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For the Glory lead
10 Badges
Jun 30, 2004
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Divine Wind
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • For The Glory
  • Heir to the Throne
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Victoria 2
  • 500k Club
Welcome to the final preview for For the Glory 1.3. Today we finally get to talk about all the new stuff you'll get to play with.

One of my guiding principles for FTG has been that if something annoys me, it annoys everyone. So I've spent quite a lot of time this patch cycle fixing interface annoyances and implementing things that seem small but make a big difference. For example, what is the difference between land tech 1 and land tech 2? There's no indication anywhere. Or at least there wasn't; now, the army and navy overview screens include the actual values of fire/shock/morale for each unit type, and tooltips in the budget screen display exactly what will be different at the next level.

Or why is it so hard to figure out where your opponent's last controlled province is hiding? There should be an indication somewhere - like maybe in the warscore tooltip in the peace screen. Things like that.

I also like maps. There are no less than 7 new mapmodes in 1.3. Five of them are accessible from the mapmode strip on the sidebar and two appear elsewhere.

The five on the sidebar are, left to right:
  • Fortresses:
  • Population:
  • Manpower: very similar to population, so I won't show another screenshot
  • Army supply:
  • Geography (color-coded areas/regions/continents): not really for looking at; mostly for modding and to keep track of regions where your ships are auto-hunting pirates--but more on that in a minute

You'll also see the buildings mapmode at the building confirmation screen, as shown in last Saturday's announcement thread. It color-codes provinces based on whether or not they have the type of building that is being built.

And finally, the new peace mapmode, stolen straight out of Divine Wind's playbook:

We also stole rebel and pirate hunting from EU3, plus a nice enhancement for those of us who colonize a lot:

Here is the full, ungroomed list of interface changes, plus all new features and bugfixes:
== Bugfixes ==
- Fixed occasional crash on mouseover of notifiers.
- Fixed occasional crash when two or more merchants are sent to the same COT at once.
- Added missing French translations for events 3718, 3733, 3720, 3725, 3785
- AI should no longer get stuck attempting to annex when force-annexation is turned off.
- Fixed minor bug in colonist chance formula.
- Fixed bug when a country's technology is defined in the scenario as something outside that tech's range.
- Fixed the backwards logic of the treasury trigger.
- Removed a duplicate natives entry in geography.txt.
- Province income, mine, and manpower levels can no longer be set below 0 by event.
- Fixed bug with name of the last technology level.
- The diplomacy window should now show the correct tooltip when attempting to embargo before reaching the needed tech level.
- The diplomacy window should now show the correct tooltip when attempting to ban an alliance member during a war.
- Province weather calculations now use a true random number generator, not a fake one that made certain provinces more likely to have winter.
- Fixed crash when religions are defined with empty CB, restricts, or enemy lists.
- The endgame screen no longer shows bogus countries when fewer than 8 exist.
- Removed some hardcoded province IDs from exploration AI.
- Moving colonists are no longer visible in terra incognita or fog of war.
- Fixed bug allowing a rebel-held province which was not on a border or a coast to defect to another country.
- The save game parser will now attempt to recover if a bad province definition is encountered rather than just crashing.
- Corrected the tooltip on province trade income when pirates are affecting it.
- Super-long strings in database files will now be truncated rather than crashing the game on startup.
- Having too few random events no longer causes a hang on startup.
- Fixed colonist wagon/ship sprites when fog of war is on.
- Fixed "annex" command to properly gain badboy and nationalism.
- Fixed a rounding error for unit attrition display.
- The game now properly switches logging directories when switching mods.
- The game now gives a warning when it cannot write to a file instead of simply crashing.
- Removed annoying flicker of the province demand/offer list in the peace interface.
- Fleets that are patrolling and enter combat now resume patrolling if they win the battle.
- Leaders that appear within a few days after a scenario starts should now be announced by messages (no more stealth Napoleon).
- Fixed bug in sea zone pirates listing.
- Fixed bug when monarchs get multiple stat changes by event ending at different times.
- Rebels will no longer keep besieging a province even when another rebellion has taken the fortress.
- Fixed a crash when alt_provincereligion targets an unowned province.
- Fixed a crash when a trigger "isoverlord = no" evaluated as false.

