK Basic Centimetric Radar
15UK Improved Optical Sights
16UK Vehicle Radio Intercomm

Current Forces:

180 Land - 153 Infantry 5 Motor 1 Armor 1 Mountain 20 Militia
No Navy
12 Air - 3 Tac 9 Dive (and will check if we have 12 air or 12 dive later)

82 Land - 67 Infantry 8 Cavalry 4 Motor 1 Marine 2 Militia
98 Navy - 8 Battleship 36 Cruiser 8 Destroyer 4 Carrier 9 Submarine 33 Transport
43 Air - 16 Fighter 5 Tac 10 Dive 12 Naval

46 Land - 35 Infantry 2 Cavalry 5 Motor 2 Mountain 2 Militia
2 Naval - 1 Destroyer 1 Submarine
5 Air - 4 Fighter 1 Tac

84 Land - 45 Infantry 21 Motor 9 Armor 9 Militia
159 Naval - 15 Battleship 55 Cruiser 34 Destroyer 7 Carrier 8 Submarine 40 Transport
38 Air - 13 Fighter 3 Bomber 5 Tac 6 Dive 11 Torpedo

Poland is compressing and feeling the pressure, especially after opening and expanding the Hamburger Front.

Edit: Added Pictures.
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UK Campaign - May 13, 1940 - Singapore Falls Undefended. Poland Falls. UK Strategically Withdraws from Germany.

April 2 – USSR annexed Lithuania. We are not sure if the Finnish Summer War will start. There was no MR pact and we will see the consequences sometime soon.
April 9 – We sank the Japanese Agaki and Ryujo.
April 11 – We advanced into Madgeburg.
April 12 – Singapore falls to the Japanese, then Ipon a few days later. The entire Malayan Peninsula has been captured. Ippon for the Japanese.
April 17 – Warsaw falls to the Germans.

We took a mulligan on April 19, because we were not sure how naval invasions work, especially against a coastal fortress such as Singapore. It turned out to be pretty hopeless with 3 divisions trying to take out 1. We were not getting any hits in and we will just have to come in later with Marines. We later learned that we can just retreat back to our transports and for some reason I thought a naval invasion was success or death. So the decisions we changed was moving the transports and some of the fleet to Hanoi and not sticking around in Hannover to fight the Germans.

April 20 – The Germans attacked us in Hannover in force and we decided no leave the battle and fight again another day when the odds were better.
April 22 – The odds were better defending Torun in Poland. We decisively defeated the Germans there.
April 24 – We captured Taiwan and liberated it for the Chinese. Rostock fell undefended to the Germans.
April 26 – After losing many transports and escorts in the Indian Ocean, Yamamoto and about 20 capital ships showed up west of the Malayan Peninsula and caught our cruiser fleet by surprise.
RIP HMS London
RIP HMS Manchester

We also learned the hard way that our Submarines are not completely immune to capital ships, just resistant. We have some submarines operational, but our fleet got mauled a bit.

April 28 – Where did the Italians come from? Suddenly we started losing transports to the Italians. We will have to check our message settings. It looks like for some reason the game tells us nothing when a country joins an alliance and we probably found out a day or two later. They are already advancing on undefended Egypt.
This changes quite a few of our defense plans. We have to move our navy back to clear out the Mediterranean. We also have to deal with the Italians in Africa. This affects the already limited number of divisions we have in Europe.

Since we prefer to fight with another nation to help us, (We simply do not have the manpower to fight the Germans who have a nearly 3 to 1 numerical advantage and a technology advantage in addition.)

So we completely evacuated Germany. We did not see ourselves getting favorable fights and then escaping. The Germans quickly recaptured Halle, Hannover, Lubeck and Kiel. I believe we have just a few port cities remaining.

Our Torpedo planes took a long trip back to Malta to cause chaos over there.

May 3 – Italians capture Sidi Barrani, our western outpost in Egypt.
We fought them a little bit off the coast of Egypt with our outdated ships and send the HMS Cairo (at 0 strength) in for repairs. We were finally able to drive them away when our modern cruiser fleet showed up.

May 11 – Germany annexed Poland.

Transport versus Transport war:
We lost 59 transports and 8 escorts to the Japanese in the Indian Ocean.
We lost 15 transports to the Italians off the coast of Egypt.
We destroyed 22 Italian transports and 10 escorts near that pesky island of Malta.

