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Pretty in line with the zeitgeist of the 19th century: "I'm at peace with civilized men. Never mind those heathens."
Prety much what I was going for! :)
Is malaria confined to Africa? If not, how it is handled in other areas? Thanks
I think it is, not 100% sure. But it's handled as a modifier for the state, giving a solid malus to colonization progress. This can be alleviated by tech and colonization law investment levels.
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I think it is, not 100% sure. But it's handled as a modifier for the state, giving a solid malus to colonization progress. This can be alleviated by tech and colonization law investment levels.
Interesting. Malaria was certainly an issue in Central America during this era. Definitely had an impact on canal development. Wonder why they chose to keep it confined to Africa?
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Interesting. Malaria was certainly an issue in Central America during this era. Definitely had an impact on canal development. Wonder why they chose to keep it confined to Africa?
I am not sure if they did, might just not have noticed it.
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Why did Elysium want to colonize Africa? Prestige?

I'm happy that you didn't convert to Orthodoxy - I feel like their Hellenism is part of what makes this Elysium so unique.
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Why did Elysium want to colonize Africa? Prestige?

I'm happy that you didn't convert to Orthodoxy - I feel like their Hellenism is part of what makes this Elysium so unique.
Eh, it has to do with resources and cause I can ingame, it's good for the economy. But I THINK it also gives prestige yes. :) But inworld it's definitely prestige based. :)

Yes, I did not want to convert, but I did check the different decisions, and I like the tagmata and Olympic games decisions. I don't remember if I clicked them though, so I didn't include it in the story. Olypic games gives a boost to the number of Hellenic believers in my country. :)
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Just realized I hadn't posted.... No reason. Just everything I would say was said by others. :D

Curious what this personality trait for the young man is, that's being hinted at.... Hmm...

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Just realized I hadn't posted.... No reason. Just everything I would say was said by others. :D

Curious what this personality trait for the young man is, that's being hinted at.... Hmm...

The man is stubborn, motivated, dedicated, peace loving, caring. That is some of his qualities. ;)
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Chapter XVIII New
Pronoia, Elysium

October 7th, 1822


Created with Copilot.

King Georgios Galantinus looked at the child at his wife’s feet.

His child. His heir. His Georgios, one day the second of his name.


Created with Copilot. I fought for ages to get a child prince of one year's age, and this is the best I got.

He felt his chest filled with pride.


“This legislation is for you and all children of the next generation” he calmly whispered.

The legislation, of course, being the restriction of child labor that had just passed in the Senate.


He grinned and sipped his glass of ice cold water. Never would he ever repeat the mistakes of his father when it came to alcohol. He abstained and felt better for it.


He looked at the map in front of him. The agreement with the Venetians for the exchange of lands in southern Africa, agreed upon in March, was a boon to his country. Venice got complete control over the east, while Elysium got the same on the west coast. But Elysium got more lands, and bar waging war there would not have been any chance of expansion for the eastern enclave.

And war he would never wage. Never.


But reform, that he would. He had already made the first preparations for his next project: The institution of a bar minimum of social security for the worse off people in his realm. Sometime next year, he planned to get the ball rolling, instituting poor laws. His feelers in the Senate proved he would have the support of the Viomíxanoi – important. And of the Syndikalistaí – less important, but good. The Dynatói was against it, but they hardly mattered these days.

Some advisors said his plans for law changes were too fast, too radical. He dismissed the notion. He had made sure his law changes were supported by most parties. Surely any pushback could be dealt with. Of course, the movement for migrations control – or worse – closed borders, were popping up now and then. But they were weak, and of no consequence.
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Interesting update. King Georgios is quite the progressive thinker especially for early 19th Century. His ideas would be forward thinking on this side of the Atlantic even for early 20th Century too.

Some advisors said his plans for law changes were too fast, too radical. He dismissed the notion. He had made sure his law changes were supported by most parties. Surely any pushback could be dealt with. Of course, the movement for migrations control – or worse – closed borders, were popping up now and then. But they were weak, and of no consequence.
Oh, is that hubris we hear creeping into the king's thoughts or just foreshadowing? Or both?
Created with Copilot.
Thanks for these notes on the origins of the images. Copilot really does capture 19th Century image styles the best.
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Interesting update. King Georgios is quite the progressive thinker especially for early 19th Century. His ideas would be forward thinking on this side of the Atlantic even for early 20th Century too.
This mod makes the industrial revolution and political thought come earlier, so it's only proper. :)
Oh, is that hubris we hear creeping into the king's thoughts or just foreshadowing? Or both?
Maaaaybe? ;)
Thanks for these notes on the origins of the images. Copilot really does capture 19th Century image styles the best.
Sure! Inspired by the SolAARium thread. Earlier I used Gencraft, which admittedly gives good images, but not close as good as Copilot! :D It also gives some crazy good images for CK3 era AARs too, btw. In case someone is thinking of doing AI art in that era. Some images I made today with Copilot just for fun:

"The Pope blessing pilgrims in the 11th century"



"A Byzantine emperor in the 10th century receiving an ambassador from the Fatamid Sultanate with a horse having only two legs" (YES. I got THREE legs in front on the first one :p )


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Beautiful images!

Gotta love the anachronism though of the food truck appearing at the pope's visit in the 11th Century!

P.S.: Your horses are improving!
Thanks! Much better that Gencraft, for sure. The food truck I actually missed when I looked at it, imagine that. :D My horses might be improving, but it's hardly due to me. :)|
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Well, it looks like Georgios might actually be advocating classical liberalism. On the surface, he seems a much better ruler than his father. No alcoholism, no insanity. I hope he proves a force for good.

I too was going to comment on the food truck. I hope they had something tasty during that papal proclamation!
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Well, it looks like Georgios might actually be advocating classical liberalism. On the surface, he seems a much better ruler than his father. No alcoholism, no insanity. I hope he proves a force for good.
He's definitely better, yes! Now, I can promise stuff will happen in this reign, though. Things that will alter the course of history...
I too was going to comment on the food truck. I hope they had something tasty during that papal proclamation!
And I already sent it in for our friendly competition in the discord I mentioned. :p Was so happy with the result and didn't notice the background. :D
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