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Thanks Infixo. Would you recommend using this with your other mods, City Services Rebalance & Population Rebalance?
Yes, these are complementary mods. Each for a separate part of the game. RealEco deals with companies and general economy, RealCity with city services and RealPop with population and education. And on top of that InfoLoom to know more about what is going in the city.
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I tried to PM you but apparently i am a noob and cant use the forum properly, could i ask for a separate mod regarding adjusting infrastructure costs?
For example a unit of highway is very cheap, i would like the price to be x20 more so that building highways will be something hard to do and need actual planning (this should apply to train lines, depots, normal roads, etc)
And also please add higher buldozing costs for infrastructure and buildings
I think the UI would look very similar with this
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Hi. Been playing a bit with all your mods now, and it's much better than vanilla. I do have some feedback though. As soon as i place any garbage managment buldings it gives the players increasingly more and more revenue fees (in the millions). As in positive income.

Also it still seems impossible to loose money. It's not as bad as vanilla, but i still can build whatever, wherever without any consequences (10% taxes). Is it possible for me to increase the difficulty?I also get posetive revenue from roads..
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I tried to PM you but apparently i am a noob and cant use the forum properly, could i ask for a separate mod regarding adjusting infrastructure costs?
For example a unit of highway is very cheap, i would like the price to be x20 more so that building highways will be something hard to do and need actual planning (this should apply to train lines, depots, normal roads, etc)
And also please add higher buldozing costs for infrastructure and buildings
I think the UI would look very similar with this
You can use City Services Rebalance for that. It allows to modify almost any parameter. So, as long as there is a param that somehow controls the cost of building highways - you can modify it to your liking. I can help you find that param. Perhaps raise an issue on GItHub.
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Hi. Been playing a bit with all your mods now, and it's much better than vanilla. I do have some feedback though. As soon as i place any garbage managment buldings it gives the players increasingly more and more revenue fees (in the millions). As in positive income.

Also it still seems impossible to loose money. It's not as bad as vanilla, but i still can build whatever, wherever without any consequences (10% taxes). Is it possible for me to increase the difficulty?I also get posetive revenue from roads..
The vanilla cost of 1 garbage unit is 1.0, the mod lowers it to 0.4. You can lower it even further if you want, just use local config and modify Config.xml.
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Hello. I'm taking error like that. How can I solve it ?

[object Object]
AssertionException: Assertion failure. Value was False
Expected: True
at UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.Fail (System.String message, System.String userMessage) [0x00043] in <a8fc136049044b19982b5abcb6f6b426>:0
at UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue (System.Boolean condition, System.String message) [0x0000f] in <a8fc136049044b19982b5abcb6f6b426>:0
at UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue (System.Boolean condition) [0x00009] in <a8fc136049044b19982b5abcb6f6b426>:0
at Unity.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue (System.Boolean condition) [0x00004] in <42dd0aeaaef34ed8acb4b4fe5f093234>:0
at Game.Economy.EconomyUtils.SetTradeCost (Game.Economy.Resource resource, Game.Companies.TradeCost newcost, Unity.Entities.DynamicBuffer`1[T] costs, System.Boolean keepLastTime, System.Single buyLerp, System.Single sellLerp) [0x0001e] in <feff44428bf3435d97abac1bad09fa9d>:0
at RealEco.Systems.ResourceBuyerSystem+BuyJob.Execute () [0x00208] in C:\Repos\CS2-Mods\CS2-RealEco\Systems\ResourceBuyerSystem.cs:191
at Unity.Jobs.IJobExtensions+JobStruct`1[T].Execute (T& data, System.IntPtr additionalPtr, System.IntPtr bufferRangePatchData, Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges& ranges, System.Int32 jobIndex) [0x00001] in <a8fc136049044b19982b5abcb6f6b426>:0
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) Unity.Jobs.IJobExtensions+JobStruct`1+ExecuteJobFunction[RealEco.Systems.ResourceBuyerSystem+BuyJob].invoke_void_T&_intptr_intptr_JobRanges&_int(RealEco.Systems.ResourceBuyerSystem/BuyJob&,intptr,intptr,Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges&,int)
Colossal.Logging.CustomLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
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@kakalite There is a bug in the game that CO is unable to solve for the last 6 months that causes sudden huge profits (or losses) for random resources like 217 mln etc. They are adding Asserts all over the code and this is one of the added Asserts that activated (see at the top: AssertionException: Assertion failure. Value was False; Expected: True). I have no remedy for this atm - this is the code written by CO and the mod doesn't change this part.
What happens next? Is there a popup with this message in UI? Does it allow to continue the game or not?
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Hi. Been playing a bit with all your mods now, and it's much better than vanilla. I do have some feedback though. As soon as i place any garbage managment buldings it gives the players increasingly more and more revenue fees (in the millions). As in positive income.

Also it still seems impossible to loose money. It's not as bad as vanilla, but i still can build whatever, wherever without any consequences (10% taxes). Is it possible for me to increase the difficulty?I also get posetive revenue from roads..
The vanilla cost of 1 garbage unit is 1.0, the mod lowers it to 0.4. You can lower it even further if you want, just use local config and modify Config.xml.
Lowering it will make it cheaper and a higher value will increase the cost of a service?

So changing garbagefee to: valueFloat="2" will make it more costly for the player?
Tried to increase and decrease without noticing any difference..
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Lowering it will make it cheaper and a higher value will increase the cost of a service?

So changing garbagefee to: valueFloat="2" will make it more costly for the player?
Tried to increase and decrease without noticing any difference..
Bigger value -> more money for city/player, lower value -> less money. Check RealEco.log if the value is actually changed.
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