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Congratulations, Jape! :)
I randomly decide to come on the GD to elude revision and I get this. Not bad I say. ;)

Thank you everybody and prussiablue especially of course for giving me this prestigious title, I don't really no what to say on the matter except Cheers! :D

I've been on these forums since July 2004 but I actually lurked for several weeks previous to my signing up, I've always loved reading AARs and as some of you know (attempting) to write them and as such I know what it means to get a good comment and the encouragement that comes from a dedicated readAAR following your piece the whole way. As such I'm deeply honoured for being made Fan of the Week. Thank you!

For a little background, I'm a 16 (17 tomorrow :rolleyes: ) year old living over the river from Liverpool and admittedly my beard is not much to speak of, although Rambo is firmly in my DVD collection. I love to write and history, the prime reason for my love of Paradox games and this here forum. I actually 'designed' a Victoria style strategy game when I was 12 because I thought it was a great time period untouched by games- so when I actually discovered Victoria I jumped at it!

I'm a jack of many trades, putting my fingers into novel writing, filmmaking and writing, comedy and music- and not very successful in any of them so far :p . Beyond history and writing I am very interested in politics (being a member of Satan's party :eek: ) and comic books, as well as owning large music and film collections respectively. I'm a huge fan of Monty Python and Mike Patton's various music projects- especially Mr.Bungle.

Enough greatness about me, I'll say thank you once more and skulk off to revise for early 19th century post-Napoleonic British history- a subject I don't really like.

Congratulations Jape.
A most worthy honour for one of the most dedicated commentatAARs on these boards.
Jape: ..the new Fan of the Week is GhostWriter. Congratulations!

thanks, Jape! ! :)

somehow, i really don't feel worthy of this. there are so many fans out there that should have been named before me.
you are totaly worth of this award, Congratulations
GhostWriter is definitely a great readAAR and a fan. He doesn't read my AARs, not anymore at least, but oh well. ;)

Congratulations, sir!
Ghostwriter could be the first person to be send to the Fan of the Week Hall of Fame if there is one... The amount of time and effort he spend reading and encouraging writers deserved our highest recognition.
Congratulations, Ghostwriter! :)
Jape said:
Thanks again everybody :)

I'm going to pass on the FotW title a day early because I doubt i'll be present on the forums tomorrow.

My pick didn't take much thought, the new Fan of the Week is Ghostwriter. Congratulations!

It just had to happen:)

Congrats Ghostwriter and thanks for being a fan of my AAR's :cool:
GhostWriter said:
somehow, i really don't feel worthy of this. there are so many fans out there that should have been named before me.

Modesty is fine and dandy but few people deserve acknowledgement of their dedication to reading and commentating than you Ghost. You have helped push writAARs and inspire them to continue in countless AARs as well as contribute to this forum community imensley and for that this award is the least you deserve. :)

Can come on and tell us a little about you and your connection to Paradox games and these here forums.
I completely concur, GhostWriter! There is no one as tireless in their support of so many different writers as you!

Thanks for everything!