17UK Long Range Radio Communication
18UK Basic Submarine Sonar
19UK Gliders
20UK Improved Half-Track Troop Carrier
21UK Improved Carrier Hull
22UK Improved Carrier Propulsion
23UK Central Processing Unit
24UK ISO Octane and Alkylene Process
25AU Advanced Infantry Weapons
26UK Improved Battleship Propulsion


We evacuated Poland and Germany and moved our divisions behind the Low Countries. Our Armor is two days from Alexandria, along with our Tac Bombers. So our counterattack will start soon. A lot of our feet is now in the Mediterranean and we seem to be more in control of it.

We should move some of our fighters to the Africa Theater. We should also have a bigger army in Africa, but that will compromise our defenses in Europe. We need a plan to deal with Italy.

We have no plan to deal with the Japanese. We have an island base near Malaya with our damaged ships we will evacuate and pull back to Ceylon.

Pictures will be added later.

We do not have a detailed report on the strength of forces.
Germany 205 Land, 7 Navy, 13 Air. Either they keep managing to build units or their allies are giving them units.
France 141 Land, 52 Navy, 15 Air. This is part of our reason we evacuated Germany. We take fewer casualties if we share them with other countries. :p
Japan 71 Land, 78 Navy, 43 Air. Maybe we slowed them down in the short bit of time we had.
I forgot to grab information about Italy. We are not certain how long it will take to deal with them.
UK 83 Land, 158 Navy, 39 Air. We have some militia being strategically redeployed and just finished building 3 Marine units.
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UK Campaign - June 2, 1940 - On Mistakes and Mulligans

My first mulligan in this game was taken on April 19, 1940. I took a save game to see what happens when my invasion hits Singapore. I did not like the result, so I loaded the save and learned that I could have just retreated back to my ships and that is good to know. When I did the reload, I changed a decision about a battle in Hannover, where I decided that it was just not worth fighting to wait a couple of days for reinforcements.

I might try to imagine what I might say if I was playing live and taking a mulligan. In this case, a few days in my squadron of 6 Spitfires intercepted the German doomstack of 12 Bombers and spotted a lone Stuka in a nearby province. So we went after that, but found ourselves facing the doomstack on top of it. I do not know if this was a bug or a feature, but my Spitfires went from a little over 500 to gone in a couple of hours. I was not putting up with this, but if I was live streaming, I might......

Me: Welcome back everybody! Sorry about that incident. My cat jumped up and said hello and when I realized he was standing on the power button, it was too late. We will have to reload the last save.
Second last subscriber: You don't have a cat. /unsubscribe
Last subscriber: I thought I saw a putty cat!

We also learned we could reroute convoys around danger zones. More specifically we started taking resources off of Port Blair and just moved them to Calcutta where they could be railed across India to a much safer route. Similarly we used a safer route to evacuate our wounded ships from Port Blair to Sri Lanka - not that it made a difference. We also cleared out Hamburg, because we knew it was going quickly. Sure enough, Hamburg and Wilhelmshaven fell on May 14 and May 15 respectively.

Speaking of mistakes, it was probably a mistake to move so far into Japanese sea space, because we now have 3 Infantry Divisions and 17 Squadrons deep in Japanese territory. We decided to try to evacuate them as well. They got busted as soon as we had our Transports and damaged destroyers out.
RIP 16th Destroyer

May 18 - Our Armor safely arrived in Egypt and started retaking territory. The Italians sent in 6 Fighter squadrons to defend against constant bomber raids, just in time to be run over by our tanks. 6 Fighter squadrons gone, the same number we lost before the great mulligan. This might be the AI pointing out the obviousness of our double standard.


May 21 - Yugoslavia left the Axis and joined the Allies! I do not know what happened. Itmeans there is yet another front in this war. Does this also mean they are bringing German tech?

This post is to be continued....... (back in a bit)
May 21 throught June 2 - The tanks shown above blitzed through Sidi Barrani and Bardiyah and Bir El Hakim and are making a move to trap some Italian divisions in Libya. We landed some 21 divisions into Bardiyah to help close the circle. Time will tell if this encirclement works. We have 2 Italian divisions trapped behind lines we are using to train our bomber squadrons.