== Change/New Feature ==
- Doubled the colonial attempts penalty in the colonist chance formula.
- The messages for stability dropping or increasing should now be shown by default.
- Sieges of colonies now require only half as many troops, to match the half-sized fortresses.
- It is now possible to discover lakes when discovering an adjacent land province.
- It is no longer possible to attack natives while in another nation's colony.
- There can now only be one retreat phase after a battle, so maneuver 5 generals with lots of cavalry are no longer guaranteed a wipeout.
- There is now an automatic revolt check when reaching -3 stability.
- Changing domestic policy now gives a significant chance of revolt.
- It is no longer possible to change domestic policy while at -3 stability.
- Increased snow chances in ncontin climate (mostly Europe). Nov and Mar now have a 5% chance and Jan, Dec, and Feb were roughly doubled.
- Drastically increased the technology ahead-of-time penalty if 20+ years ahead.
- Force-converted countries now cannot change religion for five years past the end of the truce (moddable via _FORCECONVERT_MINMONTHS_).
- Vassals can no longer make a separate peace while their overlord is still at war.
- Revolters can no longer declare independence from single-province minors.
- Rebel-held provinces can now defect even while under siege if they have been held for _PROV_MIN_DEFECT_MONTHS_ + _COUNTRY_MINREVOLTER_MONTHS_.
- When a merchant is competed away from a center of trade, there is now a very small chance of his learning about a new province from the competing merchant.
- Provinces now favor same-culture COTs a little more.
- It now takes half the normal force to besiege or cover forts in colonial cities (which have half the normal number of defenders).
- Vassals can no longer be elected emperor.
- Removed 1% minimum attrition when armies are traveling in home provinces.
- Increased population growth penalties for bad climates and made them apply even to provinces on the same continent as their capital.
- To compensate, added a small boost for population growth from production efficiency.
- Rebels now assault less often but can now assault even on hard and normal difficulty.
- Doubled neighbor bonus for infra and trade technology, or more specifically, for any tech that has fewer than 20 levels in total.
- Removed the automatic neighbor bonus from having a large number of countries in the tech group even if none was far ahead in tech.
- Raised the cap for vassal tech bonus from 2% from 10%, but removed it entirely when centralization is positive.
- Eliminated the country size cap on tech cost. Conquering several continents is no longer a guarantee of having relatively cheap tech.
- Armies with 2x more cavalry than infantry now get a -1 penalty to die rolls. Cavalry-only armies get a further -1. These modifiers do stack with the cavalry bonus, so it evens out in plains.
- It is no longer possible to release vassals while at war.
- Implemented personal unions. Unions are formed by monarch definitions only and not by events.
- Tweaked tech costs to be slightly less expensive in the early game and more expensive in the late game.
- Added "auto-hunt rebels" button for armies.
- It is no longer possible to hire privateers in a sea zone that already has any ships.
- Land attrition is now calculated and displayed as a decimal instead of an integer.
- To assist searching within save files, country names (localized) are now listed at the start of each country block.
- It is now possible to use defines within localization files if placed within angle brackets; e.g. "Time: <BUILD_FORTRESS_MONTHS> months" will display as "Time: 12 months" in game.
- It is no longer possible to abuse military access to incite native attacks.
- Empty scenario files will no longer be shown in the scenario list.
- Randomly generated monarchs are no longer eligible to become emperor.
- It is no longer possible to diplomatically vassalize or annex countries of equal size.
- Extending a bank loan that has come due now only affects the interest rate on that loan, not other outstanding loans.
- A standing fleet is now much more likely to intercept a fleet that is patrolling.
- Countries marked as no_dynastic in religions_special.txt can no longer be elected emperor.
- An election is now automatically held if the emperor is annexed, assuming there are electors.
- Rebel morale now depends somewhat on the revolt risk in the province.
- Colonists now take sensible routes to their destinations and take a bit longer in general.
- Increased land tech neighbor bonus to work the same as naval.
- A country's provinces are now much less likely to trade in COTs where they are embargoing the COT's owner.
- Tweaked warscore values for provinces of very small countries.
- Military alliances are no longer prevented from expiring if one of the members is fighting a solo war.
- Missionaries are now automatically cancelled if the country or the province converts during its course.
- Rebel-held provinces are now also subject to the normal monthly rebellion check.
- It now requires fewer attackers to maintain a siege when there is already a breach.
- War exhaustion now takes longer to recover during peacetime.
- Reduced trading post success chances across the board and made them dependent on _PROV_COLONY_BASE_YEAR_ also.
- If a province's culture is changed via a missionary and the owning country has a historical colony name defined for the province, the city name will now change. E.g. a successful missionary will change Tenochtitlan to Ciudad de Mexico.
- Tweaked province COT-spawning weights.
- Fleets can now automatically hunt pirates, staying within the region where they were when hunting was turned on.
- Colony names are now of the form "New (city name)" rather than "New (province name)".
- Slightly decreased COT stagnation speed.
- Made a small optimization to the overseas penalty calculation.
- Made a small optimization to the revolt risk calculation.
- Optimized the game's daily update cycle when using a map that has fewer than the maximum number of provinces.
- Fixed a number of memory leaks.