In the Far East, trying to sneak our small fleet towards friendlier waters, we discovered Singapore and the Malayan Peninsula have been completely evacuated and we got greedy and attempted to recapture Singapore. We believe the divisions got moved to capture French Indochina. We ended up getting busted by a couple of small Japanese Battleship fleets, but our invasion force survived - at some cost:
RIP 13th Destroyer
RIP 12th Destroyer
RIP 6th Destroyer
We are down 4 out of our 14 basic Destroyer Flotillas and we have not been building replacements and this means we are leaning more on our 21 outdated flotillas that we really should have sent to escort duty. We should decide whether to start building replacements or count the time remaining to start getting improved destroyers.

Meanwhile, the Aussies captured Kota Baharu for us and lent us their Cavalry Division. On June 1, we recaptured Singapore.

June 2 - Our Marines started to grab Ethiopia in Asmara. However, they will return to the Mediterranean for more work and leave the rest of this to the local militia.

27UK - Chain Reaction Process - We could have built all 6 of that air and then some, but we started the nuke chain.
28UK - IFF Radar Frequency Technology

Transport War:
Italy - We destroyed 201 Transports and 24 Escorts
Japan - We destroyed 35 Transports
UK - We lost 3 Transports to the Italians

212 Land - 156 Infantry 18 Motor 2 Armor 1 Mountain 35 Militia
5 Navy - 3 Sub 2 Transport
13 Air - 3 Tac 10 Dive

89 Land - 64 Infantry 4 Cavalry 5 Motor 2 Armor 7 Mountain 7 Militia
60 Navy - 4BB 18CR 11DD 16SS 11TT
9 Air - 2 Fighter 3 Tac 3 Naval 1 Transport

76 Land - 59 Infantry 8 Cavalry 4 Motor 2 Marine 1 Mountain 2 Militia
74 Navy - 6BB 17CR 5DD 2AC 10SS 34TT
43 Air - 17 Fighter 5 Tac 10 Dive 11 Naval

Our main plan so far is to kick Italy out of Africa.
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UK Campaign - July 3, 1940 - Reclaiming Malaysia

June 3 we captured Aujila and closed the trap on some Italian divisions. Over by Singapore we continue to battle the Japanese fleets, but at cost. We reacaptured Ipoh and reclaimed the entire Malayan Peninsula.
RIP HMS Gloucester
RIP 1st Destroyer

Defending Singapore and Malaysia we have what's left of those 17 squadrons and it's not much. 2/3 transports, 5/10 destroyers, 2/3 cruisers, and an old submarine squadron. There are some more ships in Port Blair nearby being repaired and our aircraft carrier is on its way. We will be much more secure when we have all the torpedo planes.

June 12 the Japanese snuck back into Kota Baharu with a single division, but we were able to crush it by July 2.
We are finally closing the trap on the Italians in Libya. We destroyed them June 14 and by June 25 we continued our cross country drive westward.


June 24 the war continues to explode. Germany DoW on Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
So far, they have annexed Luxembourg on July 2.

29UK Basic Centimetric Radar Warning Sites
30UK Improved Centimetric Radar
31UK Combined Arms Warfare Doctrine
32UK Basic Centimetric Naval Radar Navigation
33UK Basic Centimetric Naval Artillery Radar
34UK Basic Centimetric Naval AA Radar
35UK Airborne Glider Training

War on Transports:
We took out a single Japanese Transport - We are not very active in their oceans yet.
We sunk 58 Italian transports and 3 escorts - We are really grinding down their navy.
We lost 17 transports and 3 escorts to a German submarine we had so much trouble finding.

Forces Report:
227 Land - 161 Infantry 22 Motor 4 Armor 1 Mountain 39 Militia
4 Navy - 2 Submarines 2 Transports
12 Air - 3 Tactical 9 Dive

63 Land - 45 Infantry 3 Cavalry 4 Motor 1 Armor 5 Mountain 5 Militia
26 Navy - 1BB 4CR 4DD 16SS 1TT
9 Air - 2 Fighter 3 Tac 3 Naval 1 Transport

83 Land - 65 Infantry 8 Cavalry 5 Motor 2 Marine 1 Mountain 2 Militia
66 Navy - 5BB 13CR 3DD 2AC 10SS 33TT
44 Air - 18 Fighter 5 Tac 10 Dive 11 Navy

If I counted correctly, we lost 5 of our best destroyer squadrons and we finally broke down to build some more of them. They are relatively cheap to build. We also stepped up slightly on our Spitfire production. We probably should be building a lot more. Their progress in the low countries will be a lot slower with fewer planes and a lot fewer tanks.

We do not yet have a plan to save the Yugoslavia front.
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Awesome to see this! The HOI3 thread contains the earlier HOI games, so I noticed an HOI1 AAR having the latest update and jumped on it

HOI1 actually seems pretty advanced in graphics and operations still. I remember HOI2 was an improvement but I cannot remember why specifically. HOI3 was a quantum leap in scope and a bunch of things. I have not played HOI4 so can't compare.

I remember finding HOI1 in a game store and thinking every other game on the shelf was simply an improvement (if that) on games that had come before, whereas HOI1 was THE game I'd been waiting my while life for.

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@Riel Hamard so what is your story? You recently registered, but it sounds like you have played HOI games in the past.

What are you playing it on? Most of my old games can't even be played on my latest computer.

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@Riel Hamard so what is your story? You recently registered, but it sounds like you have played HOI games in the past.

What are you playing it on? Most of my old games can't even be played on my latest computer.


What is my story with Paradox leading up to HoI? I was in a game store in California back around 2003. Civilization 3 was out. I also saw Europa Universalis 2 and that looked interesting. I never got into Civilization 3 because it was early in the expansion cycle and EU2 was so fascinating. I never did finish a game and I do not think I ever got from the 15th Century into the 16th Century.

One of my gaming friends asked me if I played Hearts of Iron. So I got into the original HoI that way. I played a bit of HoI2. I might have finished one or two games.

I have a 4yo laptop I'm playing on. A few weeks ago, I spilled my beer on the keyboard and sometimes the f key does not work. So if you see typos, then that's what happened. I got HoI1 and HoI2 and EU2 on GoG and they optimized the game to work on a Windows 10 machine and probably Windows 11. It does not appear to be on sale this week. It was two weeks ago. I see a steam sale including HoI2 but did not find HoI1 in that list.
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I probably couldn't get myself to play anything but HOI3 at this point. I wrote the manual, strategy guide and a supplement and I'm still convinced THAT was the game I'd been waiting my whole life for.

But I'm playing EU IV currently, v and really enjoying it.

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I probably couldn't get myself to play anything but HOI3 at this point. I wrote the manual, strategy guide and a supplement and I'm still convinced THAT was the game I'd been waiting my whole life for.

But I'm playing EU IV currently, v and really enjoying it.


Wait. You wrote..... what?

The manual, strategy guide, and supplement for HoI3? I have a copy of the manual in my basement.
UK Campaign - July 23, 1940 - Sicily

July 11 - We kicked Italy out of Libya. We cannot say we kicked them out of Africa, because we still have to win in Ethiopia - and maybe technically Sicily is a part of the African continent.

We used our 24 surplus divisions to slow the German advance into Yugoslavia, but changed our minds and took out Sicily. We captured Siracusa and Messina July 21.

We used our armor to slow down the German advance into Yugoslavia again, but decided again to gto when we counted about 40 divisions.

In other news, Tedder became our very first leader with a skill level of 6!

This is a very short session, but we still got some technology.

36UK Improved Medium Tank Prototype Tests
37UK Memory Storage
38UK Gyroscope Autopilot
39UK Miniature Steam Engine
40UK Liquid Rocket Fuel
41AU Improved Fighter Engines

We were putting off the Improved Fighter Engines, because it will still be another year until we can do something with that technology. It is always nice to get it for free. For the tanks, we will build the improved 70mm medium tank.

Quick forces summary:
Germany 224 Land 1 Naval 13 Air
Maybe the French have been taking out German naval units more efficiently than we have.
Italy 51 Land 22 Naval 9 Air
Their air is all in Ethiopia. If they do not move them, then they will all disappear. It is also possible that they have nowhere to move.
Japan 83 Land 60 Naval 44 Air
We appear to be effectively defended at Singapore. Somewhere there is a stack of 18 Capital warships. They have a lot of air to use against China, but I have not noticed much change in the land war.

Also. Never start a land war in Asia.
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