== Interface ==
- Added forts mapmode.
- Added population mapmode.
- Added supply mapmode.
- Added buildings mapmode.
- Added manpower mapmode.
- Added peace mapmode.
- Added area/region/continent mapmode.
- Added tooltip for different core types in political mapmode.
- Added tooltip showing unit weight vs. supply in all mapmodes that show units.
- Messages for new monarchs and new leaders now display the stats also.
- The battle window now displays the die rolls rather than the relative power levels.
- The province window now displays war exhaustion to one decimal place.
- Added tooltip for war exhaustion in province window.
- Added tooltip for manpower in province window.
- The treasury slider now displays a vertical bar at the 0% inflation level.
- The ledger comparison table now shows infrastructure and trade technology levels, not just efficiencies.
- Investment slider tooltips now show all of the effects of the next level.
- The stability slider now shows cost and investment information even when at max.
- The warscore tooltip now tells which provinces the enemy still controls if three or fewer.
- The tooltip on the war notifier now shows the current warscore with each enemy.
- Added a line break between province demands in peace dialogs.
- Moved building confirmation box into the province interface.
- Building mapmodes are now shown while a building confirmation is active.
- Hovering over the shields in the battle interface now shows the name and stats of the active leader.
- The naval battle interface now shows when warships are penalized for low wind in the sea zone.
- It is now possible to re-send colonists and traders directly from the success/failure dialog box.
- Updated the symbol for Confucianism.
- New Glory graphics for the minimap, the options screen, port blockades, and several others.
- Added Birger's Glory graphics set
- Added a graphics set for the French Empire and the relevant flag change commands.
- Disabled Classic and Enhanced shield sets, as they are no longer supported.
- Disabled Classic interface, as it is no longer supported.
- Re-added Birger's improved mini-map to the Glory interface.
- Added better graphics sets for Anjou (ANJ), Masovia (MAS) and Ulster (ULS)
- Added new graphics sets for Brunswick (BRU), Kipchaks (KIP) and Pomerelia (PRL)
- Added a graphics set for the Habsburg Empire and the relevant flag change commands
- Added/modified graphics for those religions which have been renamed.
- Added better shield sets (correct kingdom templates) for Desmond (DES) and Ulster (ULS).
- Capital cities are no longer forced to used city graphics of their owner's primary culture rather than the city's culture.
- Changed MONARCH to HEAD OF STATE and MONARCH (Emperor) to HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR in interface.csv (English and French)
- Added a Bourbon Spain graphics set and the relevant event (3173A) and scenario (1700/1773/1795) changes
- Fixed the flags for Algeria and Ramazan
- Added a Bourbon France graphics set and the relevant event and scenario (1617/1700/1773) changes
- Added tooltips for country shields in the siege window and improved the existing tooltips in battles.
- Pirates are no longer displayed with enormous attrition (they're immune anyway).
- Added tooltip to the siege window when land tech is not high enough to assault.
- Added more informative tooltips to the peace negotiation screen.
- Added a tooltip to the Convert button in the religion screen if the player is at war.
- Colonist sprites now always take the same route that was used to calculate the colonization time.
- The go-to box (raised by pressing ? in game) can now find city names also, besides provinces and countries.
- The go-to box will now find the best partial match even if there is no exact match.
- Corrected manpower tooltip when nationalism or culture penalties are present.

Don't forget, public beta starts tomorrow. See you then!
  • 1Love

Just 2 notes:

- Revolters can no longer declare independence from single-province minors.

This is something that should be optional, as it can have bad consequences.
For example, in the Age of Timur 1337 scenario, through an event there could be a revolt in Armenia Minor that might cause Ramazan to appear, and that's fine as it is.

- When a merchant is competed away from a center of trade, there is now a very small chance of his learning about a new province from the competing merchant.

I'm not sure if this is going to useful, but it certainly does sound interesting.
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I was really, really hoping for the possibility of trading provinces via diplomacy... That's a downer. On the other hand the send colonist button is great. Those were the two I was expecting the most. Personal unions sound cool, let's see how they work, as well as the auto-hunt rebels. Not to speak of the new map types. I'm sure I'll find other minor improvements while playing.

All in all, a big patch that will bring many changes to the game. And the most important thing, it really came about. Once again, thanks MM and everyone else involved.
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I can see the usefulness of this for MP. Not so much for SP. Besides, the AI would probably be unable to do it properly (like the Share Explorations feature).
Yeah, I can imagine the difficulty of calibrating it well for use with the AI. But even for SP it would have been a great addition, giving provinces to vassals, release isolated ones, etc... We'll keeping editing the save file I guess. :)
I will but I think i patched it wrong, the text on top of the shields in game gets buggy and overwrites each other!
My British empire will rise.

*NM I changed the resolution and it works fine now! Time to enslave the world for Freedums!